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Missing Name 05-09-11 08:07 AM

Y'know, maybe I should just stop starting campaigns until I finish tweaking all of the game files...

Hotspur1337 05-09-11 11:01 AM

First patrol - June 1941

Lying off the east coast of Britain all lined up and waiting for a juicy Large Merchant to come into position. Just before it gets to me it gets dive bombed and sunk.

Damned Airdales.

sublynx 05-09-11 02:49 PM

U-451's commander transferred to a desk job
Oberleutnant z.s. Erich Scheide to report immediately to Kiel for reassignment to teaching duties.

Relinquish command of U-451 to your exec.

L. Buchheim
Kapitan z.s. und kommandant

sublynx 05-09-11 03:21 PM

U-552, 1st patrol
Leutnant z.s. Helmut Unger
U-552, VIIC
11. Flotille, Bergen
Orders: Patrol AK13

04:00 AF84 very cloudy, no rain, visibility 8-9 kilometers, 15m/s from 48 degrees.

Traveling submerged to keep my now literally green crew from getting seasick all over the boat.

Yesterday an enemy taskforce was reported 270 km SW making 18 knots SE. Too far away to intercept and I am continuing towards our patrol grid.


Salvadoreno 05-09-11 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hotspur1337 (Post 1660326)
First patrol - June 1941

Lying off the east coast of Britain all lined up and waiting for a juicy Large Merchant to come into position. Just before it gets to me it gets dive bombed and sunk.

Damned Airdales.

I wish i could see that :(. In 1942 a HUGE convoy passed very close to French westcoast, i shadowed and sent reports for hours but no luftwaffles showed up :(.

Snestorm 05-09-11 08:25 PM

U159 IXC. Patrol 4 status report.
Departed Lorient 11.apr.43. for grid GR82 and surrounding area.

Present position is GR73. (about 150 - 200 miles from Capetown, South Afrika)
Light fog, wind 8 m/s. Fuel over 50%.
Only encounter to date was a warship sound contact.

If no contacts are made following the recon of our grid, U159 will proceed to a closer proximity to Capetown, fuel allowing (very tight).

Snestorm 05-09-11 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1660573)
Leutnant z.s. Helmut Unger
U-552, VIIC
11. Flotille, Bergen
Orders: Patrol AK13

04:00 AF84 very cloudy, no rain, visibility 8-9 kilometers, 15m/s from 48 degrees.

Traveling submerged to keep my now literally green crew from getting seasick all over the boat.

Yesterday an enemy taskforce was reported 270 km SW making 18 knots SE. Too far away to intercept and I am continuing towards our patrol grid.


AK13 out of Bergen in 1942?

Looks much more interesting than the activities I would have imagined for that flotilla and time frame.

Very promising area for convoys. Good hunting!

VONHARRIS 05-09-11 11:19 PM

U-518 IXC
Patrol No11
Start : 30 May 1941
End : 18 July 1941
Grid CF98
50 days at sea
9 ships sunk
33783 tons
75% hull integrity
1 man dead from air attack on July 17 1941 at grid BF58 inbound for Lorient

Patrol No12
Installed Alberich anti sonar coating
Start: 17 August 1941
End : 22 September 1941
Grid DT54
37 days at sea
3 ships sunk
15745 tons
Increasing number of enemy ASW ships and air patrols
Alberich coating not very promising.

Kptltn vonHarris refused a tranfer to Wilhelmshaven for an instructor post and a promotion to continue active service.

U159(Kaluen Snestorm) is bound for Capetown , a very long and hazzardous trip. We wish that they return safe and sound.

VONHARRIS 05-09-11 11:52 PM

U-518 IXC
22 October 1941
U-518 left Lorient , heading out to sea fully loaded with provisions and weapons.
When she was clear of the harbor a radio message came in:

From : Bdu
To : U - 518

Commander only

Kptlnt vonHarris rushed into his cabin and opened a sealed envelope:
Disregard all previous orders
Proceed to grids BB98 - 99 and attack any convoys there
Extreme caution
Do not engage any American ships
Good luck

So U-518 was not on a western adventure!

sublynx 05-10-11 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 1660638)
I wish i could see that :(. In 1942 a HUGE convoy passed very close to French westcoast, i shadowed and sent reports for hours but no luftwaffles showed up :(.

I've been reading the posts on this forum and it seems that the best chances of getting help from the Luftwaffe (or the Italians, Regio Aeronautica) is in the Mediaterranean theater. I haven't yet played there myself but that is a priority on my "to do" -list. I want to see air attacks, as well!


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1660776)
AK13 out of Bergen in 1942?

Looks much more interesting than the activities I would have imagined for that flotilla and time frame.

Very promising area for convoys. Good hunting!

Thanks! I'm hoping to see one of those PQ -convoys and it would be nice to see some Russian ships too. The short, light nights at summer are a nice change in the battle environment too. AK13 is a well picked patrol grid by the game engine, it should be just of reach from the airpatrols from Iceland and there should be convoys. In GWX there is also a milchkuch sub nearby. I won't use it though, unless in some kind of emergency - I think the milkcows were reserved for the subs that operated near the American coast.

Salvadoreno 05-10-11 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1660867)
I've been reading the posts on this forum and it seems that the best chances of getting help from the Luftwaffe (or the Italians, Regio Aeronautica) is in the Mediaterranean theater. I haven't yet played there myself but that is a priority on my "to do" -list. I want to see air attacks, as well!


O yah. I played in the MED and have had some awesome encounters with air attacks on both sides, and some small DD combat as well.
Ran into a small italian convoy on its way back from tripoli. Decided to join it for extra protection since 2 german destroyers were escorting it. Then some RAF planes come out of sky and bombed us, i dived but 1 italian merchant was hit. It was awesome.

Osmium Steele 05-10-11 07:15 AM

Even though I am one by heritage, I am getting very upset with the Irish. They keep sending these small, juicy, undefended convoys through my op area.

OMG, large tanker at 16000 meters! No escorts!!

Grrrrr...... it is lit up like a Ramachanukwanzmas tree!

Stupid Irish...

Kmdt Kozhein 05-10-11 08:27 AM

March 1940, Patrol 8.
Base: Wilhemlshaven

I finally have a VII, completed patrol somewhere in AN, North Sea, but encountered nothing. After patrol, sunk two coastal merchants. 10 Torpedoes left, so lying about close to Hartlepool.

Weather is abysmal, but other boats seem to be having fun. Twice I've been stalking a merchant, lining up, then suddenly they disappear. How other commanders manage it in this weather...

Hoping weather clears soon. Or, should I head south to the Dover? Lots of fuel, 10 torpedoes, what to do?

sublynx 05-10-11 02:07 PM

U-552, 1st patrol
Leutnant z.s. Helmut Unger
U-552, VIIC
11. Flotille, Bergen
Orders: Patrol AK13

12.6.1942 17:30 hours. AF45, clear, no clouds, visibility 8-9 kilometers, wind 7m/s. We suddenly sighted five icebergs. Noticed that they show up on FuMo 29, but not on the hydrophones. I let the crew practice some Flak and 88 mm gunnery on the icebergs, then continued our journey. If some other U-boat happens to be in the vicinity maybe they can try to spot the icebergs too - they were at the west corner of AF45, at the northern border of the grid.

18.6.1942 08:00 hours. AE68, cloudy, no rain, visibility 8 - 9 kilometers, wind 15m/s. The patrol has been advancing really slowly, because of horrendous weather most of the time. No contacts, friendly or enemy. The crew seems to be sea sick and bored. We have to stay alert, but it's difficult to keep your guard up, when nothing seems to be happening.


Snestorm 05-11-11 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kmdt Kozhein (Post 1661092)
March 1940, Patrol 8.
Base: Wilhemlshaven

I finally have a VII, completed patrol somewhere in AN, North Sea, but encountered nothing. After patrol, sunk two coastal merchants. 10 Torpedoes left, so lying about close to Hartlepool.

Weather is abysmal, but other boats seem to be having fun. Twice I've been stalking a merchant, lining up, then suddenly they disappear. How other commanders manage it in this weather...

Hoping weather clears soon. Or, should I head south to the Dover? Lots of fuel, 10 torpedoes, what to do?

The other way. Go north, young man.
The southern portion of AN18 & AN44 is a goldmine, usualy reserved for IIs.
All the north-south traffic has to pass that peninsula.
Good hunting.

Snestorm 05-11-11 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1661307)
U-552, 1st patrol
Leutnant z.s. Helmut Unger
U-552, VIIC
11. Flotille, Bergen
Orders: Patrol AK13

12.6.1942 17:30 hours. AF45, clear, no clouds, visibility 8-9 kilometers, wind 7m/s. We suddenly sighted five icebergs. Noticed that they show up on FuMo 29, but not on the hydrophones. I let the crew practice some Flak and 88 mm gunnery on the icebergs, then continued our journey. If some other U-boat happens to be in the vicinity maybe they can try to spot the icebergs too - they were at the west corner of AF45, at the northern border of the grid.

18.6.1942 08:00 hours. AE68, cloudy, no rain, visibility 8 - 9 kilometers, wind 15m/s. The patrol has been advancing really slowly, because of horrendous weather most of the time. No contacts, friendly or enemy. The crew seems to be sea sick and bored. We have to stay alert, but it's difficult to keep your guard up, when nothing seems to be happening.


How about AE95 (Færøerne)?
Should find some loners going over the top.
Never found any convoys in that neighborhood, though.

Snestorm 05-11-11 05:40 AM

U159 IXC status.
Still patrol 4.
Present position GP36.
Diesel reserves under 50%. (Tight trip.)
4 bow & 4 stern torpedoes remaining.

On 5 & 6.jun.43, and between grids GR59 & GR83, U159 went on a diet loosing an unknown amount of fuel and 3 G7E torpedoes.
However the weight loss was offset by a gain in tonnage.
After a 4 hour chase, U159 sunk a C3 Cargo for 7.909 GRT.
The surface chase, and eventual sinking ended less that 100 miles south of the naval base & air station at Capetown.
Night surface attack. Target's course 126 at 9½ knots.
3 G7Es fired with a 7 degree spread, at under 1000 meters, for 3 hits.

Next came a daylight submerged attack on a Liberty Cargo.
3 G7Es fired with a 4 dgree spread, at 2000 meters, for 1 hit & no sinking.

Fuel limitations required U159 to begin a slow withdrawal from the area.

Will be on the lookout for Freetown - UK convoys on our return trip.
Although attacks will be severely limited by fuel, our abilty to send contact reports suffers no such limitation.

Our radio operator is also listening for any news from or about U518, which is usualy berthed beside us at Lorient.

Kmdt Kozhein 05-11-11 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1661691)
The other way. Go north, young man.
The southern portion of AN18 & AN44 is a goldmine, usualy reserved for IIs.
All the north-south traffic has to pass that peninsula.
Good hunting.

Damn, too late. I mucked about, managed only to damage a C2 and a Coastal Merchant, sunk a Coastal Merchant. With the former two, there were warships close by so I couldn't surface and chase them down. Weather was in any case too bad to use the deck gun. So I returned to base.

Now they've sent me to AF61. I have bad memories of the far northern reaches - weather, waste of fuel. Ugh. But at least we have good music and the tobacco is fresh!

Thanks for the tip, nevertheless; will keep those areas in mind.

Hotspur1337 05-11-11 01:59 PM

I got sent to AM68. BdU doesn't like me.

VONHARRIS 05-11-11 03:44 PM

U - 518 IXC
Patrol No 13 (crew)

22 October 1941
00:31 hours
U-518 left Lorient with special mission to BB99

30 October 1941
Grid BD69
15:40 hours Large merchant sunk in bad weather with 2 bow torpedoes

6 November 1941
Grid BC67
20:18 hours Tanker CAM-ship sunk by 37 105mm rounds. She was falling back from a large convoy. Enemy destroyer rushed back and attacked by gunfire and DCs. Minor damages.

15 November 1941
Grid BB99
Convoy attack , 4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes
1 hit scored no ship sunk.
Attacked by escorts. U-518 dived to 220m to escape.

17 November 1941
Grid BB92
Convoy attack 4 bow torpedoes
06:44 hours Leander class CL sunk by 2 bow torpedoes
06:46 hours Tramp steamer sunk by 1 bow torpedo

24 November 1941
Grid BB96
12:37 hours Tanker CAM-ship sunk by 1 stern torpedo

28 November 1941
Grid BB95
Convoy attack 4 bow + 2 stern torpedoes
19:04 hours Ore carrier sunk by 1 bow torpedo
19:31 hours Motor tanker sunk by 1 bow torpedo

29 November 1941
Grid BB99
Convoy attack 2 bow torpedoes from 10Km range , total miss

15 December 1941
05:38 hours Docked at Lorient
55 days at sea
7 ships sunk
51614 tons
85% hull integrity

U-159 has not yet returned. We hope they are OK. Last message mentioned some fuel issues
No news from U-552 either

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