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Krivi_Zub 10-30-16 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by kiwikid1940 (Post 2443422)
Is there a need to uninstall 1.05 via JSGME first or can I use Windows Delete to delete SH5 and then ensure the SH5 folder is deleted as well?
Do I have to uninstall Uplay as well or can that be left?

Dont delete sh5 but go trough control panel first, to uninstall, then manually delete all left overs in ubisoft folder...

Jimbuna 10-30-16 08:31 AM

Welcome Aboard mikefromearth and jlangdale :Kaleun_Salute:

Lanzfeld 10-30-16 01:08 PM

I don't think it is necessary to delete UPLAY at all.

vdr1981 10-30-16 02:37 PM

The upload finally made through...:)

Check download section for new v1.06...:salute:


Try this one mate and tell me what you think...

mikaelanderlund 10-30-16 02:57 PM

Thanks! Great news :Kaleun_Cheers:


vdr1981 10-30-16 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by mikaelanderlund (Post 2443548)
Thanks! Great news :Kaleun_Cheers:


And this one is for you...:yep:

mikaelanderlund 10-30-16 03:03 PM

Vecko the lion :Kaleun_Salute: downloading!


Lanzfeld 10-30-16 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2443545)
The upload finally made through...:)

Check download section for new v1.06...:salute:


Try this one mate and tell me what you think...

Thanks! I'll give it a try.

mikefromearth 10-30-16 04:13 PM

Thank you sir! :Kaleun_Salute:

Will try now.

kiwikid1940 10-30-16 04:28 PM

Thanks to everyone for their help on reinstalling SH5 and I am up and running. Just noticed new TWoS so I am busy downloading at this moment.

fitzcarraldo 10-30-16 05:06 PM

Many thanks Vecko! Downloading now.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Torpedo 10-30-16 06:10 PM

Hi Vecko!!! :Kaleun_Salute:
Many, many thanks!!!
Me too i'm downloading!!! :Kaleun_Cheers:


vdr1981 10-30-16 07:11 PM

Thanks guys...I'm especially interested about game stability in long playing sessions in "dense" waters with somewhat higher TC (512, or maybe even 1024).

In theory, v 1.06 should be stable as stock game , but we'll see...
In my "stress tests" I was able to do things previously impossible with even lightly modded SH5...

jlangdale 10-30-16 08:05 PM

Thanks dude!

I was just playing 1.0.5 and it crashed when I tried to do a DR position report at 512 TC after having just arrived at my patrol area. Whoops!

Going to give 1.0.6 a try.

vdr1981 10-30-16 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by jlangdale (Post 2443600)
Thanks dude!

I was just playing 1.0.5 and it crashed when I tried to do a DR position report at 512 TC after having just arrived at my patrol area. Whoops!

Going to give 1.0.6 a try.

Hardly a mod issue...All navigator's commands should work perfectly even in v1.05...Any test scenario for this one because I never had similar problems?

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