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Paul Riley 07-12-11 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1703063)
Patrol 11
We received no news of other U-booten
U-56 must be refitting , U-23 and U-65 on patrol.

20 March 1941
04:06 hours U-111 left Lorient for Grid ET26

24 March 1941
Grid CG27
01:51 hours Ship seen
01:56 hours Positive ID: Empire type freighter
02:06 hours Opened fire
02:07 hours She returned fire - range kept at 2500m
02:09 hours Ship sunk - 24 105mm rounds

07 April 1941
Grid ET29
10:59 hours Sound contact - convoy approaching
11:25 hours Positive ID: US troop transport - turbine tanker - large merchant + British ceramic type liner
The liner was zigazging between the other ships
11:42 hours 3 TIs(bow) fired
11:43 hours 3 impacts - Liner on fire
11:48 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
11:49 hours Impact - ship sunk

10 April 1941
Grid ET29
22:50 hours Moving in to intercept convoy
11 April 1941
00:03 hours Sound contact with convoy
01:33 hours 2 TIs (stern) fired
01:35 hours Impact - tramp steamer sunk - wrong target. The explosion gave away the attack.
01:36 hours Impact - Tanker 04 sunk
01:37 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
01:38 hours Impact - Ore carrier sunk after series of explosions
01:46 hours 3 TIs (bow) fired - pinging - diving to 100m
01:47 hours Impact - explosions heard
01:49 hours Hit by DCs - flooding
02:04 hours Depth 90m - flooding under control - pinging
05:01 hours Surfaced - Conning tower + flak guns destroyed
Decision : Return to Lorient at ahead standard and hope that we would have any contact

18 April 1941
Grid CG19
12:02 hours Smoke seen
12:06 hours Ship seen : Coastal freighter
12:09 hours Opened fire
12:15 hours She returned fire - range kept at 3200m
12:20 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
12:21 hours Ship sunk after 70 105mm rounds. The torpedo didn't reach the target in time

20 April 1941
12:18 hours U-111 docked at Lorient
32 days at sea
6 ships sunk
42073 tons
No damage to hull despite the destroyed turm and flak guns

Fruitful patrol,nice one :up:

VONHARRIS 07-12-11 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1703070)
Fruitful patrol,nice one :up:

Thank you for that.

Paul Riley 07-12-11 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1703110)
Thank you for that.

No problem mate.

gazpode_l 07-12-11 05:55 PM

R. HESSLER - U65 - Patrol 4 - Msg2
Latest status of U-65
14 Torpedoes remain
Current tonnage as per previous report - no further sinkings or significant action.

Encountered a distant task force heading through designated patrol grid of AM78 during early hours of 22/03/1941. This appeared to consist of a number of british battleships. Decided not to attack due to heavily escorted plus the feeling of danger amongst the crew.

As the T/F passed, U-65 remained undetected throughout - an achievement the crew later toasted.

Since sighting the T/F on Mar 22, there has been no further sighting of ANY vessel for some three days.

We have patrolled an area of Rockall Banks to no avail, and are now just north of AM53, a fruitful hunting ground from the past.

End of report, Dated 25 Mar 1941
From: R Hessler, U-65 (IXB)

Fish In The Water 07-12-11 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702624)
Thanks also Fish In The Water

You're welcome, and thanks for the reports! :salute:

Snestorm 07-13-11 02:42 AM

U56 IIC. Patrol 4.
0340: Underway from Kiel.
Orders: Patrol grid AN18 (Aberdeen).
All 5 torpedoes (TII G7E) set to MZ (Magnetic Pistol).

1058: "Sound contact! Slow merchant. Closing."
1200: Contact IDed as Fishing Boat. No action taken.

1700: On station.
1744: "Sound contact! Medium speed merchant. Closing."
1745: Periscope depth! New course 333!
1816: New course 063! Targets estimated course 153, making 9 knots.
1817: TDC preset. AOB 90 Stb. 9 knots. 4 meters running depth. 3 degree spread.
1821: Open tubes 1, 2, and 3. Uncommitted ID as C2 Cargo.
1825: Target ID committed as C2 Cargo.
1835: British flagged. 3 TII G7E torpedoes to be fired individualy.
1837: Fire 1! Fire 3! Fire 2!
1838: Premature x 1. Impact x 2. Torpedo run 42 seconds. Range about 700 meters.
1839: New course 150 (Now known course of target). New depth 50 meters.
1840: Target moving away slow.
1930: Surface! Tubes 1 & 3 loaded.
1939: Target resighted. She has a fire forward of the bridge.
2010: Open tubes 1 & 3.
2011: Target speed 6 knots. AOB 90 Stb. Depth 8,8 meters.
2050: Fire 1! Fire 3! Back slow.
2052: Impact x 2. Bow & Stern. Torpedo run 76 seconds. Range about 1.200 meters.
2053: Target sunk. Vacating the area at All Ahead Full.
From: U56
One freighter sunk for about 6.000 GRT.
All torpedoes expended.
2 attacks. 1 premature. 4 good hits.
Clear. 9 M/S.

From: BDU
To: U56
Return to base.

1445: Docked at Kiel, beside U10.

Patrol results:
All torpedoes expended.
100% Crew & Hull Integrity.
1 ship sunk for 6.446 GRT.

U56's history to date:
4 war patrols completed.
2 ships sunk for 8.489 GRT.

Dockside News:

U10 returned to Kiel on 31.jan.40.
She had a rough patrol around AN81, plagued with bad weather, and torpedo problems.

U111 departed Wilhelmshaven for her first war patrol on 19.jan.40. Good hunting, Kaleun VONHARRIS.

Snestorm 07-13-11 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702806)
Prize law,as in restrictions on attacking neutral shipping?,yep,I have to agree with you there it does limit your potential tonnage,but also adds that extra dimension of realism to the game which is what we're all about :03:
I was never aware of the reduction in ship respawning rates,cant say it really bothered me to be perfectly honest,interesting to know though.
Good luck mate in the meantime.

Prize law, as in restrictions on attacking anything, including english.
Inspection of shipping papers first.
I'm at the stage now where it's gradualy shifting to unrestricted submarine warfare but, through 1939 is rough. Nobody complies, but I have to wait for them to attempt evasion before attacking. (A deck gun would be a realy thing to have.) By next patrol BDU should have it all straightened out with Ręder.

The reduction in single ship contacts is my own self modding.
About one half of Stock SH3's trafik, and about one third of GWX's.
It's a whole different game. My tonnage won't even come close to yours, but it's a realy good incentive to stay in contact with convoys, and value every target.

Gerald 07-13-11 05:01 AM

Good work, :up:

Snestorm 07-13-11 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1703552)
Good work, :up:

Hi, pal.

sublynx 07-13-11 03:12 PM

U-10 (IIB, "die Elster"), patrol 6, report 1
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel
Orders: Patrol grid AN28

Statusbericht 15.3.1940

I have arrived to my grid in clear weather, wind 1 m/s. Not much fuel used, no enemy sightings. Continuing patrolling.


Snestorm 07-14-11 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1704009)
Ob.Lt.z.s. Harry Wiebus
1. Flottille, Kiel
Orders: Patrol grid AN28

Statusbericht 15.3.1940

I have arrived to my grid in clear weather, wind 1 m/s. Not much fuel used, no enemy sightings. Continuing patrolling.


We would have been in the same grid, at the same time but, I read the applicable KTBs and Messages to U56 for The Norwegian Campaign, and applied them all, including the recall of U56 in marts.

Good hunting, my friend.

Snestorm 07-14-11 02:09 AM

U56 IIC. Patrol 5.
0200: Underway from Kiel.
1400: Radio Message:
From: BDU
To: U56
"Return to base.
Boat to remain ready to sail at 12 hours notice."
(True event).

2100: Underway from Kiel.
Preliminary orders: Patrol grid AN28 (Norge).

AN28 (SW of Bergen)
0240: On station.
0853: "Ship spotted! 081. Long range.
0859: Northbound german Small Merchant.

0600: Radio Message:
From: BDU
To: U56
"Proceed to AN2330 at utmost speed." (True event).
0605: Ahead Flank!

10.apr.40 (still)
AN2330 (WNW of Bergen).
1330: On station.

1010: Radio Message:
From: BDU
To: U56
"Occupy grid AF7830." (True event).
1015: Ahead Full!

AF7830 (NE of Shetlands).
1030: On station. Targets limited to Large Naval Vessels, and Transports.

1406: "Ship spotted! 335. Long range." Destroyer!
1406: Preliminary dive to 15 meters.
1408: "Single contact. Closing fast. Medium range." New depth 100 meters.
1411: He passed just ahead of our bow. Undetected.
1415: Estimated course 330, making 27 knots.

0034: "Ship spotted! 117. Long range." Destroyer! New depth 97 meters.
0035: "Single contact. Medium range. Closing fast."
0045: Undetected.

0030: Radio Message:
From: BDU
To: U56
"Reoccupy grid AN2330."
0035: Ahead Full!

18.apr.40 (still)
2110: On station.

1200: Returning to Kiel, due to fuel constraints.

1140: Docked at Kiel.
No ships sunk this patrol.

U56's history to date:
5 war patrols completed.
2 ships sunk for 8.489 GRT.

sublynx 07-14-11 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1704387)
We would have been in the same grid, at the same time but, I read the applicable KTBs and Messages to U56 for The Norwegian Campaign, and applied them all, including the recall of U56 in marts.

Good hunting, my friend.

U-10 seems to have a small part in the Norwegian campaign too, but very little (trying to intercept traffic between Scapa Flow and Norway). For my next U-boat I think I'll choose a number that is mentioned a lot in BdU's KTB, so that I too could play according to historical lines. That would be very interesting.

Gute Jagd Snestorm!

Salvadoreno 07-14-11 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702806)
Prize law,as in restrictions on attacking neutral shipping?,yep,I have to agree with you there it does limit your potential tonnage,but also adds that extra dimension of realism to the game which is what we're all about :03:
I was never aware of the reduction in ship respawning rates,cant say it really bothered me to be perfectly honest,interesting to know though.
Good luck mate in the meantime.

Are those self made rules you guys playing with? Or did u modify ur campaign files to reduce ship spawns? I wanna know!

Snestorm 07-14-11 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Salvadoreno (Post 1704400)
Are those self made rules you guys playing with? Or did u modify ur campaign files to reduce ship spawns? I wanna know!

Mine is heavily self modded.

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