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frau kaleun 09-29-10 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1505730)
Lmao. Please please do that. And the make your own complete lingo, that would be great "Kaptain, we be diving down to mmm bout 15 meters yo!" that would make it interesting to watch :P

Doing anything with the voices would be beyond my skills - but if I could find the file that controls the text that comes along with them... if there is such a file and it's possible to edit it.

We actually had a thread going a while back about rewriting all in-game radio messages in Lolcat:

From: BdU
To: U-57

Oh hai! We can haz invaded Polandz. Frants an Englund sez, dey see wut we did dere. Iz torpedo time? IZ TORPEDO TIME!

captaindnnis 09-29-10 02:52 PM

Name: Ernst Odzuck
Rank Lt Z. S
Status: At sea during patrol 1
Date After Saturday , Jan 2 1943
U-boot : U-535, Type IXC
10th Flotilla, Lorient
Patrol AM34

That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


reignofdeath 09-29-10 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1505736)
Doing anything with the voices would be beyond my skills - but if I could find the file that controls the text that comes along with them... if there is such a file and it's possible to edit it.

Im sure there would be, I mean, it IS scripted to appear in a certain way at certain times, so there would have to be a text file SOMEWHERE, the trick is to find it :P


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1505742)
Name: Ernst Odzuck
Rank Lt Z. S
Status: At sea during patrol 1
Date After Saturday , Jan 2 1943
U-boot : U-535, Type IXC
10th Flotilla, Lorient
Patrol AM34

That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


Dunno mate, but you gotta get GWX 3.0 it makes the game 10 times better :woot::woot:

Madox58 09-29-10 05:40 PM

contains the messages you see.
de_menu.txt for German.
fr_menu.txt for French.
They are in the Menu folder.
Imagine that.

reignofdeath 09-29-10 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by privateer (Post 1505829)
contains the messages you see.
de_menu.txt for German.
fr_menu.txt for French.
They are in the Menu folder.
Imagine that.

Its a conspiracy! :hmmm:

Schwieger 09-29-10 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1505742)
Name: Ernst Odzuck
Rank Lt Z. S
Status: At sea during patrol 1
Date After Saturday , Jan 2 1943
U-boot : U-535, Type IXC
10th Flotilla, Lorient
Patrol AM34

That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


I think it is CTRL+F11

Madox58 09-29-10 06:34 PM

It should be just F11 if no Widescreen mod is used?
And all images are saved to the same folder that SH3.exe is in.

Arael 09-29-10 07:31 PM

It's December 27th and U-11 is still hanging around the river mouth near Firth of Forth. It's dark, it's raining, and every freaking merchant ship we chase down is a medium cargo that's lit up like a Christmas tree. If this keeps up we're going to have to head home with three torpedoes due to lack of fuel.

Legionary74 09-29-10 07:52 PM

U-101 is now sitting offshore of Scapa Flowe, we've been sitting here for a few days harassing any ships that come by.

We still have about 6 torpedoes left.

Schwieger 09-29-10 08:47 PM

Third Patrol. Still in IIA. On way to patrol grid sank a merchant. Two torpedoes... :nope: continued on NE course to grid... patrolled assigned grid, then headed for Scapa Flow. On way to SF spotted V&W. Stalked it for quite some time. (for those of you who have read Harry Turtledoves Timeline-191 series, I felt like Roger Kimball when he was hunting the Ericsson.. lol) Sank it with one torpedo , glanced at my fuel and decided to return to base. Saved last torpedoes for if I met any opposition on the way back. Didn't expect to, and didn't.

K-61 09-29-10 09:42 PM

Just now arrived back at Kiel in my IIA after my fourth patrol. After finishing the war in 1945 by playing with a succession of Kaleuns, either through being KIA or retired by SH3 Commander, I am now starting the cycle over again. It is now the middle of December 1939 and my new Kaleun, Karl Weber, has 49,080 tons to his credit and an EK2. He is hoping to step up to a bigger boat once BdU recognizes he is worthy of a new command.

captaindnnis 09-30-10 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by privateer (Post 1505850)
It should be just F11 if no Widescreen mod is used?
And all images are saved to the same folder that SH3.exe is in.

Ahoyy, Privateer, Well i use Resmod?
and they say Ctrl+F11 , SHIFT+F11
I even use Picasa 3 cuz Picasa get all the pic's on ur pc to 1 certain map of Picasa but he even can't find them so i think im doing something wrong:S

Sorry Wrong THREAD TO ask this:S


Snestorm 09-30-10 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1505742)
That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


Ctrl + F11

frau kaleun 09-30-10 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1506033)
Ahoyy, Privateer, Well i use Resmod?

If you are talking about this mod

you need to use the PrintScreen key to take a screenshot once you've installed it.

Be aware that some users have reported CTDs when taking screenshots this way after installing this mod. Best to try it out while running one of the tutorials or single missions first to make sure it works for you before risking a CTD in the middle of a career patrol.

captaindnnis 09-30-10 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1506149)
If you are talking about this mod

you need to use the PrintScreen key to take a screenshot once you've installed it.

Be aware that some users have reported CTDs when taking screenshots this way after installing this mod. Best to try it out while running one of the tutorials or single missions first to make sure it works for you before risking a CTD in the middle of a career patrol.

Well when i press PrintScreen its freeze's and i need to ALT TAB and then ALT tab back to unfreeze it

frau kaleun 09-30-10 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1506181)
Well when i press PrintScreen its freeze's and i need to ALT TAB and then ALT tab back to unfreeze it

The Res Fix mod I linked to ties the screenshot function to the PrintScreen key, so that is the correct (and only) key to use if you have that mod installed. Screenshots taken in this manner will be saved to whatever directory is specified in the d3d9.cfg file.

As noted, problems taking screenshots when using this mod are a known issue for some users. If you are unable to use the PrintScreen key for screenshots with that mod installed, the only solutions I know of are to uninstall the mod (which returns the screenshot function to whatever it was before) or experiment with some third party apps for taking screenshots.

Kafka BC 09-30-10 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1506181)
Well when i press PrintScreen its freeze's and i need to ALT TAB and then ALT tab back to unfreeze it

I don't know if this would be of help, but when I had the resolution in d3d9.cfg file set to the max size that my monitor supports (1280 x 1024) I had a host of problems, when I changed it to the slightly smaller 1280 x 960 resolution they all went away and PrintScreen worked. You could maybe try a smaller resolution that your monitor supports...but, I don't know anything about widescreens.

frau kaleun 09-30-10 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kafka BC (Post 1506210)
I don't know if this would be of help, but when I had the resolution in d3d9.cfg file set to the max size that my monitor supports (1280 x 1024) I had a host of problems, when I changed it to the slightly smaller 1280 x 960 resolution they all went away and PrintScreen worked. You could maybe try a smaller resolution that your monitor supports...but, I don't know anything about widescreens.

I'm not sure if it's relevant, but 1280x1024 is a 5:4 aspect ratio; 1280x960 matches the game's native 4:3 ratio.

A resolution of 1400x1050, rather than the 1680x1050 that captaindnnis is trying to force with the Res Fix mod, also matches the game's 4:3 ratio and works fine on my WS monitor - I just turned off the auto rescaling feature on my gfx card and the game runs in a 4:3 ratio with no problems and narrow vertical black bars on either side of the playing area since the game doesn't use the rest of available space. But everything works, including the PrintScreen key for screenshots.

That said, I didn't have problems taking screenshots using Res Fix on my old non-WS monitor either, but I'm pretty sure I always ran the game in a res that matched the 4:3 ratio. I don't know if trying to force a different ratio causes the screenshot problem with this mod but, given your experience with it, if the max res on the monitor is 1680x1050 I'd suggest setting a 1400x1050 res in the d3d9.cfg file, turning off auto rescaling, and seeing what happens.

Captaindnnis, if you try this, when you open the d3d9.cfg you'll see a line in there that starts with


The location on your hard drive indicated by what comes after the = sign is where your screenshots will be saved, provided you can get screenshots to work. You can edit the save location by typing in the path to any existing folder on your hard drive.

Kafka BC 09-30-10 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1506225)

I'm not sure if it's relevant,...

...turning off auto rescaling, and seeing what happens.

Ah, good to know. I'll remember this whenever I do get a WS Monitor. I learn something new every day, thanks.

-Kafka BC

frau kaleun 09-30-10 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kafka BC (Post 1506251)
Ah, good to know. I'll remember this whenever I do get a WS Monitor. I learn something new every day, thanks.

-Kafka BC

Just got one a few months ago when my old one finally died. It took a bit of experimenting to see what worked.

I was able to use the ResFix to force the max resolution for my monitor, which is 1680x1050... but I didn't like some of the stretched out graphics. I never got as far as trying to take a screenshot at that res so I don't know if it would've made a difference or not, but it's possible.

Anyway, I just figured out what the max res on my monitor would be if I stuck to the 4:3 ratio and came up with 1400x1050. It still stretched out to fill the monitor until I turned the rescaling off, but that did the trick.

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