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jreid666 12-31-13 05:52 AM

There are some minefields round the heligoland area. I got caught with that once aswel. As for the cat on board, bad omen, and a female on board, even worse!!!! Good reading :)


Radian 12-31-13 11:24 AM

Last fish Last big kill
2 Attachment(s)
I'm ending my 25th patrol. It's mid Dec 43. I plan to back in port for Christmas.

I have but one fish left in a forward tube.

What do you know.... Radio contact large convoy just west of me heading for me.

Part of me says...You have one torpedo, this is going to be a well escorted convoy. Do you want the risk or just sail on and find a solo strageler to sink on the way to port.... Or do you risk it?

They gave me torpedoes to use on enemy shipping... I turn west and tell my crew we are going in!

My sound man tells me of 7 escorts and a warship in the middle of the convoy? What could be in the middle? I proceed with caution.

When in position I raise my scope ever so little and there it is... A Bogue class escort carrier!

Ah the frustration... Only one torpedo. Must make it count. Target for hull impact at 6m depth just behind the bow area..

Fish away now crash dive! We're going to have LOTS of company in a few minutes.

My reward? "She's going down!" Yes one fish the last fish bags me a 15k ton escort carrier and I slink off out of the midst of the convoy to head home victorious...


Leandros 12-31-13 02:53 PM

U-2502 - XXI - Oberleu z.S. Müller - Nov. 060629 1944 - AN13 - Patrol 7

Left Bergen on the morning of the 3rd.

We came back safely from Patrol 6 by taking a wide northerly detour to avoid air patrols after our major loss of propulsion power - diesel and electric. These constant malfunctions are getting tiresome. If we had met any enemy forces on the return trip we would have had serious problems with defending ourselves. We also brought back a dozen unused torpedoes which is not very popular with the brass.

This patrol has worked out nicely, the boat works fine. Set the course to cross into the Alantic South of the Shetlands. Stopped for a period in the sound to see if any traffic showed up. It did - among them a fat little convoy with three ships.

Continuing westward a report on a large convoy, heading south-west, ticked in. North-East of the approaches to the Hebrides Channel we picked up the radar emissions of its escorts. We submerged and are now awaiting its arrival. The point escort has just passed behind us but he is suspicious, he has been dropping d/c's at the point we went under. He had obviously registered us on his radar. I had a homer ready for him if he discovered us but it seems he is moving on. I shall certainly get use for that homer later. It's a large convoy!



1. Fat little convoy of three ships
2. Scoresheet so far

Leandros 12-31-13 09:26 PM

U-2502 - XXI - Oberleu z.S. Müller - Nov. 09 1944 - Bergen - Patrol 7

Arrived back in Bergen this morning. This was the first satisfactory patrol since the first one and also the only with no malfunctions on the boat. However, we have never had an operational radar. I do not put too much importance on that as we all the time see how radar reveal the presence of the enemy. The only use would be in bad weather or the dark but with the submerged speed and endurance on this boat we may as well operate submerged and use our sonar under such conditions. The schnorkel should only be used in the dark and at a low speed as its wake can be observed by airplanes in daylight and the diesels veil our own sonar, at the same time increasing the enemy's potential to hear us.

The attack on the convoy, it wasn't that big, went quite well even if some time and many torps were used to keep the escorts away. We used all our torps except 1 Zaunkønig for self-defense on the return voyage.



Patrol Log

PolarDeer 01-01-14 07:05 PM

Just after finishing a 40000t patrol with wild forays into CG9x and the Portuguese coast, I tried to reload to discover that the entire save is apparently corrupt since it keeps crashing on my loading attempts.

Oh well, now for another campaign...

nataraj 01-02-14 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by jreid666 (Post 2158146)
There are some minefields round the heligoland area. I got caught with that once aswel. As for the cat on board, bad omen, and a female on board, even worse!!!!

Ah ! That explains it, of course. Thanks for the information about the minefield, I'd never have guessed - so close to "home". Now that I knew where to look, I found a thread about it, too: seems that I'm not the only one that sailed through these minefields completely unawares ... ( and

I found the solution to the other puzzle, too: damage without enemy action. Ahem, if we had proper nautical charts on board, I'd have seen at first glance that the Celtic Sea is only between 50 and 100m deep in many places. I guess we probably hit the sea bottom :oops:


Missing Name 01-02-14 10:23 AM

Still working on manual attacks. I almost hit a ship on this patrol!

because I was submerged and running flank. damn schooners.

gi_dan2987 01-02-14 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by nataraj (Post 2159033)
if we had proper nautical charts on board, I'd have seen at first glance that the Celtic Sea is only between 50 and 100m deep in many places. I guess we probably hit the sea bottom :oops:

You can also ping for depth by going to your nav officer and clicking the icon that looks like a U-boat hull with a line under it and an arrow pointing down. Add the number you get from your Nav Officer to your current depth, and that's the depth to the bottom! Now you can ride just above, or if you have GWX2.1 bottom fix (I don't think there's one for GWX3) you can rest right on the bottom without taking damage.

Leandros 01-04-14 01:05 PM

U-2502 - XXI - Oberleu z.S. Müller - Nov. 231041 1944 - Bergen Approaches - Patrol 8
We left Bergen this morning for patrol area BC33. The boat has been properly checked out - all systems go. I have taken onboard 7 homing torpedoes for self-defence. Plan to get undetected to the patrol area and use everything on one large convoy, no small fish.

The war is going bad. In october we lost 12 boats for 1.700 tons shipping sunk.



1. Vorpostenboot escorted us out to the North Sea
2. A Type XXIII left Bergen at the same time.

Admiral Halsey 01-04-14 02:49 PM

Admiral Scheer, Septemper 3rd, 1939. We left Wilhelmshaven at midnight on the first and are currently heading towards the entrance of St George's Channel to conduct raids on British shipping. We spotted a tramp steamer on the 2nd but it was Norwegian and didn't attack though Bernard thought we should. Will update if anything happens.

Admiral Scheer, Septemper 4th, 1939. Sunk a small Polish freighter in grid AN 47. We are continuing towards the entrance of St George's Channel and will continue to update as events require.

Leandros 01-05-14 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey (Post 2160248)
Admiral Scheer, Septemper 3rd, 1939. We left Wilhelmshaven at midnight on the first and are currently heading towards the entrance of St George's Channel to conduct raids on British shipping. We spotted a tramp steamer on the 2nd but it was Norwegian and didn't attack though Bernard thought we should. Will update if anything happens.

Admiral Scheer, Septemper 4th, 1939. Sunk a small Polish freighter in grid AN 47. We are continuing towards the entrance of St George's Channel and will continue to update as events require.

Cool, Admiral - some pictures?


Taifun206 01-06-14 10:42 PM

my second campaign has startet again 100%

we are now in the atlantic north west of england in the deep zone
my crew didnt saw so far the enemy
we are high motivated with the currently best brand new u-boat the viic and got our own rules at sea
we will never use the funk communication and only surface at night

me and my crew still ask us why so many country´s declartion of war against our beautiful country...
all what we currently do is to be very carefully waiting and of course listen to music
watch this

>> <<

Leandros 01-07-14 04:25 AM

Strange CTD's
My last couple of patrols have been marred by a strange sort of CTD's. Every time a homing torpedo hits a Flower class the game CTD's. On the last occasions I have saved just before impact, started anew after the CTD - the same happens every time. It does not happen when other vessel types are hit or other torpedo types are used on the Flower class.

I'm in February '45 with a Type XXI now. This is really irritating.

Correction - now it CTD's with all torps hitting a Flower corvette.

Leandros 01-09-14 01:07 PM

U-2502 - XXI - Oberleu z.S. Müller - May 071400 1945 - Bergen U-boat base

We were about to leave Bergen this morning when we were ordered to cancel the patrol. The war is over.

We left Bergen on May 5th for Patrol 13 but had to abort as both the diesel and E-engines acted up. We got only about half speed out of the boat.

The last months of the war for me has centered around the use of the new homing torpedoes. Correctly used they are amazing. I am sure the Allies shall benefit much from this technology. On Patrol 12 we left with 12 of these on board. The QM's have been much more lenient on supplying these lately. Probably because the war has been going so badly. Six have been issued as a minimum on the last missions and I have been able to scrounge a few more myself.

We sunk 9 of the 12 warships on Patrol 12 with homers. Three of them went astray, one for technical reasons, it went under the target, did not detonate and disappeared. The two others missed because we launched it under less than ideal conditions. If one fires two with short separation in time it is important that targets are clearly separate or else both can hook up to the same target. The third was diverted by a merchant not far from the target.

After a homer has been fired it can be smart to show oneself in one way or other, to lure the target over the initial torpedo track.

As I have hinted here earlier the proper tactics should be pairs or more of U-boats with one specially designated as escort destroyer. This one should operate on some distance from the convoy to lure the escorts away (so the homers do not go for the merchants) and destroy them there. The field should then be (more) open for the other U-boats in the flock. The ideal position to start such an attack would be in the rear of the convoy.

As can be seen from the personnel file there has been several aborted missions due to technical problems - mainly with the engines. This has also occured in the middle of some missions, once very seriously.



1. Captain's personnel file

Rammstein0991 01-24-14 06:08 PM

Nice read.

KL-alfman 01-25-14 02:12 PM

Oblt. Henne, U-507, type: IXC

we departed Lorient on the 4/6/1943 and are now cruising in FP47 on our way back home after patrolling our assigned grid GR91 (Capetown). we've never been assigned that far away from Europe and until now we only had little success. 5 lone merchants were downed (we still have 8eels left), but all our usual tactics don't work anymore (sneaking into a convoy between lead escort and first side-escort), because detection abilities have greatly improved. we must adapt and stay outside of convoys and shoot from longer ranges which harms our hit-rates. the times when we sank 10ships or even more a patrol are gone forever. last weeks' radio-messages were even worse than our current situation: many of our Kameraden were lost at sea by escorts and planes. the fate of war has turned against us.
yesterday we even lost our skilled flak-gunner (Gefreiter Endelmann) due to an air-attack by a catalina which we assumed to take down. bad, very bad decision made by me. I'm now obliged to explain my misjudging to his parents in a personal letter. very sad task!
cruising into sunset
my U-boot, she is perfect!

Lord_magerius 03-04-14 02:22 PM

After nearly two years away I decided to re-install the game. Several hours of screaming at the computer, I finally managed to sort my stupid Win7 problems and get it running with GWX 3.0

I had planned to make a really detailed AAR post but as is usually the case with this game I got engrossed and completely forgot to do it. Oh well, first mission back, Oct 39.

2205 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk! HMS Birmingham (Southampton class), 10725 tons. Crew: 1092. Crew lost: 633
2212 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk! SS Kana (Tramp Steamer), 2015 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 17
2220 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk! HMS Stoke City (ASW Trawler), 1100 tons. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 33
0544 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk! SS Umkuzi (Large Merchant), 11075 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 103. Crew lost: 23
0643 Grid AN 76 Ship sunk! SS Glen Head (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 5
0900 Grid AN 84 Ship sunk! MV Warwick Deeping (Small Trawler), 98 tons. Crew: 13. Crew lost: 7
1131 Grid AN 84 Ship sunk! SS Politician (Large Merchant), 11076 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 93. Crew lost: 39
1955 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 7
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 37958 tons

Not too shabby even if I do say so myself. :arrgh!:

Kielhauler1961 03-04-14 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lord_magerius (Post 2181619)
...1131 Grid AN 84 Ship sunk! SS Politician (Large Merchant), 11076 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits...

SS Politician? I thought I recognised the name - the ship from Whisky Galore!

I bet your crew had a good celebration following that sinking...:Kaleun_Cheers:


Lord_magerius 03-04-14 04:01 PM

They certainly deserved it heh, I put my last eel and 100+ deck gun rounds in her before she went down.

Captain Norman 03-04-14 06:40 PM

For me, it is November 1939. My u-boat is back on patrol after having to abort the previous patrol, due to the radio and sonograph being destroyed, as well as the deaths of the surface watch. I am currently stalking a convoy, plotting targets to sink :arrgh!:

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