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bobbyr 03-30-15 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2301937)
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5 changelog:

Snapshot changes:
Other tweaks:
- New loading background
- Added few more songs to Washington radio
- Updated Radio.ini file for new radio station (Grossdeutscher Rundfunk)

Added mods:
- sobers shipwreck mod V8 SH5
- gap - HD 1 deg Scope Bearing v 1.0
- sobers water splash anim SH5
- Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945

Removed mods:

1. Start JSGME found in main SH5 folder and drag content of the archive into available mods area.
2. Enable patch 5 with JSGME after the main TWoS 1.03 megamod, JSGME list should look like this:
The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - TDW Real Navigation *(optional mod)
The Wolves of Steel - *x* Resolution Patch *(optional mod)
3. Start TDW's genericpatcher.exe and restore Snapshot found in "SH5/TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_168_0/Snapshot" folder. (not needed if you were TWoS 1.03+Patch 1 user)
4. Continue your campaign. Happy hunting!

* These are install instructions for people whose already using TWoS 1.03+Patch 4. If you're installing TWoS 1.03 for the first time , then install instructions form the TWoS home thread are adequate for you.
* This patch is cumulative which means that it containes changes from all previous patches.
* Enable the patch in the port or at the sea when you don't have any AI units in your rendering area.
* Note for users whose already sailing TWoS 1.03 or TWoS+Patch4: If you're experiencing sudden increase of random CTD's especially when encountering AI units after the patch is enabled, please report issue in TWoS home thread...

Really great vdr1981!

Thanks a lot!

One question though: Could you include the submarine flag and maybe a few more conning tower emblems in the next version?

The emblems are not that important, but I'd really like to have the submarine flag in, you know for immersion and such. It would be really fitting since the Wolves of Steel adds a lot of realism.

I think the Darkwraith made a submarine flag 3 or 4 years ago, maybe you could include it in this mod?
That would be awesome!

alien41 03-31-15 07:07 AM

hello guys. Just a dumb question. I sunk two ship in the danzing bay and captains log show me something like this 000000. something wrong?

vdr1981 03-31-15 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by bobbyr (Post 2302278)

I think the Darkwraith made a submarine flag 3 or 4 years ago, maybe you could include it in this mod?
That would be awesome!

Unfortunately, sub flags together with some other mods that add something to the submarine will largely destabilize the game. Why? I really cant tell...
With sub flags enabled CTD in ports is almost guarantied, Kiel especially...At least with this modlist/megamod...


Originally Posted by alien41 (Post 2302467)
hello guys. Just a dumb question. I sunk two ship in the danzing bay and captains log show me something like this 000000. something wrong?

Common problem but nothing to worry about. You can open with notepad captainlog.ini file from yopur last gamesave (documents/data/cfg/savegames/000000g(or something)) and fix the silly date issue...


[Log Entry 7]
EntryTitle=Torpedo Impact!

[Log Entry 8]
Date=0 *replace this number with correct torpedo impact date from above
EntryText=Long  19° 11' E, Lat  54° 43' N|Ship sunk! N3SA1 Small Merchant, 1855 tons
EntryTitle=September 1, 1939, 06:26
UnitName=_PL Small Cargo#1

rav007 03-31-15 04:29 PM

i've hunt convoy, fire torpedos all hit target and sunk 2 ships. Escorts was looking for my only for 10-15 min and go back to convoy, they used asdic and depth charges but not even close to my. They even flow over my but they diden't use depth charges to hit my. I'm in 1941 in Mediterranean campaign and i never have been destroyed or even deamaged from depth charges, theres no challenge from escorts is it normal or i done something wrong?

vadeboale 03-31-15 07:15 PM

Hola a tod@s me llamo Antonio y soy nuevo.

Qu667 04-01-15 12:53 AM

Hi guys!
I played wiyh this cool mod :up: and catch common problem - cant see markers of next mission after first done. And cos OH campaign here include, i cant just relaunch campaign and skip tutorial. Help :)

THEBERBSTER 04-01-15 04:27 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Qu667 :subsim:
You will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
New To Silent Hunter <> Need Help <> Click On My Thread Link. :salute:
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community:yeah:

Having Tonnage Bar Problems Then You Need My Tutorial Post #188 :/\\!!

Missions are controlled by starting and finishing dates.

See my tutorial post #64

Jimbuna 04-01-15 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by vadeboale (Post 2302647)
Hola a tod@s me llamo Antonio y soy nuevo.

Bienvenido a Subsim Antonio :sunny:

Jimbuna 04-01-15 06:52 AM

Welcome to SubSim Qu667 :sunny:

vdr1981 04-01-15 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2302614)
i've hunt convoy, fire torpedos all hit target and sunk 2 ships. Escorts was looking for my only for 10-15 min and go back to convoy, they used asdic and depth charges but not even close to my. They even flow over my but they diden't use depth charges to hit my. I'm in 1941 in Mediterranean campaign and i never have been destroyed or even deamaged from depth charges, theres no challenge from escorts is it normal or i done something wrong?

Full 100% realism settings?
I think destroyers do not have elite status so early in the war although even with elite status it seems that they cant determent your under water position so precisely like with previous Silent Hunters. Maybe this is TDW's intention ffromm IRAI mod, I'm not sure. However, single depth charge closer than 20 meters and you'll have big problems...It will happen eventually, don't worry...:03:

Qu667 04-01-15 10:57 AM

Thanks guys)
THEBERBSTER, i read more from ur help threads, it really helpful.

rav007 04-01-15 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2302793)
Full 100% realism settings?
I think destroyers do not have elite status so early in the war although even with elite status it seems that they cant determent your under water position so precisely like with previous Silent Hunters. Maybe this is TDW's intention ffromm IRAI mod, I'm not sure. However, single depth charge closer than 20 meters and you'll have big problems...It will happen eventually, don't worry...:03:

depth charges was closer then 20 m from my and nothing happends, i think i will need to reinstal this mod. I am using only Wolves of steel no other mods. I reinstaled windows a few weeks ago, maby thats the problem.

vdr1981 04-01-15 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2302842)
depth charges was closer then 20 m from my and nothing happends, i think i will need to reinstal this mod. I am using only Wolves of steel no other mods. I reinstaled windows a few weeks ago, maby thats the problem.

How about to do some testing in FX update mission first?

Havner 04-01-15 10:03 PM


How do you access a recognition manual that can feed TDC like the one visible here (on the linked video):

With better graphics and no need to use XO dialog.

Husksubsky 04-02-15 07:09 AM

Thx for update VDR :salute:

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