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Zosimus 07-02-14 11:56 AM

Torshavn Habor Incursion Report

My old stomping grounds of the North of England are no longer as I remember them. There are fewer merchants, their ships are faster, and the sky is teaming with aircraft. I cannot catch the ships under water and I cannot surface because aircraft show up every 10 minutes.

So I push on westward where I spy Torshavn. I know little about it, but it's a hostile city. Does it have a harbor? Maps say yes. I study them carefully. It looks possible. Let's investigate.

After two days underwater adventure, surfacing only to get air, I am within sight of the harbor. I see two coastal vessels of some sort, a warship, and a heavy cruiser. Hydrophone contact negative. My watch officer assures me that all ships are stationary. Periscope depth and we move in at 1 knot, rigged for silent running. My navigation officer assures me that depth under keel is 4 meters. :nope: I must be crazy. At dusk I spend two hours maneuvering for a shot on the heavy cruiser. Finally I give up. I can't even get a 45º AOB. In frustration I torpedo the other warship–a destroyer as it turns out. It sinks immediately. No sirens, no warnings, no screaming, but a warship comes to investigate and beaches itself on the opposite island. What an idiot.

At 1 knot I slip off into the night. I am not likely to return.

Zosimus 07-14-14 04:54 PM

May 13, 1940. I have safely returned to Wilhelmshaven after the most harrowing mission of my career. After an uninteresting tour of the coast of Norway, which was occupied by Germany for its own safety to protect it from further Allied treachery, I rounded England. I had hoped to find numerous ships off the northern coast of England, as before, but the skies were teaming with aircraft and I had only modest success. I headed for Torshavn Harbor, which was similarly disappointing. I sank a moored destroyer and headed south. I tried the northern entrance to the Irish Sea, but I had no success there other than finding a few sailboats in winds so extreme that shots were impossible.

Finally I headed further south where I finally hit gold: A convoy moving along at at 6 knots. I located two steamers straggling behind at 4 knots and sank the first of the two with no difficulty. A frigate came to investigate, but I was long gone from where he looked for me. An hour later I set up a firing solution on the second and sent it to the bottom. Four hours later I caught up with the convoy again and sank another ship. Again the frigate came searching for me, but by the time he followed the trail of bubbles I had left that location. He never found me.

Back on the trail of the convoy I found it impossible to stay on the northern flank of the convoy because another convoy heading in the opposite direction made it impossible. I switched convoys and it was here that disaster nearly struck. An unusually clear day (coinciding with the installation of the 16 km atmosphere mod) resulted in the destroyers seeing me well out beyond my normal 8 km end-around range. Even at 16 km I was still detected and finally in desperation to make progress I foolishly went to 1/3rd submerged in an attempt to make progress. The frigate heard me and began pinging me relentlessly. Soon he followed up with a few depth charges, but I dodged most. Unfortunately he got a lucky shot in and I found myself sinking and nearing crush depth. U-48 was in dreadful danger so I was forced to throw off all attempts at stealth and I called for flank speed, maximum surface angle, and blew ballast 3 different times. The flood control and pumps finally got things under control and I was able to go to max depth again, but for some reason U-48 would not hold her depth at low speeds! Frantic to evade my pursuer, I was nevertheless forced to go at 5 knots to keep U-48 from sinking like a stone.

Battery power was running out and I was desperately heading towards a shallow zone so that I could bottom her and wait the frigate out. Fortunately for me the escort finally gave up and I surfaced with the last of my ballast. Battery power was below 25 percent, but it recharged within a few hours. I radioed other captains to see whether they knew what was wrong with U-48. Most advised abandoning the pursuit and returning to base, but I knew in my heart that I would never be happy with that decision. I engaged a lone ship and after hitting her with a torpedo sank her with my deck gun. I was less than 20 km from the convoy and was afraid that the frigate would show up again to harass me. Fortunately he did not get the beleaguered ship's distress call.

As discretion is the better part of valor, I decided to sink another lone ship to the south, but soon I realized that the convoy's southwesterly course intersected the target's. I knew then that it would be impossible to catch her and sink her without detection so I abandoned that plan and went after the convoy. With three forward torpedoes left, I spotted the jewel at the center of the convoy–a fine cruiser waiting to be torpedoed. At 3 km I let fly with a perfect salvo, but sadly another cargo ship interposed and took both torpedoes sinking immediately. The third torpedo scored a perfect smokestack hit on another ship sending it to the bottom.

But now the frigate was back on the trail with fresh depth charges (restored, I imagine, by the save and restore operation). Again and again he pounded my position until he finally scored another light hit on the same section of the sub that had previously been damaged. Once the damage was repaired U-48 magically regained her buoyancy and I was able to slip away at 1 knot, at 99 meters below the sea. By this time CO2 was high and I surfaced only to find myself 14 km from another warship, which promptly began shelling me. Cursing my luck, I crash dived with what little oxygen I had and began the cat-and-mouse game again. It took another 40 minutes, but I slipped away from him too by turning at flank speed into his baffles and then dropping to 2 knots. Once he had turned around again, I went to 1 knot and managed to slip away. I surfaced and rounded England again on the way home where I spotted a patrol craft and a ship behind it. To my surprise the ship was traveling at an astonishing 14 knots, but I carefully put my stern on the ship and sank the tanker with a single torpedo. The patrol craft followed the bubbles to my location and buzzed around angrily, but it had no depth charge ability and so I easily slipped away.

On the way back I encountered another tanker and tried the same tactic. Trying again to ensure a single shot kill I aimed for the smokestack at the back of the ship, but I missed cleanly and with winds at 13 m/s I threw in the towel and headed for home. I was so happy to be headed to port that I threw conservation to the wind and sped across the North Sea at full speed.

I feared that U-48 was in horrible shape from the depth charges that had caused her to sink nearly uncontrollably. To my surprise, the repair crew told me that U-48 had 95.16% hull integrity. Other than the radio antenna and the observation periscope (both kaput) the boat was in excellent shape. The Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote (BdU) had given us up for sunk as we had stopped all radio contact after the loss of the antenna. They were happy to see us safely in port.

Final Result:

40,096 tons
1195 renown

Promoted Gotthard Becker and Wolf Steinmeier to Stabsoberbootsman
Certified Alois Mülbach proficient at repairs.
Awarded Iron Cross second class to Heinrich Gabelmann
Awarded Iron Cross first class to Peter Weller

Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Command of U-108, a new type IXB boat.

banryu79 07-15-14 02:58 AM

Great achievement! How long did it take to play along the whole war? Or, to put i in another way, do you remember the day in which you started your career (in RL, I mean)?

Awsome patrol, kaleun :salute:
I hope to mimic your venture, one day or another :up:

UKönig 07-15-14 11:00 AM

I think this last career I started (game time) Oct. 1940 and carried it through to the end.

It took about 6-7 months of actual time to complete.

I do a lot of 'short cutting' and save some time by not plotting return trips, I just accept the 'return to base' option.

But the first career i started after many years of not playing took me almost one full year to complete. It was right about then I discovered that I would never play this one to one speed.

I started a new career at day 1, with a type IIA. Only last week. So far it is now Aug. 1940 and I upgraded little U-4 with U-110, after 11 patrols. Yeah, it's a different war experience with the type II...

banryu79 07-15-14 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by UKönig (Post 2224969)
I started a new career at day 1, with a type IIA. Only last week. So far it is now Aug. 1940 and I upgraded little U-4 with U-110, after 11 patrols. Yeah, it's a different war experience with the type II...

I'm using my fresh new second virtual kaleun, August 1939, ad I'm doing my shakedown patrol with the "small thing"... This time I'm experiencing with no-contact-updates and I'm having some fun (it's more time consuming observing/plotting contacts but also a lot more satisfying...).

I found the "small thing" (Type IIA) a nice challange but so far is horrid for underwater diving/surfacing at low speed (1-2 knoten). Also, could be my extremly thin and underrated crew that have some difficulties in getting and mantaining PD (I'm using SH3C, with ralistic crew with random values, it produced a funny assortments of men for me...), maybe that "Helm Qualification" really do something after all.
I should grab some more men and drills more some of my trusted ones before the war...

maillemaker 07-21-14 08:30 AM

It was a good weekend.

I nailed the HMS Aquatainia on one patrol, and I nailed an Illustrious class carrier doing 17 knots with 4 steamer torpedoes at 4 km distance.

All 4 torpedoes hit and exploded!

That may be my best shot ever.

100% realism, including no map contacts. I did, however, report the contact to obtain the speed, which of course is a big part of the firing solution.


banryu79 07-21-14 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by maillemaker (Post 2226696)
I nailed the HMS Aquatainia on one patrol, and I nailed an Illustrious class carrier doing 17 knots with 4 steamer torpedoes at 4 km distance.

All 4 torpedoes hit and exploded!

That may be my best shot ever.

Nice! My best shot has been firing two eels (G7a) from about 3200/3500 m. with was I thought was a not-so-accurate firing solution only to hit with both torpedoes (and sinking a Medium Tanker).

maillemaker 07-21-14 01:24 PM


with was I thought was a not-so-accurate firing solution only to hit with both torpedoes (and sinking a Medium Tanker).
Yup, same here. I was very surprised, as I missed a perfect 000 gyroangle on the 90 degree shot. Still all 4 eels hit.

I was surprised also because they took about 30 seconds longer to hit than I expected. I had already assumed that my attack was a failure when I got

Torpedo impact!
Torpedo impact!
Torpedo impact!
Torpedo impact!



desirableroasted 07-21-14 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by maillemaker (Post 2226764)
Yup, same here. I was very surprised, as I missed a perfect 000 gyroangle on the 90 degree shot. Still all 4 eels hit.

All things being equal, 000 gyroangle is ideal, but it is the least of the targeting worries.

I have always wondered why the programmers chose to put the green-yellow-red light combination on "just" gyroangle. But, of course, they probably never dreamed players would mod the game to make it so much more realistic, or that players would actually use sliderules as they played.

maillemaker 07-21-14 02:44 PM


I have always wondered why the programmers chose to put the green-yellow-red light combination on "just" gyroangle. But, of course, they probably never dreamed players would mod the game to make it so much more realistic, or that players would actually use sliderules as they played.
I have GWX installed. I haven't seen the stoplight in years.


desirableroasted 07-21-14 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by maillemaker (Post 2226789)
I have GWX installed. I haven't seen the stoplight in years.


It's in GWX, but you lose it when you give up the plotting officer's assistance (I believe; I'd have to go back and toggle realism settings to be sure).

captgeo 07-21-14 08:39 PM

Had to quit my last career when I was into 3rd patrol due to save/crash problems, started my second career on first patrol current date Aug 08 39 and North of Scapa Flow monitoring freight traffic pattern's

Pistoliero 07-22-14 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by desirableroasted (Post 2226845)
It's in GWX, but you lose it when you give up the plotting officer's assistance (I believe; I'd have to go back and toggle realism settings to be sure).

I run GWX and use weapon officer's assistance. No triangles confirmed. Maybe you need auto-aim on to see them though.

banryu79 07-22-14 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by GalaKev
Yeah, I know what you mean. I have just left Kiel on my 6th patrol (5th wartime). After the 4th I upgraded to a IID, that to me seemed a lot better.

Got nothing factual to back my claims up, but just seemed to handle better. With PD, maybe its because its a slightly lower tower?

Dreaming about a Type IID me too, and I still have to go in war with my current boat, go figure :)

The PD issue I have is that when I specifically order "Preiscope Depth" my men usually try to keep the boat at 10 or that is my impresion. Btw, it looks like they aren't able to get there and/or keep the boat there, expecially at ahead slow. So the tip of the conning tower usually broach the surface.

I get better results ordering "Set depth 11" or "Set depth 12" or even better giving the "Dive!" order, then when we are down to 11 directly ordering the final depth (again 11/12 or 13).


Originally Posted by GalaKev
Talking about qualifications, how realistic was it that a guy was put on a boat with no specific position taught, shall we say. I know when I joined the RN years ago, we were trained in specific areas. Mine was a RO. Maybe it was different in those times?

AFAIK all petty officers should be qualified, "by definition" (not my direct knowledge but I red it from other very experienced members of this community that looked like the y had direct naval experience in RL).

SO if you use SH3C you can give them all a qualification, I surely will do this as soon as possible (just reach port yesterday evenening).

maillemaker 07-22-14 12:02 PM


AFAIK all petty officers should be qualified, "by definition" (not my direct knowledge but I red it from other very experienced members of this community that looked like the y had direct naval experience in RL).

SO if you use SH3C you can give them all a qualification, I surely will do this as soon as possible (just reach port yesterday evenening).
That's my understanding also.

But I do not use Commander to hand out qualifications or awards (except wound badges).

To me, part of what makes you grow attached to your accomplishments and your crew is the painstaking accumulation of awards and ranks and qualifications, building your crew from green fresh fish to skillful veterans. It makes it very hard when you die and have to start all over again.


vanjast 07-22-14 03:05 PM

Restarted after 2+ years of not playing....

1st patrol... Reality 100%+ ..RealNav - Current position approx 53N 13W at last fix (I've been lazy) on my way to Patrol Grid BE61.

Tonnage - 15,225 = 1 large cargo.
Torpedoes used - 6 (Duds ???)

2 attacks on one convoy.. decided to break off before dawn and continue to patrol grid.

Too many escorts and I'm still learning again - re-hone my lost skills on easier targets. :D

banryu79 07-23-14 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by maillemaker (Post 2227095)
That's my understanding also.

But I do not use Commander to hand out qualifications or awards (except wound badges).

To me, part of what makes you grow attached to your accomplishments and your crew is the painstaking accumulation of awards and ranks and qualifications, building your crew from green fresh fish to skillful veterans. It makes it very hard when you die and have to start all over again.


I know that... feeling :)
In fact, I'm currently playing two careers. Both starting in 1939 but the first with a Type VIIx in Wilhelmshaven, the second with a Type IIx in Kiel.

I have decided that in the Type VIIx career I have "map contact updates" turned ON and I will get my crew qualified as per SH3 logic while in the TypeIIx career I have "map contact updates" turned OFF and I will manage my crew thanks to SH3C.

Riccardo1975 07-27-14 12:41 PM

April 30th 1942. Just south of New York after an uneventful crossing from Lorient. Caught two medium cargoes heading SSE in shallow water. Dispatched both with 3 T1s and about 25 rounds of deck gun. Sporadic return fire but both ships were burning and listing heavily before rolling under.

Heading west a sound contact bearing 030, moving away, sounds like a warship. Surface 2200m astern in the fading light to find a northbound Tugboat. Closed to 1200m and manned the 105. 7-8 rounds by a 13 patrol veteran gun crew soon gets the "She's going down!"

With hardly any warning we are attacked by a Kingfisher bearing 151 medium range, get half my Type IXC underwater and take 3% hull damage, flak gun and forward deck damage off a near miss. Dive to 22m and head West.

Crew think I'm crazy to be causing mayhem in such shallow water but...

Head West toward the shore into the early morning and soundman hears a northbound merchant moving fast, bearing roughly 300. Blow ballast and ahead full for a dogleg intercept course, NNW then WNW. Radar on. 16 knots. Broad daylight with a flat sea hoping its a tanker or similar.

Radar contact. Bearing off the starboard bow and a long way away. Decision time. Plot an intercept and man all guns....

Just as the watch shout "Ship spotted!" the gun crew start firing medium range waterline shots scoring hit after hit. Id the target.

Ceramic type ocean liner!!!

For the first time in my career I was at a total loss what to do. Crash dive or cease fire and run?

Return fire was pathetic so sent about 30 rounds over and its all over. Lifeboats are launched as we slip under the water on a reverse course silent running and get a sound contact of a warship heading for the stricken liner.

East coast USA is a definite target rich environment.

Riccardo U-501.

vanjast 07-28-14 02:07 AM

Life is not Fair ..bah wah wah !!
sniff.. sniff... I had to let this one go :wah: :wah: :wah:

Paulebaer1979 07-28-14 02:21 AM

On patrol 23 with a type IX. Patrol order told me to cruise FF61. Left port on 21.11.1943. Current position CG72 four days later.

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