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Sjizzle 04-02-16 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2394548)
I would vote to make periscope at night nearly invisible or even totally invisible.
As this could sound like nonsense, it will be much more relevant according to many documentaries about convoy attacks. At the night, sub was nearly invisible even if it was emerged in the middle of convoy between the ships.

As convoy tried to be invisible from distance, they was totally dark.

When sub attacked, they tried to use spotlights, but mostly without any success as they had no idea from which point attack started.

Periscope was really invisible in such situation

Otto Kretschem's favorite attack was from inside the convoys and always was a success in sh5 if u try to go inside a convoy dd's will detect u and will ruin all......

palmic 04-02-16 10:23 AM

Exactly, but as i wrote in bugs thread, i was very successful to hide inside of convoy.
So it's not as far away from what i would want :)

Just my periscope is very quick spotted by merchants.

That would be enough for me.

vdr1981 04-02-16 10:26 AM

I think you guys watch to much documentaries...:)

It's well known fact what kind of attack was preferred by large majority of U-boat captains and that certainly wasn't convoy surface infiltration...

But no..In SH games we all want to be Kretschmers an no one want to shoot salvos into large convoys...:D.

Anyway, I can confirm that, at least with TWoS, surface convoy infiltration is perfectly possible IF you know how, but I wont tell you, that would be a "spoiler"...:)

Once firework starts you cant stay on the surface for long though because most of the ships are equipped with search lights...

palmic 04-02-16 10:35 AM

I don't want to be silent Otto, just want my fist size periscope to not to be visible from 500m in dark night, you have to agree, it's nonsense ;-)

Sjizzle 04-02-16 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394563)
I think you guys watch to much documentaries...:)

It's well known fact what kind of attack was preferred by large majority of U-boat captains and that certainly wasn't convoy surface infiltration...

But no..In SH games we all want to be Kretschmers an no one want to shoot salvos into large convoys...:D.

Anyway, I can confirm that, at least with TWoS, surface convoy infiltration is perfectly possible IF you know how, but I wont tell you, that would be a "spoiler"...:)

Once firework starts you cant stay on the surface for long though because most of the ships are equipped with search lights...

i never infiltrate inside a convoy i always used multiple targeting solution to hit 2 - 3 ships at the same time :D from outside a convoy :D

vdr1981 04-02-16 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2394571)
I don't want to be silent Otto, just want my fist size periscope to not to be visible from 500m in dark night, you have to agree, it's nonsense ;-)

And it is not visible...Maybe escorts have triangulated your position, who knows...What about search lights? Maybe they hear noise of your engines? It can be anything...

Have you saw this tip?


- If you enable "Show highlighted sensor region" TAI map options with OFEV, you will be able to observe how AI actually sees and hears you depending of your speed, depth, profile, weather, time of day ect...Very useful for "Submarine school" training...

palmic 04-02-16 11:23 AM

Yeah that's nice debug, but i don't want to spoil my experience right now as I'm having blast with this convoy :)

It's just, when i attacked, i was stationary since approach before convoy. Then i was picking another victim and they spotted my periscope, i found it just by reaction of escort which was closest and about 3km+

If you say it's invisible, ok, maybe something else, will see next time :salute:

Subwolf 04-02-16 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2394495)
invest skill point in Bosun for better food and all what rise the crew moral.... i spend skill point to Sonar guy, Bosun, Navigator, at when i have more skill points then i need i spend it on the engineer....for better silent running, faster repair etc etc

Bosun for better food, I guess you mean the cook. When I served on a sub the cook was definitely the most popular guy. The better his food, the better the crew :03:

Sjizzle 04-02-16 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2394615)
Bosun for better food, I guess you mean the cook. When I served on a sub the cook was definitely the most popular guy. The better his food, the better the crew :03:

yea sorry i messed up there i mean cook really sorry was my mistake have no clue what i was thinking there

Subwolf 04-02-16 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2394618)
yea sorry i messed up there i mean cook really sorry was my mistake have no clue what i was thinking there

Yeah the bosun probably provides you with a bottle of beer now and then, no wonder Olaf is pissed at him.

Seriously...the best morale booster in SH5, order a special meal from a cook with promotion points.

palmic 04-02-16 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2394615)
When I served on a sub the cook was definitely the most popular guy. The better his food, the better the crew :03:

Hahaaa... respect sir! :salute:

renard60 04-02-16 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2394066)
Bonjour renard60,

That would be to much work for single modder. If you organise few of your French comrades I will gladly direct you to the appropriate files which needs to be translated...

Bonjour vdr1981
merci d'avoir répondu si vite nous en sommes reconnaissant
oui nous sommes sur le site de milles sabord
si tu pouvais nous donner les fichiers à traduire en francais et la procedure ce serai tres genereux de ta part
merci du fond du coeur

Hello vdr1981
thank you for responding so quickly we are grateful
yes we are on the site of porthole miles
if you could give us the files to be translated into French and that the procedure will be very generous of you
thank you from the heart

I apologize for my English so poorly translated:up:

Sjizzle 04-02-16 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by renard60 (Post 2394641)
Bonjour vdr1981
merci d'avoir répondu si vite nous en sommes reconnaissant
oui nous sommes sur le site de milles sabord
si tu pouvais nous donner les fichiers à traduire en francais et la procedure ce serai tres genereux de ta part
merci du fond du coeur

Hello vdr1981
thank you for responding so quickly we are grateful
yes we are on the site of porthole miles
if you could give us the files to be translated into French and that the procedure will be very generous of you
thank you from the heart

I apologize for my English so poorly translated:up:

if u download TWoS then go to
The Wolves of Steel 1.05\data\Menu and there is a Menu.txt file that file must be translated to French there is plenty of text :D

renard60 04-02-16 04:43 PM

Good evening Sjizzle
yes I agree that it's done
but for the translation of mission and other
Message exct radio
thank you again good evening

codered8877 04-02-16 04:52 PM

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getting this error when doing the steps for opening the TWD GenericPatcher

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