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jangles 06-11-10 10:20 AM

This thread makes for some fantastic reading :up:

As a complete noob Im yet to finish the academy before going into action for real.

I hope to be able to add to it soon.

Herr-Berbunch 06-11-10 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by jangles (Post 1416711)
This thread makes for some fantastic reading :up:

As a complete noob Im yet to finish the academy before going into action for real.

I hope to be able to add to it soon.

I'm sure it does, but nobody is going to put that two minutes out of port at high TC (because they need instant gratification) they've met their end in their own anti-sub nets or mines!

I'd like to point out that I've not done that. Yet!

If it's not been said before, welcome aboard :salute:

and the obligatory "Sink 'em all", "Be more aggressive", etc.

STEED 06-11-10 11:22 AM

Now in July 1941 with my two IXB's, one of them got banged up the other day. Looks like the Allies are starting to learn.

Hugo Stiglitz 06-11-10 03:55 PM

Recently started my second career, U-48 VIIB with Oberleutnant William Brewer at the helm with the 7th Flotilla out of Kiel. It's early January 1940 off the south west coast of Spain, it has been storming constantly since I sailed through the Channel. Enroute I sank a small merchant in the Channel, and got depth charged by an ASW trawler that was escorting it. That engagement was probably a poor choice, but after the previous patrols I had an itchy trigger finger.:shifty:

I sailed towards my patrol grid of BF17. I acquired two merchants on hydrophone, but never was able to get a firing solution due to the hideous weather. After my 24 hours I decided to pack up and head south, hoping to get out of the storm. The rain eventually subsided and I was able to sink two other ships passing through the western edges of Biscay, one of which was a Large merchant. :yep:

I then arrived in CG85, and the storms began pounding me again. So we submerged to 40m and it was not long before we picked up a merchant on hydro. I tracked him as best as I could to close the distance and went to periscope depth. Eventually the ghostly appearance of an ore carrier emerged from the fog, visibility was less than 500m. I fired my first pair of steamers from almost directly astern and from about 350m. One eel bounced off the side, and the other hit him right in the screws, yet somehow he kept on going.:hmmm:

He then started his S turns and I moved off and lined up for 3/4 rear shot, this time deciding to use the magnetic pistol. Down to my last three bow eels (not counting my reserve), I decided to go ahead and fire all three at him. First eel bounced off the stern area, the second was a dud, and the third exploded under his bow. I then had to follow him for two more hours in the storm before he sunk. I then returned uneventfully to Kiel (went around the northern route this time), 4 ships sunk for 28869 tons and an Iron Cross First Class to impress the ladies with. :arrgh!:

Reverie 06-12-10 02:16 PM

Your "Tactical" left a lot to be desired. Retrospectively, you should have floored ahead, then, Contact Report!, then Ambush from the Extreme Periphery. "42?! You've got at least TIIs. Withdrawal undetected. Reload, then re-engage from a second advantage point.

You're a U-boat Commander! You're in the grapevine! You heard of Hardegens suspicion of RADAR! UbiSoft did! GWX certainly did! Punch before you reach the Umbrella!

The chaps programming these MODs and the Programmers themselves are reading History, and then Modelling it. This is your Advantage. Their MacGuffin.

Late October? Large Convoy?
Saved Game, I hope. "Game" is a lackluster; play it like your PC depended on it.

You are in the Medal Winning Era! Honour. Recognition.

Or Reprimand.

It... IS... only...a game. For some of the Salts on their last legs, you Giants of Storytelling, of Adventure, of unsurpassed Creativity, are the shining source of Inspiration in a Cyber-Distraction. The little Stars in our Universe. I thrive on your Imagination. Thank you.

Be Stealthy. Come Home. The Programmers are challenging you. They are challenging you to look at the Past; and Learn.

Save the scathing of an Obsolete. My medication must have kicked in.
Ojala. :shucks:


P.S. Please Donate. Monetary or Material. Either way, YOU ARE PRECIOUS.

Brag 06-16-10 07:48 PM

This news will send everyone back for their meds. Balz is in command of U-45. Left Wilhelmhaven on 01 August 1939 :D

frau kaleun 06-16-10 07:56 PM

Well, that explains the new fainting couch I saw in Onkel Karl's office...

Herr-Berbunch 06-17-10 08:34 AM

Oct 1940 - I've been through The Straits and am currently south of Almeria in Spain with lots of single freighters with one escort passing westward, twin eels at the freighters with a crash dive to 120m and I'm safe as houses before the escort turns up!

Just came across a lone freighter struggling 4kts in a storm and now he's on fire and the chorus has struck-up!

Next I plan to nip into La Spezia to resupply and then I'm going to hang around Malta after reading Richard Woodman's 'Malta Convoys 1940 - 1943', a very good read - If the Italians had one backbone between them the whole outcome would've been different: Africa, Malta, Near-East and Balkans all Axis... we'd all be Deutsch sprechen!!!

Jimbuna 06-18-10 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1421287)
If the Italians had one backbone between them the whole outcome would've been different: Africa, Malta, Near-East and Balkans all Axis... we'd all be Deutsch sprechen!!!

More credit to the surface and sub surface elements of the RN....not forgetting Faith, Hope and Charity of course.

Paul Riley 07-01-10 06:49 AM

Simple reminder to keep this thread afloat!
As its been a while since the last entry in this thread (which I actually started ages ago) I just wanted to post a reminder to keep the thread afloat,as some of the entries have been good reads to be honest.
Well,I will be updating my current patrol report sometime this week after a month or so of being away from the game (I know,this is not good)
Keep up the good work captains,I look forward to your new patrol logs/reports.


Herr-Berbunch 07-01-10 07:02 AM

Patrol 5 - St Naz
Just had one of my best patrols, departed St. Nazaire end of November for AM41, got wind of a convoy so chased unsuccessfully but wound up around North coast of Ireland avoiding several ASW trawlers. Heading back to patrol grid I came across a lone cargo, despatched it to the deep and continued on my merry way. Then another, and another! Finally finished my patrol and was heading back to St. Naz when in the middle of a dark and stormy night I stumbled across a liner - Christmas day, unfortunately for them. Two eels later I hang around to make sure the orchestra strike up before a peaceful trip home.

So, for me AM41, 43, and 51 very nice, along with BF43.

I shall make sure to pass these parts in the near future before they catch on...! :yeah:

Paul Riley 07-01-10 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1432514)
Just had one of my best patrols, departed St. Nazaire end of November for AM41, got wind of a convoy so chased unsuccessfully but wound up around North coast of Ireland avoiding several ASW trawlers. Heading back to patrol grid I came across a lone cargo, despatched it to the deep and continued on my merry way. Then another, and another! Finally finished my patrol and was heading back to St. Naz when in the middle of a dark and stormy night I stumbled across a liner - Christmas day, unfortunately for them. Two eels later I hang around to make sure the orchestra strike up before a peaceful trip home.

So, for me AM41, 43, and 51 very nice, along with BF43.

I shall make sure to pass these parts in the near future before they catch on...! :yeah:

Good job HB :up:

Herr-Berbunch 07-01-10 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1432519)
Good job HB :up:


Paul Riley 07-01-10 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1432535)

Nah,that slot is reserved for JimBuna ;)


Way to go mouse! LOL

Jimbuna 07-01-10 09:02 AM


Herr-Berbunch 07-01-10 07:39 PM

January '41, patrol out of St Naz to some nondescript BE to no avail. Tried Rockall - zip. Came back down the W coast of Ireland and was running out of patience, I'd come across a very large convoy but hit diddly with five eels before sitting at 120m to long to catch up. I thought I'd tip-toe toward Bristol.

My reward, a meagre 1930 GRT merchant and a paultry 2599 GRT mail/liner, a tremendous loss of 119/130 souls for little tonnage. Eager to get back and start another patrol, one that was more fruitful I headed rapidly back to St N when I came across two tankers and a large cargo in good old BF16, but only two torpedoes left, and one of those was stored externally at the stern!

38 Tons of wreckage later, mostly thanks to the deck gun (only 12 rounds of HE left) with a little help from the flak gun and one torpedo that did actually work.

So that takes my tonnage to around 53k for this career :up: which means I'm getting better, woo hoo!

Goodnight all, this crew needs it's sleep :zzz:

Gerald 07-01-10 10:48 PM

Early September 1942!
Location,near by Key West,my intention is to go up in the Gulf of Mexico,so far 18.000 BRT,
and 2 Catalina,the sea is rough and 10-15 m/s the weather condition have never be under 7 m/s after I leaving Lorient (well when I start 4 m/s), only singel ship along the trip...soo far,but this is OK! I prefer sometimes only singel ship,but now we are talking about some port raids and shallow waters,I prefer deep water in most time....but I need som fear too..:yep:


Paul Riley 07-02-10 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1433232)
Location,near by Key West,my intention is to go up in the Gulf of Mexico,so far 18.000 BRT,
and 2 Catalina,the sea is rough and 10-15 m/s the weather condition have never be under 7 m/s after I leaving Lorient (well when I start 4 m/s), only singel ship along the trip...soo far,but this is OK! I prefer sometimes only singel ship,but now we are talking about some port raids and shallow waters,I prefer deep water in most time....but I need som fear too..:yep:


Sometimes the storms seem to last forever,make sure next time you bring some sea sickness pills with you :nope:

Good luck on your patrol!

Gerald 07-02-10 03:25 AM

Thank you mate!

Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1433334)
Sometimes the storms seem to last forever,make sure next time you bring some sea sickness pills with you :nope:

Good luck on your patrol!

sickness pills,what a ******** is this? :haha:

Note: Be care about your "new mission"

Paul Riley 07-02-10 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1433348)
sickness pills,what a ******** is this? :haha:

Note: Be care about your "new mission"

For when the waves are rolling all over the place,you know,to stop you puking overboard? :O:

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