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Coyote88 02-20-10 01:36 PM

So I'm toiling off the coast of Scotland in game, while watching Olympics curling on tv in real life, and we get a contact that proves to be a J-class destroyer approaching us at a pretty good clip. We wheel about and I get only a few moments to judge the target speed - about 16-17 knots, I think - and I'll have to take the shot from about 2500 m. "Los!" and the eel is away, while I watch on the F6 screen. My torpedo seems to be running too slow to intercept the destroyer, while on the screen the skip has put too little weight into his stone and is screaming "Hard! Hard!" to his sweepers, and I'm screaming "Hard! Hard!" at the torpedo, which still runs too slow and we both miss our shots.

WolfyBrandon 02-20-10 03:51 PM

U-759 Report
U-759, currently in port at Brest for re-supply after 12th patrol.

Last patrol was long and tiresome but not unsuccessful. Orders were to patrol grid BE99 then head to the northern shipping lanes to look for allied targets. After finishing our patrol grid and moving north we commenced a decks awash surface attack against a reported convoy from BDU at night. Tube one hit the forward section of a C2 Cargo on the left outside lane of the convoy and shortly after, tube two hit the rear section of the same C2 Cargo, but target refused to sink. Tube three and four slipped past the first lane of ships and headed into the convoy. Tube four detonated in the center of the convoy against a C3 Tanker resulting in a critical hit making it explode into a giant fireball which was seen from our bridge. C3 Tanker documented as the first ship sunk that patrol. Tube three ran a bit longer and impacted a small merchant making it sink shortly after. We could see the lead destroyer turn in our direction with search lights scanning the surface so we dived before being spotted. After three DC runs that never came close, the warship broke off and returned to the convoy. The next morning we surfaced and headed north and days later we spent the 1st of the year (1942) in grid AK98 after seeing no other targets. Later we moved to get in position of another convoy in some rough water, but the convoy zigged and we were spotted by one of the outside frigates. After coming under attack we crash dived to evade DC’s. None came close even with the frigate trying to ping us since we managed to get far away from the last known position. The rest of the patrol was a lot of sailing and a lot of rough weather so we finally headed back to port for re-supply.

ryanglavin 02-20-10 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by WolfyBrandon (Post 1274968)
U-759, currently in port at Brest for re-supply after 12th patrol.

Last patrol was long and tiresome but not unsuccessful. Orders were to patrol grid BE99 then head to the northern shipping lanes to look for allied targets. After finishing our patrol grid and moving north we commenced a decks awash surface attack against a reported convoy from BDU at night. Tube one hit the forward section of a C2 Cargo on the left outside lane of the convoy and shortly after, tube two hit the rear section of the same C2 Cargo, but target refused to sink. Tube three and four slipped past the first lane of ships and headed into the convoy. Tube four detonated in the center of the convoy against a C3 Tanker resulting in a critical hit making it explode into a giant fireball which was seen from our bridge. C3 Tanker documented as the first ship sunk that patrol. Tube three ran a bit longer and impacted a small merchant making it sink shortly after. We could see the lead destroyer turn in our direction with search lights scanning the surface so we dived before being spotted. After three DC runs that never came close, the warship broke off and returned to the convoy. The next morning we surfaced and headed north and days later we spent the 1st of the year (1942) in grid AK98 after seeing no other targets. Later we moved to get in position of another convoy in some rough water, but the convoy zigged and we were spotted by one of the outside frigates. After coming under attack we crash dived to evade DC’s. None came close even with the frigate trying to ping us since we managed to get far away from the last known position. The rest of the patrol was a lot of sailing and a lot of rough weather so we finally headed back to port for re-supply.

How did you get the German flag on the rear of your tower? As in which mod? Cause thats pretty cool.

WolfyBrandon 02-21-10 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by ryanglavin (Post 1275388)
How did you get the German flag on the rear of your tower? As in which mod? Cause thats pretty cool.

The wonderful ( DFa UpDnRot Flags [Final2] by Anvart )


BillCar 02-21-10 01:36 AM

I am happy to say that my save game files easily made the migration to my brand-new Macbook Pro with Windows 7 Professional on it. So I am still in the middle of patrol 9, still in BF13, and just sank a coastal freighter. The weather has been absolutely miserable (non-stop rain, wind, fog, 15 metre waves) for about two weeks now. Doesn't stop me from sinking ships – in fact, it makes my job easier, since I can sidle right up to them in the dark and horrible visibility and pop them with a fast TI from 400m.

Already sank 20,000k +.

Also, the game looks a lot better now that I can install fancy mods that up the graphics!

Blackhawk1006 02-21-10 02:54 PM

April 13th 1940 - About 56km from Narvik, HMS Warspite along with 6-8 Destroyer Escorts are about to pass through the Fjord I'm in. I've chosen a good ambush position and have 3 fish left.

So far destroyed 3 Merchants, and 1 C&D Class Destroyer.

ReFaN 02-21-10 03:09 PM


Special orders from BdU.

Break trough Gibraltar, new base is La spezia!

uh oh

frau kaleun 02-21-10 07:36 PM

U-35 U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Oblt Peter Schmidt, Kommandant

Left Wilhelmshaven on 2nd patrol, Aug 24 1939 with orders to proceed to patrol grid BF19

Completed 24 hr patrol of assigned grid just prior to receiving word of outbreak of hostilities

Have been patrolling sector BF at my discretion since 3 Sep with total of 4 ships sighted

7 Sep, 02:18
Grid BF24, ship sunk: English coastal freighter, 1870 tons.

8 Sep, 07:13
Grid BF24, ship sunk: English deep sea trawler, 547 tons.

8 Sep, 09:21
Grid BF24, ship sunk: English motor vessel, 112 tons.

8 Sep, 03:32
Grid BF24, ship sighted, English torpedo boat patrolling area of our recent attacks. Ship spotted our periscope and briefly gave chase; attempted stern shot before diving with no success.

8 Sep, 07:21
Proceeding NNW through grid BF24 toward St George's Channel


So, how inadvisable is it to continue north through the channel between Ireland and England in Sep 1939, rather than going west around Ireland on the return trip to Wilhelmshaven? I've seen precious little in the way of traffic, and fuel could be an issue if I take the longer route (altho I know I could just teleport home, but I don't wanna if I don't have to). And I'd like the opportunity to take on some decent targets, OTOH I'd like to finish a 2nd patrol in base and alive if at all possible. :D

KL-alfman 02-21-10 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1276176)

So, how inadvisable is it to continue north through the channel between Ireland and England in Sep 1939, rather than going west around Ireland on the return trip to Wilhelmshaven?

I guess the smaller type II has good chances to go unnoticed even in shallow waters. but I'm not so experienced with that kind of boat (loved my VIIB and am now riding a pregnant sea-cow).
ASW isn't that sophisticated in your time of war, so you shall survive. :up:

frau kaleun 02-21-10 09:12 PM

I'm in a VIIB, but one reason I'm considering the route now is that it seems unlikely I'll ever choose go that way again, lol.

ryanglavin 02-21-10 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by KL-alfman (Post 1276203)
I guess the smaller type II has good chances to go unnoticed even in shallow waters. but I'm not so experienced with that kind of boat (loved my VIIB and am now riding a pregnant sea-cow).
ASW isn't that sophisticated in your time of war, so you shall survive. :up:

Alfman don't steal my pregnant sea cow! I've sailed with her through all the seven seas! Sad thing is, I've done that too.
Before I got my new operating system a month, I Went from Bordeax to the Meditteranean, then back out and wen north to the artic, then south down to the pacific, traveled east to my new base in Penang. Sunk 50K tons on a 356 day patrol; I beat kentrat, but Donitz thought it was a waste of fuel.

Snestorm 02-21-10 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1276225)
I'm in a VIIB, but one reason I'm considering the route now is that it seems unlikely I'll ever choose go that way again, lol.

The Elcos can be a pain in the tail.
They always seem to know when oxigen is becoming a problem, and won't go away.
In the North Channel it's just ASW Trawlers, which aren't quite so bothersome.

Snestorm 02-21-10 10:14 PM

U37 Type IX(A) Carreer Restart
Had to do it. Tonnage was getting too predictable, easy, and unhistoricaly high.
So I toughened up SH3, and restarted U37's carreer under much harder conditions.

Patrol 1. U37 IX(A). 2. Flotilla. Patrol Grid AM32.

Underway d. 1.sep.39. 00.52.

D. 9.sep.39. 17.54. AF78. 23 Miles North of The Shetlands.
Coastal Merchant (2.042 GRT) Sunk.
Daylight Surface Attack in Medium Fog.
Course 090. 6 Knots. 3 x T1 Torpedoes.

D.10.sep.39. 02.13. AF78. 30 Miles North of The Shetlands.
C2 Cargo (6.447 GRT) Sunk.
Night Surface Attack in Medium Fog.
90 Degree shot. 2 Stern Tubes. Passing Port to Port.
Course 093. 7 Knots. 2 x T1 Torpedoes. Both Hits.
It took 5 more torpedo hits to finaly sink him! Cargo of wood?

D. 13.sep.39. 23.40. AM32. Arrive On Station.

D. 15.sep.39. 11.26. AM32.
C2 Cargo. Missed with last 2 torpedoes.
Daylight Submerged Attack. 2 x T1 Torpedoes.
"Course 341. 9 Knots"

D. 25.sep.39. Dock at Wilhelmshaven.

Patrol Result: 2 Ships Sunk. 8.489 GRT.

BillCar 02-21-10 10:19 PM

@ Frau Kaleun: you'll be fine in early 1939. I have had success going through into 1941, but you have to pick your moment (same with the English Channel later in the war).

You'll want to run surfaced as much as possible, and dive to 20 and run silent as soon as anything is spotted. Run silent even if it's an Elco, as they might radio something with hydrophones (you'll start seeing destroyers at the north end of the Irish Sea by October or November 1939, playing with GWX).

I pass through the English Channel by running surfaced at standard or full. If I see *anything*, I go to 20m and run silent at 1 knot until the SO tells me they're moving away at long range. Then I'm back on the surface and running at 1/3, decks awash until I can't see them, and then fully surfaced running at standard after that.

I've done this well into 1941 without any problems. Planes are the biggest fear. Don't go too high on TC (with the caveat, of course, that if you go high enough you can cheat and avoid planes all together, but where's the fun in that?).

frau kaleun 02-21-10 10:22 PM

Thanks for the tips. But what are my chances of finding/sinking any targets while passing through? Am I just going to be in "avoidance" mode all the way? If so I might resign myself to teleporting back to base if fuel runs low and take the long way 'round.

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