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Rambler241 04-26-15 07:16 PM

I did - with a shot from just under 3K. No apparent reaction from the escorts, so I closed with the first T3, and hit it at a range of about 500m - big explosion, but didn't sink immediately. By now a C3 was close behind - too close at 250m, so I risked standard speed to increase the gap, keeping an eye on the CM bearing down on my port side. Got the shot off at just over 300m bearing 180 almost exactly and ordered "normal dive" hoping the CM wouldn't end my career. Loud explosion heard over the sound of the CM passing (just) overhead. Slowed to 2 knots, silent routine, and ordered periscope depth. The second T3 had turned to port increasing the range, or I'd have been too close. Stop engines and waited for it to approach bearing 0 degrees while still at 14m depth, fired last fish at 330m, range increasing slowly. 'Scope down, ordered depth of 80m to be safe, course 30 deg. to starboard just as the Type 1 hit. Massive explosion - instant "ship sunk" icon on the map to add to the other 3 - the first T3 must have sunk also, along with the C3.

Time to break out the brown trousers - I had two DDs close on my tail. One stopped - either listening, or perhaps waiting for a merchant to pass in front. The other was on my starboard quarter, very close, and started an attack run. Flank speed, ordered 60m depth, hoping the DCs were fused at my current depth, and ordered a depth ping (nothing to lose now). Depth below keel 16m, so bottom must be 95m. Shaken but not stirred by first attack, I survive almost 2 hours of attacks, changing direction and depth frequently. Finally one DD breaks off, and the other is still dropping charges well astern of me. Creep away to fight on - I've still got plenty of deck gun ammo left.

I'd say this is a prime example of my motto "don't panic". Keep your head, don't rush things, and don't forget to open the tube doors in advance!

Jimbuna 04-27-15 09:17 AM


UKönig 05-08-15 10:36 AM

Had to let a King George Battleship, followed by an Illustrious class aircraft carrier, with 4 destroyers as outriders pass me by unharmed. I had only 2 torpedoes left, and they were both for tube 5... :/\\!!

Aktungbby 05-08-15 12:02 PM

^ I'd have fired at the carrier myself with the stern tube... you never know:arrgh!:

UKönig 05-08-15 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2312455)
^ I'd have fired at the carrier myself with the stern tube... you never know:arrgh!:

I would love to have, trust me!

I was too far to intercept, and when I got into range, I would have had to turn the boat around to bring the aft tube to bear. If I tried to pass by and fire, I would not have made it out to tell the tale.
There simply was no way...:wah:

Karl Hungus 05-08-15 09:37 PM

Patrolling off Sydney in July 1944. Went all the way round SW Australia and the entire southern Australian coast before sighting my first ship. A sloop.

UKönig 05-08-15 11:28 PM

I've sunk trawlers just because I was in a bad mood...

Farflung Wanderer 05-11-15 08:44 PM

Starting my first campaign. 29% realism, SH3Commander. Yes, I know, it's pansy realism and no mods, but it's my first time out. Give me time.

Gerhard Wagner, attached to U-Flotilla Weddigen, based out of Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Commanding officer, U-11, Typ-IIA.

Expect updates forthwith.

Sailor Steve 05-11-15 09:39 PM

There's nothing wrong with playing the game however you do it. Learn and have fun.

Besides, hyper-realism is for crazy sick people anyway. I should know. :sunny:

shotbywolf 05-11-15 09:42 PM

First post
U-52 September 20 1939
I have started my first ever carrier as u-52 type vIIBrecently reposted at keil from the second place you can pick ( I'm bad with names and I forgot the flotilla name) using gwx and sh3 comm I managed to make it to my first patrol grid with nothing no contacts except a small tugboat of French make towing a German merchant vessel from the looks of things we passed at 15 meters under so we wouldn't be seen.
September 21 1939
War started we finished patrol area and moved to the English Channel sinking a c and k butler class along the way however I made the mistake of going for the harbor And suffered a ctd attack before we saw the light of dawn I reloaded and found myself back at port with no kills :/\\!!:/\\!!:/\\!!:nope:

Farflung Wanderer 05-11-15 10:37 PM

Report 0, Patrol 1: 01 September 1939
Recruited two new Petty Officers and one more Sailor to act as a back-up crew for the diesel and electric engines. Due to the Typ-IIA's small crew size, I figured it prudent to make sure that there were enough to allow for any death, injury, or fatigue on the behalf of the crew.

Due to the expected time for adding an anti-aircraft gun, I decided against it. Depending on how common air attacks will be in the coming patrol, I will either continue not to add one or add it after returning to Wilhelmshaven.

Report 1, Patrol 1: 01 September 1939-1457L
Left Wilhelmshaven at 1430L, setting course for AN81 for 24 hour patrol as ordered by BdU. The garrison, and to the glee of the crew, the local women, all were there to see us off.

Once we left the port, I called for ahead standard. It is estimated that it will take approximately 36 hours for U-11 to reach AN81. Will report to BdU at 2000L.

Report 2, Patrol 1: 01 September 1939-2000L
Status report to BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 95. Torpedoes left: 5.

Waters are rough, the bow is being lifted into the air and slammed back into the brine. However, the sun is still out and visibility is still decently, so conditions are not bad enough to warrant a dive to avoid damage.

Unfortunately, the waters we will be patrolling will be extremely shallow, meaning that avoiding both air attacks and any destroyer will be exceedingly difficult. A lack of a deck-gun will also make our lives more difficult, as do the small amount of torpedoes, but if we are clever we can certainly send more than a few ships to the bottom if need be.

No reports from what is happening on the Polish border yet. The crew is on edge, and the BdU sending us out to sea is likely a response to possible war with England. God knows how that will turn out.

Will send another report to the BdU at 0800L.

Report 3, Patrol 1: 02 September 1939-0800L
Status report to BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 69. Torpedoes left: 5.

Waters have calmed greatly, and visibility has improved. Around 16 hours to AN81 left in our travel. Nothing else to report yet. Will report to BdU again at 2000L.

Report 4, Patrol 1: 02 September 1939-2000L
Status report to BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 68. Torpedoes left: 5.

Another change of the watch. I wish that I had more men, so I could fully swap out those on duty. The Typ-II, I suppose, just doesn't have the capability to hold that many crewmembers.

Nothing else to report. Beautiful sunset, still no news about what has happened in Poland. The BdU isn't telling us anything still, which bothers me greatly.

Tomorrow we will be on station at AN81. Hopefully by then we shall receive more information.

Report again to the BdU at 0800L.

Report 5, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-0221L
We've arrived on station at AN81, and are beginning our 24 hour patrol. Hopefully it will be uneventful and we can return to Wilhelmshaven soon.

Still will report to BdU at 0800L.

Report 6, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-0800L
Status report to the BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 81. Torpedoes left: 5.

We've been patrolling for six hours already, and there's nothing to talk about. Another changing of shift, and still awaiting word from the BdU. I hope this wait doesn't put us in any form of danger.

Will report again at 2000L.

Report 7, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-1313L
A message just came in from the BdU for all German naval vessels. We are to engage in operations against the British navy forthwith. Germany is at war.

The crew is being put on action stations, and we will continue our patrol. It seems that we are in for the long haul.

Weather outside is very stormy, cutting visibility and making for rough waves. Perhaps we can use this to our advantage should we stumble across a British vessel.

Will still report in to the BdU at 2000L.

Report 8, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-1544L
We have been receiving reports of a ship not too far away heading into AN81. I've ordered a dive to 20m and will wait for an hour or two to see if that ship will be coming into our grid. If so, we will be in an opportune position to attack it.

Will report in to the BdU at 2000L.

Report 9, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-1711L
It seems my gamble has paid off. My SO has picked up a merchant to my southwest. I will order ahead slow and we will proceed closer to it in order to get into firing position. This might be our first kill.

Because of this situation, our report to the BdU will need to be later than 2000L. Will report when I can.

Report 10, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-1807L
Contact with enemy coastal merchant, 4900m at about bearing 023. Will move in for the kill. Visibility is low, may attempt surface approach in order to maximize speed and mobility.

Report 11, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-1914L
After a long chase, the coastal merchant pulled too far ahead. The waters are too rough for our SO to catch him. Damn.

The crew is tired and I am having trouble managing them. I'm not sure how to manage keeping them alert and awake given how few people I have.

Will report in to the BdU at 2000L as planned.

Report 12, Patrol 1: 03 September 1939-2000L
Report to BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN81. Torpedoes left: 5.

The SO regained contact briefly with the merchant, but he's still moving too fast. There's nothing I can do to catch up with him. Damn it all, that was my mistake. I should have remained submerged, we never would have been spotted.

Will report to the BdU at 0800L.

Report 13, Patrol 1: 04 September 1939-0800L
Report to the BdU as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN81. Torpedoes left: 5.

Nothing to report. AN81 is a ghost-town. Nothing is going through it, and there's nothing to do. It's just a boring day ahead unless something changes.

Keeping by my previously established reporting schedule.

Report 14, Patrol 1: 04 September 1939-1200L
We've completed our 24 hour patrol of AN81 with nothing to speak of. This grid is about as dead as dead can be, but I'm not about to return to Wilhelmshaven without a ship to our name.

I'm setting course south to see if I can't find some activity around the Channel. Hopefully I can find a ship or two, sink it, and return to base proud as can be.

Report 15, Patrol 1: 04 September 1939-2001L
Report to BdU is as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 84. Torpedoes left: 5.

God, I hope this gamble works. It's been a boring day. The crew is on edge, and we're all tired. I'm having a hell of a time juggling all of the officers getting bed rest.

Report 16, Patrol 1: 05 September 1939-0943L
Forgot to report in to the BdU because of a sudden spike in contacts. We've stumbled across one rather close to us that does not seem to have spotted us, though it is going fast. Moving to engage.

Report 17, Patrol 1: 05 September 1939-1007L
Target was a Tugboat, too small to be worth trying to kill, too fast to keep up. Continuing on course south. The upsurge in contacts is a good sign, but the slow speed of U-11 is a bad omen. I worry that this means that we will be unable to find and sink any targets.

Report 18, Patrol 1: 05 September 1939-1444L
Success! After two torpedoes turned out to be duds, our third hit a coastal merchant that had stumbled upon our submerged sub right amid ships. I didn't need to fire any more, she listed on her aft until she capsized and fell underneath the waves. Our first kill!

We have only two torpedoes left, which means that we will have enough ammo for one more attack on some poor bastard before we return to Wilhelmshaven, but that's a victory if I ever saw one!

Our patrol report to the BdU was as follows: U-11. Position Grid AN 79. Torpedoes left: 2. Cargo ships sunk: 1. Total tonnage: 2043.

Final Report:
Got in over my head, sunk another ship but was attacked by no less than 3 destroyers. We were sunk forthwith, all hands lost.


banryu79 05-12-15 04:03 AM

Hehe, not a bad first experience Herr Kaleun!
One life less and one more lesson learned :salute:

Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by banryu79 (Post 2313358)
Hehe, not a bad first experience Herr Kaleun!
One life less and one more lesson learned :salute:

Danke, Herr Kaleun. I shall endeavor to survive my next career.

Speaking of which, I have already started said new career. This time, I shall be filling the shoes of one Lieutenant Junior Theodor Lawrenz, Commanding Officer of U-18, a Typ-IIA U-Boat (Yes, I know they're awful, but I want to learn to master it), attached to 1st. Flotilla based in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

I shall start posting updates soon.

banryu79 05-12-15 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Farflung Wanderer (Post 2313423)
Speaking of which, I have already started said new career. This time, I shall be filling the shoes of one Lieutenant Junior Theodor Lawrenz, Commanding Officer of U-18, a Typ-IIA U-Boat (Yes, I know they're awful, but I want to learn to master it), attached to 1st. Flotilla based in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Awful!? :D (yes, they are)
I think they are fantastic from a learning point of view. If you can master the tecnique of correct and efficent Intercept, Approach and Attack in a Typ II then you are more then ready for the bigger ones! :arrgh!:

Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by banryu79 (Post 2313425)
Awful!? :D (yes, they are)
I think they are fantastic from a learning point of view. If you can master the tecnique of correct and efficent Intercept, Approach and Attack in a Typ II then you are more then ready for the bigger ones! :arrgh!:

That's been my point of view. If I can learn the basics as a Typ-II commander, not only will it help when the 1st Flotilla gets Typ-VIIs later in the campaign, but any other campaign I play that starts me off with a meatier U-Boat.

So, once more into the breach...

Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 12:05 PM

At Port-Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Orders have been received: U-18 is to patrol AN16, off the coast of England. While we were in port, I have enlisted three new Petty Officers and one more Sailor, filling up the Typ-II's crew compliment. I have also eschewed the installing of a flak gun due to the expected time in port.

Despite the fact that we are being put out to sea, there is no state of war between Germany and any other nation. Any information beyond that is vague at all, but it's clear that we're being positioned to strike at the English should they enter this conflict. Let us hope it does not come to that.

01 September 1939
0100h: U-18 leaves port from Wilhelmshaven, setting course out to AN96 before beginning to maneuver toward our objective, AN16. It's just my luck that AN16 would put us in the vicinity of Scapa Flow, the resting place of the English Home Fleet. If war breaks out, this would put us right in the lion's den. God knows how we'll handle that, but I have confidence in my crew.

Besides the late hour of our leaving port, the waters are somewhat rough, even in port, to my surprise. Hopefully by morning they shall become much less tumultuous.

I will establish a protocol with making patrol reports: 0800h and 2000h, we will radio in. Unless something happens that makes me forget or am too busy to perform this duty, this shall be a ritual to base our schedule.

0149h: I have plotted our course to AN16. Once we reach AN98, U-18 will make a turn to head northwest until we reach the objective grid, then set up a patrol circle. I have decided not to risk the lives of the crew and the safety of the ship by actually making an attempt to enter Scapa Flow. The amount of warships in that grid will be worrying enough, let alone what will be in port. We're a merchant killer, for God's sake, and a coastal hunter at that. The waters in AN16 are deeper than in other places around the English coast, but that won't save us should the entire Home Fleet decide to hunt us down.

No news on what has happened since the alleged Polish attack yesterday, and I doubt we'll get any anytime soon. Let us hope for peace, but if there must be war, let it take long enough for us to be where we need to be to do our duty for Germany.

0800h: Sent in a status report. 5 torpedoes left, same as when we left port, and we are currently in grid AN95. We are a long way from our objective, but at least we are in friendly waters. We've encountered more than a few Schnellboots and even a Typ-34 destroyer. I doubt we shall have such friendly company once we get further out to sea.

Waters are still somewhat rough, visibility is more or less clear.

2000h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN66. We are 14 hours away from our final turn toward AN16, AN62, and 57 hours away from our objective itself. Unless our pace changes, that will put us somewhere around the morning of 4 September when we arrive on station. We will have to patrol for 24 hours before we can return to Wilhelmshaven.

Waters have calmed some, beautiful sunset. The moon tonight is a waning gibbous moon, meaning that we might have a new moon sometime during our patrol. That would make visibility tougher for us, but at the same time it would make us harder to detect. We will face that when it comes.

02 September 1939
0800h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN62. Little under three hours until we make our final turn, 47 hours until we reach AN16.

Still no news on the Poland situation. Crew's moral is high, but we're all waiting for more information.

Waters are copy, visibility is clear.

UKönig 05-12-15 03:49 PM

If I played as "dead is dead", then you might hear reports of something that sounded a little like this...

October, 1943

U-73 is the first of a few selected U-boats to receive new equipment in what feels like a very long time. The latest upgrade to the radar detector, or 'fuzz-buster' as my funkmaat likes to call it (I don't know why). Sonar detector, with range finding pulse, now we can ping them right back! BOLD decoy upgrades, supposed to last longer than the last batch. But the best improvement that I can think of is the snorkel system. The Dutch boats have had these in place for a while, but they were only used to air out their boats. Ours are also designed for us to start and use the diesel engines, while we are underwater!
I need not state the obvious advantages, except to say, that in this case, the irony was stronger, and the snorkel, or lack thereof, played no part in what followed...

U-73 in transit across the Bay of Biscay, from St. Nazaire. We are barely 4 hours from harbour when we are harassed by our first air attack. Shot one Short Sunderland down, damaged another. Attackers cease fire and withdraw.

30 minutes later, a fresh batch of 4 B-24 liberators. Nope, not these guys, "Alaaarrmm!!" - oh, uh, hang on a sec, we're still kinda close to shore. How deep is it really here? *ping* Ocean floor is 106m away... (whew). That had potential to be nasty.

Got to enjoy the symphony of charges going off, one after the other, round after round, for 5 minutes straight. They were pretty serious about stopping our patrol. Two hours later, surfaced into bright daylight, calm seas. I dispense with the watch crew, and just man the flak. I have two recently trained and qualified POs to handle the AA duties, and they're brothers! I couldn't ask for a more effective team. Maybe twin brothers, that might work... Anyway, we only had to wait another hour or so, and our radar detector started chirping away. The watch officer was close behind. "Aircraft spotted, incoming, at 150" "Fire at will!" Once the target had been identified, we remained confident in our ability to defend our boat. Our AA crew made short work of this flight of four Sunderlands, and with our morale at a dangerous high, we proceed, brazenly, on the surface.
We only had to wait about 30 more minutes when the next flight of four showed up. One thing about 1943 that I've noticed, is the frequency that aircraft attack. 1941, not so much, '42, a bit more, and then '43, bam! All over the sky...
Our gunners got it down to a fine science, and we had made quick work of 3, when the 4th came around for a bombing run. Port side aft. View from lower AA platform on type VIIb, about 240 degrees. Short Sunderland on approach, lower gunner leads target perfectly. Full magazine right into the cockpit. Pilots never saw it coming. Co-pilot shredded by sheer amount of shrapnel and bullets, lifeless body of pilot now falling over control column, causing the plane to assume a downward dive... Second by second the plane gets larger and larger through the targeting circle, when, it smashes bodily into the hull. The damage is instant and complete. The three crewmembers topside were killed instantly when the plane hit the hull, about the portside diesel room, breaching it seconds. The plane still carried its bombs so those got to go off at close range, further splitting U-73 in half. The crew in the bow compartments were flooded almost immediately, and within 5 minutes, U-73 took all hands to the bottom. There were no survivors...

Is what it would sound like if 'dead is dead'. But since I will only start again with the same name and pretty much the same career, I might as well just start over from before when I made that terrible mistake, and save some time.

Farflung Wanderer 05-12-15 08:23 PM

Continuing Patrol 1 for U-18, commanded by Lt. Jr. Theodor Lawrenz, attached to U-Flottila Weddigen, based in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

02 September 1939
2000h: Reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN61. We're still a good 38 hours from AN16, meaning it will be a long, boring night as we draw ever closer to our ordered grid.

I've ordered the crew to get some rest, as we're all getting tired. Hopefully we'll have a refreshed shift ready for the morning.

03 September 1939
0800h: Reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN48. 27 hours to AN16 still, meaning it will be mid-day tomorrow when we finally reach our objective.

Still no news on the situation with Poland, it has been eerily quiet on that front. I hope we don't stumble into something.

Waters are very rough and visibility is decent, but it's making me a touch nervous. A Typ-IIA is not designed to take terribly much punishment.

1737h: I had my RA go on duty to check for any transmissions, and he came back to me not too long later, message in hand. It's from Raeder, and it's addressed to every German naval vessel at sea. The message: "Commence hostilities against Britain forthwith." Germany is at war.

So too, then, is U-18. We are still 17 hours away from AN16, but from here on in we are on war footing. Should we pick up any British vessels, we shall engage and destroy them.

The weathers are too choppy to have my SO on station, meaning it is up to the watch crew to spot the British as we approach AN16. Hopefully by tomorrow the waters will have calmed and we can begin our hunt.

2000h: Sent in status report. 5 torpedoes, grid AN44. 15 hours to our objective, no contact with the British yet. The waters have gotten rougher, the waves often rolling over the deck of the ship and even up to the conning tower. I am worried about being swamped, so I shall order a dive until 2200h.

2108h: Ordered a test dive at 2103 to 68m in order to test ship's ability to perform at depth. She performed admirably, and I ordered her back up to 30m and ordered the SO to man his station to see if we couldn't pick up anything despite the rough seas.

2200h: Ordered to surface to recharge batteries and refill air. Waters are still very rough, but at least we are not getting swamped. I am proud of my crew and how well they are performing in these adverse conditions.

04 September 1939
0830h: After a longer than usual breakfast this morning to mark the first full day of the war, reported in. 5 torpedoes left, grid AN44. It is a mere 4 hours until we arrive at AN16, and the crew is getting excited. This marks our chance to do our part for Germany.

The waters are still very rough, frustratingly. It will make hunting the enemy much more difficult, but not impossible. At least visibility is good.

1049h: At 1010h, we were passed over by a British plane. I ordered a crash dive, and we escaped with no attack being made on us. We will now surface and continue on our way to AN16.

1157h: At about 11:47h, we were passed over by another British plane. Again, a crash dive, again, no attack by the hostile aircraft. Our luck can't last forever, but I am thankful that the water is deep enough for us to be able to crash dive.

Two and a half hours until AN16.

1243h: Another crash dive, this time to avoid two British craft. They are getting much more aggressive, and I'm sure that they're ranging in on our destination and our course. Regardless, we are ever so close to AN16. I hope we make it soon so we can start our duties.

1419h: We have finally arrived in AN16. Our 24 hour patrol now begins. Let us hope that the British do not throw the book at us and instead send some nice soft targets our way.

1628h: Ship spotted, merchant of some form right off our bow. Diving to periscope depth, let us begin the hunt.

1631h: Target is a C2 merchant heading southeast, almost 7km away. We shall begin hunting her, and when the opportunity arises, strike.

1739h: We've been chasing for some time, but batteries are running low. I am going to run decks awash and try to get in closer using the diesel engines. We're only 3000m away, I think we can do this.

1846h: After a grueling hour chase, success! It took two torpedoes to sink her, but that is one C2 going into the deep. Our crew is celebrating, and we still have three torpedoes to hunt with. Now to return to AN16 and continue our patrol.

2000h: Reported in. 3 torpedoes left, grid AN18. One cargo ship sunk, for a grand total of 6446 tons. There will be partying tonight!

2015h: Another air attack, I'm sure in response to our sinking of the cargo ship. We've crashed dived away, and shall be safe from their bombs. Aside from this distraction, we are well on our way back to AN16 and shall be back on station by around 2100h.

2054h: We have surfaced and are almost to AN16. We received an uplifting response to our last report, which has been shared amongst a happy crew. It has been a good day for U-18.

05 September 1939
0420h: The SO awoke me to report a merchant vessel not too far from us. I have ordered the U-18 to turn to engage. We still have three torpedoes left, perhaps we can bag another victim before dawn...

0425h: Target has been identified as a coastal merchant. They ought to be faster than the C2s, and not worth as much tonnage, but they'll be easier to sink. It's heading northwest, meaning that we will need to catch it before it enters the protected waters of the Home Fleet. I think we can do it, though.

UKönig 05-15-15 01:08 PM

might be dead...
Looks like 'ole U-73 may be in over its head...

Attacking a heavily guarded convoy. 2 of 8 escorts destroyed, two tankers (large) and cargo ships (small) have been sunk.
HK units are many and working with extreme cooperation and skill. Damage is slowly starting to mount. Doesn't look like we will get away this time...

UKönig 05-16-15 05:30 PM

we got away!!

I was on the edge of my seat -really- for almost 2 hours, real time.

Tally on merchants was 2 small for 2300 tons each, and two T2 tankers, for 11000 tons each. 3 escorts destroyed. Taking out the third one sealed the deal. If I had been unable to sink at least one more of my attackers, then I would not have made it out.
They destroyed my watch tower and everything on it. They destroyed the officer's post in the stern torpedo compartment. They destroyed my AA cannons and badly damaged the foreship and deck gun.
But the snorkel survived, and I owe my escape and longevity on it.
U-73, returns to St. Nazaire.

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