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WildBlueYonder 06-25-16 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2414121)
Stoina doesn't use TWOS cos at that time wasn't twos and also the mods since the videos was made evolved......and about the 4 bearing there is in game tutorial which one u can access via in game main menu......

That's what I said :)
I know he isn't using that mod and I can use the four bearing, my problem is another.

How to intercept a ship or convoy reported by BdU on radio?

Sjizzle 06-25-16 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder (Post 2414163)
That's what I said :)
I know he isn't using that mod and I can use the four bearing, my problem is another.

How to intercept a ship or convoy reported by BdU on radio?

when u received a radio msg from BDU there u have some information the convoy position, speed, course. u can mark the convoy position on the map and draw with the ruler the convoy heading....and from your position draw also a line where u wanna intercept the convoy.....some bdu msg are not real convoys / ships .....don't follow the bdu convoy / ship reports ........fallow only the BDU mission orders .......

WildBlueYonder 06-25-16 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2414165)
when u received a radio msg from BDU there u have some information the convoy position, speed, course. u can mark the convoy position on the map and draw with the ruler the convoy heading....and from your position draw also a line where u wanna intercept the convoy.....some bdu msg are not real convoys / ships .....don't follow the bdu convoy / ship reports ........fallow only the BDU mission orders .......

I basically got in the Captain Log a convoy report, but it only said Latitude and Longitude, no heading, no speed, no course.

No idea :/

vdr1981 06-25-16 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by badtouch77 (Post 2413992)
Hi guys,

first of all, i take notice of this mega-mod last week and i´m really impressed of what SH5 can be :up:. But i have four issues and would be pleased if you could tell me how to avoid them:


Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder (Post 2414168)
I basically got in the Captain Log a convoy report, but it only said Latitude and Longitude, no heading, no speed, no course.

No idea :/

:salute: Welcome guys! So far I can only tell that your issues are User/modlist/faulty installation related. For more detailed help you'll have to give us more info...

WildBlueYonder 06-25-16 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2414242)
:salute: Welcome guys! So far I can only tell that your issues are User/modlist/faulty installation related. For more detailed help you'll have to give us more info...

So it can be possible that everything runs smoothly yet only this detail gives problems? One issue that might have caused it is that I have the Steam version unfortunately, so I had to do the workaround by switching the .exe as prescribed in a thread.

vdr1981 06-25-16 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by WildBlueYonder (Post 2414334)
So it can be possible that everything runs smoothly yet only this detail gives problems? One issue that might have caused it is that I have the Steam version unfortunately, so I had to do the workaround by switching the .exe as prescribed in a thread.

I don't some screenshots...

To all Captains at sea:
Feel free to check download section for new update No.14...

Due to some sim file tweaks it is recommend that you do following procedure after you enable the update:

- You should first disable all enabled patches with TDW Generic Patcher.
- Restore previously backuped act and dll files.
- restore the TWoS Snapshot again

Or you can simply backup your gamesaves, reinstall your SH5 all together and continue campaign...


Bojanpopovic 06-28-16 06:01 AM

Is it possible to refit with Dierthmach tanker? I was low on torps and met tanker on the open sea, somewhere in Atlantic, but couldn't do refit.

palmic 06-28-16 06:03 AM

For beginners - how to make TDC targeting constructive and more understandable
This post is about how to assume your firing solution in advance to become to be calm and deadly assassin.
You can have very accurate manual TDC settings 15 minutes before fire, based on current situation.

You may actually be interested in one important thing about triangles in relevance of submarines (And about TDC targetting).

Thanks to rule which says that all internal angles of triangle sums are always the same (180), you could assume where the ship you are targeting exactly will be at 90 AoB.
As you may know, this changes rules of all TDC targeting, because with this, you can say, that if you see arriving target from right to left at bearing 30 with AoB 40, you already know that it will be at 90 AoB at your current bearing -20 (340).
So you could already turn your sub -20 degrees and you know that you will fire your eels comfortly just ahead without any turn at their course.
This is actually huge advance, because if torpedos doesn't turn on their track, and the ship is about 90 AoB, you dont even need to set any target distance to TDC at all!! :rock:

So you could fire at 3km distant target, set 10km to TDC and you will hit him for sure. (just your clock will show irelevant time to hit).

EXPLANATION: As target with AoB40 at bearing30 is triangle tip with angle 40, Desired point of impact of our solution is always the same (90), so the last angle which remains is angle at your position.
Because sum of all angles in triangle is always 180 and angle at point of impact is always 90, only angles, which changes in time, are target's AoB and angle at your position. And because sum is always 180, they HAVE TO changes always simultaneously, so if your target's bearing changes for 1 degree, angle at your position does the same.

Our desired angle at impact time is 90, so we can calculate the future bearing where the target will be (for targets arriving from right to left) at that time with Target Current Bearing (tcb) and target's current AoB (AoB) as: tcb - (90 - AoB).
For targets arriving from left to right its of course tcb + (90 - AoB)
(If target is moving away, you have to relevantly changes calculation of AoB and you can find it how with your exp as you start to be comforted in this kind of targetting)

So in this situation is it: 30 - (90 - 40) = -20 = 340

You can use this rule at your own with any desired AoB at point of impact as well..

Bonus: Thanks to this you'll don't ever need to set AoB like 42 or something like that to TDC again, you can just move the periscope to bearing you calculated as your's target AoB90 switch TDC to manual, set AoB90 into tdc, switch back to auto and you have AoB set in TDC perfectly precise.
Then you can even move periscope back to target's current position and confirm again your TDC is recalculating target's current AoB as it really is. Use RAOBF to see it currently at your peri.
This way you can set solution sometimes even 15 minutes in advance of fire and all the time between just confirm its good solution. - So you'll never go chaotic and will stay calm.

Just remember:
1) You dont need the distance if you are shooting to target with AoB90 without turns of torpedoes track
2) You dont need to have perfectly precise AoB (so you can have a little mistake in your input data, so the ship at your assumed bearing will not be really 90, but ~88 - 92), you'll see its about like this by you plain sight of ship's masts
3) Most important - YOU ALWAYS need to have very precise speed of the ship. Thankfully to get target speed is easiest way in periscope with stopwatch, dont ever try to get this at map by calculating distances, its inaccurate and slow. And make it repeatedly if you can.

With this knowledge in your arsenal you'll become a homing missile for your hopeless prays :salute:

ThaFr0ggy 06-28-16 02:57 PM


I have an issue with real navigation after I reinstalled SH5 and TWoS.

Sometimes my position is not marked on the map when I start a historical mission or load a save and the navigator is missing the dead reckoning and show last position buttons. If I click on the celestial fix nothing happens.

Mod list:
1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05
2. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Update No. 14
3. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Real Navigation_by TheDarkWraith

I've already reinstalled the game once after this issue occurred.

vdr1981 06-28-16 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2415028)
This post is about how to assume your firing solution in moment of fire in advance to become to be calm and deadly assassin.

Palmic :up:


Originally Posted by ThaFr0ggy (Post 2415172)

I have an issue with real navigation after I reinstalled SH5 and TWoS.

Sometimes my position is not marked on the map when I start a historical mission or load a save and the navigator is missing the dead reckoning and show last position buttons. If I click on the celestial fix nothing happens.

Mod list:
1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05
2. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Update No. 14
3. The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Real Navigation_by TheDarkWraith

I've already reinstalled the game once after this issue occurred.

On your screenshots is clearly visible that real navigation addon is not enabled ...
Show me a screenshot of your JSGME?

ThaFr0ggy 06-28-16 05:31 PM

But it is enabled.
Sometimes after a restart of the game it works fine but sometimes it doesn't.

vdr1981 06-29-16 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by ThaFr0ggy (Post 2415210)
But it is enabled.
Sometimes after a restart of the game it works fine but sometimes it doesn't.

What is the size of our real navigation addon?

ThaFr0ggy 06-29-16 09:34 AM

It is 2,59 MB (2.723.948 Bytes).

vdr1981 06-29-16 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by ThaFr0ggy (Post 2415327)
It is 2,59 MB (2.723.948 Bytes).

Hm...Exactly as it should. I tough that you were using only real nav files from the update but that's not the case.:hmmm:

Never saw or had issue like that...:hmmm:

ThaFr0ggy 06-29-16 09:58 AM

I have reinstalled the game and modpack and now it seems to be working. I think I only activated the Real Navigation from the update.

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