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fitzcarraldo 03-12-18 08:58 PM

Welcome aboard Apollo!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

leeszaj 03-13-18 05:57 AM

Hey Vecko
I have installed a new version and I have to say that the new intensity of reflection is definitely too bright for me. Buildings, stars and waterfronts are reflected in the water much brighter than they can be seen on the surface.
Is it possible to return to previous settings?:k_confused:

Factor 03-13-18 09:14 AM

Thanks for the continued support of this mod!

Cyborg322 03-13-18 09:26 AM

Hi Vecko :up:

Nice update, do the food supplies deplete with fuel consumption as in v 1.2.4 St Michals Interior mod, or is it just a Visual/Graphics Mod ?

bart 03-13-18 10:12 AM

Thanks for the update and your continuing work on the mod Vecko. :salute:

wawrzul 03-13-18 12:34 PM

Thanks a lot for this mod. I'm a total noob for SH5 but i hope i can sink some steel regardless :)

skin-nl 03-13-18 12:55 PM

Thanks Vecko to make TWOS better and better!!!

Keep up the good work :salute:


fitzcarraldo 03-13-18 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by leeszaj (Post 2545240)
Hey Vecko
I have installed a new version and I have to say that the new intensity of reflection is definitely too bright for me. Buildings, stars and waterfronts are reflected in the water much brighter than they can be seen on the surface.
Is it possible to return to previous settings?:k_confused:

You can try some of the Dynamic Environment optionals: gale, hurricane....I found they are compatible with TWoS.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Singed 03-13-18 02:15 PM

A few minor questions
First off, wow, WOS is what SH5 should have been, I'm really glad I decided to give this mod a chance to save SH5 when I decided it was time to go ship hunting again. I've been playing, reading the forums and picking through a ton of material about it but the answers to a couple quite minor questions are proving elusive.

If anyone has a handy link to a thread I'd appreciate it, I'm sure this is all rehashed from some point in the past but my google-fu is failing me.

Setup if it matters is SH5 + WoS, Real Nav was one of the main attractions so of course it's there, though it is swapped to SH3 style controls via the editor. No other mods (per instructions). I just don't like the modern SH-5 look as much.

-Is there a keybinding to precisely set heading and depth? IE increment the heading by one degree or set depth to 30m rather than clicking and getting somewhere between 28m and 32m?

-Has anyone published a good guide to editing keybindings? It's not so simple as just putting the "L" key does this, it seems more involved with HEX in file.

-3 of the 4 hotkeys on the Automation Scripts are deactivated, I used the editor and found out why, but is there a known problem were I to reactivate them? Is this by design or a bug in my install that I'm just now finding?

-How important is the actual patrol area? Lets say I'm assigned to a southern sector in AL but I think better hunting will be had further north along the Halifax convoy route, do I get dinged for not being in the patrol area?

-Can the default charts and maps be changed? I have about 5 I like to have up and it would be convenient to just have those as defaults instead of having to reactivate them every save / reload.

-Fast 90 targeting, it's been a while, will the SH3 guides work for this?

Finally (for now)... For those of us who ain't 25 anymore. Is there an alternative nav map that has the lat and long on the side and top of the map a little larger? At 1920x1024 I'm really struggling to read them if I get a convoy report and want to try to plot it.

Like I said, all minor and matters of preference / convenience, which is a great testament to the mod IMO.

leeszaj 03-13-18 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2545286)
You can try some of the Dynamic Environment optionals: gale, hurricane....I found they are compatible with TWoS.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

I have installed.
I am talking about a new update. The water reflection is too bright in relation to the original on the surface.:Kaleun_Salute:

PortoFerro 03-13-18 03:02 PM

Ship recognition and keel depth
Ahoi Kaptiäne,
Quick question: is it normal with TWoS that after identifying and sending a ship type to the TDC, it's name/type does not show in the XO dialog and also the keel is not shown in the torpedo depth slider?

vdr1981 03-14-18 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by PortoFerro (Post 2545312)
Ahoi Kaptiäne,
Quick question: is it normal with TWoS that after identifying and sending a ship type to the TDC, it's name/type does not show in the XO dialog and also the keel is not shown in the torpedo depth slider?


XenonSurf 03-14-18 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by PortoFerro (Post 2545312)
Ahoi Kaptiäne,
Quick question: is it normal with TWoS that after identifying and sending a ship type to the TDC, it's name/type does not show in the XO dialog and also the keel is not shown in the torpedo depth slider?

If you want ship identification you need to install the special optional TWoS mod from the package, also you need to switch to (or be in) Manual TDC before identifying.

XenonSurf 03-14-18 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Singed (Post 2545299)
First off, wow, WOS is what SH5 should have been, I'm really glad I decided to give this mod a chance (...)


For key bindings: There is a dedicated file in the data folder I think. Just modify it to your likings, but don't complain if things don't work anymore...

For patrol areas: you can take or not take a mission from the BDU officer in the bunker, it doesnt' matter, you will see appropriate mission zones on the map once you leave the bunker anyway. What counts is the tonnage you sink, you are more likely to find ships in these zones. If you accept and succeed missions then you will be rewarded with crew promotion points and upgrades for your sub, so ofc it makes sense to accpept them, but technically this is not required.
In TWoS, you are penalized - dinged - only for one thing: sinking german ships...this will abruptly end the game, maybe Vecko's Revenge or a lack of blaming video (Vecko, get the one from Jane's 688..:D)

For editing things: there is the OFEV (Optional File Editor Viewer) which is part of the mod. Go through it. What you see on maps can easily be changed there, and a lot of other stuff. And yes of course, maps can be totally changed, just located the files in the data folder and again: know what you do or don't complain for any crashes...

Singed 03-14-18 08:10 PM

Thanks and no worries, mod works great! I'm just kind of compulsive on tweaking the little things to suit my tastes, which may or may not suit anyone else. Been at it long enough to fully understand whatever I screw up is on me.

This is why I usually have 2 or 3 backups of everything I mess with.

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