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vdr1981 05-27-16 07:29 AM

Hi all, check out download section for a new update...


No. 13
- Campaign Environmental layer tweaks: denser minefields, reduced overall mines number, readjusted minefields positions to most likely routes, added
Atlantic env layer to MG campaign.
- Corrected bouys around Stavanger and La Pallice ports in Harbors.mis campaign layers.
- More merged charts (40 in total).
- Radio.ini tweaks, BBC Radio Mod support. Remove Radio.ini file from BBC Radio Mod if you want to use it in combination with TWoS.
- Fixed illogicality in generic campaign agent reports where past tense is used for upcoming events.
- Static AI subs in ports, combat 2D units - true to false.
- Reduced number of available squadrons per airbase/aircraft carrier.
- Fixed faulty Fishing.mis traffic nodes in DW,AC,BP,MN,BoM,OD,TP campaigns, causing fishing boats to travel over dry land.
- Reduced area patrols duration requirements, 48h to 24h, 72h to 48h.
- Adjusted repair time of compartments pressure hull, 0.5 to 30 h
depending of damage state.
- ValuePointsRequired=1 for all Campaign.cfg files.

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 08:13 AM

I have finished only first mission of the war, but didn't made others...Now its february 1941, and i don't have new missions, and don't have uboat upgrades and new sub. I have upgraded only twin flak gun and rotating sensor. Is this because i didn't finish missions from the first campaign costal waters?Please help. Thanks!

Micksp 05-27-16 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2407457)
I have finished only first mission of the war, but didn't made others...Now its february 1941, and i don't have new missions, and don't have uboat upgrades and new sub. I have upgraded only twin flak gun and rotating sensor. Is this because i didn't finish missions from the first campaign costal waters?Please help. Thanks!

Yehp, I think so. You have to complete the missions in order to gain renown points for upgrades.

vdr1981 05-27-16 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2407457)
I have finished only first mission of the war, but didn't made others...Now its february 1941, and i don't have new missions, and don't have uboat upgrades and new sub. I have upgraded only twin flak gun and rotating sensor. Is this because i didn't finish missions from the first campaign costal waters?Please help. Thanks!

Have you seen these lines before?
Campaign progress is broken in SH5 and these lines offer several solutions for this issue...

- How can I pass from one campaign to the next one?
- Campaign transfers in TWoS are date controlled so make sure to be ON PATROL when deadline date of last objective is reached (ending date of your current campaign), preferably somewhere at open seas without AI units in your vicinity . This is important so be careful if you use mods like "Change Days in Bunker"... The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is 1st June 1940. Check ending dates for other campaigns here.
- If campaign transfer still fails to initialize when you reach campaign ending date, then you may wish to use this or this method to trigger campaign transfer correctly... For this method to work, the TDW patch which disables Uplay browser should be disabled. Note that Mama's solution with TWoS is necessary only when you expecting campaign transfer, on campaign ending. Before that date, you can load your gamesaves with or without setting OSI.exe priority, there will be no significant impact on campaign progress.
- Alternatively, you can use this workaround which will work for sure even if campaign ending date is skipped for a few days ...SH5 campaign progress workaround


Originally Posted by Micksp (Post 2407459)
Yehp, I think so. You have to complete the missions in order to gain renown points for upgrades.

Renown is earned only by sinking ships...Enemy ships...

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 08:57 AM

Ok. It's not about reknow, i have it a lot(5500), it's about availibility of new sub and components year by year. I will do as you said vdr, thank you. I hope it will work!

vdr1981 05-27-16 09:54 AM

To all Captains:

I've reedited broken campaign progress related tip in order to make it, if possible, easier for understanding. Please let me know if there are still some uncertainties about these solutions so I can improve it further...:yep:


- How can I pass from one campaign to the next one? (IMPORTANT)
Campaign transfers in TWoS are date controlled. This means that you will have to be ON PATROL when deadline date of last objective is reached (the ending date of your current campaign chapter), preferably somewhere at open sea without AI units in your vicinity. This is important so be careful not to skip this date due to badly timed docking...The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is 1st June 1940, "Happy Times" ends on 1st march 1941 ect. Check ending dates for other campaigns here.

Due to certain broken aspects of SH5, there is possibility that even upon reaching campaign chapter ending date, campaign transfer may still fail to initialize. In this case, you may wish to load your previous gamesave and use this or this method to trigger campaign transfer correctly... For this method to work, the TDW patch which disables Uplay browser should be disabled (by default in TWoS). Note that Mama's solution with TWoS is necessary only when you expecting campaign transfer, on campaign chapter ending. Before that date, you can load your gamesaves with or without these tweaks, there will be no significant impact on campaign progress.

Alternatively, you can use this workaround which will work for sure even if campaign chapter ending date is passes for a few days ...SH5 campaign progress workaround

Tonci87 05-27-16 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2407448)
Hi all, check out download section for a new update...


Is a campaign restart required?

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 12:09 PM

Done second method from vrd, nothing :(

vdr1981 05-27-16 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2407549)
Is a campaign restart required?



Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2407550)
Done second method from vrd, nothing :(

What did you do exactly?

auricom 05-27-16 01:00 PM

got my torp externals to load.. did a surface, motor far away from things, save, exit, reload and it seemed to work.!

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 01:18 PM

Checked backgrond process in control panel. Than renamed files in save games like you said, and career tracker too. Now when i open comander in bunker, i have baltic operations mission only, i check that and when i started, i was in La Specia base, with this mission for Poland. Lool :D

vdr1981 05-27-16 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2407574)
Checked backgrond process in control panel. Than renamed files in save games like you said, and career tracker too. Now when i open comander in bunker, i have baltic operations mission only, i check that and when i started, i was in La Specia base, with this mission for Poland. Lool :D

You didn't give me enough information so I really can't tell what is wrong with your game...I suggest you to check FAQ and tips section once again and if you still cant solve your issues , then start new campaign (using "silentotto" cheat if you like).

You can also upload your last bunker gamesave folder, maybe I could do necessary tweaks for you...

The reason why you see "Baltic mission" is because you have started CW campaign again and not Mare Nostrum using "sillentotto" cheat...

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 05:53 PM

Dont have time now, i will back sometimes

Bojanpopovic 05-27-16 06:01 PM

Can you explain me how to do "silentotto" cheat?

Mikemike47 05-27-16 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bojanpopovic (Post 2407629)
Can you explain me how to do "silentotto" cheat?

How to do SILENTOTTO link

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