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banryu79 07-28-14 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by vanjast (Post 2228714)
sniff.. sniff... I had to let this one go :wah: :wah: :wah:

I feel your pain... :cry:

Riccardo1975 07-28-14 04:38 PM

24000 tonne tanker? Wow! Where do you find those? All i ever find is Nipwian class.... :(

maillemaker 07-31-14 11:35 AM

Saw a funny last night.

I attacked a convoy, and, as I am want to do lately, I kill the escorts first with magnetic torpedoes down their throats.

I nailed a Black Swan chaser, and as happens about 20% of the time, the ship was damaged but did not sink, so it just breaks off the attack and resumes its usual picket position in the convoy.

However, it was badly burning, and this particular damage model was leaving a trail of burning oil in the ocean. So it was merrily cruising the ocean, leaving a 2000-meter trail of fire behind it wherever it went.

I finally broke off the attack later to reload my external torpedoes, and when I was doing so I finally got a "She's going down!" message, so I guess maybe that fire damage mod actually does work - eventually. :)


vanjast 07-31-14 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Riccardo1975 (Post 2228900)
24000 tonne tanker? Wow! Where do you find those? All i ever find is Nipwian class.... :(

Thinking back.. I think the ships are set to DWT so as to prevent their impulse drives from working... and to overcome the 'silly' renown thing.

Riccardo1975 07-31-14 03:13 PM

I had 3 destroyers circling over me throwing dc's after a convoy attack West of Lisbon. Dodging the latest attack and heard a huge explosion on the surface 200 metres above. Went to external view and a Black Swan was missing its bridge and covered in flames.

Dodged them for another hour and they all sailed off.

One torpedo normally wipes them out. Yet one dc just removes the superstructure.

Weird.... :confused:

maillemaker 07-31-14 03:37 PM

Yeah I remember back in stock SH3 if you stayed at periscope depth escorts would drive by you and drop depth charges with their depths set so low they would often blow their own ship up with them. :)


Riccardo1975 08-01-14 10:58 AM

Fire damage mod? Is that in Subsim downloads?
Hit a town class in 1941 near Wales with a lucky magnetic stern shot and stern awash, ablaze and only making 6 knots she made off toward Dublin. Followed it the width of Irish Sea yet refused to founder. Risky few deck gun shots from just inside visual range at night finished her off before I started taking hits.
Sounds like a good mod. Ive got plenty of patience... :)

maillemaker 08-01-14 12:10 PM

I can't remember what it's called but it's a mod that is supposed to allow fire to damage objects.

I have been skeptical of its effectiveness, however, as I have set aircraft on fire and watched them fly away over the horizon while on fire, like a burning marshmallow sailing through the air.

I'm not entirely convinced it is working. It may be some other mod has stomped on it.


Riccardo1975 08-01-14 01:42 PM

Dont fancy wasting all my 20mm on flying marshmallows!!! Lmao....



Otto Fuhrmann 08-02-14 06:40 AM

I am about to start a new Mediterranean campaign. I have been playing so much in the Atlantic I need a change of scenery.

Riccardo1975 08-02-14 01:23 PM

I tried the Med after sinking a few thousand tonnes north of Tangiers. Didnt find much. Went as far as Malta then turned back.
Hope you have better luck!

Missing Name 08-05-14 01:38 PM

It has taken three years now... but I have finally managed to hit a moving target with manual torpedo targeting.

Riccardo1975 08-06-14 03:51 PM

That is impressive. Hats off to you Kaleun Missing Name. I always let my weapons officer see to all that...

Anybody think attacking New York harbour in May 1942 will be a good idea. Does it have mines/ASW booms in place? Only got 40k and need to sink a few more tankers. :p


Otto Fuhrmann 08-07-14 06:11 AM

I've never actually tried that before. Try it out and report back to us here at the BdU :salute:

Pappy55 08-07-14 12:06 PM

(fresh install with GWX)
U-42 Under the command of Kurt Henning has just completed sea trials. She will be put to sea later this evening. The supplies are being loaded and papers are being checked and signed.

After opening my orders (before I left... I won't tell if you don't) We are to proceed to Grid AM18..

Rumor has it our forces will be invading Poland any time now.
The men are uneasy..

At least we get a good send off song.

Just found this amongst the XO's Record Collection he brought aboard. <- lets hope we don't need it...:haha:

Anyway my crew are calling.. Time to make final preparations before we disembark. We have a long trip down Kiel Canal.

Otto Fuhrmann 08-07-14 12:52 PM

Viel glück, Kameraden! :salute:

Pappy55 08-08-14 07:49 AM

So we are on route to the patrol area. We are somewhere off the coast off Norway around Bergen.. (I was there for real 1 week ago)

Going to my patrol area via the Dover Strait would be a bad idea.

So in deeper waters I decided to test the crush depth of the boat..

Reaches 180 meters before the crew told me were at max depth.. I carried in till 220 and I got a waring that I was too deep. Ordered a more shallow depth.. needle carried on going down.:wah:

Quickly I ordered emergency surface...

I now have some idea how deep I can go.. But we all need a change of trousers..:har:

Kapitän 08-08-14 08:00 AM

When the lights start flickering, it's almost too late :eek:


Originally Posted by Pappy55 (Post 2231576)
So we are on route to the patrol area. We are somewhere off the coast off Norway around Bergen.. (I was there for real 1 week ago)

Going to my patrol area via the Dover Strait would be a bad idea.

So in deeper waters I decided to test the crush depth of the boat..

Reaches 180 meters before the crew told me were at max depth.. I carried in till 220 and I got a waring that I was too deep. Ordered a more shallow depth.. needle carried on going down.:wah:

Quickly I ordered emergency surface...

I now have some idea how deep I can go.. But we all need a change of trousers..:har:

Riccardo1975 08-08-14 12:04 PM

Start of every patrol, once in 1000m+ water west of Lorient, I crash dive to 220m. Ahead standard to 200, 1/3 to 210 then Slow to 220. Full damage control team at action stations with my finger on the blow ballast button. Always good to know how far to go when the Black Swans start dropping the good news... :D

UKönig 08-08-14 03:04 PM

Good news, ha!
Aren't they so eager to share the latest editions?

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