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Fish In The Water 07-24-11 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1711386)
It appears I was too hasty in handing out promotions, as lately my crew has developed several cases of extreme incompetence.

Resting a little too much on their laurels... :O:

ijnfleetadmiral 07-24-11 02:52 AM


Commanding Officer: OLzS Matthias Suckel

START DATE: 4 March 1940

9 March 1940:

SS Queen (C3-Cargo) - 7,950 tons; 62 crew, 39 dead
MV James J. Maguire (T3 tanker) - 11,654 tons; 53 crew, 34 dead
SS Cavalier (C3 Cargo) - 7,952 tons; 38 crew, 21 dead

10 March 1940:

SS Jussi H. (Coastal Merchant) - 2,047 tons; 26 crew, 15 dead
SS Sea Nymph (C2 Cargo) - 6,449 tons; 40 crew, 37 dead
SS Monarch of the Seas (C2 Cargo) - 6,450 tons; 39 crew, 10 dead

END DATE: 14 March 1940

TOTAL SUNK: 42,502 tons; awarded Iron Cross 1st Class

Went ahead and promoted everybody that could be promoted. Question: on SH3 Commander, does it allow you to promote NCOs to Officer and / or Enlisted to NCO if you transfer your current Officers or NCOs out?


sublynx 07-24-11 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711390)
Oh, man!
What happenned?

Mistake number 1, greed and overconfidence:
I got sighted by a destroyer while trying to finish my end run running on surface. (Shallow sea waters and air patrolled areas were closing, so I thought I was in a rush.)

Mistake number 2, greed and lack of skills:
I dived only to PD, because I estimated that I might still get a decent chance of a shot against the merchants or the destroyer steaming towards me. I didn't shoot at the destroyer since I had only one torpedo in stern tubes and I couldn't get an accurate estimation of the speed and course of the destroyer.

Mistakes number 3 and 4, greed and overconfidence and lack of skills:
I tried to evade in PD but got pinged. And then last one of my mistakes: I had read from Gordon Williamson's book U-boat tactics in World War II that the turning radius of submarine was something like 500 meters and that a destroyer's turning radius would be two to three times longer and that sometimes U-boats evaded destroyers using the better turning radius. Well, it didn't work out, DC's were dropped and then immediate :/\\chop

So a typical SH3 death. One initial smallish mistake followed by other gradually bigger and bigger mistakes. I'd better learn to respect the enemy more - even if it's just stupid AI :)

Snestorm 07-24-11 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1711460)
Mistakes number 3 and 4, greed and overconfidence and lack of skills:
I tried to evade in PD but got pinged. And then last one of my mistakes: I had read from Gordon Williamson's book U-boat tactics in World War II that the turning radius of submarine was something like 500 meters and that a destroyer's turning radius would be two to three times longer and that sometimes U-boats evaded destroyers using the better turning radius. Well, it didn't work out, DC's were dropped and then immediate :/\\chop

So a typical SH3 death. One initial smallish mistake followed by other gradually bigger and bigger mistakes. I'd better learn to respect the enemy more - even if it's just stupid AI :)

This was a very educational post. (A big advantage we have over the real Kaleuns).

The AI tends to lull us into disaster. Some of it does "nothing" for so long, as to lull us into a feeling of indestructability. That's when it happens. Pow! They suddenly know how to hunt uboats, or if they're already Elite (as in my game), their equipment suddenly becomes effective.

The turning circle advantage only works if:
You're on the surface at Flank Speed.
You're already inside their turning circle, and at extremely short range.

In the real world small boats, and even uboats could get close enough that a DD sized ship couldn't depress their main battery low enough. (I don't think that's modeled in SH3).

SH3 either lulls us to death, or uses our conscience against us (This is realy stupid to attack but, I might be labeled a coward for not carrying through).
One way or the other, our carreers rarely endure long term.

That's what makes SH3 a great sim, no?

sublynx 07-24-11 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711489)
This was a very educational post. (A big advantage we have over the real Kaleuns).

Exactly. They would never have known what went wrong - or they would have, but either got killed or were taken POWs. I bet it would have been interesting to hear the stories that the survivors told in veterans' meetings after the war. :)


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711489)
The AI tends to lull us into disaster. Some of it does "nothing" for so long, as to lull us into a feeling of indestructability. That's when it happens. Pow! They suddenly know how to hunt uboats, or if they're already Elite (as in my game), their equipment suddenly becomes effective.

That is what makes SH3 a great simulation, you're right about that :) If I would be able to just sink ship after a ship with no problems I would be bored to death in no time and would move to another game.


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711489)
The turning circle advantage only works if:
You're on the surface at Flank Speed.
You're already inside their turning circle, and at extremely short range.

I know that now... My VIIB is really not a Zero flying against a P-38 :DL I'll never try that again...


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711489)
SH3 either lulls us to death, or uses our conscience against us (This is realy stupid to attack but, I might be labeled a coward for not carrying through).
One way or the other, our carreers rarely endure long term.

I have already realised the lulling us to death bit (and yet I still get caught and killed because of it), but I hadn't thought about the conscience/fearing labeled coward bit. I guess I need to be more aware of when to let the enemy go and then return to fight another day :arrgh!:

Snestorm 07-24-11 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1711503)
I have already realised the lulling us to death bit (and yet I still get caught and killed because of it), but I hadn't thought about the conscience/fearing labeled coward bit. I guess I need to be more aware of when to let the enemy go and then return to fight another day :arrgh!:

Ah, but can we realisticly do that?

Convoy attacked.
Boat survives in good condition. Crew & CO shaken.
Do I conduct a persuit?
Can I face BDU if I don't?

There's my problem.
The thought of facng a disappointed Onkel Karl is more frightening than what Tommy & Sam might do to me.

sublynx 07-24-11 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1711516)
Ah, but can we realisticly do that?

Convoy attacked.
Boat survives in good condition. Crew & CO shaken.
Do I conduct a persuit?
Can I face BDU if I don't?

There's my problem.
The thought of facng a disappointed Onkel Karl is more frightening than what Tommy & Sam might do to me.

Lol, you're absolutely right!:DL If I want to keep it close to historical realism, facing Onkel Karl would be more frightening than the more vague and distant Tommy and Sam. :eek:

I would only be allowed to become more afraid of the enemy if I had had a chance of realising what a mistake in a U-boat really means. (The difference between a U-boat man and an infantry man being that the infantry man very probably saw dismembered limbs and dead friends and such things connected to war before his own demise in contrast to the U-boat man who usually saw them only the day he died or got taken prisoner.)

sublynx 07-24-11 08:27 AM

U-46, Patrol 2, report 1
Lt.z.s. Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB, "die Elster"
7. Flottille, Kiel
Orders: Patrol grid AL03

0422 AN12 Clear, visibility 16 km, wind 9 m/s. HMS Nelson escorted by four Hunt I class destroyers on an initial course of 45 degrees, followed by a course change towards north, speed 15 knots. Tried following the convoy, but had to give up after a course change away from us. Engine setting AK gave us only a 15 - 16 knot top speed at the sea conditions.

1609 AN12 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 19 m/s. A biplane, possibly a Swordfish sighted on northerly course, coming straight at us. Crash dived.

1546 AM29 cloudy, visibility 9 km, wind 10 m/s. New orders: U 48, U 38 and U 46 ordered to operate against the Halifax convoy picked up by radio intelligence. It is to be in square AL 0316 on 15.8. or 16.8. Speed HF on an interception course.

2037 AM19 very cloudy, visibility 1 km, wind 9 m/s. A 1800 BRT freighter sighted in a range of 400 - 600 meters. The ship was first lost in the bad visibility and I decided not to pursue as my orders were to try to intercept the Halifax convoy and giving chase to the freighter would have made it difficult to be in the right grid at the right time. The ship however happened to venture to our course again and I decided to try a stern shot. A G7e torpedo was launched, AZ, depth 3, speed 7 knots, AOB BKb 82, gyro angle 10. A dud heard on the hydrophone after a run of 35 seconds indicating a range of 540 meters, which should have been enough for the torpedo to arm. Possibly the angle at which the torpedo hit the ship was too bad. Then I launched Rohr 1 and Rohr 4, AZ, depth 3 meters from a distance of 450 meters, about 90 AOB, gyroangles 005 and 354, bearings 16 and 10. Both torpedoes hit and the ship was devastated by the explosions, catching fire everywhere and sinking under 2 minutes. 11 torpedoes left.

0047 AL03 cloudy, visibility 9 km, wind 9m/s. New orders: The expected convoy should be 50 sea miles to the north. Speed AK to intercept.

1906 AL38 very cloudy, visibility 5 km, wind 19 m/s. Contact report. Convoy AL38, course SSE, 8 kn.

0300 AL03 very cloudy, visibility 5 km, wind 19 m/s. Contact not found.
2209 AM19 clear, visibility 16 km, wind 10 m/s. A 2400 BRT passenger/cargo ship sunk with 33 88cm deck gun shots and 120 20mm Flak gun shots. 187 deck gun shots and 780 Flak gun shots left. Fire opened at a range of 1000 meters.

0728 AM43 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 6 m/s. Continuing patrol. 11 torpedoes left.


ijnfleetadmiral 07-24-11 09:36 PM

I'm on my third SH3 campaign and the only major warship I've sighted (if you can even call it a major warship) is a Bogue-class CVE. I've never even seen a British CL!


pditty8811 07-24-11 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1712288)
I'm on my third SH3 campaign and the only major warship I've sighted (if you can even call it a major warship) is a Bogue-class CVE. I've never even seen a British CL!


Sounds like you need to add some ships to your SCR layer. I would suggest, I think it's Hitman's or I forget, individual ship SCR routes. It adds the new ship models to the SCR layer so they show up in campaign, historically accurate too. Try to beef that SCR layer up a bit.


Snestorm 07-24-11 10:55 PM

U109 IXB. Patrol 1. Part 2.
Continued from 17.maj.41

U109 and an enemy Destroyer simultaniousely sight each other.
Not knowing that she was spotted U109 bigins a dive for 15 meters, during which her watch tower is struck by gunfire. CE reports the boats combat integrity as being damaged. U109 is now ordered into a crash dive. Following which she is ordered to 99 meters at Silent Speed.

The Uboat and Destroyer had been on the same course. DD at 180 R, from U109. U109 at 000 R from DD. Destoyer closed and dropped an immediate DC pattern. Although U109 was not relocated by passive or active ASDIC, depth charging continued. A convoy, and more warships, was picked up on the hydrophones from astern of the DD's sighting.

At 1531 U109 was again at periscope depth, having lost the DD earlier, and awaiting the convoys arrival, when she was hit with a very solid pinging series. A new depth of 104 meters, at Flank Speed, was immediately ordered, followed by Silent Speed after being DCed again. Although the depth charging continued, no further damage was incurred.

U109 surfaced at 1950, and began the long trek back to Lorient.

9.jun.41 BF51 2010: A L A R M ! Crash dive for Aircraft.

10.jun.41 BF61 1435: Docked at Lorient following a high speed run across The Bay.

Patrol results:
Crew Integrity 100%.
Hull Integrity 91%.
4 (TII G7E) torpedoes expended.
2 merchants sunk for 4.682 GRT.

U109's history to date:
1 war patrol completed.
2 merchants sunk for 4.682 GRT.

sublynx 07-25-11 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1712288)
I'm on my third SH3 campaign and the only major warship I've sighted (if you can even call it a major warship) is a Bogue-class CVE. I've never even seen a British CL!


I on the other hand have now seen two battleships in my three last patrols - and before that, none ever! I have never seen a CVE or a large carrier, either. I have been near a carrier many times, though. You tend to notice that, when you suddenly start spotting one-engined airplanes every two hours :)

I don't mind if I see capital ships very seldom. If there would be many of them, sinking one would eventually be routine. Now if I manage to sink one, it would definetely not be routine!

ijnfleetadmiral 07-25-11 02:24 AM

I've seen single-engined fighters before, yes, but as I was near the English coast I'm pretty sure they were part of RAF Coastal Command. Does anyone have any tips on how to at least catch a GLIMPSE of a nice fat battlewagon? Anyone ever attacked a port that had one sitting at anchor? I'm up to April 1940, so what English ports might have one lying around about this time? Or should I just say 'screw it' and try for Loch Ewe?


ijnfleetadmiral 07-25-11 06:31 AM

Made a foray directly into Loch Ewe in April 1940. On the way in sank C3 Cargo ship and Hunt I-class DD. In Lock Ewe, sighted nothing more than one Hunt I, one J-, and one Tribal-class DDs docked and one Elco torpedo boat at anchor. (CO's opinion: WTF?!?! :damn:) Sank J-class DD with one torpedo and then got the hell out. Sank grounded C-class DD and Armed Trawler on the way out, then bagged another C3 Cargo ship for good measure.

Where are the big ships?! And what program do I need to beef up my large warship encounters or to have other German warships in port when I sail out or return? Wouldn't mind sighting Queen Mary either.


Iron Budokan 07-25-11 01:08 PM

I am currently on patrol outside Narvik in a support role while a German task force (which I rendezvoused with earlier) approaches Narvik.

The date is April 8, 1940. Weather is filthy: icy rain, keening wind, and rough seas. Watch crews are being pummeled by the sea.

U-46 is currently traveling at 9 knots NW toward Narvik; torpedoes and boat are ready for action.

Boys on the boat are not saying much. Each individual seems to be keeping his own thoughts to himself.

I think things are going to get pretty intense around here inside these fjords in the next couple of days.

Kaptain Schlag 07-25-11 02:47 PM

There is usually a Nelson BB in Gibraltar in 1940. I've never seen an AC in game to my knowledge. The only other BB in campaign I've encountered is the Hood multiple times throughout 40-41 around loch ewe and scapa flow, and I sunk a Revenge about a year ago but didn't get to watch it sink as I was evading destroyers and there was rough seas. If you wanna see a BB or CV, I recommend creating a separate career where you purposely try to find one, usually the best encounters are when you least expect them. Honestly, I went a year In game before I saw a tanker, I was elated when I found my first one.

HotiBomba 07-25-11 03:22 PM

Back to sea, again
It's been a while, almost three months since i last played SH3. But finally caught some time, and finished another patrol. It's late 1944 and conditions are heavier and heavier. Happy times are far away :(

I've decided to make a transfer to Bergen, to get new XXI type. Quite fast beautie, and well equipped. First 4-5 days were like: Detecting radar signals - Dive to 25m... After half hour (sometimes hour), Periscope depth - Check - Surface - And again, and again, and again... :damn:

Finally spotted small convoy, near Faroer Islands, sunk three ships (total 13,000t) and easily escaped. Day later i moved north toward Iceland and found another one, large convoy heavily escorted. But, encouraged with last success i decided to hunt again. Closed slowly, and fired first salvo on Large Tanker at 1,500m, moments later, fired another one on Troop Ship, and single one on Small Merchant. Left one torpedo for defense, if neccesary. Four of five hitted, two ships sunk, Troop Ship ship left on surface but without engines.

And then, ofcourse, payback time. Soon almost all escort shipping turned in my way, pinging on me. Fired my last eel to closest escort - hit. Bye, bye Evarts :D. Ordered to dive to 90m. As i was passing 50m, first depth charge run followed. We take some serious damage, and electric engines were badly damaged. Flooding had been worsen as we passed 70m, and i realized that end is near. So, i ordered to surface the boat, blowed balast, and prepared myself to end it like a boss :rock:

As soon we hit the surface, sat on flak gun and fired one round of 20mm AA, at closest target. Soon my sub was turned into a wreckage, and it was once more end of my career... With guns blazing, ofcourse, cos it my favorite part :arrgh!:

p.s. anyway, is there any mod which contains Type XI, last time i was here, some peoples said that they are working on it, so... Maybe someone knows anything about it? Many thanks!

ijnfleetadmiral 07-25-11 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kaptain Schlag (Post 1712843)
There is usually a Nelson BB in Gibraltar in 1940. I've never seen an AC in game to my knowledge. The only other BB in campaign I've encountered is the Hood multiple times throughout 40-41 around loch ewe and scapa flow, and I sunk a Revenge about a year ago but didn't get to watch it sink as I was evading destroyers and there was rough seas. If you wanna see a BB or CV, I recommend creating a separate career where you purposely try to find one, usually the best encounters are when you least expect them. Honestly, I went a year In game before I saw a tanker, I was elated when I found my first one.

Same here! The first tanker I saw was a T3 in the midst of a violent storm. She loomed out of the rain at 350 yards and - after saying several colorful metaphors - I blasted her good. Caught another T3 and a Small Tanker sailing together on the same patrol. Not a bad haul. But I agree...tankers are few and far between, even with SH3 Commander.


Snestorm 07-26-11 04:40 AM

U109 IXB. Patrol 2. Part 1.
All torpedoes preset to 3 meters depth, AZ (Impact Pistol).
Internal: 2 x TI G7A (Tubes 3 & 6). 12 x TII G7E.
External: 7 x TI G7A.
5.aug.41 BF61 2115: Underway. Lorient - CF59. Full Moon.
7.aug.41 CG21 2343: Radio, "Convoy.BE95. S. 5 knots.".

8.aug.41 BE98 (Calm & Clear).
0916: "Ship spotted! 346. Long range." 15 meter dive for Destroyer.
0918: Multiple merchant contacts. Periscope depth.
0919: Silents Speed. Variouse Courses. Bow on to DD.
0949: Estimate convoy's course as 187, 5 knots is given.
0950: Preset TDC: AOB 90 Port. 5 knots.
0951: 5+ escorts.
0953: Steady on 277.
0959: Open tubes 1, 2 and 4. 3 degree spread. Target is C2 Cargo.
1004: Fire (TII G7E x 3)! New depth 104 meters!
1006: Impact x 2! Torpedo run 2 minutes. 1.900 meters.
1019: DIW sound contact. (Dead In Water).
1051: Passing DIW contact, on convoy's course, at Silent Speed.
1100: New depth 20 meters. Target at 147 R, Short Range.
1127: Observed DIW C2 Cargo in periscope. Heavy stern.
1140: Stern gun mount noted.
1148: Open tube 5 (TII G7E).
1152: Fire 5! Impact! Target sunk. 39 second run. About 660 meters.
1153: New depth 100 meters. Returning to convoy's couse (187).
1202: Medium speed warship responding. Corvette, or Armed Trawler.
1255: Surface!

8.aug.41 CG12 (Calm & Clear).
1718: End run complete. Reversing course to relocate convoy.
1719: Convoy consists of 12+ merchants, prior to last attack.
1720: No visible contact. New depth 20 meters.
1730: "No sound contact". Surface.
1925: Corvette sighted! New course 343. New depth 15 meters.
1926: Periscope depth. 2 more warship contacts reported.
1954: New course 277. TDC unchanged at AOB 90 Port, 5 knots.
1955: 5+ escorts. 1+ Destroyer. 1+ Corvette. 1+ Armed Trawler.
2005: Set 3 degree spread for C2 Cargo.
2006: Open tubes 1, 2 and 4.
2012: Fire (TII G7E x 3)! New depth 103 meters!
2013: Impact x 3! Torpedo run 67 seconds. 1.000 meters.
2014: Target sunk!
2044: Sunset. Again, U109 remained undetected.
2045: An Armed Trawler seems to be inner screen port escort.
2046: Convoy now consists of Coastal, and Small Merchants.
2227: Surface!
2231: Status report sent. 2 sunk. 12.000+ GRT. 2 G7A, 5 G7E available.
2232: Begin haul-in of externals. under 1 knot, to maintain steerage.
2251: Report acknowledged.

9.aug.41 CG12
0432: Radio: "Convoy. CG12. S. 5 knots." Hmmm. Another Uboat, or Condor.
0644: Sunrise. TM3 Zander pleaded for the ekstra time. Granted.
0831: All 5 bow external, and 1 stern external inside.
0833: Status updated: 8 G7A, 5 G7E available. 1 G7A in upper deck.
0835: Full Ahead! Continue persuit. Non-watch related work canceled.
0838: Save & Exit.

Comment: Look at all those beautiful G7As!

gazpode_l 07-26-11 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1711387)
[Took command of U-65 IXB U-boot. (I hope I will be luckier than R/L U-65)

Uh oh! Looks like I will be relinquishing my command of U-65 when I return from my current patrol :nope: - can't have two of them at sea at the same time!! :shifty:I had better check which other U-boat numbers are also active so that I can ensure I don't choose that one for my next vessel....

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