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gazpode_l 07-20-11 07:42 PM

U-65 patrol 4 - update
from: r. Hessler - skipper of U65.

Five days following convoy battle on march 25th, an aircraft is spotted nr grid am2. Was a kingfisher...shot it down for first air kill of career for both kaluen and crew :D.

Later same day a routine dive reveals sound contact. Is a merchant at long range. Das boot iks turned to chase merchant. Into firing position an hr later. 1x g7a is launched and finds targer....seemingly little effect.

Thjirty mins elapse and target observed listing and bow submerging occasionally. DB surfaced and merchant sunk by deck gun. Light damages recieved via small arms from unseen passing elco. Submerged to deep depth of one hundred meters.

Later resurfaced in clear waters..

Next three days uneventful.

29th march six am
radio report from vIIc who in contact with lg convoy some thirty miles N/E of our position. Intercept from this position very good...

By seven am in contact with convoy. Volleys of torpedoes launched in fifteen mins between 07:45 and 8am. Three separate ships hit. One empire type observed secondary explosions. Three sinking sounds possibly more heard via hydrophne and in central command area.

Escort passes overhead drops D/C. No damages on DB.

Are continuing to evade escorts. Suspect large total tonnage this patrol. Morre details to be released soon as necessary and once convoy escorts are escaped from.

Signed R Hessler
Kptltnt of U65

Snestorm 07-21-11 01:47 AM

U56 IIC. Patrol 10.
2000: Underway from Lorient.
Transit grid BF15, and continue towards Kiel, via the northern route.
Armament: 5 (TII G7E) torprdoes, preset to 3 meters depth AZ (Impact Pistol).

0408: "Ship spotted! 019. Long range." (Full Moon). Destroyer!
0408: New course 281 (bow on). New depth 15 meters.
0409: Multiple merchant contacts reported. Slow Convoy!
0418: TDC preset: AOB 90 Stb. 6 knots.
0423: New course 346. Convoy course estimated at 076, making 6 knots.
0435: Confident in estimation. No changes.
0438: Open tubes 1, 2, and 3, for a C2 Cargo. 5 degree spread.
0442: Fire 1, 3, and 2 (salvo)! New depth 101 meters (total depth 135 meters).
0443: Impact! Impact! Impact! Torpedo run 57 seconds. Range about 900 meters.
0444: Target sunk!
0855: Surface. U56 remained undetected, departing at a 45 degree angle.

From: U56
Convoy encountered.
Course 076. Speed 6 knots.
3+ Escorts. 1+ Destroyer.
3 electrics fired, for 3 impacts.
One 6.000 tonner sunk.
Last contact 0630.
2 electrics remaining.

From: BDU
To: U56
Continue per original orders.

0958: "Ship spotted! 060. Long range."
Bow on dive to 15 meters for Corvette. Undetected. No further contacts.

1517: "Ship spotted! 052. Long range"
Bow on dive to 15 meters for Destroyer. Undetected. No further contacts.

0338: Radio dispatch: "Convoy. AM01. E. 6 knots." Responding.
0811: Radio dispatch: "Convoy. AM01. E. 6 knots." Turning westward.
0900: "Ships spotted! 355 & 011. Long range." Destroyer & Freighter!
0901: New depth 15 meters. Convoy! New course 180.
0902: Estimated course 090, making 6 knots.
0906: Preset TDC: AOB 90 Port. 6 knots.
0922: New course 189. Revise estimated course to 099. 6 knots is given.
0927: Open tubes 1 & 3 for individual shots at single (C2 Cargo) target.
0928: T2 Tanker is too far. No wasteful greed this time!
0933: Fire 1! Fire 3! New depth 100 meters!
0934: Impact! Impact! 58 second torpedo run. Range 900 meters. Target sunk!
0936: 5 Degrees Right Rudder. Steady up on 234.
1340: Remained undected. Surface.

From: U56
AM01. Convoy engaged. Course 099. 6 knots.
2 Electrics fired. 2 hits. 6.000 tonner sunk.
3+ Escorts. 1+ Destroyer.
Last contact 1100.
All torpedoes expended.

From: BDU
To: U56
Return to Kiel.

1750: Docked at Kiel.

Patrol results:
Crew & Hull Integrity 100%.
5 of 5 torpedoes expended.
2 Merchants sunk for 12.897 GRT.

U56's history to date:
10 war patrols completed.
8 Merchants sunk for 43.293 GRT.

Paul Riley 07-21-11 11:14 AM

U-23 completes 2nd war patrol
War diary of U-23 , Type IIA

2nd war patrol
Patrol orders - patrol grid AN87 for 24 hrs

10th Oct 1939

We left Kiel at 1353 hrs.
After reaching our assigned grid in AN87 and patrolling for 24hrs I decided to return to one of our favourite hunting grounds in AN16.I have no idea why HQ sent us to AN87,the Norwegians are neutral!.No sooner had we arrived there we were flooded with multiple sound contacts,including a small task force patrolling off the east coast of Britain.We also recieved a lot of incoming reports coming from Fastnet including convoy OB17.I had heard of Fastnet being spoken about by other captains back at Kiel but had no idea where it was,my navigator assures me it is just SW of Ireland.We will have to check this area out sometime,it sounds like it sees a lot of action in that area.

13th October
Day 3
We recieved sad news of U-42 lost due to a sustained attack by British warships,45 were lost with 20 survivors,only damaging 1 ship for 4.803 GRT.At 1731 hrs we recieved another radio report of convoy BE 3366 sighted by Luftwaffe reconaissance,inbound with a moderate escort.

16th Oct
Day 6
We recieved the glorious news of the Royal Oak being sunk and HMS Repulse was also damaged in AN 5633

18th Oct
Day 8
1032 hrs We sighted a lone coastal vessel travelling on course 164 at 9kts.I decided to break off from an attack due to the small tonnage of the vessel deciding instead to conserve our 5 torpedoes for larger tonnage.
1215 hrs
Second sound contact recieved
1219 hrs
visual contact on target,identified as a British Granville,travelling on course 336 at approx 4 kts.I set up for a submerged attack at 1000m using an impact tip at depth 4m.
1343 hrs
I decided to use a spread of two aimed at the foremast and funnel.Both were successful hits drifting slightly aft of intended spot as the target began to zig zag.
1358 hrs
Vessel sank on even keel for 4.513 GRT

20th Oct
Day 10
1034 hrs
We picked up a further sound contact and proceeded to intercept
1049 hrs
Visual contact on target,identified as a British tramp steamer travelling on course 146 at 4 kts.Proceeded to get well ahead of target for around 2 hrs and set up for a further submerged attack at approx 1000m.
ETA - 1250 hrs
1300 hrs
Target arrived on time.Fired 1 aimed at foremast.Torpedo hit drifting slightly aft below the funnel.
1338 hrs
Target still afloat listing heavily towards the stern.Prepared a second torpedo aimed slighty aft of impact site,torpedo hit the stern section.
Target finally sank stern first for 1.634 GRT
1454 hrs
Ship spotted,identified as a British passenger/cargo vessel,travelling 238 at approx 5 kts.Broke off from an attack due to current restrictions enforced regarding the sinking of any vessel carrying passengers,although there may have been vital war supplies onboard.

21st Oct
Day 11
0935 hrs
Sound contact,proceeded to intercept.After over an hour chasing the contact at high speed no visual sighting was made,vessel must have been very fast moving.

22nd Oct
Day 12
0811 hrs
We recieved a warship sound contact in the area,with more than one screw heard.I rose to periscope depth and observed 4 faint shadows on the horizon heading North,a small British task force on patrol.Returned to 25m and ordered silent operations until the threat had passed.
1012 hrs
Merchant sound contact,proceeded to intercept.
1023 hrs
Visual contact on vessel,identified as a British medium cargo,travelling on course 238 at 5 kts.Proceeded ahead and set up for a submerged attack at 500m.I needed to be extra certain of a hit and decided to move in closer than usual.As this was our last torpedo I decided to go ahead with a magnetic tip set for a depth of 10m.
1144 hrs
Fired 1 aimed directly at the funnel.Torpedo struck perfectly hitting directly beneath the funnel.Target appears to have been unaffected by the impact and proceeded on its course zig zagging wildly.
I decided to surface and put distance beteen us and shadow the target for 6hrs,or until nightfall,radioing in the ship's position every hour.
1800 hrs
Target carried on its journey forcing us to break off and set course for Kiel.We should arrive in no more than 5 days at 10 kts.
Request must be put in to transfer us into a larger VII

27th Oct
Day 16
0638 hrs
Arrived back at Kiel
17 days at sea

Patrol results
2 sunk for 6.147 GRT , 1 damaged
All torpedoes expended
Hit ratio - 100
Front Clasp medal awarded

Career total
3 sunk for 10.854 GRT , 1 damaged

Leutnant Z.S. Gerhard Hunstein

VONHARRIS 07-21-11 12:24 PM

U-161 IXC
Patrol 20.......

Radio message
From : BdU
To : Allen U-Booten

05 - 05 - 1943
U-161 has failed to answer to numerous calls after reporting a convoy attack on 04 - 05 - 1943
With a heavy heart we have to accept the loss of U-161 and all hands
It seems that the boat was lost to newest enemy ASW weapon the Hedgehog
All commanders are to show extreme caution

sublynx 07-21-11 04:01 PM

U-103, Patrol 1, Report 2
Lt.z.s. Walter Harländer
U-103, IXB, "die Elster"
2. Flottille, Wilhelmshaven
Orders: Patrol AL32

Statusbericht 17.7.1940

1143 AM27 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 2 m/s from 323. Attacked the convoy for the second time from outside the convoy in daylight and submerged. The course of the convoy was estimated at 45º, 8 knots. The real course was actually 43º and the attack had to be made from farther away than intended. Two G7a's with a speed setting of 30 knots launched against a 10 000 BRT tanker leading the middle column.

The convoy started zigzagging before the torpedoes hit. The first torpedo missed the target, the second hit after a run of 5 minutes, 5 seconds in the middle of the tanker. No noticeable effect on the ship. Torpedo setting 90 degree angle at impact time, AZ, depth 2 m, gyro angle 0, bearing 345, range was estimated at 4500 - 5500 meters. The escorts didn't find us, no pinging, evasion at periscope depth. Reloading and getting ready for a third attack. 19 torpedoes left.

The morale on the boat is somewhat shaken by the news of the loss of U-161.


Paul Riley 07-21-11 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1709606)
Lt.z.s. Walter Harländer
U-103, IXB, "die Elster"
2. Flottille, Wilhelmshaven
Orders: Patrol AL32

Statusbericht 17.7.1940

1143 AM27 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 2 m/s from 323. Attacked the convoy for the second time from outside the convoy in daylight and submerged. The course of the convoy was estimated at 45º, 8 knots. The real course was actually 43º and the attack had to be made from farther away than intended. Two G7a's with a speed setting of 30 knots launched against a 10 000 BRT tanker leading the middle column.

The convoy started zigzagging before the torpedoes hit. The first torpedo missed the target, the second hit after a run of 5 minutes, 5 seconds in the middle of the tanker. No noticeable effect on the ship. Torpedo setting 90 degree angle at impact time, AZ, depth 2 m, gyro angle 0, bearing 345, range was estimated at 4500 - 5500 meters. The escorts didn't find us, no pinging, evasion at periscope depth. Reloading and getting ready for a third attack. 19 torpedoes left.

The morale on the boat is somewhat shaken by the news of the loss of U-161.


Good luck.

Remember,steely determination,never give in! he who sees first has won! :03::arrgh!:

Missing Name 07-21-11 08:53 PM

Plugging up leaks after being ambushed by patrol aircraft.

Schroeder! Be careful with that flooring!

sublynx 07-22-11 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1709706)
Good luck.

Remember,steely determination,never give in! he who sees first has won! :03::arrgh!:

Thanks Paul, I do feel like a little bit of luck would be a good thing now. Having sailed on a type II for a long time before this type IX I now have, the IX seems to me an absolutely huge vessel and I really can't believe the fact that the escorts don't seem to be able to spot it right away. With this firepower I could of course try to knock the darn destroyers out :arrgh!:

Snestorm 07-22-11 01:35 AM

U56 IIC. Patrol 11.
0340: Underway from Kiel.
Orders: Patrol grid BE39. Conclude patrol at Lorient.
Armament: 5 (TII G7E) torpedoes, preset to 3 meters AZ (Impact Pistol).

1943: Dive for Destroyer. Undetected.

1223: Merchant spotted.
1233: Estimated course 013, at 6 knots. Coastal Merchant.
1247: Dive for submerged Attack. AOB 30 Stb. Range 4.200 meters.
1248: New course 283. Periscope depth. Silent Speed.
1249: Max range 2.100 meters. New depth 20 meters. Ahead One Third.
1254: Target at 305 R. Medium range. Periscope depth. Silent Speed.
1301: Open tube 1.
1304: Fire 1! (Aimed at bow, as he may be faster than estimated).
1305: Impact! (Dead center). Torpedo run 47 seconds. 750 meters.
1306: Target sunk. New depth 50 meters.
1830: Report sent.

0057: Dive for Destroyer. Undetected.

1639: Radio dipatch: "Convoy. AM72. NNE. 6 knots."
1645: Responding at high speed.
2243: Radio dispatch update: "Convoy. AM46. NE. 6 knots."
2245: U-turn! (Clear & Moonlit Night).

AM46 (still)
0055: Dive for Destroyer.
0056: Hydrophone reporting multiple merchant contacts. Periscope depth.
0119: Keeping bow on to Destroyer, at short range.
0123: New course 149. Preset TDC: AOB 90 port. 6 knots. Course estimate is 059.
0133: Open all tubes for salvo at Transport. 3 degree spread.
0134: Modify spread to 5 degrees.
0135: Fire 1, 3, 2!
0136: Impact x 3! Target sunk. Torpedo run 68 seconds. 1.000 meters.

U56 remained undetected, but could not persist further, due to fuel limitation.

0100: On station, short term.

1420: Docked at Kiel, with little more than fumes ledt in the fuel tanks.

Patrol results:
Crew & Hull Integrity 100%.
4 of 5 torpedoes expended.
2 merchants sunk, for 10.051 GRT.

U56's history to date:
11 war patrols completed.
10 merchants sunk, for 51.344 GRT. (Number 13).

Dockside News:
U10 IIB has been retired to schoolboat status after a successful frontline career.
U23 IIB has racked up over 10.000 GRT, after only 2 patrols.
U56 IIC is docked in Lorient, as guest of 2. Flotilla.
U65 IXB is engaged in a convoy battle.
U103 is engaged in her first running convoy battle, on her maiden patrol.
U161 is overdue, and sadly, presumed to be lost.

(All our dates are too spread out to keep it concise).

Paul Riley 07-22-11 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1709828)
Thanks Paul, I do feel like a little bit of luck would be a good thing now. Having sailed on a type II for a long time before this type IX I now have, the IX seems to me an absolutely huge vessel and I really can't believe the fact that the escorts don't seem to be able to spot it right away. With this firepower I could of course try to knock the darn destroyers out :arrgh!:

Careful,try not to get TOO reckless.We arent designed to stand up to warships,one false move and they will open us up like a tin of sardines.Also,the IXs have quite a long dive time compared to the more agile VIIs,but with all the extra AA firepower the IX can mount you should be able to hold them off,but against a squadron of bombers there is only one thing to do...ALAAARM!!
Just be on your guard :up:

sublynx 07-22-11 04:59 PM

U-103, Patrol 1, Report 3
Lt.z.s. Walter Harländer
U-103, IXB, "die Elster"
2. Flottille, Wilhelmshaven
Orders: Patrol AL32

Statusbericht 18.7.1940

0605 AM02 clear, visibility 9 km, wind 0 m/s from 6 degrees. Attacked the convoy we have been shadowing for the third and fourth times. During these attacks we have sunk a 1800 GRT merchant, a 8000 BRT tanker, a 9000 BRT merchant and a Flower class corvette.

G7a torpedoes used at a range of 4000 meters on the other attack and inside the convoy at the other attack. Got depth charged once, but no damage caused. No torpedo failures, but some misses. Six torpedoes left, surfaced and reloaded and trying to catch the convoy again. Course 150 - 160, speed 8 knots. One Black Swan and two Flowers guarding 18 merchants.


Snestorm 07-22-11 09:26 PM

U56 IIC. Patrol 12. Final war patrol.
1315: Underway from Lorient, to Kiel, via the northern route.

1017: Dive for Destroyer. No other contacts.
1037: Surface. Reverse End Run.

0100: Docked at Kiel. U56 retired from front line service to a Training Flotilla.

Patrol results.
No merchants contacts, and no ships sunk.

U56's carreer history:
12 war patrols completed.
10 merchants sunk for 51.344 GRT.

U109 IXB will be underway for her first war patrol on/about 6.maj.41.
She will be the last IXB to enter service, as the Type IXCs are nearing readiness.

VONHARRIS 07-23-11 12:30 AM

U-102 VIIB New career
01 September 1939
U-102 VIIB after having completed her shakedown patrol was ready to start her first war patrol
20:12 hours U-102 left Wilhelmshaven under the command of Kaleun von Harris. Orders were to patrol grid AM19

19 September 1939
The war had started.
Grid AM52
07:51 hours Ship seen
07:54 hours Positive ID: Passenger/cargo with tanks on deck
08:03 hours Ship sunk after 20 88mm rounds

24 September 1939
Grid AM52
13:39 hours Ship seen
13:43 hours Positive ID: Tramp steamer
14:02 hours Ship sunk after 16 88mm rounds

25 September 1939
Grid AM52
06:15 hours Ship seen - positive ID: Large merchant
06:41 hours Ship sunk after 57 88mm rounds
09:19 hours Ship seen - Positive ID: Medium merchant 30
10:24 hours Ship sunk after 47 88mm rounds

27 September 1939
Grid AM02
18:28 hours Ship seen - positve ID medium merchant 06
18:29 hours Dived to PD
18:51 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
18:52 hours Impact - surfaced to finish off target
18:53 hours Opened fire with deck gun from 650m
18:56 hours Ship sunk after 24 88mm rounds

01 October 1939
Grid AM52
05:36 hours Ship seen
05:37 hours Positive ID: Fishing trawler - dived to PD to avoid detection
08:31 hours Surfaced
23:18 hours Ship seen
23:26 hours Positive ID :Small merchant
02 October 1939
00:09 hours Opened fire
00:11 hours Ship sunk after 21 88mm rounds
22:48 hours Ship seen
22:49 hours Positive ID: Medium merchant 01 - dived to PD
23:05 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
23:07 hours Impacts
23:10 hours Surfaced to finish off target
23:11 hours Ship sunk after 2 88mm rounds

04 October 1939
Grid AM52
05:14 hours Ship seen
05:16 hours Positive ID: medium merchant 02 - dived to PD
05:29 hours 2 TI (bow) fired - impacts
05:30 hours Surfaced to use deck gun
05:33 hours Ship sunk after 18 88mm rounds

06 October 1939
Grid AM52
19:25 hours Moving to intercept convoy
20:31 hours Sound contact made
20:53 hours Attack from within the convoy - 1 TI(bow) + 1 TI(stern) fired
20:54 hours Impact - coastal freighter sunk
20:55 hours Impact - Tramp streamer sunk
21:04 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
21:05 hours Impact - medium merchant 06 sunk
21:09 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - impact at large merchant
Escaped undetected

08 October 1939
Grid AM34
14:10 hours Aircraft seen - engaged
14:12 hours Avro Anson shot down

11 October 1939
15:43 hours U-102 docked at Wilhelmshaven
41 days at sea
11 ships sunk
48912 tons
1 aircraft
No damages or casualties

U-23 had completed her second patrol already with good results
Kaluen Snestorm will take command of U-109 IXB after leaving U-56 IIC. It was about time.
U-103 had succesfully attacked a convoy and now she is preparing for a second run.

sublynx 07-23-11 08:05 AM

U-103 lost
BdU's KTB 25.7.1940

U-103 has not reported since 18.7. and the enemy has reported in their radio news to have sunk a U-boat in the area U-103 last reported from. It must be presumed that the boat has been sunk on it's maiden voyage with all hands on board after sinking a battle ship and 30000 BRT of merchant shipping.

sublynx 07-23-11 10:08 AM

U-46, Patrol 1
Lt.z.s. Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB, "die Elster"
7. Flottille, Kiel
Orders: Transit to Bergen

Statusbericht 15.7.1940

Have arrived in Bergen. Waiting further orders. On the way to Bergen an enemy ship sunk with the deckgun on the coast of Norway, near Stavanger. A couple of twinengined Luftwaffe bombers helped with the destruction of the ship and our Flak gunner shot a few rounds against the aircraft. Luckily the aircraft recognized us as friendlies.


Some pictures here about this, unfortunately not very good ones. I usually play at 100 % realism and the event was not very easy to take screenshots about.

Jimbuna 07-23-11 04:26 PM

your lucky you weren't fired upon by your own side when entering Bergen...more than 24 hours must have elapsed.

ijnfleetadmiral 07-24-11 12:59 AM

U-49 in midst of patrol; sank one C3 cargo ship and saved game. Nearly sank another C3 cargo plus a T3 tanker, but torpedoes malfunctioned and deck gun crews were unable to get to deck gun due to absolute BS excuse of "seas being too rough". Fired on tanker using aft tube, but after torpedo room forgot to set target bearing and fish went straight astern. Nearly shot highest-ranking aft torpedo crewman for that one! Plan on transferring several crewmembers and (if possible) demoting others. It appears I was too hasty in handing out promotions, as lately my crew has developed several cases of extreme incompetence.

-OLzS Matthais Suckel
Commanding Officer, U-49

VONHARRIS 07-24-11 01:06 AM

U-102 VIIB Patrol No2
Patrol No2
Sad news came in: U-103 has been lost after sinking an enemy BB. A salute for these brave men :salute:
U-46 on her way to Bergen sank an enemy freighter but her flak gunner fired against friendly aircraft. Fortunately nothing happened.

11 November 1939
09:47 hours U-102 left port to patrol grid BE99

14 November 1939
Grid AN44
16:57 hours Sound contact -merchant (because of heavy seas)
16:58 hours Dived to PD
17:26 hours Positive ID: Ore carrier
17:37 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
17:38 hours Impacts
17:39 hours Ship sunk

25 November 1939
Grid BE99
00:47 hours Ship seen
00:49 hours Positive ID: Passenger/cargo with oil barrels on deck
01:09 hours Engaged with deck gun
01:10 hours Ship sunk after 8 88mm rounds

29 November 1939
Grid CG95
23:31 hours Ship seen - ID: Medium merchant 06
23:42 hours Engaged with deck gun
23:45 hours Ship sunk after 32 88mm rounds

30 November 1939
Grid CG95
06:41 hours Ship seen - ID: Medium cargo
06:47 hours Engaged with deck gun
06:51 hours Ship sunk after 51 88mm rounds

14 December 1939
Grid AM52
17:31 hours Ship seen
17:32 hours Positive ID: Passenger/cargo - dived to PD
17:37 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
17:38 hours Impacts
17:41 hours Ship sunk

15 December 1939
Grid AM52
13:19 hours Ship seen - ID: Small freighter
13:20 hours Dived to PD
13:33 hours 1 TI (stern) fired
13:34 hours Impact - ship broke in two

16 December 1939
Grid AM52
04:36 hours Warship seen - dived to PD
05:05 hours Multiple sound contacts - convoy closing
05:37 hours 1 TI (bow) fired
05:38 hours Impact - 1 TI (bow) fired - impact
05:39 hours Impact
05:40 hours 1 TI (bow) fired - diving to 100m - impact
06:42 hours Periscope depth
06:46 hours Heavy merchant 01 DIW
07:02 hours 1 TI (stern) fired - impact - started reloading tubes
07:21 hours Tube 1 ready - 1 TI (bow) fired
07:22 hours Impact
07:23 hours Ship sunk - diving to 100m undetected
07:46 hours Depth 100m - still undetected
08:21 hours Distant breaking up noises - Heavy merchant 01 sunk
09:50 hours Surfaced - started return passage

21 December 1939
U-102 returned to port
41 days at sea
8 ships sunk
43249 tons
No damages or casualties

Took command of U-65 IXB U-boot. (I hope I will be luckier than R/L U-65)

Snestorm 07-24-11 01:11 AM

U109 IXB. Patrol 1. Part 1.
2223: Undreway from Lorient.
Initial Destination: AK55.
Torpedoe Loadout: 2 x TI G7A (Tubes 3 & 6). 12 x TII G7E.
7 X TI G7E in upper decking.
All torpedoes preset to 3 meters AZ (Impact Pistol).

8.maj.41 BF19 2037: Dive for Destroyer.
8.maj.41 BF19 2340: Dive for Destroyer. (Full Moon).
14.maj41 AK67 2112: Radio: "Convoy. AK62. ENE. 6 knots."
15.maj.41 AK62 0719: Radio: "Convoy. AK03. ENE. 6 knots."

15.maj.41 AK03
0858: Corvette sighted. 254 R. Course almost paralel to our own.
0859: Remaining surfaced. Suspect Corvette to be Stb Escort.
0938: Reversing course inward of the Corvette (no longer visible).
0947: Destroyer sighted 011 R, at 4500 meters. New depth 15 meters.
0948: Wow! Merchants are close! Periscope depth. Silent Speed.
1005: Destroyer was menacing, at short range.
1006: Preset TDC: AOB 90 Port, 6 knots.
1006: Estimated course 058, 6 knots is given.
1007: Open tubes 1, 2, 4, and 5. (Inside the box. Front row only.)
1008: 2 degree spread for a triple shot on C2 Cargo.
1009: Tube 5 goes to first targetable merchant at/near 1000 meters.
1011: Fire 1, 4, and 2! Fire 5! (Few degrees early, but range looks perfect).
1011: Down scope. New depth 101 meters!
1012: Impact! Small Merchant Romper screwed up the shot, and sunk.
1013: Impact! Tube 5 (Targeted Small Merchant).
1014: Impact x 2! (C2, at about 3000 meters). Damn romper!
1017: Passing 40 meters. 5 degrees Left Rudder.
1026: Small Merchant (astern) sunk!
1033: Passing 100 meters. Steady up on 283.
1053: Bow on to warship at short range.
1115: Warship at long range, moving fast toward convoy.
1120: All clear. Reloading torpedo tubes.

1301: Report sent:
Two 2000 tonners sunk.
Contact lost in heavy rain & fog. 7 M/S.
Last contact 058, making 6 knots.
2 air, and 8 electrics available.
7 air in upper decking.

1326: Continue toward AK5535.

17.maj.41 AK5535 1933: On station. Medium fog. Report sent.
17.maj.41 AK5535 2003: BDU: Occupy AK8312.
18.maj.41 AK8312 1419: Report: On station.
18.maj.41 AK8312 1454: BDU: Proceed toward BC4311, at most economical speed.
19.maj.41 AK8415 2154: Light fog. 1 M/S.
19.maj.41 AK8415 2155: Moving 1 bow, and 1 stern external in.
20.maj.41 AK8415 0001: 8 electric, and 4 air available. 5 externals untouched.
25.maj.41 BC23 0758: Radio: "Convoy. BC29. ENE. 6 knots."
25.maj.41 BC23 0800: Responding in heavy fog.
25.maj.41 BC29 1357: Submerging in heavy fog.
25.maj.41 BC29 1800: Convoy unfounded.

27.maj.41. Light fog. 3 M/S. Save & Exit.

U102 is single handedly sinking the entire british merchant fleet.
U103 is presumed lost during a convoy engagement.

Snestorm 07-24-11 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1710846)
BdU's KTB 25.7.1940

U-103 has not reported since 18.7. and the enemy has reported in their radio news to have sunk a U-boat in the area U-103 last reported from. It must be presumed that the boat has been sunk on it's maiden voyage with all hands on board after sinking a battle ship and 30000 BRT of merchant shipping.

Oh, man!
What happenned?

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