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Leandros 05-25-09 06:56 AM

U-108 - Dec. 25th 1940 - 23:00 - Patrol 14

50 below frantically leafing through the manuals.......:hmmm:.....

DaveU186 05-25-09 09:26 AM

U-2501 - May 25th 1940 - 16:00
Heading for home after a successful patrol despite bad weather. Towards the end of the patrol observed single merchants being escorted by motor torpedo boats North of Scapa Flow. These proved ineffective escorts and two freighters were sunk. The type XXI continues to excel.

Crew seem to have rediscovered some morale after the unfortunate death of our radioman on the previous voyage.

Kubryk 05-25-09 10:54 AM

Patrol 7 still in progress, our luck ended on 6th, this time it's much tougher. After unfortunate meeting with British task force we sailed north, between Ireland and Britain. We located a convoy there, but 'twas no good - dense fog, heavy rain, visibility - none, plus convoy was in a total mess, we've managed to see two T2's sailing extremely close to each other with different courses, but before we could do anything corvette emerged forcing us to go flank as far as possible. Two days later we came across lone T3, despite same weather we've managed to sink her but didn't get credit.

After this dissapointment we decided to go suicidal and visit Liverpool. We managed to get there in the same bad weather, sailing mostly on surface. Later we had to submerge and creep suprisingly slow to avoid a corvette, so it was already 5 am when we were in port. We were lucky to locate T2 inside, but it took 3 torpedoes to sink her. Damn, what a waste, normally after one in engines she should be blown to pieces. We sailed away from Liverpool, running low on torpedoes and mood.

Bad wather continues, it's been raining for 7 days now. :timeout:

Paul Riley 05-25-09 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaveU186 (Post 1107068)
U-2501 - May 25th 1940 - 16:00
Heading for home after a successful patrol despite bad weather. Towards the end of the patrol observed single merchants being escorted by motor torpedo boats North of Scapa Flow. These proved ineffective escorts and two freighters were sunk. The type XXI continues to excel.

Crew seem to have rediscovered some morale after the unfortunate death of our radioman on the previous voyage.

How do people get to use the XXI in 1940? I thought it was towards the last few months of the war that the XXI became operational? :shifty:
And even then it was not enough :hmmm:

RoaldLarsen 05-25-09 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1107134)
How do people get to use the XXI in 1940? I thought it was towards the last few months of the war that the XXI became operational? :shifty:
And even then it was not enough :hmmm:

If you're really, really, really good, you get one earlier.


It's a mod.

Paul Riley 05-25-09 05:12 PM

Ahh,there you go then,a mod,that explains it.
I didnt know they were actually constructed as early as 1940 (if you are really,really,really good I mean),didnt know the tech was available then for a true submarine.I have yet to experience the XXI,didnt even see it in stock game,but I dont care,now I have GWX3GOLD I am perfectly happy to start all over in one of the cosy little Type IIs :D (quite like em,albeit awful speed and armament)


Pohl 05-25-09 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1107339)
Ahh,there you go then,a mod,that explains it.
I didnt know they were actually constructed as early as 1940 (if you are really,really,really good I mean),didnt know the tech was available then for a true submarine.I have yet to experience the XXI,didnt even see it in stock game,but I dont care,now I have GWX3GOLD I am perfectly happy to start all over in one of the cosy little Type IIs :D (quite like em,albeit awful speed and armament)


There's a way to get it since 1939, but I had no hydrophone and radar, so it was useless in storms and poor visibility. I crashed against 3 destroyers in the invasion to Norway and they where only 300 meters away from me.
So far I'm able to get it as soon as the 11th Flotilla is available

but I have the rest of the u-boats available
also the conning towers, weapons & basically all the peak technology except for torpedoes....I'm still finding how their script work :arrgh!:

Leg 05-25-09 06:38 PM

24 may 1941 heading to BE53

lynard 05-25-09 09:46 PM

Just completed an interesting patrol, my manual targeting is getting slightly better. In the earlier patrols most of my targets were sunk by surface attack and very close range. Spent more time plotting and using the map tools to get the aob which has been the main problem. Most of the time I've been getting 1 hit out of a spread of 3 and nowhere near my aiming point. Spent a bit more time on the last C2 and got 4 out of 4 from 1500. I was very pleased so maybe things are on the improve :up:

Patrol 7
U-49, 1st Flotilla
Left at: May 19, 1940, 20:34
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AF61

22 May 19401730 AN 31 Ship sunk! S.S. De Soto (Small Merchant), 2412 tons
23 May 19401926 AN 24 Ship sunk! S.S. Armanistan (Small Merchant), 2640 tons
31 May 1940 0031 AF 59 Ship sunk! S.S. African Rainbow (Coastal Merchant), 2011 tons
01 Jun 1940 0822 AF 58 Ship sunk! S.S. Port Royal (Small Merchant), 3440 tons
07 Jun 1940 0421 AN 58 Ship sunk! M/V Ocean Vulcan (C3 Cargo), 6882 tons
07 Jun 1940 0630 AN 59 Ship sunk! S.S. Temple Moat (Coastal Merchant), 2790 tons
07 Jun 1940 0703 AN 59 Ship sunk! M/V Sea Partridge (C3 Cargo), 7400 tons
09 Jun 1940 0002 AN 59 Ship sunk! S.S. Kimberly (Small Merchant), 3203 tons
09 Jun 1940 0737 AN 67 Ship sunk! M/V Carrier Dove (C2 Cargo), 3929 tons

I installed sh3 commander before this patrol, I like it. Had a quick look at the settings but was keen to get to sea. About 4 days into the patrol sonar picks up a merchant so we head off to intercept. Pop up the attack scope for a look. What the hell, can't see it's all blurry.:o
Jumped to the Obs scope, it seems ok. Thinking worst case some sort of corrupted file.
Then the brain kicked into gear and I remembered "malfunctions". :DL

Pohl 05-26-09 12:17 AM


1431 Patrol 2

U-111, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: October 22, 1939, 14:31
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM16
1342 Grid AM 36 Ship sunk! S.S. British Renown (Small Freighter), 2228 tons

1816 Grid AN 15 Ship sunk! S.S. Theenim (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons

0958 Grid AN 26 Ship sunk! M/V Neptune (Coastal Tanker), 1240 tons

0206 Grid AM 36 Ship sunk! S.S. Orangemoor (Large Merchant), 10615 tons

__________________________________________________ _____

Used the deck gun on the first 3 ships the last one was in a heavy storm, WO saw her smoke at 2.5km, no need to go to periscope depth took 3 torpedos to sink her, crew earned some badges nothing big

Currently I'm on 4th place in the tonnage wars :DL

Herbert Schultze 51930
Günther Prien 37420
Werner Hartmann 31613
**Konrad Steinmann 27636
Wilhelm Rollmann 21708
Heinrich Liebe 16698
Joachim Schepke 2348
Otto Kretschmer 876

Leandros 05-28-09 07:16 AM

U-108 Feb 6th 1941 - Patrol 15 - out of Lorient.

Ready to leave for Patrol 15. Got back to Lorient on Jan 6th after an exhausting patrol with extremely bad weather all the time - even in the Bristol Channel. Without my experienced officers the catch was only 4 merchants for 18.000 tons (two with deck gun). Still had some torps left on return but the crew was "red" all over the place. Me, too!

Then I was informed by the Commander that I was off active duty! I had to report back home to take over the 5. flotilla - a desktop job (probably because of my bad performance on the last patrol....)! Well, after some heavy lobbying I was able to stay on with the 2. flotilla and my U-108. Even got back a couple of my former officers so that I now rate the difficulty for me, as the boat's captain, to approx. 85 %. Eventually, I shall lose them again......

sharkbit 05-28-09 07:43 AM

U-176(IXC). March '43-Patrol #4 out of Lorient. Headed for Freetown.
Has not reported in since attacking large northbound convoy. (Bdu is hoping another death card will not need to be issued, but hope is waning.)

Man, are things getting hard out in the Atlantic or what?!?!?:o

U-80(VIIC). July '43-Setting out on maiden patrol from La Spezia.


Paul Riley 05-28-09 09:03 AM

Some good reports coming in,keep it up :up:

Leandros 05-28-09 10:19 AM

U-108 Feb. 16th 10:00 - Patrol 15 - CG79

After having patrolled our assigned area west of the Canaries we proceeded towards Gibraltar. Picked up a westbound convoy out of Gib. Put two into a Large Merchant but was forced down by a Flower class. While trying to avoid it we sighted a Dido right behind us at the opposite side of the convoy - 2.500 meters distance. Sent off a fast one before side-stepping the Flower. We heard it hit just as we went for the deep.

Surfaced after some hours and picked up the trail again. Crew is exhausted so torpedo reloading takes frustratingly long times. Overtook the damaged Large Merchant and sunk it with the deck gun. Went on again. As soon as we had contact with the convoy Swordfish aircrafts approached from the South - not sure if they discovered us. Surfaced again after 40 minutes. After a little while the brain started working. Swordfishes..?....That would mean a carrier. Went down again and turned South. Oh, yes! Picked up warships approaching - fast.....Surfaced and set full speed in the dirction of the signal. After a little while - ship ohoy. Through the UZO could be seen nicely lined up a Fiji, a Southampton and an ---- Illustrious ---- intercepting course - flank ahead.....four torps left.

Paul Riley 05-28-09 11:59 AM

Dont forget your bible Leandros,if yer christian that is ! or if yer heathen a few bottles of rum to bolster the spirits! :arrgh!:
I personally pay a homage to Odin before such dangerous encounters...THEN get drunk :yeah:

Leandros 05-28-09 05:03 PM

U-108 - feb. 20th - Lorient

Back in Lorient. Illustrious got away! Soon after we turned to intercepting course we were fired upon and had to go down. Managed to get within 2.500 meters of it but was constantly harassed by its escorts. Illustrious also started some frenetic course changes and the lone TII in our bow tube couldn't cope with it. Eventually we let its escorts take the blame. the 3 T1's in our aft tubes came to good use.

Later a fourth arrived and we had to go real deep to get away. Suspect aircrafts from Illustrious also were bombing us. After a couple of hours they gave up.

Sgtmonkeynads 05-29-09 12:10 AM

U-122 to Bdu.

Send Help.
Serious glitches have forced reinstall.
Giving order to abandon ship.
Navigator lost. No known position.
Code Books Burned. Scuttle Charges set.

Paul Riley 05-29-09 04:08 AM

Navigator lost? :o please,explain.

Sgtmonkeynads 05-29-09 04:23 AM

I all of a sudden had bugs. Lots of them. It started with the one where I would b looking through the scope or uzo. I would be looking, click once to enable movement of the scope, then once I had target lock I would click again to exit movement mode and that is when I would automatically launch a torpedo.

The next one was a glitch in all graphics. On the top left side of the screen I would get this checkerboard pattern that made it look as if the game was trying to cover up a naked lady or something.

The nav map could not be changed. I was stuck afloat and none of my crew could do anything about it. It also had the glitch that when at night when the filter should have been applied, from day running to the red night light, it was up in the right corner. The filter I mean, map as normal but the filter was in its own window up in the corner. It is hard to explain without showing you.

I wish I knew what happened. I had the best career of my life going, with both the Rodney and Nelson under my belt.

Good luck with your hunt. You will Love Gwx once you get over all the new eyecandy and such.

Leandros 05-29-09 07:15 AM

U-66 June 8th, 1941 - Lorient - Patrol 16.

With almost 13.000 points of renown I figured it was time to upgrade to IXC - U-66. Transfer took several months but we are now ready to leave for assigned area AM53.

Come to think of it, on Patrol 15 there were no malfunctions or obvious sabotage incurred. On Patrol 14 we had problems getting the max out of both diesel and electrical engines. The engines came to order after a long submerged period in the Celtic Sea. Also had premature torpedo cook-offs.

Torpedo load-up is a mix of TI's and TII's. Purely TI's in the aft tubes. All crew have been refreshed or upgraded in various specialist functions. These things do wonders for their endurance and capabilities. Just awarded 11 war badges. Only two men left missing it now. Casting off...!

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