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Kapitän 01-31-21 05:22 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726054)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 31 January 1941 - West of Rockall Bank

0034 - Incoming F.T. 0030/31: From B.d.U.:
Convoy 1650/30 now in Qu.3894AL bottom left, on course 88°, speed 7kn.

0130 - "Smoke plume ahead, bearing 0°!" It is convoy 1650/28/30. Commencing overtaking maneuver.

0227 - Evading the port escort on a search pattern until 0235h, E=4000. Either a Tribal or V&W Destroyer.

Convoy consisting of about 20 ships, 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier and 3-4 escorts.

0235 - Contact report sent:
"Gustav Gelb!". Convoy 1650/30 in 3895AL bottom left. Course 88°. Speed 7kn. 20 ships, 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 3 escorts. - RST -

The cruiser is HMS Norfolk, the Aircraft Carrier is HMS Glorious.

0235 - Second contact report sent:
Convoy 1650/30 now in 3895AL bottom right. Course 88°. Speed 7kn. 20 ships, HMS Glorious and HMS Norfolk, forward sweeper and 1 escort to either side. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 8000, >1000mb. - RST -

0349 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Free to attack!

Cmdr.: "Even though, U-Kuppisch and U-Oesten must be close by, I receive the free-to-attack order."

0400 - The half moon is in the south. Decks awash. "Battle Stations!".

Surface attack with bow tubes. Own course 177°; Own speed 1.6kn. Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

0424 - Shot with Tubes I+II, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 8m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: HMS Glorious.
Target course 89°; Target distance 5000m; Target angle red76°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 0°.

0425 - Shot with Tube III, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse) and with Tube IV, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Both running depth 4m and Vt30kn.
Target ship: HMS Norfolk.
Target course 89°; Target distance 2600m; Target angle red77°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 0°.

All 4 torpedoes are hits! HMS Norfolk capsizes to her port side.

Cmdr.: "I'm turning hard to port, to bring the stern torpedoes to bear. However, as the convoy is zig-zagging and the forward sweeper is running to our shooting position, I blow the tanks and run off on a northerly heading."

0444 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". Commenced torpedo loading.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0444h -

0517 - Tubes I-IV are reloaded.

Cmdr.: "It could be, that the Cruiser and the Aircraft Carrier have left convoy WS-5A, after 'Admiral Scheer' has attacked the convoy without success. If this is the case, the Aircraft Carrier could also be HMS Formidable."

0530 - The forward sweeper runs back to his station.

0539 - Qu.1774AM - "Battle Stations!". Turning toward the convoy beam.

0541 - Decks awash. Own course 176°; own speed 3kn.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

0555 - Shot with Tubes I+II, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 8m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: HMS Glorious.
Target course 89°; Target distance 5000m; Target angle red74°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 004°.

0556 - Shot with Tube III, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 5m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: Standard Tanker in front of HMS Glorious.
Target course 89°; Target distance 5000m; Target angle red82°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 356°.

0558 - Shot with Tube IV, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 5m; Vt44kn.
Target ship: Large Standard Merchant in the port column.
Target course 89°; Target distance 4500m; Target angle red73°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 009°.

0602 - Blowing tanks and turning hard to port. Running off on course 88°.

All torpedoes are hits! The tanker explodes and sinks within seconds - the sea is on fire for a while. HMS Glorious stops and sinks with load explosions over the forecastle. A fire breaks out on the torpedoed merchant but she continues on. The convoy is in disarray. The forward sweeper - a US-Clemson Destroyer - runs to the port column in search for us.

0623 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". Reloading of tubes I+II until 0640h.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-01-21 11:56 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726225)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0444h -

0517 - Tubes I-IV are reloaded.

Cmdr.: "It could be, that the Cruiser and the Aircraft Carrier have left convoy WS-5A, after 'Admiral Scheer' has attacked the convoy without success. If this is the case, the Aircraft Carrier could also be HMS Formidable."

0530 - The forward sweeper runs back to his station.

0539 - Qu.1774AM - "Battle Stations!". Turning toward the convoy beam.

0541 - Decks awash. Own course 176°; own speed 3kn.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

0555 - Shot with Tubes I+II, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 8m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: HMS Glorious.
Target course 89°; Target distance 5000m; Target angle red74°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 004°.

0556 - Shot with Tube III, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 5m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: Standard Tanker in front of HMS Glorious.
Target course 89°; Target distance 5000m; Target angle red82°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 356°.

0558 - Shot with Tube IV, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 5m; Vt44kn.
Target ship: Large Standard Merchant in the port column.
Target course 89°; Target distance 4500m; Target angle red73°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 009°.

0602 - Blowing tanks and turning hard to port. Running off on course 88°.

All torpedoes are hits! The tanker explodes and sinks within seconds - the sea is on fire for a while. HMS Glorious stops and sinks with load explosions over the forecastle. A fire breaks out on the torpedoed merchant but she continues on. The convoy is in disarray. The forward sweeper - a US-Clemson Destroyer - runs to the port column in search for us.

0623 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". Reloading of tubes I+II until 0640h.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0623h -

Cmdr.: "The radio operator informs me that according to an intercepted wireless communication, the torpedoed merchant is an Ami. I had wondered, why there were so many big juicy targets running in the outside column. Actually, this was also the case in previous convoys."

0700 - "Battle Stations!". Turning toward the convoy beam.
Own course 178°; own speed 3kn.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

0706 - Shot with Tubes I+II, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: Standard Merchant in pos.2 of the stbd. column.
Target course 89°; Target distance 4500m; Target angle red74°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 003°.

Both torpedoes hit a merchant in the port column instead but tube II fails to detonate. Turning the boat to course 358° to bring the stern tubes to bear.

0712 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant on the stbd. side of the convoy.
Target course 89°; Target distance 3800m; Target angle red84°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 326°.

First early dawn. The boat is being attacked by the Clemson Destroyer with surface weapons. The shots fall close to the bow compartment - the batteries are damaged.

0713 - "ALARM!". The boat is not responding! At 0714h again the order to crash dive is given. After seconds that feel like an eternity, the boat is finally diving.

During the diving process, tube V is a hit on an unidentified ship, Tube VI is a miss. At A+70 the damages are repaired - silent running. Boat levels out at 2A-Meter. Wabos above and behind the boat - Asdic. In total 54 Wabos are dropped, 6-8 at each attack run.

0827 - S-Tiefe. The destroyer has run back to the convoy.
"Dismissed from Battle Stations!". Reloading of the stern tubes until 0843h.

- to be continued -

GJO 02-01-21 02:51 PM

The Attack on Lerwick Harbour
No - this is not a recently discovered historical fact but a chance taken in SH3 with GWX.

It is October 1944 and having been ordered to patrol Grid B53 - a potential suicide mission to cover the approaches to New York, we managed to locate and sink three tankers - an estimated gross tonnage of 22,000. The patrol had not been easy and we were lucky not to have been sunk. In fair weather we were frequently forced to dive due to patrols by enemy aircraft and there were also many patrolling enemy warships that forced us to stay deep and silent. Eventually, a message was received changing our base to Trondheim and so, with barely enough fuel remaining we headed for our new base. The journey remained treacherous with foul weather, fog and it seemed that we detected radar signals whenever we surfaced.

A radar alert forced us under again as we passed to the north of Shetland and our hydrophones picked up what sounded like three destroyers to the north and east of us - so we turned south and sought refuge in the various narrow inlets of the islands - this tactic had worked well for us at during the first battle of Narvik! It worked again - one of the destroyers ran aground against the shore thus becoming a 'sitting duck' and was sunk with a single torpedo. Then the fog came down and we nosed our way very slowly toward Lerwick Harbour until we came up against the anti-submarine nets. Gently following the net (and occasionally bouncing off it) we found the opening and headed into the harbour to find two T class submarines at their moorings - we sank both of them with torpedoes while we were still submerged having closed the range to just 400 Metres. We then surfaced in the harbour (by this time our oxygen was exhausted) - there was no gunfire - maybe we were still hidden by the fog or perhaps the army garrison at Fort Charlotte was asleep.

As we proceeded slowly round the harbour on the surface we located two ships with our radar and closed in and sank them with a torpedo each. They were only large fishing boats but still over a 1,000 tons each. We then headed back for the gap in the anti-submarine nets. As we approached the gap, a warning from our radar detector forced us to submerge and the hydrophones picked up a warship approaching fast. We might well have been trapped but the warship ripped itself apart on the anti-submarine net and sank! The hydrophones picked up two more warships heading in our direction and still submerged we desperately headed for a narrow channel between two of the islands - both warships detected us and one of them ran in for an attack. We suffered slight damage from its forward firing hedgehog bombs but the depth charges fell away from from us and caused no serious damage. As we entered the narrow channel (suffering further damage as we scraped the bottom), both attackers became trapped against the shoreline, rendering themselves as sitting duck targets for our stern torpedoes - we sank them both . . .

We arrived safely in Trondheim having sunk 3 tankers, 2 submarines, 2 large fishing boats and three 'Black Swan' class warships - we didn't get credit for the Captain class warship that sank itself on the anti-sub net.
Perhaps not a very realistic scenario but a very absorbing diversion during lockdown!

Kapitän 02-01-21 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by GJO (Post 2726422)
No - this is not a recently discovered historical fact but a chance taken in SH3 with GWX.

It is October 1944 and having been ordered to patrol Grid B53 - a potential suicide mission to cover the approaches to New York, we managed to locate and sink three tankers - an estimated gross tonnage of 22,000. The patrol had not been easy and we were lucky not to have been sunk. In fair weather we were frequently forced to dive due to patrols by enemy aircraft and there were also many patrolling enemy warships that forced us to stay deep and silent. Eventually, a message was received changing our base to Trondheim and so, with barely enough fuel remaining we headed for our new base. The journey remained treacherous with foul weather, fog and it seemed that we detected radar signals whenever we surfaced.

A radar alert forced us under again as we passed to the north of Shetland and our hydrophones picked up what sounded like three destroyers to the north and east of us - so we turned south and sought refuge in the various narrow inlets of the islands - this tactic had worked well for us at during the first battle of Narvik! It worked again - one of the destroyers ran aground against the shore thus becoming a 'sitting duck' and was sunk with a single torpedo. Then the fog came down and we nosed our way very slowly toward Lerwick Harbour until we came up against the anti-submarine nets. Gently following the net (and occasionally bouncing off it) we found the opening and headed into the harbour to find two T class submarines at their moorings - we sank both of them with torpedoes while we were still submerged having closed the range to just 400 Metres. We then surfaced in the harbour (by this time our oxygen was exhausted) - there was no gunfire - maybe we were still hidden by the fog or perhaps the army garrison at Fort Charlotte was asleep.

As we proceeded slowly round the harbour on the surface we located two ships with our radar and closed in and sank them with a torpedo each. They were only large fishing boats but still over a 1,000 tons each. We then headed back for the gap in the anti-submarine nets. As we approached the gap, a warning from our radar detector forced us to submerge and the hydrophones picked up a warship approaching fast. We might well have been trapped but the warship ripped itself apart on the anti-submarine net and sank! The hydrophones picked up two more warships heading in our direction and still submerged we desperately headed for a narrow channel between two of the islands - both warships detected us and one of them ran in for an attack. We suffered slight damage from its forward firing hedgehog bombs but the depth charges fell away from from us and caused no serious damage. As we entered the narrow channel (suffering further damage as we scraped the bottom), both attackers became trapped against the shoreline, rendering themselves as sitting duck targets for our stern torpedoes - we sank them both . . .

We arrived safely in Trondheim having sunk 3 tankers, 2 submarines, 2 large fishing boats and three 'Black Swan' class warships - we didn't get credit for the Captain class warship that sank itself on the anti-sub net.
Perhaps not a very realistic scenario but a very absorbing diversion during lockdown!

Wow, quite a feat for 1944 ... Great Job!

Kapitän 02-01-21 05:04 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726384)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0623h -

Cmdr.: "The radio operator informs me that according to an intercepted wireless communication, the torpedoed merchant is an Ami. I had wondered, why there were so many big juicy targets running in the outside column. Actually, this was also the case in previous convoys."

0700 - "Battle Stations!". Turning toward the convoy beam.
Own course 178°; own speed 3kn.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

0706 - Shot with Tubes I+II, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: Standard Merchant in pos.2 of the stbd. column.
Target course 89°; Target distance 4500m; Target angle red74°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 003°.

Both torpedoes hit a merchant in the port column instead but tube II fails to detonate. Turning the boat to course 358° to bring the stern tubes to bear.

0712 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7e, K-b/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant on the stbd. side of the convoy.
Target course 89°; Target distance 3800m; Target angle red84°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle 326°.

First early dawn. The boat is being attacked by the Clemson Destroyer with surface weapons. The shots fall close to the bow compartment - the batteries are damaged.

0713 - "ALARM!". The boat is not responding! At 0714h again the order to crash dive is given. After seconds that feel like an eternity, the boat is finally diving.

During the diving process, tube V is a hit on an unidentified ship, Tube VI is a miss. At A+70 the damages are repaired - silent running. Boat levels out at 2A-Meter. Wabos above and behind the boat - Asdic. In total 54 Wabos are dropped, 6-8 at each attack run.

0827 - S-Tiefe. The destroyer has run back to the convoy.
"Dismissed from Battle Stations!". Reloading of the stern tubes until 0843h.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0827h -

0848 - Surfaced after 1.5h and 5sm.

0900 - "All engines stop!". M.G.-2cm-C/30 manned. Commenced taking remaining bow reserve torpedoes under deck.

0920 - Sunrise.

0942 - Charging batteries at 9000Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging; Port-Diesel 0RPM - Propulsion, 0kn.

1044 - Torpedoes taken under deck. Batteries charged: 1h for 1000Ah.

1200 - Qu.1775AM - Days Run: 204.4sm - 197.6sm (21h 40') - 6.8sm (2h 20')
96.8cbm (7.8cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 6 internal Ato. Weather unchanged in 24h.

Chasing convoy 1650/30 on course 88° and Full Speed Ahead.

1305 - Reloading of tubes III+IV until 1325h.

1315 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk on January 31 from convoy 1650/30:
At 0429h HMS Norfolk 3896AL, at 0601h HMS Glorious and 1 Tanker 8229ts both 1774AM, at 0716h 3 merchants torpedoed in 1774AM, sinking of one probable. Surface weapon damage from escort, bow compartment and batteries repaired. Have taken remaining external torpedoes under deck, 6 internal Ato. Chasing convoy 1650/30, suspect it is convoy 1650/28. 96cbm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 8000, >1000mb. - RST -

1401 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: You and your crew are the pride of Germany!

1415 - Dived for listening check at T=20. Screw noises bearing 15°.

1421 - Surfaced.

1500 - "Smoke Plume ahead!"

1527 - Evading the port fwd escort - a Flower Corvette - on a search pattern on our port beam and the aft escort - a V&W Destroyer - on our stbd. beam. Visibility during the day is 9000m.

1535 - Evading the port Flower Corvette on search patterns until 1650h. Escorts comprised of a Clemson Destroyer as forward sweeper, a Flower Corvette on the convoy port side, an unknown escort on the convoy std. side and a V&W Destroyer aft.

1637 - Sundown.

1656 - Reached a forward port position to the convoy. Shadowing convoy at Slow Ahead.

1810 - The port Flower Corvette goes on a search pattern and vacates its station on the flank of the convoy.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-02-21 08:02 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726455)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 0827h -

0848 - Surfaced after 1.5h and 5sm.

0900 - "All engines stop!". M.G.-2cm-C/30 manned. Commenced taking remaining bow reserve torpedoes under deck.

0920 - Sunrise.

0942 - Charging batteries at 9000Ah: Stbd.-Diesel 500RPM - Charging; Port-Diesel 0RPM - Propulsion, 0kn.

1044 - Torpedoes taken under deck. Batteries charged: 1h for 1000Ah.

1200 - Qu.1775AM - Days Run: 204.4sm - 197.6sm (21h 40') - 6.8sm (2h 20')
96.8cbm (7.8cbm/24h). 10000Ah. 6 internal Ato. Weather unchanged in 24h.

Chasing convoy 1650/30 on course 88° and Full Speed Ahead.

1305 - Reloading of tubes III+IV until 1325h.

1315 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk on January 31 from convoy 1650/30:
At 0429h HMS Norfolk 3896AL, at 0601h HMS Glorious and 1 Tanker 8229ts both 1774AM, at 0716h 3 merchants torpedoed in 1774AM, sinking of one probable. Surface weapon damage from escort, bow compartment and batteries repaired. Have taken remaining external torpedoes under deck, 6 internal Ato. Chasing convoy 1650/30, suspect it is convoy 1650/28. 96cbm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 8000, >1000mb. - RST -

1401 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: You and your crew are the pride of Germany!

1415 - Dived for listening check at T=20. Screw noises bearing 15°.

1421 - Surfaced.

1500 - "Smoke Plume ahead!"

1527 - Evading the port fwd escort - a Flower Corvette - on a search pattern on our port beam and the aft escort - a V&W Destroyer - on our stbd. beam. Visibility during the day is 9000m.

1535 - Evading the port Flower Corvette on search patterns until 1650h. Escorts comprised of a Clemson Destroyer as forward sweeper, a Flower Corvette on the convoy port side, an unknown escort on the convoy std. side and a V&W Destroyer aft.

1637 - Sundown.

1656 - Reached a forward port position to the convoy. Shadowing convoy at Slow Ahead.

1810 - The port Flower Corvette goes on a search pattern and vacates its station on the flank of the convoy.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 1810h -

1837 - Qu.1795AM - Turning boat to heading 0°, in order to bring the stern torpedoes to bear.
"Battle Stations!".
Own course 180°; own speed 1.6kn astern.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1855 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 5500m; Target angle red65°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 10/9°.

Distance to the Corvette is 2400m. Running off on course 47° and 2xH.F.-Ahead.

Both torpedoes are hits after 5min., 18sec.

The steamer explodes and breaks in two, both halves sink within 1 min.

1905 - On course 88°, 1/3-Ahead. Reloading Tubes V+VI until 1922h.

1948 - The Corvette runs back to the convoy. Attack run with Full Speed Ahead. The convoy is still zig-zagging. Breaking off attack, running off on course 88°.

Cmdr.: "The convoy has changed its formation: The large targets are now all running on the stbd. side of the convoy, also, the two torpedoed Ami's. The aft V&W Destroyer has also taken up station on the port flank of the convoy."

2008 - Convoy stopped zig-zagging. Water depth is 150m. It seems that the forward sweeper has disappeared. At a distance of 3200m to the Flower Corvette, the forward sweeper comes back in sight, it was on ASW action behind the convoy, is now returning and back on station in front of the convoy at 2013h.

2020 - Turning boat to heading 0°, in order to bring the stern torpedoes to bear.
Own course 001°; own speed 4kn ahead.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

2029 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 6000m; Target angle red73°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 359°.

Tube V is a hit midships after 6min.
Tube VI is a failure, understeers.

The steamer is burning but keeps going. Running off on course 103°. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-02-21 04:12 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726569)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 1810h -

1837 - Qu.1795AM - Turning boat to heading 0°, in order to bring the stern torpedoes to bear.
"Battle Stations!".
Own course 180°; own speed 1.6kn astern.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

1855 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 5500m; Target angle red65°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 10/9°.

Distance to the Corvette is 2400m. Running off on course 47° and 2xH.F.-Ahead.

Both torpedoes are hits after 5min., 18sec.

The steamer explodes and breaks in two, both halves sink within 1 min.

1905 - On course 88°, 1/3-Ahead. Reloading Tubes V+VI until 1922h.

1948 - The Corvette runs back to the convoy. Attack run with Full Speed Ahead. The convoy is still zig-zagging. Breaking off attack, running off on course 88°.

Cmdr.: "The convoy has changed its formation: The large targets are now all running on the stbd. side of the convoy, also, the two torpedoed Ami's. The aft V&W Destroyer has also taken up station on the port flank of the convoy."

2008 - Convoy stopped zig-zagging. Water depth is 150m. It seems that the forward sweeper has disappeared. At a distance of 3200m to the Flower Corvette, the forward sweeper comes back in sight, it was on ASW action behind the convoy, is now returning and back on station in front of the convoy at 2013h.

2020 - Turning boat to heading 0°, in order to bring the stern torpedoes to bear.
Own course 001°; own speed 4kn ahead.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

2029 - Shot with Tube V+VI, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: A Standard Merchant in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 6000m; Target angle red73°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 359°.

Tube V is a hit midships after 6min.
Tube VI is a failure, understeers.

The steamer is burning but keeps going. Running off on course 103°. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 2029h -

2103 - The forward sweeper returns from ASW action, the Flower Corvette stayed on station during this time.

2142 - The convoy stopped zig-zagging. On course 88°.

2212 - Turning a full circle to port. "Battle Stations!".

2222 - Qu.1874AM - Own course 176°; own speed 7kn ahead.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

2223 - Shot with Tube III, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: The Standard Merchant torpedoed at 2035h, in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 4000m; Target angle red79°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 357°.

After the shot, running off hard to port and Full Speed Ahead. Distance to the closest ship is a mere 1900m. As we are positioned above the Rockall Bank, the water depth here is only 60m!

The torpedo is a hit after 4min, 22sec.!

Cmdr.: "Just before the torpedo hits, the convoy begins zig-zagging and search lights are illuminated. The torpedo strikes the target ship just at the bow but that is enough: The steamer explodes and breaks in two."

2255 - On course 70°. The forward sweeper is on ASW action along the port flank of the convoy, as the convoy is in disarray. The Flower Corvette returns from a search pattern. Water depth here is 46m. "Dismissed from Battle Station!".

2331 - Rockall Bank - Water depth is 23m and at 2352h it is 39m.


Kapitän 02-03-21 07:25 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battle

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726759)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 31 Jan. 2029h -

2103 - The forward sweeper returns from ASW action, the Flower Corvette stayed on station during this time.

2142 - The convoy stopped zig-zagging. On course 88°.

2212 - Turning a full circle to port. "Battle Stations!".

2222 - Qu.1874AM - Own course 176°; own speed 7kn ahead.
Shooter: Ob.Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH.

2223 - Shot with Tube III, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt30kn.
Target ship: The Standard Merchant torpedoed at 2035h, in the second stbd. column.
Target course 88°; Target distance 4000m; Target angle red79°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 357°.

After the shot, running off hard to port and Full Speed Ahead. Distance to the closest ship is a mere 1900m. As we are positioned above the Rockall Bank, the water depth here is only 60m!

The torpedo is a hit after 4min, 22sec.!

Cmdr.: "Just before the torpedo hits, the convoy begins zig-zagging and search lights are illuminated. The torpedo strikes the target ship just at the bow but that is enough: The steamer explodes and breaks in two."

2255 - On course 70°. The forward sweeper is on ASW action along the port flank of the convoy, as the convoy is in disarray. The Flower Corvette returns from a search pattern. Water depth here is 46m. "Dismissed from Battle Station!".

2331 - Rockall Bank - Water depth is 23m and at 2352h it is 39m.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 1 February 1941 - Rockall Bank
- Second week at sea completed -
- B.d.U. returns from vacation -

0013 - Reached enemy sea and air cover zone. Water depth is 82m.

0023 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk on January 31 from convoy 1650/28/30:
At 1901h Standard Merchant 6549ts in 1795AM, at 2228h Standard Merchant 6548ts in 1874AM. All together 1 Eto and 1 Ato understeered and 1 Ato was a dud. 54 Wabos, 6-8 per attack run, to about 130m. Have 1 internal Ato and 93cbm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 8000, >1000mb. - RST -

0121 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Bravo! Be careful of enemy patrol vessels and ASW hunter groups!

0135 - About 3h after the last attack and search pattern, the Flower Corvette goes on a search pattern again, and 4 more times until 0630h.

0643 - Morning Dawn.

0715 - The Flower Corvette and the forward sweeper have returned from a search pattern.

Cmdr.: "I want to dive for a submerged attack with my last torpedo, before being surprised by enemy aircraft."

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-03-21 04:14 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Operating on 2nd Convoy

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2726887)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 1 February 1941 - Rockall Bank
- Second week at sea completed -
- B.d.U. returns from vacation -

0013 - Reached enemy sea and air cover zone. Water depth is 82m.

0023 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Sunk on January 31 from convoy 1650/28/30:
At 1901h Standard Merchant 6549ts in 1795AM, at 2228h Standard Merchant 6548ts in 1874AM. All together 1 Eto and 1 Ato understeered and 1 Ato was a dud. 54 Wabos, 6-8 per attack run, to about 130m. Have 1 internal Ato and 93cbm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 8000, >1000mb. - RST -

0121 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Bravo! Be careful of enemy patrol vessels and ASW hunter groups!

0135 - About 3h after the last attack and search pattern, the Flower Corvette goes on a search pattern again, and 4 more times until 0630h.

0643 - Morning Dawn.

0715 - The Flower Corvette and the forward sweeper have returned from a search pattern.

Cmdr.: "I want to dive for a submerged attack with my last torpedo, before being surprised by enemy aircraft."

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 0715h -

0721 - Dived at a distance of 4000m. S-Tiefe. Silent Running. "Battle Stations!".

0747 - Qu.1894AM - Own course 175°; own speed 3kn ahead.
Shot with Tube IV, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt44kn.
Target ship: Standard Merchant 6311ts, loaded with military aircraft on the upper deck.
Target course 88°; Target distance 1392m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 335°.

The torpedo is hit in the forecastle after 70sec.!

The merchant is burning and has a list to port but continues on. The stbd. aft escort - a L-Class Destroyer - is searching for us in the general area of our attack position but doesn't drop any Wabos.

0801 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Final work-up's and testing of new boats in Danzig closed, due to severe ice conditions in the Baltic Sea. Instead, ready boats are sent to the front for the duration of 1 patrol. B.d.U. returns from vacation.

0825 - Incoming F.T.0820/1: From B.d.U.:
B-Dienst reports enemy convoy in Qu.0133AM, on course East, speed 6kn.

0838 - Sunrise.

0852 - After about 1h of ASW action, the L-Class Destroyer runs back to the convoy.

0900 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

0904 - Surfaced after 1h 43' and 5.2sm.
Shadowing convoy to check if torpedoed steamer will fall behind or sink. Visibility is 10000m.

0945 - Stbd. aft L-Class Destroyer on search pattern until 1105h, taking turns with the stbd. forward L-Class Destroyer.

1110 - Cmdr.: "As the torpedoed steamer is still running in formation of the convoy and seemingly has special escort from the stbd. destroyers, I break off the action and retreat to the south on high speed, in order to catch convoy 0820/1."

1200 - Qu.1899AM - Days Run: 230.0sm - 224.5sm (22h 11') - 5.5sm (1h 49')
90.4cbm (6.4cbm/24h). 9400Ah. Weather: NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 10000m, >1000mb.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-04-21 06:55 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Attack on 2nd Convoy

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727077)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 0715h -

0721 - Dived at a distance of 4000m. S-Tiefe. Silent Running. "Battle Stations!".

0747 - Qu.1894AM - Own course 175°; own speed 3kn ahead.
Shot with Tube IV, G7a, K-a/G7H (contact fuse); Running depth 4m; Vt44kn.
Target ship: Standard Merchant 6311ts, loaded with military aircraft on the upper deck.
Target course 88°; Target distance 1392m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 7kn; Firing angle 335°.

The torpedo is hit in the forecastle after 70sec.!

The merchant is burning and has a list to port but continues on. The stbd. aft escort - a L-Class Destroyer - is searching for us in the general area of our attack position but doesn't drop any Wabos.

0801 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Final work-up's and testing of new boats in Danzig closed, due to severe ice conditions in the Baltic Sea. Instead, ready boats are sent to the front for the duration of 1 patrol. B.d.U. returns from vacation.

0825 - Incoming F.T.0820/1: From B.d.U.:
B-Dienst reports enemy convoy in Qu.0133AM, on course East, speed 6kn.

0838 - Sunrise.

0852 - After about 1h of ASW action, the L-Class Destroyer runs back to the convoy.

0900 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

0904 - Surfaced after 1h 43' and 5.2sm.
Shadowing convoy to check if torpedoed steamer will fall behind or sink. Visibility is 10000m.

0945 - Stbd. aft L-Class Destroyer on search pattern until 1105h, taking turns with the stbd. forward L-Class Destroyer.

1110 - Cmdr.: "As the torpedoed steamer is still running in formation of the convoy and seemingly has special escort from the stbd. destroyers, I break off the action and retreat to the south on high speed, in order to catch convoy 0820/1."

1200 - Qu.1899AM - Days Run: 230.0sm - 224.5sm (22h 11') - 5.5sm (1h 49')
90.4cbm (6.4cbm/24h). 9400Ah. Weather: NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 10000m, >1000mb.

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 1200h -

1245 - Convoy 0820/1 comes into sight, the aft escort - a Flower Corvette - 9000m ahead.

1252 - The corvette goes on a search pattern.

1257 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
"Gustav Gelb!". Convoy 082071 in Qu.2922AM top left, on course 88°, speed 7kn, 6 Steamer in keel-line, 1 Corvette in back. No more eels, will try to attack with deck gun. - RST -

1302 - The corvette returns to the convoy. Boat moving to the sun side in the south, E=5500m.

1309 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Free for ambush attack with surface weapons. Expect status report after attack.

1323 - Qu.2922AM - Approaching convoy at angle 180°, with sun in the back. "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 5500m to the Corvette. After 21 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the corvette sinks, E=3000!

1339 - The convoy is sending "SSS". At a distance of 3500m to the pos.4, Large Merchant, "Weapons Free!". After 27 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer explodes and sinks!

1343 - The convoy is zig-zagging. "Weapons Free!", at the pos.3, Large Merchant. After 30 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks, at 1348h!

1350 - "Weapons Free!", at the pos.2, M-12 Merchant. After 15 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1354 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 1400m to the pos.6, SAR-Merchant. After 11 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1355 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 1700m to the pos.5, Ore-II-Merchant. After 11 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1402 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 3000m to the pos.1, Ore-Merchant. After 21 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

Running back to the different sinking positions:
- Nothing found from the Ore-Merchant;
- Only debris found from the Ore-II-Merchant, fished a life belt out of the water;
- Nothing found from the SAR-Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 15 survivors in 4 boats from the M-12-Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 12 survivors in 3 boats from the pos.3, Large Merchant;
- Nothing found from the pos.4, Large Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 14 survivors in 4 boats of the Corvette, took 2 Officers prisoner.

1505 - Running off on southerly heading at medium speed. Have 10 rounds of 10.5cm SpG left. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-04-21 04:01 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Convoy battles SC-19/20 completed

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727190)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 1200h -

1245 - Convoy 0820/1 comes into sight, the aft escort - a Flower Corvette - 9000m ahead.

1252 - The corvette goes on a search pattern.

1257 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
"Gustav Gelb!". Convoy 082071 in Qu.2922AM top left, on course 88°, speed 7kn, 6 Steamer in keel-line, 1 Corvette in back. No more eels, will try to attack with deck gun. - RST -

1302 - The corvette returns to the convoy. Boat moving to the sun side in the south, E=5500m.

1309 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Free for ambush attack with surface weapons. Expect status report after attack.

1323 - Qu.2922AM - Approaching convoy at angle 180°, with sun in the back. "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 5500m to the Corvette. After 21 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the corvette sinks, E=3000!

1339 - The convoy is sending "SSS". At a distance of 3500m to the pos.4, Large Merchant, "Weapons Free!". After 27 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer explodes and sinks!

1343 - The convoy is zig-zagging. "Weapons Free!", at the pos.3, Large Merchant. After 30 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks, at 1348h!

1350 - "Weapons Free!", at the pos.2, M-12 Merchant. After 15 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1354 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 1400m to the pos.6, SAR-Merchant. After 11 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1355 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 1700m to the pos.5, Ore-II-Merchant. After 11 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

1402 - "Weapons Free!", at a distance of 3000m to the pos.1, Ore-Merchant. After 21 rounds with the 10.5cm gun, the steamer sinks!

Running back to the different sinking positions:
- Nothing found from the Ore-Merchant;
- Only debris found from the Ore-II-Merchant, fished a life belt out of the water;
- Nothing found from the SAR-Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 15 survivors in 4 boats from the M-12-Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 12 survivors in 3 boats from the pos.3, Large Merchant;
- Nothing found from the pos.4, Large Merchant;
- Questioned and supplied 14 survivors in 4 boats of the Corvette, took 2 Officers prisoner.

1505 - Running off on southerly heading at medium speed. Have 10 rounds of 10.5cm SpG left. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 1505h -

1602 - Sundown.

2039 - Fuel 88.1cbm (50%).

2147 - Qu.4355AM

2208 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
At 0748h torpedoed 1 steamer 6322ts loaded with airplanes from convoy 1650/28/30 in Qu.1894AM. Last position of convoy 1650/28/30 at 1115h was Qu.1896AM, on course 88°, speed 7kn, 5 escorts. From 1323h to 1404h destroyed convoy 0820/1 with deck gun, 6 steamers and 1 corvette 32346ts, all in Qu.2922AM top center, have taken 2 officers from corvette prisoner. Convoys 1650/28, 1650/30 and 0820/1, are part of convoys SC-19/20 disbursed. Have 88cbm and 10 rounds 10.5cm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 10000m, >1000mb. - RST -

2253 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Return to base acc. Op.-Order.

Commencing return voyage. Placing 5 crew members on each bridge watch, augmenting with Mechanics (T).


gord96 02-04-21 06:15 PM

Captain of U-21, a Type II/A in November 1939. Have had a few successful patrols. Of course in this little tub I only get a few torps but I think I am punching above my weight class. Have the IC 1st and 2nd class.

Look forward to getting a message from BdU that a Type VII is ready for me. :)

Kapitän 02-05-21 06:17 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On return voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727332)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

- continued from 1 Feb. 1505h -

1602 - Sundown.

2039 - Fuel 88.1cbm (50%).

2147 - Qu.4355AM

2208 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
At 0748h torpedoed 1 steamer 6322ts loaded with airplanes from convoy 1650/28/30 in Qu.1894AM. Last position of convoy 1650/28/30 at 1115h was Qu.1896AM, on course 88°, speed 7kn, 5 escorts. From 1323h to 1404h destroyed convoy 0820/1 with deck gun, 6 steamers and 1 corvette 32346ts, all in Qu.2922AM top center, have taken 2 officers from corvette prisoner. Convoys 1650/28, 1650/30 and 0820/1, are part of convoys SC-19/20 disbursed. Have 88cbm and 10 rounds 10.5cm. NW2/2, partly cloudy, light haze, visibility 10000m, >1000mb. - RST -

2253 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Return to base acc. Op.-Order.

Commencing return voyage. Placing 5 crew members on each bridge watch, augmenting with Mechanics (T).


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 2 February 1941 - Southeast of Rockall Bank

0205 - Qu.4655AM

0625 - Qu.4955AM - Early morning dawn.

0816 - Sunrise.

1045 - Qu.7355AM - Porcupine Bank.

1200 - Qu.7385AM - Days Run: 316.4sm - (24h)
82.3cbm (8.1cbm/24h). 9400Ah. 10x10.5cm. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1501 - Qu.7655AM - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about KM successes for the month of January 1941.

1628 - Sundown.

1920 - Qu.7955AM

2340 - Qu.3355BE - Continuing return voyage.


Kapitän 02-05-21 03:53 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - On return voyage

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727503)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Sunday, 2 February 1941 - Southeast of Rockall Bank

0205 - Qu.4655AM

0625 - Qu.4955AM - Early morning dawn.

0816 - Sunrise.

1045 - Qu.7355AM - Porcupine Bank.

1200 - Qu.7385AM - Days Run: 316.4sm - (24h)
82.3cbm (8.1cbm/24h). 9400Ah. 10x10.5cm. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1501 - Qu.7655AM - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about KM successes for the month of January 1941.

1628 - Sundown.

1920 - Qu.7955AM

2340 - Qu.3355BE - Continuing return voyage.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Monday, 3 February 1941 - Western Approaches

0400 - Qu.3655BE

0640 - Morning Dawn.

0700 - Diving for trial dive according Standing B.d.U.-Op.-Oder No. 507.

0720 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter.

0731 - Surfaced.

0757 - Sunrise.

1130 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Will be at point Lore, 4.2., 1100h. - RST -

1200 - Qu.1727BF - Days Run: 310.1sm - 308.2sm (23h 29') - 1.9sm (31')
72.6cbm (9.7cbm/24h). 9100Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1224 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Transit from point Lore on path Herz to point Luci-2. Call in when 24h from Luci-2.

1325 - Qu.1755BF

- to be continued -

Kapitän 02-06-21 06:18 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Encounter with a lone steamer

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727685)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


Monday, 3 February 1941 - Western Approaches

0400 - Qu.3655BE

0640 - Morning Dawn.

0700 - Diving for trial dive according Standing B.d.U.-Op.-Oder No. 507.

0720 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter.

0731 - Surfaced.

0757 - Sunrise.

1130 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Will be at point Lore, 4.2., 1100h. - RST -

1200 - Qu.1727BF - Days Run: 310.1sm - 308.2sm (23h 29') - 1.9sm (31')
72.6cbm (9.7cbm/24h). 9100Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1224 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Transit from point Lore on path Herz to point Luci-2. Call in when 24h from Luci-2.

1325 - Qu.1755BF

- to be continued -

Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 3 Feb. 1325h -

1335 - Boat operating on ship contact report 1330/3 in Qu.1773BF, on course ENE, speed 7-9kn.

1400 - Qu.1758BF - Smoke Plume bearing 10°. Ship is identified as a Large Motor Merchant, on course 70°, speed 8kn.

1420 - At E=3000, "Weapons Free!". After scoring hits with the last 10 SpG and 1 LkG of the 10.5cm gun, the steamer continues. Manned the 3.7cm-Flak. After 4 ZlG rounds and 14 PbG rounds, the steamer return fire with a gun mounted on the forecastle.

1428 - "ALARM!". Boat continues to sink and can only be brought back from T=30 to S-Tiefe with E-Motors running at 185RPM.

1435 - S-Tiefe. Now, the steamer is identified as a Parcel-Merchant of 3019ts.

1455 - Surfaced. Approaching the steamer at angle 180°, as the deck gun is mounted on the forecastle. The boat has to approach with enough of an angle, to be able to bring the 3.7cm-Flak to bear.

1512 - "Weapons Free!" at 1000m. The steamer is returning fire, with what appears to be another deck gun mounted on the after section of the ship. As before, the shots fall way short.

1517 - Boat has to dive again from armed steamer. Running off on general course, T=20.

1548 - Surfaced. As there seems to be no possibility to sink the armed steamer with the 3.7cm-Flak, running off on general course.

1636 - Sundown.

1901 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
U 107 (Hessler, son-in-law of B.d.U.) reporting convoy OB-279 in Qu.AL0264. U 123, 52, 103 and 96, are ordered to operate on this convoy.

1934 - Incoming F.T.1930/3: From B.d.U.:
Inbound ship in Qu.4136BF, on course NE, speed 7-9kn and Outbound convoy in Qu.4163BF, on course SW, speed 5kn.

2353 - Qu.4255BF - Boat continues on return voyage.


Kapitän 02-06-21 04:19 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Enemy air cover in the Bay of Biscay

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2727814)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


- continued from 3 Feb. 1325h -

1335 - Boat operating on ship contact report 1330/3 in Qu.1773BF, on course ENE, speed 7-9kn.

1400 - Qu.1758BF - Smoke Plume bearing 10°. Ship is identified as a Large Motor Merchant, on course 70°, speed 8kn.

1420 - At E=3000, "Weapons Free!". After scoring hits with the last 10 SpG and 1 LkG of the 10.5cm gun, the steamer continues. Manned the 3.7cm-Flak. After 4 ZlG rounds and 14 PbG rounds, the steamer return fire with a gun mounted on the forecastle.

1428 - "ALARM!". Boat continues to sink and can only be brought back from T=30 to S-Tiefe with E-Motors running at 185RPM.

1435 - S-Tiefe. Now, the steamer is identified as a Parcel-Merchant of 3019ts.

1455 - Surfaced. Approaching the steamer at angle 180°, as the deck gun is mounted on the forecastle. The boat has to approach with enough of an angle, to be able to bring the 3.7cm-Flak to bear.

1512 - "Weapons Free!" at 1000m. The steamer is returning fire, with what appears to be another deck gun mounted on the after section of the ship. As before, the shots fall way short.

1517 - Boat has to dive again from armed steamer. Running off on general course, T=20.

1548 - Surfaced. As there seems to be no possibility to sink the armed steamer with the 3.7cm-Flak, running off on general course.

1636 - Sundown.

1901 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
U 107 (Hessler, son-in-law of B.d.U.) reporting convoy OB-279 in Qu.AL0264. U 123, 52, 103 and 96, are ordered to operate on this convoy.

1934 - Incoming F.T.1930/3: From B.d.U.:
Inbound ship in Qu.4136BF, on course NE, speed 7-9kn and Outbound convoy in Qu.4163BF, on course SW, speed 5kn.

2353 - Qu.4255BF - Boat continues on return voyage.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 4 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay

During the night, U 43 (Lüth) in Lorient, has been flooded for some unidentified reason in the Diesel and Electric Engine compartments and will not be operational for the next 3 months.

0033 - Incoming F.T.: From U-107:
Sunk from convoy OB-279, 1 steamer 4683ts and from convoy OB-280, 1 ship 5051ts. - Hessler -

0600 - Morning Dawn - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Will be at point Luci-2 on 5.2., 0600h - RST -

0654 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Escort will be point Luci-2, 5.2., 0600h.

0735 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.5178BF - Days Run: 309.9sm - 306.7sm (23h 02') - 3.2sm (58')
61.6cbm (11cbm/24h). 8900Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1330 - Point Lore, on approach path Herz.

1515 - Qu.5186BF - "ALARM!", from 3 fighter airplanes approaching from 320°true, E=5000, water depth is 170m!

Cmdr.: "The airplanes are flying at first on course SW and turn towards the boat very late, strafing the boat with on-board weapons, flying over the boat from stern to bow - slight damage on the forward upper deck. The M.G.-2cm-C/30 fires at the airplanes as they fly off on course east. During the diving process, at T=20, bombs behind the boat. On A-20, no damages."

1535 - Surfaced.

1623 - Sundown.

1801 - Norddeich Radio reporting on attacks of the channel harbors by the RAF.

2115 - Fly-over by airplane in complete darkness, direct approach!

Boat continues return voyage on approach path Herz.


Kapitän 02-07-21 07:26 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Returned to base

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2728028)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Tuesday, 4 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay

During the night, U 43 (Lüth) in Lorient, has been flooded for some unidentified reason in the Diesel and Electric Engine compartments and will not be operational for the next 3 months.

0033 - Incoming F.T.: From U-107:
Sunk from convoy OB-279, 1 steamer 4683ts and from convoy OB-280, 1 ship 5051ts. - Hessler -

0600 - Morning Dawn - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Will be at point Luci-2 on 5.2., 0600h - RST -

0654 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Escort will be point Luci-2, 5.2., 0600h.

0735 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.5178BF - Days Run: 309.9sm - 306.7sm (23h 02') - 3.2sm (58')
61.6cbm (11cbm/24h). 8900Ah. Weather unchanged since 1.2., 2208h.

1330 - Point Lore, on approach path Herz.

1515 - Qu.5186BF - "ALARM!", from 3 fighter airplanes approaching from 320°true, E=5000, water depth is 170m!

Cmdr.: "The airplanes are flying at first on course SW and turn towards the boat very late, strafing the boat with on-board weapons, flying over the boat from stern to bow - slight damage on the forward upper deck. The M.G.-2cm-C/30 fires at the airplanes as they fly off on course east. During the diving process, at T=20, bombs behind the boat. On A-20, no damages."

1535 - Surfaced.

1623 - Sundown.

1801 - Norddeich Radio reporting on attacks of the channel harbors by the RAF.

2115 - Fly-over by airplane in complete darkness, direct approach!

Boat continues return voyage on approach path Herz.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 5 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0330 - German VIIC boat on course NW crossing our bow. Recognition signal given - confirmed.

0420 - French fishing vessels bearing 280°, inbound Lorient.

0545 - Beginning Early Morning Dawn.

0600 - Point Luci-2. No escort in sight.

0602 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Standing Luci-2. - RST -

0700 - Taken on escort on point Luci-1. One Me-110 is protecting the harbour entrance.

0720 - Sunrise.

0750 - Released escort. Coming into port.

0820 - Making fast and mooring boat at Isère.

Handing over of two prisoners of war to the Military Police.


Kapitän 02-07-21 04:13 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Back in base

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2728164)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Wednesday, 5 February 1941 - Bay of Biscay

0330 - German VIIC boat on course NW crossing our bow. Recognition signal given - confirmed.

0420 - French fishing vessels bearing 280°, inbound Lorient.

0545 - Beginning Early Morning Dawn.

0600 - Point Luci-2. No escort in sight.

0602 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Standing Luci-2. - RST -

0700 - Taken on escort on point Luci-1. One Me-110 is protecting the harbour entrance.

0720 - Sunrise.

0750 - Released escort. Coming into port.

0820 - Making fast and mooring boat at Isère.

Handing over of two prisoners of war to the Military Police.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 6 February 1941 - Lorient

Clearing out of boat. Placing boat in dry dock for Shipyard Overhaul. Routine work by the crew throughout.


Kapitän 02-08-21 07:34 AM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - War patrol summary

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2728366)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Thursday, 6 February 1941 - Lorient

Clearing out of boat. Placing boat in dry dock for Shipyard Overhaul. Routine work by the crew throughout.


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 7 February 1941 - Lorient

The totals of this 4th war patrol with U 112 and 12th war patrol overall are:

Traveled surfaced: 3669,4sm - 14 days, 2h, 38min.
Traveled submerged: 171,1sm - 3 days, 12h, 47min.
Traveled total: 3840,5sm - 17 days, 15h, 25min.

Total of 15 ships for 109826ts sunk!

Of that from Op. against convoys SC19/20:
- 1 Aircraft Carrier of 26518ts, 1 Heavy Cruiser of 13300ts and 1 Corvette of 950ts sunk.
- 1 Tanker of 8229ts and 9 cargo ships of 47343ts sunk.
- 3 cargo ships of together 20726ts torpedoed.

Independently travelling ships:
1 Tanker of 8286ts and 1 merchant of 5200ts sunk and 1 merchant of 3019ts damaged with the deck gun.

Torpedo hits: 18 (15 ships sunk and 4 damaged)
Torpedo misses: 1 when the convoy was turning away.
Torpedo failures:
- 1 Ato (Pi-G7H) hit but failed to ignite,
- 1 Ato understeered in calm sea and
- 1 Eto understeered in heavy sea.

Crash Dives: 4
- 2 from airplanes in the Bay of Biscay,
- 1 from convoy escorts and
- 1 from an armed merchant.

Depth Charges: In all, 54 Wabos were dropped on the boat, inflicting no damage, 6-8 Wabos per drop, depth of about 130m.

Pressure hull damage: 89.58% (Accumulated: 32.78%) + 11 days (Sunday, 16 February 1941).

Honour points: 1318.56 (Accumulated: 20758.47).


Kapitän 02-08-21 03:55 PM

U 112 Type IXB 1941/2021 - 4th War Patrol - Awards and Promotions

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2728514)
Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Friday, 7 February 1941 - Lorient

The totals of this 4th war patrol with U 112 and 12th war patrol overall are:

Traveled surfaced: 3669,4sm - 14 days, 2h, 38min.
Traveled submerged: 171,1sm - 3 days, 12h, 47min.
Traveled total: 3840,5sm - 17 days, 15h, 25min.

Total of 15 ships for 109826ts sunk!

Of that from Op. against convoys SC19/20:
- 1 Aircraft Carrier of 26518ts, 1 Heavy Cruiser of 13300ts and 1 Corvette of 950ts sunk.
- 1 Tanker of 8229ts and 9 cargo ships of 47343ts sunk.
- 3 cargo ships of together 20726ts torpedoed.

Independently travelling ships:
1 Tanker of 8286ts and 1 merchant of 5200ts sunk and 1 merchant of 3019ts damaged with the deck gun.

Torpedo hits: 18 (15 ships sunk and 4 damaged)
Torpedo misses: 1 when the convoy was turning away.
Torpedo failures:
- 1 Ato (Pi-G7H) hit but failed to ignite,
- 1 Ato understeered in calm sea and
- 1 Eto understeered in heavy sea.

Crash Dives: 4
- 2 from airplanes in the Bay of Biscay,
- 1 from convoy escorts and
- 1 from an armed merchant.

Depth Charges: In all, 54 Wabos were dropped on the boat, inflicting no damage, 6-8 Wabos per drop, depth of about 130m.

Pressure hull damage: 89.58% (Accumulated: 32.78%) + 11 days (Sunday, 16 February 1941).

Honour points: 1318.56 (Accumulated: 20758.47).


Started a new career in August 2019, to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years ago ...


KTB - U 112

Saturday, 8 February 1941 - Lorient

Awards & Promotions:

Upon arrival in Lorient, I was awarded with the Oak Leaves to the Knights Cross!

The XO, Ob.Ltnt.z.S Emmo MARBACH, was awarded with the Knight Cross. A well deserved award!

4 Firemen 1cl., were promoted to Machinist’s Mate 2cl.

2 Coxwain's, were promoted to Boatswain's mates 2cl.

Both Radiomen 3cl., were promoted to Radioman 2cl.

The Torpedoman’s Mate 3cl., was promoted to Torpedoman’s Mate 2cl.

A Fireman 2cl., was promoted to Fireman 1cl.

A Seaman 2cl., was promoted to Seaman 1cl.

Both Warrant Maschinist-D, the Machinist’s Mate 2cl.-CR, the No.1 Seaman, a Seaman 2cl. and a Seaman 1cl., were awarded with the E.K.I.

A Coxwain, a Coxwain (AA) and a Seaman 2cl.(Cook), were awarded with the E.K.II.

13 crew members were awarded with the U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen in Bronze.

The crew is given leave of 3 weeks in two shifts.

Fourth war patrol with U 112 and twelfth war patrol overall completed.


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