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vdr1981 12-14-16 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2452114)
well i haven't seen them before, maybe it just because i was not looking around before. I mean concrete pillars in water on the right side just before pen..

It doesn't matter :)


palmic 12-14-16 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2452115)

HW3 12-14-16 10:56 PM

Boat docks with pilings.

vudriga 12-15-16 04:34 AM

Can someone upload TWoS 1.06_Snapshot.gps

I'm at work and I can't find it.

fitzcarraldo 12-15-16 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by vudriga (Post 2452307)
Can someone upload TWoS 1.06_Snapshot.gps

I'm at work and I can't find it.

The file is in the complete TWoS pack. It isn´t an independent file for download.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Aktungbby 12-15-16 10:35 AM

Welcome aboard!

Cybermat47 12-15-16 11:49 PM

Strange, the 'send patrol report' and 'send contact report' options in TDW's UI aren't there anymore, and interacting directly with the radio operator doesn't send any messages. Any idea what's going on?

kevinsue 12-16-16 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2452516)
Strange, the 'send patrol report' and 'send contact report' options in TDW's UI aren't there anymore, and interacting directly with the radio operator doesn't send any messages. Any idea what's going on?

You should be able to send both reports using the Radio guy or the Watch Officer dialogue boxes. You should hear the Radio guy saying "Report sent" after a short while. It will also state the above in the Ships Journal.

THEBERBSTER 12-16-16 05:31 AM

Hi Kevin
There is no message confirmation in the message box or vocal response when a weather report is sent or IIRC from other commands from the radio operator's icon.
The responses seem to happen when the order to the radio operator comes from the WO on the bridge.

Bidartarra 12-16-16 09:06 AM

Iseem to have missing items in my menus :

Is it normal?

Aktungbby 12-16-16 11:39 AM

Welcome aboard!

vdr1981 12-16-16 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bidartarra (Post 2452586)

Is it normal?

Nope. ...

THEBERBSTER 12-16-16 01:45 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Bidartarra
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread)

palmic 12-16-16 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2452631)
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Bidartarra
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread)


fitzcarraldo 12-16-16 07:44 PM

@ Bidartarra:

First: welcome aboard! :Kaleun_Cheers:


You must be this when use the officers menu in the center of the GUI.
You can send a weather report, status report or contact report.

Also, when you interactuate with your radioman, you must see this, and select the option you need. In this menu there isn´t a weather report option, only contacts and status:


Also, you can send orders to your radioman via "Fat" Dieter Epp; when interactuate with him, you have a menu with orders for the radioman: send reports, etc.

BTW, in my installation of TWoS, the reports are so bad as those of the weather service in my country. Now I´m navigating in the Mediterranean, some clouds, calm waters, and the weather report is "Clouds heavy, 15m waves"...I think this is a persistent bug in SH5 stock.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

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