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Netscape Navigator 04-07-16 08:59 PM

No random days is exactly what I don't want giving my present dilemma.

Well I just did some experimenting. I don't understand how it is possible to play Operation Wesserubung since the long stay in the bunker after ending patrol. I waited in the bay until the 20th when it popped up, then "ended patrol" to enter the bunker... by the time i get out of the bunker and set sail the Operation IS ALREADY OVER. I know I could just sail over to norway and sink stuff....but if I can't select it as a mission I don't get all the credit for it I assume...

Mikemike47 04-07-16 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by blackcan (Post 2395766)
Is this a wrong table or is it the American dates like
I assumed it is DD/MM/YY since everything is in german

Dates are DD/MM/YY. I confirmed by dates using Poland, England and USA.

palmic 04-08-16 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Netscape Navigator (Post 2395914)
No random days is exactly what I don't want giving my present dilemma.

Well I just did some experimenting. I don't understand how it is possible to play Operation Wesserubung since the long stay in the bunker after ending patrol. I waited in the bay until the 20th when it popped up, then "ended patrol" to enter the bunker... by the time i get out of the bunker and set sail the Operation IS ALREADY OVER. I know I could just sail over to norway and sink stuff....but if I can't select it as a mission I don't get all the credit for it I assume...

It will not be random if you'll not set it random in KSD how Sober wrote.
Just set minimum=1 and maximum=1 and you'll have dock periods just 1 day.

THE_MASK 04-08-16 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by Netscape Navigator (Post 2395914)
No random days is exactly what I don't want giving my present dilemma.

Well I just did some experimenting. I don't understand how it is possible to play Operation Wesserubung since the long stay in the bunker after ending patrol. I waited in the bay until the 20th when it popped up, then "ended patrol" to enter the bunker... by the time i get out of the bunker and set sail the Operation IS ALREADY OVER. I know I could just sail over to norway and sink stuff....but if I can't select it as a mission I don't get all the credit for it I assume...

Career progress depends on:
- Promotional points for the crew - secondary patrol missions, spy infiltration ect...
- Points for new equipment - number of sunken ships/tonnage from anywhere in the world
- New sub offer - Rating points gained by sinking capital ships and tankers anywhere in the world
- Medals - Overall tonnage, sinkings of capital ships

vdr1981 04-09-16 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Netscape Navigator (Post 2395914)
No random days is exactly what I don't want giving my present dilemma.

Well I just did some experimenting. I don't understand how it is possible to play Operation Wesserubung since the long stay in the bunker after ending patrol.

You can manually edit upcoming number of days in bunker. Check Tips for more...


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2395952)
It will not be random if you'll not set it random in KSD how Sober wrote.
Just set minimum=1 and maximum=1 and you'll have dock periods just 1 day.

Minimum random random days in base set by KSDC is 7...Righ now I have set my days in bunker to be from 30 to 40 days...To apply KSDC days settings, you have to start the game trough KSDCommander at least once.

vdr1981 04-09-16 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2395663)
heya vecko i have made around 10 videos about your mega mod, tdwäs patcher, option file viewer, mod list order, targeting solution, how to use real navigation etc etc but there is problem i ma 6000 miles away from home and i can not edit and upload them now only when i will be home soon i am home i will upload them and give u the links....

have a nice day

Looking forward to it Sjizzle! :up::up::up:

palmic 04-09-16 03:36 AM

Gute Morgen Vecko isn't update 10 with fixed Dale tanker any near? Thanks! :up:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ancient Mariner 04-09-16 08:34 AM

Hey guys, I'm a bit new to modding Sh5. Been trying all day to get the mod going but keep crashing to desktop. I have a d/l version which I can only get through Uplay. I follow the tutorial but get an error with the sextant and on other file so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. any help will be majorly appreciated. My Pc spec. Win 10,I7 4.4ghz,r9 390 8g 24gb Ram

Sjizzle 04-09-16 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ancient Mariner (Post 2396277)
Hey guys, I'm a bit new to modding Sh5. Been trying all day to get the mod going but keep crashing to desktop. I have a d/l version which I can only get through Uplay. I follow the tutorial but get an error with the sextant and on other file so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. any help will be majorly appreciated. My Pc spec. Win 10,I7 4.4ghz,r9 390 8g 24gb Ram

can u post your mod list pls ???? cos if u followed all the instruction from Twos documentation it's impossible to crash :D

palmic 04-09-16 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2396334)
can u post your mod list pls ???? cos if u followed all the instruction from Twos documentation it's impossible to crash :D



mattius 04-09-16 01:50 PM

I run TWoS without real Nav as I am not a hardened Sub Simmer. I like to dip in every now & then but find the mod too realistic. I want to play this MOD on easy level, eg. Auto torpedo calculations, (Maths has never been a strong subject with me.) Is this easy to set up to in such a way? I like this MOD over Sobers but find it a bit to tricky. Can anyone help without giving me Boos & Hisses? Thanks.:hmmm:

vdr1981 04-09-16 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by mattius (Post 2396400)
I run TWoS without real Nav as I am not a hardened Sub Simmer. I like to dip in every now & then but find the mod too realistic. I want to play this MOD on easy level, eg. Auto torpedo calculations, (Maths has never been a strong subject with me.) Is this easy to set up to in such a way? I like this MOD over Sobers but find it a bit to tricky. Can anyone help without giving me Boos & Hisses? Thanks.:hmmm:

You only have to lower realism settings in game options and to use OFEV in order to disable "manual targeting enforced" option, located in "XO TDC" tab...

Tonci87 04-09-16 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by mattius (Post 2396400)
I run TWoS without real Nav as I am not a hardened Sub Simmer. I like to dip in every now & then but find the mod too realistic. I want to play this MOD on easy level, eg. Auto torpedo calculations, (Maths has never been a strong subject with me.) Is this easy to set up to in such a way? I like this MOD over Sobers but find it a bit to tricky. Can anyone help without giving me Boos & Hisses? Thanks.:hmmm:

What do you need Math for? You should play the RAOBF Tutorial once (historical mission, you might have to start the automation script once you are inside the sub), it will teach you how to use the RAOBF to meassure all the data you need for a torpedo attack. No drawing on the map or math required :D

siege00 04-09-16 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by mattius (Post 2396400)
I run TWoS without real Nav as I am not a hardened Sub Simmer. I like to dip in every now & then but find the mod too realistic. I want to play this MOD on easy level, eg. Auto torpedo calculations, (Maths has never been a strong subject with me.) Is this easy to set up to in such a way? I like this MOD over Sobers but find it a bit to tricky. Can anyone help without giving me Boos & Hisses? Thanks.:hmmm:

Also, you can still set the realism settings wherever you want and run it without Real Navigation enabled. Boooo... hissss.... kidding. :)

vdr1981 04-09-16 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2393872)
I learned from my experience that gamesaves will become corrupted in situations when certain "bugged" units are present in the area, like damaged or more likely destroyed unit which doesn't want to sink (not always but sometimes) and especially over spawned airplanes bug (this one will corrupt gamesave for sure).

This bug can be recognized by sudden excessive game lag and FPS drop some time after convoy engagement and player can also spot in the area large airplanes formations with 10-20 airplanes or more. It can look impressive but saving game near these formations will most likely brake the gamesave.

I think I have found functional solution for occasional corrupted game saves due to airplanes overspawn and probably other bugs in players rendering area...:yep:

Namely, one only have to delete "Special.txt" file from the gamesave folder (...Documents\SH5\data\cfg\SaveGames\0000000*). The corrupted gamesave will become functional again...

It seems that this file contains data about current situation in players rendering area and if the game is saved in the "wrong moment", the file will become corrupted.
By deleting it, all bugged units will be removed and player will be able to continue campaign...:yep:

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