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vdr1981 07-01-16 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by tat501 (Post 2415925) mods causing it??

Yes, probably faulty Event.ini file...


I shall uninstall them. Is it impossible to play with additional radio mods installed?
It's not impossible but almost all radio mods require some manual file tweaks. If you dont know files very well, avoid it...

Your other alternative is to create your own modlist or to try SH3 or 4 which are somewhat easier for modding...

tat501 07-01-16 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2415976)
Yes, probably faulty Event.ini file...

It's not impossible but almost all radio mods require some manual file tweaks. If you dont know files very well, avoid it...

Your other alternative is to create your own modlist or to try SH3 or 4 which are somewhat easier for modding...

I edited the radio file manually but it was still crashing. Taken them all out and just run TWOS. So far so stable...

I may experiment a bit more later and see if I can at least get the BBC World Service added...

LesBaker 07-01-16 02:29 PM

Hi Tat501,

The BBC radio Mod has been updated since TWoS update 13, Music has been re-mastered to remove background noise for greater enjoyment.

News events have also been re-worked using original station signatures for the relevant years (National service 1938-4/9/39 Home Service 5/9/39-6/1/40 and Home and Forces 7/1/40-1950).

News is now broadcast at 9 o'clock (21.00 GMT) except for news flashes such as the declaration of war which has a warning flash at 10am and the PM's Speech at 11.11am 3/9/1939.

The Events.ini files have been meticulously picked through for all years to avoid CTD, so you should not have to use vdr1981's very helpful radio files.

To use the BBC radio mod with TWoS download the updated version Here

you will also need the Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New remix 1939-1945 radio.ini file which you will find here

enjoy Les

xXNightEagleXx 07-01-16 02:50 PM

Now i'm having CTD as soon as any patrol begins. Tried to disable all patches and actually no CTD happened. Any suggestion?

vdr1981 07-01-16 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by xXNightEagleXx (Post 2416031)
Now i'm having CTD as soon as any patrol begins. Tried to disable all patches and actually no CTD happened. Any suggestion?

Did you use TWOS snapshot?

xXNightEagleXx 07-01-16 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2416032)
Did you use TWOS snapshot?

Yes! I'm reinstalling (again) everything

vdr1981 07-01-16 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by xXNightEagleXx (Post 2416034)
Yes! I'm reinstalling (again) everything

Don't know then...Without more information I really cant offer any usable advice, especially with issues I can not reproduce and which are not TWOS related...:hmmm:

xXNightEagleXx 07-01-16 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2416036)
Don't know then...Without more information I really cant offer any usable advice, especially with issues I can not reproduce and which are not TWOS related...:hmmm:

it seems it was a false alarm, by that i mean that something probably got corrupted somewhere. Now it seems to be working like good old times.....time to hunt :)

Brown1 07-02-16 05:18 AM

Can't start mission
- How much familiar are you with basic computer operations and modding in general? Fairly
- Experienced SH player or a newcomer? Experienced (SH3 and SH4)
- Confirm that the game is patched to official v1.2.0 version. Yep
- Do you use Steam version of the game? Nope, UPlay
- Did you check provided install instructions, FAQ and tips and did you find them understandable enough? Yup, didn't see what I need though.
- Do you use any additional mods except those provided with TWOS megamod? If yes, specify them and state your mod order (use "Export activated mods list to" JSGME function). None
- If you use any unsupported mods, remove them, reinstall the game according to install notes/start new campaign and make sure that the issue still persist.
- Make sure to provide as much details as possible when describing the situation when problem/bug/CTD can be observed. What should we do in order to reproduce this issue? Followed all install instructions, I begin a new game and after spawning in the bunker I save the game. When speaking to the officer I can view the briefing but no mission icons appear. I have tried all the advice I found online. I'm going to have to try to reinstall.

Edit: When I remove TWoS the mission icons return.

vdr1981 07-02-16 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by Brown1 (Post 2416128)
- How much familiar are you with basic computer operations and modding in general? Fairly
- Experienced SH player or a newcomer? Experienced (SH3 and SH4)
- Confirm that the game is patched to official v1.2.0 version. Yep
- Do you use Steam version of the game? Nope, UPlay
- Did you check provided install instructions, FAQ and tips and did you find them understandable enough? Yup, didn't see what I need though.
- Do you use any additional mods except those provided with TWOS megamod? If yes, specify them and state your mod order (use "Export activated mods list to" JSGME function). None
- If you use any unsupported mods, remove them, reinstall the game according to install notes/start new campaign and make sure that the issue still persist.
- Make sure to provide as much details as possible when describing the situation when problem/bug/CTD can be observed. What should we do in order to reproduce this issue? Followed all install instructions, I begin a new game and after spawning in the bunker I save the game. When speaking to the officer I can view the briefing but no mission icons appear. I have tried all the advice I found online. I'm going to have to try to reinstall.

You should click on "coastal waters" inscription in upper left corner, then sellect mission button will appear...:yep:

Choum 07-02-16 05:31 AM

Does someone still have a valid link to download the version 1.03 ?

vdr1981 07-02-16 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Choum (Post 2416132)
Does someone still have a valid link to download the version 1.03 ?

I saw your PM...I don't think I have it any more...Sry...:hmmm:

Brown1 07-02-16 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2416131)
You should click on "coastal waters" inscription in upper left corner, then sellect mission button will appear...:yep:

Sorted! Thanks

Brown1 07-02-16 06:48 AM

Another stupid question, I have real nav enabled. When I speak to the navigator there's no menu choice to get a location... What must I do?

vdr1981 07-02-16 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Brown1 (Post 2416149)
Another stupid question, I have real nav enabled. When I speak to the navigator there's no menu choice to get a location... What must I do?

Use bottom officers command bar...

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