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eschemschnuz 09-27-11 12:43 AM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

It's all becoming a blur at this point. :yawn:

Endless waiting, sinking lone ships, endless waiting, diving from enemy aircraft, endless waiting, bumping into convoys, failing to sink anything and diving from enemy warships, endless waiting... :yawn:

Any idea when the war's gonna end?

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 19.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise.
Promotions and medals all around, yada-yada-yada... :yawn:

Over and completely zoned out.

Sailor Steve 09-27-11 12:36 PM

Finally got SH3 reinstalled for the umpteenth time and am about to start the war - again.

JazzJR 09-27-11 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1756826)
and am about to start the war - again.

HORRAY!! :salute: :D

WWII44 09-27-11 12:53 PM

just put to sea in 1941 with the IXB U-124.

Fish In The Water 09-27-11 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1756826)
Finally got SH3 reinstalled for the umpteenth time and am about to start the war - again.

Good to have you back...

It may be umpteen times later, but there's still roses out there to smell. :O:

Have fun and good hunting! :sunny:

eschemschnuz 09-28-11 01:13 AM

Eschem Schnuz's Letters, 29th Flotilla
Dear Uncle Karl,

Please convey my gratitude and thanks to Herr Tikigod and his package of pin-up posters. They were very... ahem, "uplifting". :O:

Also, give my regards to the boys at U-96 from Bavaria Studios. Fun lot, that bunch. :D

Very useful, those G7es eels. Actually managed to incapacitate a Liberty cargo 10 minutes after I dove to escape a convoy.

U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 20.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise. Slight nick, though 'tis but a scratch.
Promotions and medals all around (haven't they run out of these?)...

Over and out.

VONHARRIS 09-28-11 01:53 AM

U-111 IXB
Patrol No4
U-73 VIIB was passed to an other Kaleun as von Harris and his crew took the brand new U-111 IXB
Orders: Patrol grid BE59
Secondary: Engage enemy traffic going in and out the Straits

09 January 1940
03:19 hours U-111 left port. Morale was good

13 January 1940
Grid AN14
11:51 hours SS Recorder (Tramp Steamer), 1824 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 25
12:42 hours SS Ixion (Ore Carrier), 8293 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 94. Crew lost: 7 She was following the tramp steamer in a loose formation

19 January 1940
Grid BE31
19:03 hours SS Baroda (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 16

28 January 1940
Grid CG95 - convoy attack
22:45 hours USS Indra (Convoy repair ship), 5220 tons. Crew: 181. Crew lost: 139 flying British colors
22:49 hours HMS Mullion Cove F 186 (Convoy repair ship), 5221 tons. Crew: 160. Crew lost: 32

29 January 1940
Grid CG95
00:25 hours USS Ulysses (Convoy repair ship), 5218 tons. Crew: 194. Crew lost: 1 from the same convoy flying the Union Jack
02:15 hours SS Crusader (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 18
08:36 hours SS Khosrou (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 16

30 January 1940
Grid CG95 - convoy attack
19:38 hours SS Baron Ruthven (Medium Merchant 11), 3130 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 20
Damaged an Aux cruiser escorting the convoy

31 January 1940
Grid CG95
02:16 hours MV Valparaiso (Medium Merchant 17), 4023 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 5
Grid CG85
17:57 hours SS Prosper (Tramp Steamer), 1829 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 6

01 February 1940
Grid CG82
02:11 hours SS Glenroy (Heavy Merchant 01), 9092 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 104. Crew lost: 60
Grid CG57
04:36 hours SS Umgazi (Medium Merchant 09), 3188 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 25

12 February 1940
Grid AN41
11:54 hours SS Lipari (Heavy Merchant 01), 9093 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 54

15 February 1940
11:37 hours Returned to port
38 days at sea
14 ships sunk
66467 tons
All torpedoes and 10,5cm rounds used
The weather was good most of the time. All crew performed very well.
No damages or casualties

VONHARRIS 09-28-11 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by eschemschnuz (Post 1757069)
U-87 Type VIIB, 29th Flotilla reporting from Patrol 20.
Realism @ 50%, original game specs.
7-day cruise. Slight nick, though 'tis but a scratch.
Promotions and medals all around (haven't they run out of these?)...

Over and out.

Still alive in there huh!
Keep it that way!

PhantomLord 09-29-11 06:35 AM

Installed SH3 again. GWX Gold and Commander too.

Its August 1939, U-48 going out from Wilhelmhaven to BF17. Actual position somewhat north of Stornoway.

Enjoying the view at sunset... listening my good old grammaphone... waiting for the war.


Sailor Steve 09-29-11 10:20 AM

Me too. U-64, type IX.

Osmium Steele 09-29-11 01:32 PM

U-285 is currently south of Reykjavic, patrolling the convoy routes.

In my entire SHIII career, I had never even spotted a carrier. Now I've sunk two Bogues in just over 2 weeks game time. A Fiji light cruiser as well. I'm loving the mid Atlantic.

My largest warship kill previous was an auxiliary cruiser.

3 task forces lose their largest ships, with no retaliation, in just over two weeks. I wonder how Tommy would have handled that?

I've spotted heavies near Gibraltar, but was never in a position to los.

Heading home to pounce on the large convoy just beyond visual range.

VONHARRIS 09-30-11 03:26 AM

I accidentaly deleted my last career so I had to start a new one.
U-103 IXB is currently attacking a convoy in grid BE59.
The date is 19 December 1939.

PhantomLord 09-30-11 04:01 AM

Oh dear... i just wanted to finish my actual SH4 patrol and return to port. Sunk 40k tons off the american coast.
April 1942... sunk by aircraft bombing... all hands lost.

Well... iŽll draw my full attention to SH3 now :D

Obltn Strand 09-30-11 12:55 PM

Starand's new boat and crew are yet to be tested in battle. Still BdU saw fit to send them at mouth of wolf's lair...
Patrol 2
U-139, 1st Flotilla
Left at: October 10, 1940, 09:00
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM53

01.10 Arrived patrol area. AM53
11.19 Destroyer spotted. Dived to avoid detection. AM53
Destroyer spotted. Dived to avoid detection. AM53
Destroyer spotted. Dived to avoid detection. AM53
07.44 Ship spotted. AM53
08.19 Attacked with one torpedo at 1500m . Hit
08.30 Small freighter sunk. AM53
01.40 Two destroyers spotted. AM53
02.06 Sudden course change prsented a good opportunity to
attack. Fired one torpedo at 1000m. Hit
02.08 Destroyer sunk. AM53
11.12 Aircraft spotted. Crashdive. AM53
01.29 Ship spotted. AM53
01.58 Identified as fishing trawler.
09.29 Convoy reported nearby. Intercepting. AM53
10.20 Ship spotted. AM53
10.31 Convoy spotted. Shadowing. AM53
11.21 Dived for submerged attack. AM53
11.53 Attacked small freighter at 1500m with one torpedo.
Sunk immediately after hit.
11.59 Attacked large tanker with double fan at 1800m. One hit.
14.16 Not pursued by escorts. Out of torpedoes. Started return
trip. AM53
07.14 Ship spotted. AM54
01.56 Ship spotted. BF15
15.48 Docked at Lorient

Ships sunk:
SS Birgitte (Coastal Freighter) 1874 tons
HMAS Voyager (V&W classes) 1188 tons
SS Glen Head
(Coastal Freighter) 1867 tons
Patrol total: 4929 tons

Oberleutnant z. S. Sigmund Strand

U-2 (1 patrol)
U-139 (1 patrol)
Career Tonnage: 4929 tons

roadrage 09-30-11 08:31 PM

Patrol 1
Luetnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-19, type IIA
U-Flotilla Weddigen

1939-09-01 11:43
Left Wilhelshaven, Mission orders: Patrol grid AF87

1939-09-04 18:24
Nothing here but neutrals. Decision: make detour toward Great Britain on the way home.

1939-09-07 21:46
Ship sunk!
Grid AN45
Small Merchant, 2343 tons.

1939-09-08 07:43
Ship sunk!
Grid AN45
Small Merchant, 2413 tons.

1939-09-09 05:13
Ship sunk!
Grid AN45
C2 Cargo, 6446 tons.

1939-09-09 05:30
All torpedoes expended. Decision: Return to base.

1939-09-11 13:23
Arrived at Wilhelmshaven.
Patrol results:
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 3
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 11202 tons.
Crew received a truck load of medals, U-boat being fitted with a flak gun before next patrol.

VONHARRIS 10-01-11 01:19 AM

U-103 IXB
New career.
U-103 IXB Obltn z, S. Helmut Bach

01 December 1939
23:59 hours U-103 left Wilhelmshaven to patrol grid BE94

09 December 1939
Grid AM54
14:15 hours SS Wray Castle (Granville-type Freighter), 4709 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 74. Crew lost: 32

19 December 1939
Grid BE65 - Convoy attack
14:50 hours SS Lord Cochrane (Medium Merchant 22), 4292 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 37
14:52 hours SS Sakko (Small Merchant), 1722 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 7
14:56 hours SS Tyndareus (Ore Carrier), 8303 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 46
14:59 hours SS Tudor Star (Ore Carrier), 8304 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 83. Crew lost: 59
15:00 hours SS Irene S. Embiricos (Medium Merchant 22), 4293 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 36. Crew lost: 18

20 December 1939
Grid BE61
15:39 hours SS Empire Jumna (Nipiwan Park-type Tanker), 2476 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 17

16 January 1940
Grid AM52
02:21 hours SS Barnby (Granville-type Freighter), 4751 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 16

20 January 1940
Grid AM52
00:14 hours USS Melelaus (Convoy repair ship), 5220 tons. Crew: 193. Crew lost: 179
04:42 hours SS David H. Atwater (Coastal Freighter), 1874 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 20
10:19 hours SS Port Brisbane (Ore Carrier), 8309 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 12
22:54 hours SS Fjord (Medium Merchant 17), 4023 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 43

01 February 1940
Grid AN72
04:54 hours HMCS Ottowa (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 155. Crew lost: 26
05:21 hours HMS Bataan (Tribal class), 1850 tons. Crew: 247. Crew lost: 244
Took severe damages from a third destroyer that attacked.
12:58 hours Q Ship HMS Prunella (Medium Coastal Freighter), 2365 tons. Crew: 72. Crew lost: 48

03 February 1940
05:54 hours Docked at port
65 days at sea
15 ships sunk
63866 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 34.04%)

VONHARRIS 10-01-11 09:01 AM

U-103 IXB
Patrol No2
After a long repair and refit time U-103 was ready for action.
Orders : Patrol grid AD83 and intercept any convoys

10 April 1940
05:37 hours U-103 left Willy for the assigned patrol area

27 April 1940
Grid AD59 - Convoy attack
01:01 hours MV Eidanger (Large Tanker), 12667 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 7
01:47 hours RMS Titanic, 47546 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 412. Crew lost: 28
03:03 hours SS San Gaspar (Tanker 08), 12152 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 68. Crew lost: 68. She was hit in the initial torpedo attck and finished off later when the convoy had gone.

30 April 1940
Grid AD83 - Convoy attack
Unsuccesful. The convoy changed course after U-103 had fired her torpedoes. They all missed.

11 May 1940
06:31 hours Docked at port
32 days at sea
3 ships sunk
72365 tons
No damages or casualties
3 dud torpedoes

WWII44 10-01-11 09:07 AM

encountered convoy at EJ66. no merchants sunk due to geting tagteamed by the escorts, took on five Blackswan-class destroyers and sent them to the bottom. 14 men lost and the U-124 slightly resembles swiss cheese. layed up in lorient to rest the crew and repair the U-124.

roadrage 10-01-11 09:39 PM

Patrol 2

Luetnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-19, type IIA

1939-10-9 06:01
Left Wilhelmshaven. Orders: Patrol grid AN16

1939-10-13 22:17
Arrived grid AN16, commencing patrol

1939-10-16 08:17
Diesel down to 50%, heading to grid AN45

1939-10-17 07:16
Aircraft spotted, dived, bombs dropped, all misses. Will stay submerged until 22:00 to give crew a rest. Seas still heavy, wind 15m/s.
22:00 Decision: Return to base.

1939-10-18 08:46
Ship sunk!
Grid AN45
Small merchant, 2413 tons

1939-10-22 15:41
Docked at Wilhelmshaven
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 1
Aircraft Destroyed:0
Patrol Tonnage: 2413 tons
awards for crew, I recieved U-boat front clasp.

Obltn Strand 10-02-11 11:21 AM

Brief action south of England followed by long and uneventful journey around British isles.

Patrol 3
U-139, 1st Flotilla
Left at: November 23, 1940, 19:56
From: Lorient

07.50 Ship spotted. BF13
08.37 Attacked small freighter with one torpedo at 800m. Sunk
immediately after hit. BF13
16.43 Destroyer spotted. BF13
00.30 Convoy reported nearby. Intercepting. BF13
02.20 Destroyer spotted. BF13
02.26 Convoy spotted. BF13
02.49 Attacked large tanker with double fan at 2500m. Both
02.51 Attacked another large tanker with single torpedo at
2800m. Miss.
02.54 Definite torpedo impact. Target unidentified.
02.57 Detected by escorts. Crashdive. Depthcharged.
03.13 Tanker sunk. BF13
06.00 Contact lost.
11.50 Ship spotted. BF13
12.35 Attacked small tanker with one torpedo at 800m. Sunk
immediately after hit. BF13
12.37 Out of torpedoes. Started return trip. BF13
18.41 Docked at Kiel

Ships sunk:
SS Aberdovey (Coastal Freighter) 1869 tons
SS W.D. Anderson (Tanker 09) 8505 tons
MV Harfry (Coastal Tanker) 998 tons
Patrol Total: 11 372 tons

Oberleutnant z. S. Sigmund Strand

U-2 (1 patrol)
U-139 (2 patrols)
Career Tonnage: 16 301 tons

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