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captaindnnis 09-30-10 02:00 PM


I was on my way to my patrol GRID AM34 when i got attacked by an English Destroyer.. well off my expierence with destroyer im kinda scared off them cuz i couldnt escape from them always got depth charged well this time was diffrent i quckly dived to periscope depth and turned to there bearing Locked them up and shot torp 1
Waiting Waiting Waiting !!! and then i heard the nice'd sound that you can hear when ur in a Sub TORPEDO IMPACT i was like O____o i never hitted an
Moving Destroyer..
But still it wasn't sunk so i finished with 1 torpedo more and it.
Cracked in 2 piece's
and returned to my course GRID AM34
I toke some picture's off it and putted them to 1 slide show
if you want to see them


Tessa 09-30-10 03:12 PM

On my way to Narvik, first time I've ever been in the right position to actually participate in the campaign. Too bad there's no way to add the shield ingame but will feel cool to finally have a shoulder shield for a change.

Kafka BC 09-30-10 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1506261)
Just got one a few months ago when my old one finally died. It took a bit of experimenting to see what worked.

I was able to use the ResFix to force the max resolution for my monitor, which is 1680x1050... but I didn't like some of the stretched out graphics. I never got as far as trying to take a screenshot at that res so I don't know if it would've made a difference or not, but it's possible.

Anyway, I just figured out what the max res on my monitor would be if I stuck to the 4:3 ratio and came up with 1400x1050. It still stretched out to fill the monitor until I turned the rescaling off, but that did the trick.

Well I hope my 17" Samsung soldiers on for awhile longer. I like it better than any widescreen monitor that I've sat in front of. For some reason I find the fineness/sharpness that they have a little hard for my bad eyes to focus on.

I'm beginning to think that there should be a Sticky for the ResFix Mod, with explanations such as yours, since it is so widely used but a lot of people seem to need help with it.

frau kaleun 09-30-10 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Kafka BC (Post 1506485)
Well I hope my 17" Samsung soldiers on for awhile longer. I like it better than any widescreen monitor that I've sat in front of. For some reason I find the fineness/sharpness that they have a little hard for my bad eyes to focus on.

I'm beginning to think that there should be a Sticky for the ResFix Mod, with explanations such as yours, since it is so widely used but a lot of people seem to need help with it.

My old monitor was a biggish flat panel but not a widescreen one. I'd had it for a long time and it cost a pretty penny when I bought it but it was some of the best money I ever spent, tech-wise.

Of course I wept for that money when I had to buy a new monitor and saw what the current prices were. :wah: :haha:

I think part of the problem with the ResFix mod is that the current version has a Readme file that doesn't include very detailed instructions - they are provided on the Downloads page for the mod here, but not with the mod itself. I suspect that there was a previous version and the current one may have been an update, so the assumption at the time was that those using it would already be familiar with how it worked. When I got it I had to go back to the Downloads page and look at the info there to make sure I was doing everything right.

VONHARRIS 10-01-10 02:49 AM

U -126 IXC
Transfered to the Far East.
October 1943
I had to patrol the O.Africa zone.
Several crash dives to avoid air patrols
I was cought on the surface reloading external torps by a Halifax bomber. My gunners managed to shoot it down on the second pass. We sustained minor damages, as no bombs were dropped.
Note : How can a heavy 4 engined bomber dive like a Helldiver bomber?
Patrol was a success : 60k tons sunk.
New area : Timor see Australia!

November 1943
Patrol grid : Timor see
We were to patrol at NW side of Australia.
We departed on 31 Oct 1943.
On 6 November 1943 we found our first target , a Liberty cargo 400 km NW of Eastern Island. Two G7a one in the middle and one aft caused the ship to blow up and sink by the stern.
On 16 November 1943 we came across a small merchant which was sunk with one torpedo aft and 40 shells.
We were instructed to raid the port of Darwin.
On 18 November 1943 we were spotted by a corvette which was sunk with a T IV acoustic torpedo. We withdrew and selected an other approach.
The Australians were not expecting a Grey Wolf attacking their ports. So there was only an ASW trawler patrolling no mines and no nets.
On 20 November 1943, inside the port we sunk a Ceramic type ocean liner , a troop transport and a River class DE. There were also 2xMedium cargo 2xSmall tankers and a tramp steamer. We didn't spare torps for them.
On the way out we were not spotted so we had the chance to reload torps and baterries.
We were ready to leave when a convoy fell into our lap : a Troop ship , a Chatham type troop ship and a corvette were sunk. There were also a coastal freighter , a small tanker and a meduim cargo but we let them sail away. The corvette was the only escort.
By now we had only 2 bow torps left so we begun our return passage.
On 23 November 1943 we met a Balao class submarine. My WO insisted on having a gun duel with him. I agreed without thinking.
A bad call maybe , but the American gunners were useless , their aim was awful and it was night. After 60 or so shells we sunk him without damages to our Uboot.
On 1 December 1943 we arrived safely at Penang.
Total tonnage : 51.980 grt.

Arael 10-02-10 10:06 PM

It's April 3rd, 1940. The time is 23:00 hours, and U-11 is sitting 200 kilometers west of Narvik. Getting up here in a type-IIA was a fun experience. It took us 7 days at economy setting, and we're down to almost 50% fuel. We've taken up position at a choke point 13 kilometers wide with a depth of around 200 meters. Now all I have to do is wait for something to come along. While waiting I took the sub down to test how deep we could take it safely. We got to 105 meters before I started hearing some really nasty-sounding creaks. Not wanting to take any chances, I blew ballast and headed to the surface. I'll keep you updated as the solution develops.

Schwieger 10-02-10 10:39 PM

Enough renown for a 7b now :DL

Headed to patrol grid and met two ships on the way... a Swedish Coastal Merchant and a Norwegian one :shifty: Encountered a British Armed Trawler north of Scapa Flow... dived to periscope depth and got away without being detected. Patrolled grid AM34, then went to the convoy lanes for a while, heading back only when I got to around half of my fuel. Attempted to take the shorter way back to base (instead of going all the way around the northern tip of England like before) so I went south of the Orkney Islands... came under attack some time before deep water but was able to evade with minimal flooding and minimal hull damage.

frau kaleun 10-02-10 11:15 PM

Kptlt Kurt Dennert
U-51, Type VIIB
2 Flotilla
Patrol #9

October 20, 1940 - currently working our way back to our new home base at Lorient from our patrol grid off the coast of Morocco.

After making our way around the British Isles and heading south into the open Atlantic (and sinking one small freighter on the way) we ran into a convoy headed WSW and were able to slip past the lead escort and get into good position for an attack. We sighted several ore carriers, a couple of tankers, and one QE class battleship... fired two spreads of two eels each as the juicy center of the convoy came into range. One missed entirely or was a dud, but we got one hit under the bow of a medium tanker and two on the BB which slowed and began to list to port. The tanker continued on course but the seas were heavy and her bow dipped deeper and deeper below the surface with every swell she encountered.

We went as deep as 120m as the escorts came sniffing around the presumed scene of the crime, and then slowly moved off on a course that would let us resurface and shadow the convoy again once they gave up and rejoined it. Eventually they did so, and as we gradually came back to periscope depth we could hear the unmistakeable sounds of one of our targets disappearing into the depths. A quick sweep with the 'scope confirmed that the BB was gone, and that the tanker - now dead in the water, with the crew already making off in their liferafts - would not be far behind her.

After getting another good read on the convoy's course we waited until they were just out of sight and then surfaced and set off at full ahead to outflank them. Several hours later we were in position again, waiting for them to come into range. With all four forwards tubes reloaded and ready for action I fired two more spreads of two eels each at an ore carrier and the tanker that was just behind her in the next column over. Two clean hits on the ore carrier, which didn't linger long, but my other two fish never found their target. Still - two attacks on a convoy in less than 24 hours, with a BB, a tanker, and an ore carrier sent to the bottom... not a bad day's work. :yeah:

Once again we dove to 120m to escape the surprisingly lackadaisical attentions of the escorts, and headed east to take us away from the remainder of the convoy as quickly as possible. We were still picking them up on our 'phones, well astern of us, when we got another contact heading our way from the northeast. We came back up to periscope depth and spotted a tramp streamer coming very slowly - 1 or 2 knots max - along the same general course as the convoy we'd just turned away from.

Very small prey indeed, but with one forward tube reloaded and ready to go, it seemed a shame to pass her by... especially since she was heading right across our path. By the time we turned into position she was almost dead in the water - maybe she'd had trouble and the convoy had been forced to leave her to her own devices - I don't know. But one eel under her keel was enough to do the job.

After that we headed south again toward our patrol grid, taking advantage of a spell of fair weather to transfer an external torpedo into the bugraum and load it for action. Not that it mattered - our only contacts in and around our patrol grid were neutral ships and a couple of Hudsons who forced us to dive and stay submerged for a good deal of our time there.

It's been over a month since we left Wilhelmshaven, so we've turned north for home - after sailing far enough west, we hope, to take us out of range of the RAF. We've got one forward eel ready to go, and two fish plus one external for the stern tube; but despite our current course back and forth along the convoy routes we've still seen nothing but neutral ships so far. I can only hope we have a chance to unload a few more eels before we return to Lorient. At least we've still got plenty of food and fuel, so unless we run into something ugly and take more damage than we can handle at sea, we've still got some time to hunt. :DL

Snestorm 10-03-10 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1507902)
Kptlt Kurt Dennert
U-51, Type VIIB
2 Flotilla
Patrol #9

October 20, 1940 - currently working our way back to our new home base at Lorient from our patrol grid off the coast of Morocco.

Rumor has it that BDU has a Type IXB in waiting, with your name on it.

Snestorm 10-03-10 01:15 AM

Patrol 9 completed 14.JUL.42
2. Flotilla
Patrol Grid CC11 (300 miles SW of Sydney, Canada)
Patrol Dates 1.MAJ.42 to 14.JUL.42

2 convoys encountered and reported.
13.MAJ.42. Grid BE62. Course 066. Speed 6 Knots. (To England)
20.JUN.42. Grid BC43. Course 231. Speed 9 Knots. (To Canada)

3 merchants sunk for 20.163 GRT.

U64's carreer summary to date.
9 war patrols. 29.MAR.40 to 14.JUL.42
25 merchants sunk for 141.629 GRT.

OSU 10-03-10 01:20 AM

Maximus Volker
U-81, Type VIIC
7 Flotilla
Patrol #5

Had an eventful 5th patrol so far. Got orders to try to sneak into Britain's back yard to attack a convoy, but ran into another one west of Britain. Sent out a contact report, got a reply that no other assets were available. (Its the middle of the Battle of Britain, where the hell is the Luftwaffe?) I sunk a 9000 ton cargo ship bringing my total for this patrol to 11000 GRT and successfully avoided the escorts too. I am now waiting for another convoy to show up near the northern approach into Britain. All of this and I haven't even reached my patrol grid yet.

frau kaleun 10-03-10 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1507942)
Rumor has it that BDU has a Type IXB in waiting, with your name on it.

They'll have to pry this Type VII from my cold, dead hands. :O:

Schwieger 10-03-10 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1508085)
They'll have to pry this Type VII from my cold, dead hands. :O:

now wouldn't that be interesting

"Kaleun dies attempting to keep her type 7!"

Arael 10-03-10 12:07 PM

April 6th, 1940, 7:35 local time. U-11 is still floating in the middle of a fjord, waiting for something to come by. The Norwegian campaign has officially started and we've heard of a British Task Force heading for Norway, so hopefully we'll be seeing some action soon. The weather's pretty bad, but visibility is good and I can see land directly ahead and directly astern, so I'm not worried about anything sneaking by.

April 8th, 1940 21:17. Currently watching around 9 type 36 destroyers come out of the rain and fog, cruise by, and disappear again into the haze. A rainstorm came in, and visibility is currently around 500 meters. I'll have to spend more time submerged to catch anything.

STEED 10-03-10 01:25 PM

Aug 1940 was a bad month, lost three of my crew to air attack and caused a heap of damage. :nope:

Must remember never take on aircraft, dive deep and escape. :doh:

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