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Paul Riley 05-23-09 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by nikbear (Post 1106131)
And a good day to Kaleun PR,I trust you career is going well:hmmm:I'm looking forward to some good reports:salute:All the best chap:yeah:

I am just entering the Skagerrak nik,enroute to AN81.
Brr...its getting cold up here,may need to put our furs on :D

Cheer nik :up:

Leandros 05-23-09 05:51 PM

U-108 - Nov. 9th. 1940 - 22:25 - Patrol 13

Renown! It passed only approx. 500 meters on our aft starboard side. Behind it a Dido. Hood farther off on the other side of Renown. Now remains to be seen the result of the hit and if we get away with it.....

U-108 - Nov. 9th. 1940 - 23:37 - Patrol 13

Not a sign to be seen of HMS Renown. Hood we observed left the area but no credit for Renown. After some snooping around the Tribals also left while we lay dead still at PD. Now it is full ahead for Lorient.

Total tally patrol 13 - less Renown: 68.000 tons.

Pohl 05-23-09 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1106083)
A XXI in 1939 is not bad...!

It's actually fun, having all those torpedos makes you got happy trigger and the insane speed I can reach on it submerged is even better :rock: I will always reach a convoy way ahead of their schedule or go parallel to them then slowly turn and get them in a perfect 90°.

Paul Riley 05-23-09 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1105634)
As some of you may know this is my first patrol using GWX 3.0 Gold,having had to start again from the beginning of the war,but I KNOW it will have been worth it in the end.

Captain Willi Werner (seriously :har:) (sounds like willi warmer:har:)
Type IIA
1st Flotilla , Kiel
1st August 1939
Mission - To patrol grid AN81
.................................................. ................................................

Orders are for a 5 day shakedown patrol.Exactly what BDU means when they tell us this is uncertain,what is certain is that we are on the verge of war,and when that day comes we and my comrades shall sail out to meet all our enemies in defiance,and in defence of our beloved fatherland.
From AN81 that puts us closest to the SE tip of Great Britain,with a good selection of local ports in that area.Our choices therefore will be to either-

- Embark on a small daring reconaissance patrol just off the SE coast.
- Sail into the mouth of the English Channel and again patrol the immediate area.

Our options then are clear,all that remains is my decision.

Left Kiel on a clear crisp morning,escorted by one of our patrol craft.The view of the harbour in this light was breathtaking,we even waved to a passing merchant all lit up as he entered the harbour.We looked up in pride as units of the Luftwaffe thundered above us on a south westerly course,no doubt reconnaisance craft.
What lies ahead of us from here on is uncertain,all I know is that my men are brave and loyal,and we will do everything in our power to dent and finally smash the armour of our age old enemies.
May the fury of the old Germanic gods sail with us and carry us to victory!

end of preliminary report
.................................................. .................................................

This is it! its showtime! wish me luck men on my first GWX mission into the bowels of hell!! :arrgh!:

Tonights report

Finally exited the Kiel harbour proper after passing what looked like an Argentinian freighter.We proceed at 12 kts and should arrive on patrol on the 4th Aug.

Could have swore I saw a British Granville freighter pass on our starboard.A long look through the binoculars confirmed there was a Union Jack on the flag,and so we carry on through the narrow inlets further north.
Further on we notice a strange burning in the distance,and as we get closer we can hear a familiar noise,propellers,then lo and behold his nose is sticking right out of the water.This was a downed plane,downed by what god only knows.

2nd Aug
Day 1 at sea
Very dark night,partial cloud,moderate vis.,sea 4
Again,another burning wreck passed us in the night,a beached vessel of some sort,must have lost his bearings poor bugger.

To our surprise it started getting pretty light quite early,for this time of the year being so far north we would have enjoyed a longer night spell.

We spotted 2 vessels in the far distance heading our way.I decided to head for them and pull up along side,in order to verify their nationality.One was confirmed as a Polish vessel,the other we were unsure,but its colours suggested Litanen after a look in the rec.manual.I assumed this was a Lithuanian vessel.
The level of trade in this area is surprisingly quite high.

Just off Frederickshaven.We are sticking close to the north German coastline as we enter the area dominated by the Skagerrak,before making our final breakout into the North Sea.
Glorious blue sky with only a mild breeze.The men are taking advantage of the nice weather before we enter the North Sea,after which it will probably hammer it down for the duration of the patrol.Good old British weather.
And so this concludes the first phase of our maiden voyage.Five days on patrol then its back home for some frankfurters and cold beer.

end of report

nikbear 05-23-09 10:11 PM

So Far:03:
6.3.40. 1502 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMS Active (A&B classes), 1350 tons. Crew: 167. Crew lost: 3 1502 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMCS Hudon (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 237. Crew lost: 173 1513 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMCS Haida (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 225. Crew lost: 150 1516 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMS Nootka (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 195. Crew lost: 62 7.3.40. 0630 Grid AN 18 Ship sunk! SS City of Oxford (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 44 1415 Grid AN 16 Ship sunk! SS Intrepido (Passenger/Cargo), 2245 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 235. Crew lost: 91 1940 Grid AN 16 Ship sunk! SS Chilore (Large Old Cargo), 8228 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 94. Crew lost: 77 2318 Grid AN 14 Ship sunk! HMS Gurkha (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 235. Crew lost: 96 8.3.40. U-106 is having an interesting patrol,The DD thing isn't wanton dd aggression but pure bad timing,at the moment I can't seem to move for the buggers,They are everywhere:nope:Hopefully I will get some clear water and attack the merchants Properly :yeah:

Leandros 05-24-09 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1106200)
Good idea about removing renown just for reaching your patrol sector,I mean it doesnt exactly make someone famous or infamous just to reach a grid square,unlike Prien when he managed to penetrate Scapa Flow,he should have been awarded 1 000 000 renown for pulling that stunt off!


I would say it makes sense to get renown for making the assigned grid. The positioning of the boats was part of the BdU's wolfpack system. Also, to better cover the total area the Allies sailed their merchants through. As the game goes it also seems probable that something shall happen in, or near by, the grid you are patrolling (only my impression). That said, after three or four days in the assigned grid without any enemy activities I usually move off to known denser target areas.....:hmmm:

Pohl 05-24-09 05:17 AM

U-3001 didn't survived the invasion to Norway, bad weather and bad visibility lead us straight into a destroyer, later on I found my XXI had no radar and hydrophone :down: (This happens when you just load the model but not the entire gear when the sub was officially released) which now I understand why I never noticed the 3 destroyers I ran into on my way to Norway.

Blackhawk1006 05-24-09 05:37 AM

Started a New Campaign in September 1939, U-27 in a VIIB.

Currently patrolling the mouth of the Firth of Forth, 6 Merchants and 1 Swordfish destroyed. Have not used a single torpedo yet, all targets destroyed via the deck gun.

Leandros 05-24-09 06:36 AM

U-108 - Dec. 17th. 08:04 - Patrol 14

Just left Lorient for AM34. This can develop into a difficult patrol. Due to a mixture of sickness, regular leave and transitions I have lost my excellent weapons and torpedo officers which I have relied so much upon. These have been replaced by young green officers just out of the training flotillas. I shall have to compensate myself for this serious loss in crew efficiency till I get my old officers back or the new ones have improved on their skills.

What this means in practice is a switch to conservative tactics against merchants, avoidance of enemy ASW assets and more use of stealth instead of force. Also, I must now reckon with torpedo duds, no use of magnetic fuzes, general malfunctions and sabotage. All this could cater for an interesting cruise.

While I should think my earlier crew composition added up to a 65% diffculty for me as the boat commander - 100% is now on my shoulders.

Wish us luck!

Paul Riley 05-24-09 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1106411)
I would say it makes sense to get renown for making the assigned grid. The positioning of the boats was part of the BdU's wolfpack system. Also, to better cover the total area the Allies sailed their merchants through. As the game goes it also seems probable that something shall happen in, or near by, the grid you are patrolling (only my impression). That said, after three or four days in the assigned grid without any enemy activities I usually move off to known denser target areas.....:hmmm:

Yet attacking vessels before the war breaks out?.I am in two minds of what to do after the initial patrol is over.I think we may have a look around the French coastline across the channel,see if we can put the wind up the froggies :arrgh!:

Leandros 05-24-09 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1106465)
Yet attacking vessels before the war breaks out?.I am in two minds of what to do after the initial patrol is over.I think we may have a look around the French coastline across the channel,see if we can put the wind up the froggies :arrgh!:

Of course you shall not attack anything before the war breaks out. But you needn't worry about that because you shall get orders from the BdU all the time how to act. Also, in the beginning there were lots of restrictions as to U-boat warfare - on both sides. As they had also put limitations upon themselves in the air war. These shall be conveyed to the vessels at sea.

Paul Riley 05-24-09 09:50 AM

Thanks for the notice Leandros.
Good to know BDU will give me and my crew updates on what actions to carry out.That doesnt mean to say my finger wont be anxiously twitching over the 'fire' button :D

nikbear 05-24-09 11:12 AM

U-106 Kaleun Horst Meyer reporting in
5.3.40. 1158 Patrol 6
U-106, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: March 5, 1940, 11:58
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid DT98
6.3.40. 1502 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMS Acheron (A&B classes), 1350 tons. Crew: 168. Crew lost: 124 1502 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMCS Iroquois (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 273. Crew lost: 273 1513 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMS Ashanti (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 253. Crew lost: 136 1516 Grid AN 53 Ship sunk! HMS Eskimo (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 192. Crew lost: 19 7.3.40. 0630 Grid AN 18 Ship sunk! SS Capitaine Edmond Laborie (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 44 1415 Grid AN 16 Ship sunk! SS Merida (Passenger/Cargo), 2245 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 166. Crew lost: 107 1940 Grid AN 16 Ship sunk! SS Vancouver Island (Large Old Cargo), 8228 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 108. Crew lost: 89 2318 Grid AN 14 Ship sunk! HMS Bedouin (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 250. Crew lost: 70 8.3.40. 1927 Grid AM 34 Aircraft destroyed! Swordfish 1927 Grid AM 34 Aircraft destroyed! Swordfish 1928 Grid AM 34 Aircraft destroyed! Swordfish 1948 Grid AM 34 Ship sunk! SS Aeneas (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 16 10.3.40. 0900 Grid AM 53 Ship sunk! SS Arijon (Medium Composite Merchant), 4669 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 22 1834 Grid AM 53 Ship sunk! SS Sheksna (Passenger/Cargo), 2246 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 181. Crew lost: 1 11.3.40. 1845 Grid AM 53 Ship sunk! SS Azerbaijan (Large Freighter), 8604 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 27 12.3.40. 1603 Grid AM 54 Ship sunk! SS Port Auckland (Ore Carrier), 8083 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 7 13.3.40. 0253 Grid AM 49 Ship sunk! Bulk Freighter, 2866 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 31 15.3.40. 1051 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! HMS Bishopdale (Fleet Tender), 16903 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 45. Crew lost: 41 1119 Grid BF 17 Ship sunk! HMS Abbeydale (Fleet Tender), 16902 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 38 1121 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 16
Aircraft destroyed: 3
Patrol tonage: 84494 tons
Not bad :yeah:

Leandros 05-24-09 02:16 PM

U-108 - Dec. 25th 1940 - 20:53 - Patrol 14

The lack of my excellent old officers certainly is a strain. I didn't value them enough! First to be discovered one day out of Lorient was engine problems - we were not able to get flank speed out of them. I decided to go on with the patrol.

Then we bumped into an Empire-type freighter and a small tanker in the dark - South-East of Ireland. They went fast so we finished them off with the deck gun. There went most of the ammo. They returned our fire in the beginning but obviously couldn't see our low profile properly in the dark. As they both immediately developed fires onboard they were easy targets for us. Good thing the artillery people didn't jump ship in Lorient, too.

In the morning we followed a convoy report and turned East towards the Southern Approaches. We passed and sighted it around noon and tried to sneak on to it from its port forward side. However, under the new and unusual conditions I used the scope a little too freely and was discovered by the lead Black Swan. If I had had my old officers with me we would just have let him come, sidestepped him and sunk him with a tail-shot. Now I couldn't chance any fancy maneuvers and aimed for the deep. A little too late, he bumped our sail and straddled us with a nice D/C series. Part of the problem was that automatically flank speed was chosen but then the power went to zero. It took a few seconds before this was discovered. The aft part of the boat received some damage but it was all fixed when we levelled out at 165 meters below. Excellent repair crew! Then the carousel started. Around 1500 the ASW guys had vacated the area and we could surface.

Just recently then we picked up a C2 - still South-East of Ireland, now on our way back after having patrolled the assigned area. Worked around a little forward of it to try to get to a bow shot. In the process we got quite close. Then turned into it and fired a T1 straight ahead with a 7 degree lead - estimated its speed at 7 knots. Turned a little starboard and gave him a TII with 10 degree lead - impact fuze. Both hit aft so he probably went faster than 7 knots. It is in its final throes just now.

Paul Riley 05-24-09 06:14 PM

Tonights latest events

Upon rounding the the NE tip of Germany dominated by the Skagerrak sea we passed a couple of Danish vessels motionless.We guessed they may have been honest fishermen simply earning their crust.There is a sympathetic mindset on board my UBoat towards such folk of the sea,and they will never be attacked by us,unless of course they attack us out of fright or retaliation.I waved them goodbye as we proceeded west along the northern coastline.

Midday Report
Entering the North Sea.
Weather excellent,medium haze on the horizon.
Range to patrol grid - 820km/1.5 days
ETA - early evening on the 4th Aug
We sent a report back to BDU notifying them of our exit from home waters.
Proceeding on course 235 towards our assigned grid.

4th Aug
Day 3
No change
Message from BDU.All UBoats in Konigsberg to return.Upon returning they are to transfer to 1st or 2nd Flot.
Midday Report
Weather - no change
315km remain
Fuel - approx 3530km/@12kts
Entered our assigned grid.Awaiting further orders.
Patrol ends at 17:00 tomorrow.
Further reminder notifying all UBoats to return to base.
Proceeding submerged at night in case we bump into any vessels travelling in the area.Patrolling on a westerly line across AN81 heading towards Lowestoft.
After our primary patrol is over we will set sail along the SE coast of England,inspecting the local harbours on the way.Then of course our next move will be directed by BDU.
We picked up a sound contact bearing 297,long range,and closing.Headed out to investigate.
Small vessel finally observed after 30mins sailing on a 60 degree course,doing approx 8kts.We recorded the neccessary co-ordinates of this shipping lane into our note book,so that if we return to this area in the near future we will already have good information on the local traffic.

5th Aug
Day 4
Surfaced to recharge our small batteries.Dive times will have to be strictly limited due to the relatively low battery power of our Type II UBoats.Future attacks to be made as much as possible on the surface at night.
Midday Report
Weather - no change
5 hrs or so left on patrol 1
We picked up another sound contact approaching in our direction.The lane we are on seems to be a lively lane indeed,and will be a good spot to intercept any shipping bound for/and leaving the SE of England.
Weather has deteriorated,overcast sky,med vis,sea 15.UBoat pitching wildly.
Minutes later I spotted smoke stacks,2 of them in the far distance,revealing to us a small 2 ship convoy also using this route...excellent.We submerged to periscope depth allowing the vessels to pass by us,giving us a good opportunity to make a positive ID on the vessels.They were confirmed as 2 British S.Merch. class ships.

End of report

.................................................. .................................................. ..........................

Well,that concludes some very interesting events over the last few hours.I am confident at the helm of my new UBoat and my crew is in high spirits after our recent contacts.All information is now at hand to make successful attacks in that area,if we pass that way of course.
My first experience of ploughing through stormy weather in GWX was a marvel to behold,the sky and sea looked absolutely brilliant,and the pitching of the UBoat looks tonnes better than before.
And not one CTD.


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