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Snestorm 07-09-11 10:00 PM

U56 IIC. Patrol 2 completed.

Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1700423)
0010: Underway from Kiel.
Orders: Patrol grid AM13, with freedom of action into AM15.

2140: Heavy Fog. Wind 15 M/S.

AM15 and the W entrance to Scapa has been reconned.
Heavy ASW patrols.
No contacts with heavy units or merchants to date.

Moving NW to avoid ASW patrols and await more favorable weather.
5 G7E torpedoes remaining.

0540: Docked at Kiel.
Weather dictated a return to port.
Visiblity remained poor due to Heavy Fog.
U56 was unable to hold at periscope depth due to 15 M/S winds.

No ships sunk this patrol.

2 war patrols completed.
0 ships sunk for 0 GRT.

Dockside news:

U10 was last heard from on 3.nov.39.
She was returning to port, following a collision with an Armed Trawler.

U83 returned to Wilhelmshaven on 15.okt.39, following her sinking of HMS Nelson.

gazpode_l 07-10-11 03:00 PM

R. HESSLER - U65 - Short Msg #1, Patrol 4
From: R Hessler (U-65, IXB)
To: Bdu
Time: 06:43 - 20/3/1941
Location: BF11
Torpedoes: 14
2x Cargo Ships sunk
1x Warship sunk
Total Tonnage thus far: 12,675 GRT

Notes: Have survived encounter with convoy with minor/little damages, despite depth charges. Unable to confirm any hits on merchants, but sunk 1x V&W destroyer.

Large convoy beyond visual range heading S/W at aprox 9knts.

Continuing progress towards assigned grid, with plans to recon an area off "Rockall banks" once 24hrs in assigned grid is complete.


Snestorm 07-10-11 10:05 PM

U56 IIC. Patrol 3. Part 1.
1245: Underway from Kiel.
Orders: Patrol grid AM36.
Darkened ships, traveling at night, may be sunk without warning within the declared zone.
Armed ships, traveling anywhere, may be sunk without warning.
All torpedoes to retaine the MZ (Magnetic) setting.

0750: Predawn dive, 8 miles N of Orkney Islands (Sunrise 0950).
0754: "Sound contact! Medium speed merchant closing. Long range." New course 230 (Bow on).
0800: Preset TDC. AOB 90 port. Speed 9 knots. Depth 4 meters. Spread 3 degrees.
0803: New Course 180! Surface! Both Ahead Flank!
0805: "Ship spotted! 4800 meters. 036 R." (Target's course on/near 090). Open tubes 1, 2, 3.
0808: Target IDed as a Coastal Merchant. Target ship is darkened.
0812: British merchant flagged. Close tubes 1 and 3. Ahead slow (3 knots).
0813: Fire 2! Range 1300 meters.
0815: Impact! Dead center hit. Target sunk almost immediately.
0816: Full Ahead! Return to course (270).
0820: New depth 50 meters.

1526: Long range warship sound contact.
1807: Surface to Medium Fog and wind 15 M/S.
From: U56
1 cargo sunk for about 2.000 GRT.
Was AN14. 0815. 8 miles N of Orknies. 270. 9 knots.
4 electrics remaining.
Weather report included.
From: BDU
To: U56
Well done on your first.

0600: Weather: Medium Precipitation. Heavy Fog. 15 M/S.
0800: Slow merchant sound contact. No attack posible, due to weather.

2203: Save & Exit.

Paul Riley 07-11-11 04:27 PM

U-23 under Gerhard Hunstein make their maiden voyage
Well,here we go,finally,a new campaign after almost a year away from the game,and I can tell you right now it feels good to have the bowspray back in my face again.Also I may need to point out that I have still yet to finish the game even after all these years (best so far is early 1943 with a respectable campaign tonnage of well over 1 million tonnes,with 4 careers I think it was),so hopefully this campaign could be the one.Please,no corrupt career files this time please? (fingers crossed)

Sept 1st 1939

So,with the onset of war with Poland we set off from Kiel in our snug type IIA for an assigned patrol in AN21 just east of the Shetlands.We dont expect much action this early in the war,however we could pick up a few loners in and around the area due to the fact that we have an extensive copy of previous captains ship co-ordinate logs from old campaigns.But with only a meagre supply of 5 torps this could be a short journey indeed,therefore we must employ the 'one ship one torpedo' philosophy to its fullest!.
I will need to get the men into a VII as soon as possible for I fear cabin fever may set in before long if I dont.

May the gods guide us safely on our mission.

Fish In The Water 07-11-11 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702366)
Well,here we go,finally,a new campaign after almost a year away from the game,and I can tell you right now it feels good to have the bowspray back in my face again.

Good hunting! :arrgh!:

Snestorm 07-11-11 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702366)

So,with the onset of war with Poland we set off from Kiel in our snug type IIA for an assigned patrol in AN21 just east of the Shetlands.

Welcome back!

From: BDU
To: U10 & U23
Your IIAs are actualy IIBs.
Enjoy the "upgrade".
Good hunting.

Snestorm 07-11-11 08:57 PM

U56 IIC. Patrol 3. Comclusion.
Continued from 14.dec.39

1820: Heavy Fog finaly lifted. Now Light Fog, and 9 M/S.

0300: On station.
1705: Slow Merchant sound contact. Periscope depth. New course 281.
1707: Target IDed as a C2 Cargo.
1711: Surface to stop target.
1713: Target evading.
1714: Fire 1, 2, and 3. Range under 900 meters. British flagged.
1715: 2 prematures and 1 hit, to no effect. Dive.
2000: Surface to Heavy Fog. 9 M/S. Return to base.

0540: Docked at Kiel in Heavy Fog.

Patrol results:
4 of 5 torpedoes expended.
Crew & Hull Integrity 100%.
1 Freighter sunk for 2.043 GRT.

U56's history to date:
3 war patrols completed.
1 ship sunk for 2.043 GRT.

After docking news:

19.dec.39: U83 returned to port after sinking HMS Hood.
VONHARRIS will be leaving U83, and has been assigned U111, a IXB.
The boat wasn't anticipated to leave on her first patrol until 5.maj.41, but VONHARRIS is a very influential kaleun.

5.jan.40: U10 returned to Kiel after sinking 3 merchants for 11.000 GRT, near Aberdeen!
Well done, U10!

VONHARRIS 07-11-11 11:36 PM

U-111 IXB
Patrol 10
08 January 1941
U-56 returned from her 3rd patrol having encountered rough weather. She sunk a freighter and damaged a medium cargo. They had some problems with their TIIs.

U-65 was safe after the convoy battle and was on the way to her patrol grid

U-23 has left for her first patrol

17:37 hours U-111 left port for grid AK27

25 January 1941
Grid AD82
12:43 hours ALARM Aircraft seen medium range - no time to dive - engage target
12:44 hours Aircaft shot down - RAF Hudson
15:44 hours ALARM Aircraft seen medium range - no time to dive - engage target
15:45 hours Aircaft shot down - RAF Hudson - took minor damage from machine gun fire.

28 January 1941
Grid AD59
09:34 hours Multiple warship sound contacts
09:38 hours Positive ID: US TF 1x Nevada BB 1x New Orleans CA 5x DDs - let them go - they passed just 950m from our bow tubes.

14:33 hours ALARM - Airraft seen - Crsh dived
14:42 hours Dive uncontrolable - depth 142m and diving - Ordered ahead flank and surface the boat. Fortunately she complied.
14:46 hours Surfaced, the LI checked the dive planes which seemed to work fine at the time

31 January 1941
Grid AD58
04:19 hours Ship seen - dived to PD
04:25 hours Positive ID: Passenger/cargo and small merchant
04:44 hours 3 TIs (bow) fired
04:45 hours 3 impacts
04:49 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - Small merchant sunk - impact
04:50 hours Passenger/cargo sunk after violent explosion

Grid AD82
18:37 hours Iceberg seen,

As we passed next to it , I let the men fire off some rounds with the MGs just for fun (not possible in game , what a pity)

03 February 1941
Grid AD83
07:33 hours Multiple sound conatcts indicated convoy approaching
07:39 hours Positive convoy closing - our current position will put us exactly in the middle of the convoy
08:29 hours 2 TIs (bow) fired
08:30 hours 2 impacts - 2 TIs(bow) fired
08:31 hours Impact
08:35 hours 2 TIs (stern) fired - diving to 100m
08:36 hours 2 impacts - sinking sounds - (ore carrier sunk)
10:12 hours Sinking sounds far away - (converted whale factory ship sunk)
14:02 hours Surfaced in awful weather with rain and 15m/s winds.

09 February 1941
Grid AM43
13:44 hours Weather still awful , the storm kept following U-111's course.

16 February 1941
Grid BF18
02:44 hours Moving to intercept convoy with 2 bow and 2 stern tubes loaded.
04:42 hours 1 TI(bow) fired - impact - 1 TI(bow) fired
04:43 hours Impact
04:44 hours 2 TIs(stern) fired
04:45 hours Impacts
04:50 hours Diving to 100m - no sinking sounds

17 February 1941
13:33 hours U-111 docked at LOrient
41 days at sea
4 ships sunk
24748 tons
2 aircrafts shot down
no casualties
96% hull integrity
No casualties

sublynx 07-12-11 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1702510)
From: BDU
To: U10 & U23
Your IIAs are actualy IIBs.
Enjoy the "upgrade".
Good hunting.

Thanks Snestorm, I was beginning to feel a little bit bored with the IIA. :DL I just hope I had some more time to play so that I would be able to upgrade from IIB to VII or IX...

Paul Riley 07-12-11 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1702510)
Welcome back!

From: BDU
To: U10 & U23
Your IIAs are actualy IIBs.
Enjoy the "upgrade".
Good hunting.

Thanks for the reminder hehe
Thanks also Fish In The Water

Paul Riley 07-12-11 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1702532)
Continued from 14.dec.39

1820: Heavy Fog finaly lifted. Now Light Fog, and 9 M/S.

0300: On station.
1705: Slow Merchant sound contact. Periscope depth. New course 281.
1707: Target IDed as a C2 Cargo.
1711: Surface to stop target.
1713: Target evading.
1714: Fire 1, 2, and 3. Range under 900 meters. British flagged.
1715: 2 prematures and 1 hit, to no effect. Dive.
2000: Surface to Heavy Fog. 9 M/S. Return to base.

0540: Docked at Kiel in Heavy Fog.

Patrol results:
4 of 5 torpedoes expended.
Crew & Hull Integrity 100%.
1 Freighter sunk for 2.043 GRT.

U56's history to date:
3 war patrols completed.
1 ship sunk for 2.043 GRT.

After docking news:

19.dec.39: U83 returned to port after sinking HMS Hood.
VONHARRIS will be leaving U83, and has been assigned U111, a IXB.

5.jan.40: U10 returned to Kiel after sinking 3 merchants for 11.000 GRT, near Aberdeen!
Well done, U10!

Quite a costly patrol ,better look for next patrol


Snestorm 07-12-11 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1702630)
Quite a costly patrol ,better look for next patrol


Considering all the restrictions I play with, we're doing OK.

The real U56 IIC:
12 war patrols completed.
3 ships sunk for 8.860 GRT.
1 Auxilary Warship sunk for 16.923 Tons.

I don't think I'll be able to compete in warships but, hopefuly I can at least equal the merchants (I hope!).

Prize Law + Crappy Torpedoes = Low Tonnage.
It realy changes ones outlook on things.
(And my single merchant spawn rates are are only ½ Stock.)

Snestorm 07-12-11 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1702611)
Thanks Snestorm, I was beginning to feel a little bit bored with the IIA. :DL I just hope I had some more time to play so that I would be able to upgrade from IIB to VII or IX...

The IIC is getting a-little dull too BUT, it's a great way to get past the crappy torpedo stage.

If we were to match our real counterpart's actual number of patrols, you'd be first in line for a bigger boat.
U10 = 5 patrols
U23 = 16 patrols!!!
U56 = 12 patrols. (Should I?)

Paul Riley 07-12-11 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1702654)
Considering all the restrictions I play with, we're doing OK.

The real U56 IIC:
12 war patrols completed.
3 ships sunk for 8.860 GRT.
1 Auxilary Warship sunk for 16.923 Tons.

I don't think I'll be able to compete in warships but, hopefuly I can at least equal the merchants (I hope!).

Prize Law + Crappy Torpedoes = Low Tonnage.
It realy changes ones outlook on things.
(And my single merchant spawn rates are are only ½ Stock.)

Prize law,as in restrictions on attacking neutral shipping?,yep,I have to agree with you there it does limit your potential tonnage,but also adds that extra dimension of realism to the game which is what we're all about :03:
I was never aware of the reduction in ship respawning rates,cant say it really bothered me to be perfectly honest,interesting to know though.
Good luck mate in the meantime.

VONHARRIS 07-12-11 12:39 PM

U-111 IXB Patrol 11
Patrol 11
We received no news of other U-booten
U-56 must be refitting , U-23 and U-65 on patrol.

20 March 1941
04:06 hours U-111 left Lorient for Grid ET26

24 March 1941
Grid CG27
01:51 hours Ship seen
01:56 hours Positive ID: Empire type freighter
02:06 hours Opened fire
02:07 hours She returned fire - range kept at 2500m
02:09 hours Ship sunk - 24 105mm rounds

07 April 1941
Grid ET29
10:59 hours Sound contact - convoy approaching
11:25 hours Positive ID: US troop transport - turbine tanker - large merchant + British ceramic type liner
The liner was zigazging between the other ships
11:42 hours 3 TIs(bow) fired
11:43 hours 3 impacts - Liner on fire
11:48 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
11:49 hours Impact - ship sunk

10 April 1941
Grid ET29
22:50 hours Moving in to intercept convoy
11 April 1941
00:03 hours Sound contact with convoy
01:33 hours 2 TIs (stern) fired
01:35 hours Impact - tramp steamer sunk - wrong target. The explosion gave away the attack.
01:36 hours Impact - Tanker 04 sunk
01:37 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
01:38 hours Impact - Ore carrier sunk after series of explosions
01:46 hours 3 TIs (bow) fired - pinging - diving to 100m
01:47 hours Impact - explosions heard
01:49 hours Hit by DCs - flooding
02:04 hours Depth 90m - flooding under control - pinging
05:01 hours Surfaced - Conning tower + flak guns destroyed
Decision : Return to Lorient at ahead standard and hope that we would have any contact

18 April 1941
Grid CG19
12:02 hours Smoke seen
12:06 hours Ship seen : Coastal freighter
12:09 hours Opened fire
12:15 hours She returned fire - range kept at 3200m
12:20 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
12:21 hours Ship sunk after 70 105mm rounds. The torpedo didn't reach the target in time

20 April 1941
12:18 hours U-111 docked at Lorient
32 days at sea
6 ships sunk
42073 tons
No damage to hull despite the destroyed turm and flak guns

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