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ijnfleetadmiral 07-29-11 12:59 AM

Like I said, I've seen a passenger liner one time, and she was in a convoy. The set-up was perfect...ideal range, perfect angle on target, torpedoes (at that point I had a full load) set at depth for mortal wounds. Check plot once more to find...she's a freaking neutral!!!:wah::wah::wah::damn::damn::damn:

So I switched targets and wound up knocking off two T3 Tankers instead. A nice haul nonetheless, but I still would've loved sinking that liner.


sublynx 07-29-11 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1715812)
Like I said, I've seen a passenger liner one time, and she was in a convoy. The set-up was perfect...ideal range, perfect angle on target, torpedoes (at that point I had a full load) set at depth for mortal wounds. Check plot once more to find...she's a freaking neutral!!!:wah::wah::wah::damn::damn::damn:

So I switched targets and wound up knocking off two T3 Tankers instead. A nice haul nonetheless, but I still would've loved sinking that liner.


One of the two passenger lines I've sunk was quite the opposite: the liner was the only enemy ship sailing in a convoy of neutrals, near Freetown.

The fact that the only liner you've yet seen was a neutral liner and you had to experience the frustration, only makes it feel a lot more satisfying when you finally see and sink your first enemy liner :arrgh!:

ijnfleetadmiral 07-29-11 02:28 AM

U-107 departed Lorient on her first patrol. After completing patrol of assigned grid, headed south for Gibraltar in hopes of FINALLY catching something big with lots of armor.

Spent the better part of three days creeping through the Straits to arrive off the main harbor just before dawn. Raised periscope for a look, with all fingers and toes crossed that there would be AT LEAST a CL at anchor there, just waiting to be sunk.

What greets me? A T2 tanker and a Coastal Merchant! In the words of a frustrated officer who has yet to see a warship bigger than a Tribal-class DD,

Quit and went back to earlier time in same patrol, before I was stupid enough to try and sneak into Gibraltar for what proved to be no f**king reason at all. :damn::damn::damn:

Snestorm 07-29-11 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1715806)
OLzS Suckel and U-209 departed on their 15th patrol on 8 February 1941 out of St. Nazaire. They returned ten days later, having sunk 8 ships for 43,124 tons. Upon return to port, OLzS Suckel and crew were transferred from the 7th Flotilla at St. Nazaire to the 2nd Flotilla at Lorient, where they assumed control of Type IXB U-107.

Can't wait for patrols at long distances!

Welcome to Lorient, from U109.

ijnfleetadmiral 07-29-11 02:58 AM's hoping to many successes!


ijnfleetadmiral 07-29-11 05:58 AM

U-107 has returned from her best patrol yet...17 ships (including 4 fleet DDs) sunk for 65,983 tons! Upon returning to base, I dismissed my officers so they can take command of their own boats.

NOTE: I installed the modified ranks like it said, but even after this great a patrol, I didn't get promoted. Any ideas as to why?

ALSO: Anyone know how to modify the game so you can promote NCOs to Officer and Enlisted to NCOs?

-OLzS Matthias Suckel
Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, & Diamonds
480,461 tons sunk

Paul Riley 07-29-11 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1715736)
Best thread on the board.


Paul Riley 07-29-11 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1715811)
I second that. The thread is absolutely great, so thanks Paul for getting the idea and starting it :woot:


Kaptain Schlag 07-29-11 02:23 PM

New Career
Erwin Benner, 51% realism, could be higher but want visual perks + can't do manual targeting yet

1st flotilla type VIIB, U-48

1st patrol, Sept 1st 1939

Left Kiel on the first, and set sail for AN52. Patrolled AN52 for half a day without incident, then proceeded into the channel leading to firth of forth at night.
Found a V & W destroyer which got destroyed by 1 T1 torpedo to the side.

Then left for open waters. Sailed up and down the British coast for several days sinking a coastal merchant with 1 88mm shell :yep:, a small merchant with 1 T1 and around 10 88 mm shells.

Got news of a TF leaving Scapa but was too far away to engage.

Set sail for east entrance into Scapa for a raid, on the way sunk a large merchant with 3 T1's. (1 on magnetic setting bounced of bottom of hull).

Proceeded to enter Scapa successfully, but did not engage any targets because of little value.

returned to port safely.

4 ships sunk for ~10K tonnes.

Gerald 07-29-11 02:30 PM


sublynx 07-29-11 03:42 PM

die Elster, U-46, patrol 2, report 5
Lt.z.s. Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB, "die Elster"
7. Flottille, Kiel
Orders: Patrol grid AL03

1631 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 2.5 m/s. Sank a lone 1900 BRT merchant with deck and flak gun fire. Was then sighted at a range of 8000 - 9000 meters by the escorts of the convoy we have been attacking. Two torpedoes shot at a Black Swan making 12 knots. A perpendicular course, range 1500 meters, AOB 90 stb. The ship's engines revved up 15 - 20 seconds before the expected impact time and both torpedoes missed. Had to evade at A+75, 100 RPM for two hours. Lost contact with the convoy. I have only one torpedo left and I have decided to return to base. Not to Kiel, however, but to Lorient, as the base of 7.Flottille is being moved there.


Jimbuna 07-29-11 03:47 PM


Iron Budokan 07-29-11 05:16 PM


Commentary of the BdU to the KTB of "U-46" from 5.10.40 to 31.10.40 (11th War Patrol):

1.) The death of crew member Fritz Wagner deemed "exigency of war" and does not reflect upon decisions made by commander.

2.) Loss of neutral ships not completely understandable in every circumstance. Commander must determine ship neutrality if possible, and without endangering boat.

3.) Later successful attacks carried out well against single ships and enemy convoy. Commander not responsible for mechanical torpedo failure. No evidence "U-46" responsible for sinking friendly vessel on far side of convoy.

4.) Due to past success against enemy, this officer ordered to relinquish command of "U-46" in preparation for duties as commander of "U-65" Type IXB, based Lorient.

Signed in draft: Doenitz
Validated by: V. Ulsterhaus, Leutnant z.S and Adjutant



Whew. That was a close one. And I got an IXB in the outcome! :rock:


Fish In The Water 07-29-11 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Iron Budokan (Post 1716508)
Whew. That was a close one. And I got an IXB in the outcome! :rock:


Enjoy! :rock:

ijnfleetadmiral 07-29-11 09:03 PM

Talking about dodging a bullet!


Iron Budokan 07-29-11 09:56 PM

I know, guys, I was very lucky...and very relieved! :salute:

(Of course, those pictures I had of Donitz and Eva Braun didn't hurt either....)

Iron Budokan 07-29-11 11:32 PM

U-65, IXB
2. Flottille, Lorient
Patrol: DH 53

Stabsoberbootsman Ulrich Zinke (Machinist) and Matrosengefreiter Max Wittmann transferred out to other U-boats. Bootsman Helmut Nowacki and Matrosengefreiter Franz Heidermann -- first training deployment on U-65.

December 11, 1940
Time: 06:13
Weather: Clear, light fog, brisk and cold.

Leaves Lorient for patrol grid DH 53. U-65 ordered to conduct sea trials and preliminary training exercises for 24 hours in Bay of Biscay. If all is well boat will proceed at 8 knots to first patrol grid NW of Canary Islands.

08:53 Boat appears to function normally. Course 204, 8 kts. Trim dive went well. Guns functioning normally w/practice rounds. Later, performed crash dive for drill. Crew reacts with alacrity; no problems.

09: 27 Surface. Sun fix.

09:45 Serviced G7a and G7e torpedoes in bow/aft compartments.

10:03 Battle stations. Surface attack drill. Clean deck gun.

10:25 Test dive, trim tanks. E-maschinen functions normally. Rise to periscope depth. Boat trimmed beautifully.

10:34 Surface. Continue course 204.

Snestorm 07-30-11 01:26 AM

U109 IXB. Patrol 3. Part 2.
Continued from 25.okt.41 (No enemy contacts to date).
All torpedoes set to 3 meters depth, impact pistol.
Tubes 3 & 6 G7A. All other internals TII G7E.
7 externals are G7A.

26.okt.41 AJ99
1446: "Ship spotted! 322. Long range."
1446: Destroyer! Turnung bow on and going to 15 meters.
1447: "Warship! Constant distance. Very fast. 027. Long range."
1447: "Multiple merchant contacts." Silent Speed. Periscope depth.
1451: Destroyer seems to be starboard escort. Light Fog. 15 M/S.
1457: Estimated course 058, making 6 knots. Confidence low.
1459: Open tube 3 (TI G7A) for C2 Cargo at 3.000 to 4.000 meters.
1500: Fire! New depth 102 meters! Destroyer at 350 R, 1.500 meters.
1504: No impact yet. Target missed.
1506: Impact! 6 minutes, 21 seconds. 6.300 meters. Not our target.
1507: Ship sunk! QM advises position to be AJ9846.
1515: 4 escorts counted on hydrophone. Undetected.
1655: Surface, and send report.
1810: BDU advises that we sunk a T2 Tanker at over 10.000 GRT.
2032: Unable to relocate convoy. Returning toward original objective.

27.okt.41 0600: Save & Exit.

pditty8811 07-30-11 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1716666)
Continued from 25.okt.41 (No enemy contacts to date).
All torpedoes set to 3 meters depth, impact pistol.
Tubes 3 & 6 G7A. All other internals TII G7E.
7 externals are G7A.

26.okt.41 AJ99
1446: "Ship spotted! 322. Long range."
1446: Destroyer! Turnung bow on and going to 15 meters.
1447: "Warship! Constant distance. Very fast. 027. Long range."
1447: "Multiple merchant contacts." Silent Speed. Periscope depth.
1451: Destroyer seems to be starboard escort. Light Fog. 15 M/S.
1457: Estimated course 058, making 6 knots. Confidence low.
1459: Open tube 3 (TI G7A) for C2 Cargo at 3.000 to 4.000 meters.
1500: Fire! New depth 102 meters! Destroyer at 350 R, 1.500 meters.
1504: No impact yet. Target missed.
1506: Impact! 6 minutes, 21 seconds. 6.300 meters. Not our target.
1507: Ship sunk! QM advises position to be AJ9846.
1515: 4 escorts counted on hydrophone. Undetected.
1655: Surface, and send report.
1810: BDU advises that we sunk a T2 Tanker at over 10.000 GRT.
2032: Unable to relocate convoy. Returning toward original objective.

27.okt.41 0600: Save & Exit.

Are you guys copying this out of a document or patrol log, or are you typing this stuff yourself from what you experience?

Snestorm 07-30-11 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by pditty8811 (Post 1716687)
Are you guys copying this out of a document or patrol log, or are you typing this stuff yourself from what you experience?

I keep a notebook, then copy from the notebook to the thread.

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