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Snestorm 02-01-10 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1254550)
Patrol 36 Kaleu Eckhardt - U-68 - Sept 14th 1944 06:46 GMT

We are not going back to Lorient as that base is now given up. Our new base is Trondheim/Norway.

Trondheim? Not Bergen? 2. Flotilla?

That's cool!
How did you do that?

Falkirion 02-01-10 06:07 PM

U-207 patrol 1. Patrol 9 for crew.

Having transferred to a new boat the crew and I have made our first contact and sinking. It was early in the morning 3 days out of port when we came across a lone Grainville merchant making his way south towards neutral Spain. Assuming he was headed to Gibraltar we got his course and speed and headed off ahead.

Attack results. 1 TII torpedo expended and around 10 rounds of HE shells from our deck gun for 1 Grainville. Not too bad. Currently stalking a Southwest bound convoy approxmiately 3 grid spaces from sunk merchant. Weathers pretty rough up top and escorts look relatively green. And smack in the middle is 3 tankers. I have to get this one.

KL-alfman 02-01-10 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Falkirion (Post 1255141)
And smack in the middle is 3 tankers. I have to get this one.

be more aggressive!
(might Jimbuna say, not me) :up:

Leandros 02-01-10 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1254750)
Trondheim? Not Bergen? 2. Flotilla?

That's cool!
How did you do that?

None of our doing - just received the orders when leaving Lorient.....the port is now besieged, not possible to get replenishments there any more.

utops 02-01-10 10:19 PM

Doing crashdive after sunk some convoy bricks ... one southampton class included :arrgh!:
35BRT only just because of 7 eels on board when convoy show up
1939...happy times...

Blacknite3d 02-01-10 10:48 PM

First two patrols -
0 Sinking, war hasnt started yet, why am I out at sea a month prior to the start of the war?

Third Patrol -
Went in to Dunkirk thinking about the whole Dunkirk scenario, but after sinking a Troop Transport, I just remembered Dunkirk happened in May 1940, not September 1939...

Fourth Patrol -
Tried to sneak into Scapa Flow, I failed miserably...

Snestorm 02-01-10 10:54 PM


Testing my newest SH3 install.

Surprisingly, it is a-bit different than my last.

1: The harbor docks now show on my nav chart. Great!

2: No Watch Officer Assist means just that. Not even to identify a target. Great!

3: We encountered many ships while leaving port. Great!

4: A german merchant showed up on my nav chart, with Contacts turned OFF. Bad!
He was the only one that showed up, so I'm hoping it was a fluke, or perhaps he was a special case.
Does anyone have any information on this?

5: Beery's Flotilla Mod works, and I can now start in the 2. Flotilla. Outstanding!

SH3 wouldn't allow me to do the first patrol under my own carreer name, so I had to do my first (experimental) patrol under the "Player" name.
Is this normal?
Can I do my next (real) patrol under my own carreer name?

Any information here would be much appreciated.

Falkirion 02-01-10 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Blacknite3d (Post 1255385)
First two patrols -
0 Sinking, war hasnt started yet, why am I out at sea a month prior to the start of the war?

Third Patrol -
Went in to Dunkirk thinking about the whole Dunkirk scenario, but after sinking a Troop Transport, I just remembered Dunkirk happened in May 1940, not September 1939...

Fourth Patrol -
Tried to sneak into Scapa Flow, I failed miserably...

You're playing Stock arent you? Stock puts you back to sea the day after you arrive in port. SH3 commander fixes that issue right up by allowing you to choose how many days in port you spend.

Blacknite3d 02-02-10 12:37 PM

Nope, I was playing the Grey Wolves Mod.

Obltn Strand 02-02-10 02:18 PM

Shortest patrol ever.

November 1st 1940

U-44 left at St.Nazaire towards grid BE 59.

November 3rd

Spotted Granville type freighter just after midnight. Sinked with one torpedo.

November 3rd

20.00 Wo spots warship. Closer examination reveals merchant ship silhouettes at horizon. A convoy heading northeast at 4kts.

21.30 surfaced attack run to favorable position is started.
Double shot to Large merchant, two single shots at two Medium cargoes.
Also fired aft tube at Small Merchant.
First four hits are observed. Aft torpedo missed.
Navigator repots Large Merchant and one Medium Cargo sunked.

Avoided escorts about 2 hours. Depth charged, no damage.

November 4th

Convoy on sight around midnight. Maneuvering to attack at 2500m.
01.30 Fired doubleshot at Large Merchant, single shot at Granville type and previously damaged Medium cargo. One hit observed at Large Merchant, other three missed. Large Merchant sinks after 45 minutes.

Avoided escorts about 2hours. Depth charged, no damage.

06.00 calculations have suceeded, boat is positioned right in front of the convoy. Attacked submerged around 07.00. Fired bow tube at previously damaged Medium cargo which was still on fire. A hit and she goes down rapidly. Also fired aft torpedo at Small Merchant. A hit observed but no sinking.

Avoided escorts about 2hours. Depth charged, no damage.

Found Small Merchant stationary at surface, heeling heavily to port. Sinked with gunfire.

With only external torpedoes left and waves are growing stronger, decided to return port.

7 days at patrol
6 ships sunk
+ 30 000 tons

SeaWolf U-57 02-02-10 02:39 PM

Back to patrol 1 as I have just redone LSH3 v5 to include my battlesub and other changes to prevent crashes :up:

Snestorm 02-02-10 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Falkirion (Post 1255434)
You're playing Stock arent you? Stock puts you back to sea the day after you arrive in port. SH3 commander fixes that issue right up by allowing you to choose how many days in port you spend.

Stock gives you 28 days in port following all patrols.

Falkirion 02-02-10 09:01 PM

Thanks for correcting me Snestorm. Always happy to have someone with better knowledge override my noob statements.

Attacked the convoy last night. Turns out the tankers i thought I saw were actually whaling ships. Downed one of them with a pair of TI's, fired off tubes 3 and 4 at an ammunition ship and large merchant. Unfortunately stuffed up my timing and aimed at the lead whaling ship instead of the one following it. Ah well. Got a whaling ship, ammunition ship damaged. evaded escorts for an hour before they moved on. Trailed in the convoy's wake to find 2 tramp steamers had been seperated from the group. Got to within 500m of my first tramp steamer on the surface before I fired off an eel at him. Boom dead in the water. Adding to the water damage already suffered. He was bow down when we caught up to him. Dove to avoid being spotted on the surface. Quickly manuevered to catch the second and fired an eel at him from around 800m set fast. Dove to 40m for a hydrophone sweep and picked up a warship coming in hot. Silent running before I slunk out of the area up 2 tramp steamers for 2 eels. Could be better but thats life on the Atlantic. Now headed to the North of Rockall bank to see what I can find.

Jimbuna 02-03-10 04:09 PM

You also incur one extra day in port for every % of damage upon docking.

Dissaray 02-03-10 04:43 PM

I have had an intresting patrol this time around. I patroled the middle of no where for about a week and saw nothing. Then all the suden I ran across a two ship "convoy" and distroyed them both. Then I tried to run down another convoy, a large convoy this time, but I ended up never being able to catch up to them. Then I puted around for a day and found a small convoy that was an easy attack, though the lead escort came with in 100m of my bow at one point and managed to pop a medium cargo ship. After that attack I was out of torpidos and have only sunk 3 ships.

On my way back I came across a pasanger-cargo ship that came out of no where, damn near ran into it befor my watch crew saw it. Not wanting to waste an opertunity I set full speed ahead and let them have it with the deck gun. They went down inside of a half hour and never managed to hit me. So being very pleased with my patrol I set course for home. Just when I though I was home free my watch informs me that there is a ship on the horizon. So I take a look and lo and behold there was a ship out there, a medium cargo I later found out. The intresting thing about this ship was that it apeard to be on fire and was creeping along at what I determined to be 2 or 3 knots. I got alittle closer and noticed it was listing to starbord a little and there was in fact a fire just forward of the super structure. The ship was armed with two deck guns so I waited until dark to make my move. As soon as the sun fully set I started in on them. Closed to less than 3500m and came to a dead stop for perfect aim and let fly the opening shot.

As soon as my gun sounded the target lit up and I saw that my shot was well on target and shortly after the lights came on the shell slamed into the stern gun mount, blasting it from the mount. Orderd rudder hard to port and flank speed. I took aim at the ship as best I could and inflicted heavy damages where I could but dodging shells off that bow gun and dealing with the pitch and roll of my boat made things dificult. I did manage to further criple the target though. I am not sure if I distroyed the engine or ruptured the fule tanks but it eventualy came to a dead stop.

Weather conditions made it so I couldn't use the deck gun any more and it was geting light again so I have submerged and am observing the target now from about 3500m. I think if the weather turns a little more foul it might cause them to sink. The deck rail at the stern of the ship is nearly at the water line. Hopefuly they will sink of their own accord or the weather will improve and let me have a second round with them.

The ship finaly sank after about a day watching it. To add insult to injury an unescorted convoy strolled by. I would have chanced attacking with just the deck gun in broad daylight but the sea wouldn't co-operate with me and I had to let them go. Some jucy targets there too, two large tankers and a pair of medium cargos and a lonley tramp steamer as lead "escort."

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