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palmic 07-18-17 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by bdd458 (Post 2500984)
After much trial and error (and more YouTube tutorials) I was finally able to make a good firing solution, sent a freighter down in one torpedo!

Learned a lot about manual targeting, don't think I can go back now! Wolves of Steel is great, thanks for giving me the courage to play on full realism (not even free camera!)


Respect! :salute:

bdd458 07-18-17 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2500989)
Respect! :salute:

It was a nice payoff at the end. Btw palmic, your trig tutorials are great! I'm a Maritime Studies major so some of that should hopefully be useful to me one day :haha:.

excel4004 07-18-17 02:17 PM

Palmic - by the way - love your grammaphone selection/mod. :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:


palmic 07-18-17 04:48 PM

Hehehe thanks :rotfl2:
Glad to read.

Since you sink your first ship by simple trigonometry, there's no way back to geometry at map :arrgh!:

vdr1981 07-18-17 05:20 PM

I've finished my packing for today so I'm going to use few spare minutes to add back one long forgotten and cool TDW FXU feature : gun shell explosion debris...(forgot to to add them in previous 4a update :doh:)

The update is again traditionally named v2.0.5 since I'm afraid that 4a designation can cause confusion for some captains...

Enable the update in port or patrol...

DOWNLOAD TWoS v2.0.0 to 2.0.5 update

Until next time Captains! :salute:

TWoS main package will also be enhanced with latest v2.0.5 update. :yep:

EasyAce 07-18-17 07:27 PM

Destroyers from hell??
I headed for Scapa Flow to see if I could sail inside and do some damage.
On the way I met upon two destroyers who seemed to know exactly where I am even though I dive below 90 meters and go all silent. (1-2knots)

They waterbombed me, but didn't hit and then gave up. I went closer to the surface and found out they did patrol the same area over and over, so changed course to north to try to avoide them.

Problem is they are following me... I am sailing below 90m, 1-2 knt and been doing so for almost a day... they still keep following me in the distance.

Is it a bug?? or do they have god-powers???

Aktungbby 07-18-17 10:59 PM

welcome back!

HW3 07-19-17 12:38 AM

It's the "Sticky Destroyer Bug". Save, quit out, reload, and they should leave.

palmic 07-19-17 03:29 PM

[REL]The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod
I presume it's not possible to remove clipping in hydrophone image of damaged ship, typically sinking...

It's maybe last really nasty bug In the game for me
- It makes my amplifier mad :)

It looks like overloaded audio mixer or something similar

fitzcarraldo 07-19-17 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2501443)
I presume it's not possible to remove clipping in hydrophone image of damaged ship, typically sinking...

It's maybe last really nasty bug In the game for me
- It makes my amplifier mad :)

It looks like overloaded audio mixer or something similar

Did you try some equivalent sound file from SH3 or SH4 OM?

I have the problem but I am living with it.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

palmic 07-20-17 02:25 AM

nope, i am just asking now :)

palmic 07-20-17 02:39 AM

Yesterday i tried 2.0.5 and i even had opportunity to sink merchant by deck gun.

Its really much better with those shards flying away from hits :up:

palmic 07-20-17 03:06 PM

WOW, today a had next oportunity to play and i have to tell that new update is more awesome than i would expect.

I hit medium merchant by eel and it lost many parts to the sea which where floating behind like boxes and so! :Kaleun_Applaud:

palmic 07-21-17 02:57 AM

Another nice hit from around 700m with immediate emerging after fire just to see that fireworks from tower :salute:
What really extends immersion in new update is how the shards falls into the water, thats very nice..

palmic 07-21-17 07:44 AM

You can calculate future distance of target closing before you simply from head by its current distance and its current angle on bow :)

every 6 degrees of AoB until 30 degrees means current distance *0.1 if you want to fire on it at its 90 AoB (when its course will be perpendicular to bearing which you see it at).

So if its current distance is 5000m and its at 6 degrees AoB (close to directly against you) it will be 500m out of you at 90 AoB.
  • 1000m if it has 12 AoB
  • 1500m - 18AoB
  • ... and so on :)

You can set distance to TDC in advance and leave it :yeah:

If it has more than 30 AoB, its not by 0.1 every 6 degrees anymore, you has to look into sine tables :salute:

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