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Jimbuna 05-22-09 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1105021)
Could they operate the guns in rough weather?.I think they would have to be strapped to the railings?.I am interested in this mod,as it would give us a bit of protection during rough conditions.

Highly unlikely, the deck of a U-boat wasn't very stable at the best of times....only in pond like weather conditions.

The mod was created because some sub simmers had a requirement for it.

You'll find most of my mods on the GWX3.0 link below my sig

sharkbit 05-22-09 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Packerton (Post 1104822)
Where did you find an unescorted Cruiser? I wish I was that lucky.

I've seen them a couple of times by themselves out in the middle of the Atlantic, west of the Azores. I've seen them a couple of times in groups in the Med.
I was never in good position to take a shot and those things are just too damned fast. I think it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time to bag a loner cruiser in the open seas.

Leandros 05-22-09 11:50 AM

U-108 - Patrol 13 - AM32 - Oct. 1940

Have been chasing this echo for hours. Haven't been able to catch up with it due to the bad weather. Seemingly an Auxilliary Cruiser. It's a pair....

Pohl 05-22-09 02:17 PM

July 04 1941

U-507 (Type IXC) was commisioned to Hans Linnenberg, on it's first patrol we had to roam through grid EK77, we sailed from Loriend and beyond us was a long trip.

July 07 1941

We had our first radar contact a small convoy (Grid CF95), the weather was really bad but we had great visibility (7-8km)

22:40 The convoy was conformed by 2 small merchants, 1 Large Merchant, 1 Empire Type-Freighter & JK Class protecting them, when we where 4km away from the convoy I inmeaditely ordered periscope depth

22:45 At 2.5km fired 1 Torpedo to each of the 2 larger ships and 1 to a small merchant

22:47 Hitted the 2 large ships and the small merchant got away, our cover was blown up, so the escort came after us, ordered slow ahead to keep the sound to a minimum

22:50 Fired 2 more torpedoes to each ship and all 4 hit their target, the escort is less than 900m away from us and has started to ping us

22:55 S.S. Monarch of the seas (Empire-type Freighter, 6781tons) sunk, escort has layed some deep charges but none hit, when he was coming around to start a second run fired a torpedo at 300m away from him and succesfully hit it in his ammo compartment, ordered surface boat so the crew could see the beatiful fireworks coming from the destroyed escort (HMS Jaguar, 1690tons)

22:57 S.S. Harpeley (Large Merchant, 10,616tons) sunk slowly, we left the 2 small merchants go away, ordered the man to load the outside torpedoes into the sub

July 11 1941

5:00 Got a report form a large convoy going north, ordered full ahead, visibility was very poor and had a storm on top of us, suddenly a AB Class escort appeared behind us and started shooting us, destroying both periscopes the starboard diesel engine and hull damage down to 38%, had flooding all across the sub, ordered dive to 110m and left rudder 35°, we had lot of pressure with the hull damaged so bad, we lost 10% of it, ordered new depth 60m.

5:19 After 19 minutes of dept charges decided to come to periscope depth at full ahead, used sonar to guess his path, fired 2 torpedoes into his way, the first one missed by a few meters, the second torpedo hit him in his machinery compartment, sinking inmediately (HMS Boreas, 1350tons)

5:25 After examining the sub, it was hurt really bad and I was almost out of torpedoes, had to order to return to base so I had to ignore the convoy.

Patrol#1 had a total of 20,437 tons sunk and returned home with 27% hull

Crew got 4 U-boat war badges and 1 Iron Cross Second Class

DaveU186 05-22-09 02:55 PM

April 21st 1940

01:45 - Three warship contacts. Two auxiliary cruisers escorted by a single V&W Class. Attacked on surface, protected by the nighttime and the poor weather. Two torps directed towards each of the cruisers. Both sunk around 02:15.


Leandros 05-22-09 03:45 PM

U-108 - Nov. 2nd 1940 20:18 - Patrol 13 - North Hebrides Channel

Boy, oh, boy - another fat convoy approaching from is excellent - heavy seas, good visibility.....

AndyW 05-22-09 05:37 PM

U-200 to Penang reporting in
Guess this is the new "Who else is holding up the honour..."-thread, so here's my last report:

Radio message from U-200, Type IX D2, Ltn. Heinrich Schonder, enroute from Lorient to Penang:

1507 AUGUST 11, 1943



Leandros 05-22-09 06:24 PM

U-108 - Nov. 4th 1940 14:30 - Patrol 13 - South-Western Approaches

An average "fat" convoy it was with several LM's. Very bothersome escorts. Ref. the status report - all except an earlier Medium Cargo and a large tugboat (sunk by DG) are from above convoy.

We have backtracked North-West of the Hebrides and are now South of Ireland. We need to find something on which to spend our three remaining torpedoes (and shells). Calm sea, good visibility.

Paul Riley 05-22-09 06:28 PM

As some of you may know this is my first patrol using GWX 3.0 Gold,having had to start again from the beginning of the war,but I KNOW it will have been worth it in the end.

Captain Willi Werner (seriously :har:) (sounds like willi warmer:har:)
Type IIA
1st Flotilla , Kiel
1st August 1939
Mission - To patrol grid AN81
.................................................. ................................................

Orders are for a 5 day shakedown patrol.Exactly what BDU means when they tell us this is uncertain,what is certain is that we are on the verge of war,and when that day comes we and my comrades shall sail out to meet all our enemies in defiance,and in defence of our beloved fatherland.
From AN81 that puts us closest to the SE tip of Great Britain,with a good selection of local ports in that area.Our choices therefore will be to either-

- Embark on a small daring reconaissance patrol just off the SE coast.
- Sail into the mouth of the English Channel and again patrol the immediate area.

Our options then are clear,all that remains is my decision.

Left Kiel on a clear crisp morning,escorted by one of our patrol craft.The view of the harbour in this light was breathtaking,we even waved to a passing merchant all lit up as he entered the harbour.We looked up in pride as units of the Luftwaffe thundered above us on a south westerly course,no doubt reconnaisance craft.
What lies ahead of us from here on is uncertain,all I know is that my men are brave and loyal,and we will do everything in our power to dent and finally smash the armour of our age old enemies.
May the fury of the old Germanic gods sail with us and carry us to victory!

end of preliminary report
.................................................. .................................................

This is it! its showtime! wish me luck men on my first GWX mission into the bowels of hell!! :arrgh!:

Monica Lewinsky 05-22-09 07:12 PM

I've been busy patrolling here and learned how to dance as a side trip:

Pohl 05-22-09 08:43 PM

Patrol 2 of U-507
Left Lorient on September 30, 1941
Patrol Grid CG89

06:35 October 1
Found and sunk a Liberty Cargo (S.S. Henry Ward Beecher, 7335 tons) roaming at grid BF 47

14:14 October 3
Found and sunk a Large Merchant (S.S. Major Wheeler, 10616 tons) roaming at grid BF 48

Found and sunk a Coastal Freighter (S.S Scania, 1869 tons) in same grid BF 48

Found and sunk a Tramp Steamer (S.S. Robin Locksley, 1965 tons) at grid BE 96

Total of tonnage: 21785, crew earned 4 U-boat war badges and 1 Iron Cross Second Class

Patrol #3 of U-507
Left Lorient on October 28, 1941
Patrol Grid AM-64

22:25 October 29
Found and sunk HMS Fernie part of a medium sized convoy (Hunt I class, 1000 tons) at Grid AM 64
22:30 S.S. George M. Pullman sunk part of a medium sized convoy (Liberty Cargo, 7335 tons)
22:38 HMS Vimy sunk part of a medium sized convoy (VW Classes, 1188 tons)
22:39 S.S. Harpagon sunk part of a medium sized convoy (Ore Carrier, 8038 tons)
22:41 HMS Wakeful sunk part of a medium sized convoy (VW Classes, 1188 tons)
22:43 S.S. Caswell sunk part of a medium sized convoy (Passenger/Cargo, 2253 tons)
01:35 S.S. Bengore Head sailing alone (Granvill-type Freighter, 4707 tons)
1:50 GMS Mendip sunk was part of the earlier convoy (Hunt I class, 1000 tons)
9:33 Resolute found it sailing alone (Schooner, 17 tons)
11:29 HMS Minalto was escorting a medium tanker, but I run out of torpedoes and shells so I left the tanker badly injured (Isles class, 540 tons)

Total of Tonnage: 27311 tons, crew earned 8 U-boat war badges and 1 Knight's Cross Second Class

Leandros 05-23-09 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1105634)
Orders are for a 5 day shakedown patrol.Exactly what BDU means when they tell us this is uncertain,what is certain is that we are at war,and we and my comrades sail out to meet our enemies in defiance,and in defence of our beloved fatherland.

Paul, please do not forget that the war hasn't started yet. Well-informed sources imply it might start end of the month (against Poland). According to our Führer England and France shall most probably keep out of it. As they have on the various incidents the last couple of years....:smug:..

Leandros 05-23-09 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Monica Lewinsky (Post 1105657)
I've been busy patrolling here and learned how to dance as a side trip:

What is this...?.....a recruitment video for gays in the Navy....:rock:.....hurrah, they finally made it...! And, what could be more practical as with the confined spaces and long, lonely journeys. Problem is they are admitting all those women into the service, too. That always stir things up...:damn:.....not practical. Besides, pregnancy is no good for crew rosters....

Paul Riley 05-23-09 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1105797)
Paul, please do not forget that the war hasn't started yet. Well-informed sources imply it might start end of the month (against Poland). According to our Führer England and France shall most probably keep out of it. As they have on the various incidents the last couple of years....:smug:..

Lets hope so Kapt.Leandros,
Our strength is no where near capable of matching the Royal Navy in open battle.My men will nervously be tuning in to the latest events over the coming days and weeks.


Leandros 05-23-09 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1105819)
Lets hope so Kapt.Leandros,
Our strength is no where near capable of matching the Royal Navy in open battle.My men will nervously be tuning in to the latest events over the coming days and weeks.


Thank you, W!

The Royal Navy's capabilities are highly overrated, they shall eventually become over-stretched. Let us just hope our torpedoes shall work properly. There are rumours of heated discussions in the higher levels of command. The TVA (Torpedo Versuchs Anstalt) is under heavy criticism but does not accept it. Let us hope the next few months shall bring clarity in this. If the Baltic freezes over this winter the new test trials shall become difficult.

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