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Claudia 07-10-15 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2327533)
Good job Claudia! :up: I've reached exactly the same conclusions...
I'll start new thread to see if someone have those old IRAI versions still on HDD...

Ok, good idea :up:


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2327648)
Here the IRAI 0030:

Hope that helps :D

Hmmm, that mod is incomplete, only contains the patch for no hydro on surface, but main mod is missing. Do yo have the whole mod?

maillemaker 07-10-15 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2327651)

I have seen this screen. So do I hurt anything if I have given my torpedo guy promotion points for stuff?


THE_MASK 07-10-15 10:09 PM

I don't see how it would do anything if its disabled in the exe .

MCM 07-11-15 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Claudia (Post 2327653)
Ok, good idea :up:

Hmmm, that mod is incomplete, only contains the patch for no hydro on surface, but main mod is missing. Do yo have the whole mod?

Sorry no but found a very old version from August 2010: (IRAI_0_0_15_1)

Claudia 07-11-15 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2327719)
Sorry no but found a very old version from August 2010: (IRAI_0_0_15_1)

Ok, thank you!

We still need IRAI versions 30, 31, 33, 34, 35 and 36. If somebody has any of them, please post it!

Pressurised 07-11-15 04:31 PM

Just thought i'd post here my story leading up to this mod and current progress.

Couple weeks ago out of nowhere, for no apparent reason I discovered an interest in submarines. I looked around for games and discovered the Silent Hunter series, despite all the negative comments I decided to take the plunge into numero 5 first. So I ordered it, and also a copy of the 6hr version of Das Boot. Watched it in a single sitting a few nights ago, great film!

I read about the modding for this game and it seemed Wolves of Steel was the way to go. I wanted a realistic and immersive experience so it seemed the right choice. I downloaded all the files at work beforehand(at home I get about 40kbs download speed). The game arrived today, thankfully it was a small patch to get to 1.2. I found the mod installation quite simple, the instructions were easy to understand.

Booted up the game and no problems so far, playing on 100% realism and real nav on. I've now made it half way across the sea with no incidents and will get to know my tools a bit better before working out torpedo settings :)

I gotta say thank you for this perfect collection and guide :)

ps. Its kinda awesome seeing where I live given a location on the map too, I live in a remote place that was a hotspot in ww2. Loch Ewe, NW Scotland :)

gap 07-11-15 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2326914)
Ok I'll upload my stuff tomorrow...:up:

Hi Oby, still waiting for your stuff :D


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2326953)
When you request a mission you get a grid reference.
When you approach the grid you receive a radio message that tells you a patrol time of 48 hours and an area to patrol of 80km.
You do not make a game save during the 48 hours of game time until the next patrol grid appears.

When you receive the second patrol grid.
There is no radio message and no area patrol radius given.

Just a side note. Not so important and maybe not possible, but it would be nice having:

- more variety in patrol-to-area objectives as far as their required duration is concerned.

- status reports, followed by confirmation messages by BdU, having to be sent at the beginning and at the end of each patrol-to-area mission, in order to BdU aknowledging its fulfillment. If due to compelling risks we fail surfacing the boat for a long time so that we can't send/receive messages, that's our problem, not BdU's. We might still be aknowledged for our patrol, but we will receive a belated confirmation of it...

- Patrol-to-area duration requirements being hidden when we first accept the mission. Once our patrol in the designed area is considered finished, we receive a message by BdU informing us on it. Alternatively, we could be given this information after sending the first status report (i.e. the first we send after entering patrol area; see above to understand what I mean). The military tend to be rather secretive, and they often hand out sensible information in a diluted way and at the last moment. Reasons for that are obvious. As a disciplinate U-boat commander we should be ready accepting it, even though it will make our patrols lesser predictable to us as well as to our enemy.

- Every once in a while our orders should be cancelled (i.e. we are reassigned to another area and/or task) even before, or right after, we start our patrol to the originally designed area. This is simulating unpredictable changes to ubootwaffe's order of battle, or even the attempt by BdU to confuse the enemy, in case our previous orders have been intercepted somehow by the Allied intelligence :03:


Originally Posted by Trevally. (Post 2327013)

Very nice Gap:up:

Thank you mate! :salute:
Hope to see you around more often! :)

THEBERBSTER 07-11-15 05:30 PM

I was mentioning 48 hours, this was before I realized later that there is also 72 hour patrol grid areas as well.

The question is?
How does one fit real time in to be able to play 72 hours gaming time without making a manual save?

I only play in the evenings.
I have to make a manual save before entering the grid reference.
I then start again the next evening around 20.00 hours, and hope I can get to bed before 02.00 hours.


gap 07-11-15 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2327946)
I was mentioning 48 hours, this was before I realized later that there is also 72 hour patrol grid areas as well.

Whatever as far as we have variety or, for what can be seen from the player, some degree of randomness.


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2327946)
The question is?
How does one fit real time in to be able to play 72 hours gaming time without making a manual save?

I only play in the evenings.
I have to make a manual save before entering the grid reference.
I then start again the next evening around 20.00 hours, and hope I can get to bed before 02.00 hours.


Maybe a proper fix will be deviced. In the meanwhile, as a workaround for when you just need for it, have you tried pausing the game, minimizing it (Alt Tab IIRC) and hibernating your system? :03:

Trevally. 07-12-15 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pressurised (Post 2327930)
ps. Its kinda awesome seeing where I live given a location on the map too, I live in a remote place that was a hotspot in ww2. Loch Ewe, NW Scotland :)

Hi Pressurised and welcome to subsim:salute:

I too am from a remote Scottish hotspot - Orkney:D

Oby 07-12-15 06:41 AM


Hi Oby, still waiting for your stuff :D
Ahoy Gap, I didn't forget...sorry for delay, just the day is to short for everything...

But here it is. My modest attempt to improve ingame representation of DCs and some other stuff:

There are some realy nice 3d models on internet:

And a good reading about ASW in WWII in general(a lot of really great data):


gap 07-12-15 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2328058)
Ahoy Gap, I didn't forget...sorry for delay, just the day is to short for everything...

No problem mate. I understend it all! :)


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2328058)
But here it is. My modest attempt to improve ingame representation of DCs and some other stuff:

I have looked at your screenshots and at your dat files in S3d. Your models look nice! But have you noticed how odd is their shading in game, with abrupt shadow changes from a polygon to the next one, where smooth transitions would be expected? This could be the symptom of a problem with smoothing groups, the way S3d imports them or, more probably, it is due to unsupported or poor dat object shaders in SH5. I am confident that we can get rid of the problem. :up:


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2328058)
There are some realy nice 3d models on internet...

yep very nice, but those models aren't royalty free, and anyway, they are a bit too "high poly" for our needs. Nonetheless there is some good visual information we can grasp from them. :03:


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2328058)
And a good reading about ASW in WWII in general(a lot of really great data)

Bookmarked it! But I was rather thinking of a website listing allied depthcharges by model/nation/year of usage, preferably accompanied by schematics and main specs of each model. :)

Oby 07-12-15 10:39 AM

Take a look at included screenshot(unidentified object wraped around DC)...I included both textured and nontextured versions...I didn't find any file that points to that anomaly... What can you say about that?

gap 07-12-15 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2328096)
Take a look at included screenshot(unidentified object wraped around DC)...I included both textured and nontextured versions...I didn't find any file that points to that anomaly... What can you say about that?

I looked at the screenshots you are pointing me to, but I don't understand what they refer to... an UFO-launched DC? :o

Oby 07-12-15 11:35 AM

The strangest thing about this DC model is that if you completely remove the DC_barrels.gr2 file from SH5/library folder, game will still render DCs as if nothing happened...Try it you'll see...

It would be easy to change texture or even remodel a DC, but there is something else outthere(a hiden secondary 3d model of DC with strange thing wrapped around it) which I can't find neither understand...:hmm2:

Another good site(more specific):

Hm, another question: Can I create an alpha texture for gr2 file to conceal parts of a model I don't wish to be seen?

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