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Kapitän 01-26-22 04:17 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Chasing our third prey for the day

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2789898)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 26 January 1942 - South of Cape Hatteras -

0037 - O = 20%.

0222 - Sound contact of steamer in Qu.7997CA, at medium speed on course 232°, E=20000. Is too far away, also, it is still dark.

0230 - On new course 0°, 105rpm/2kn.

0436 - Sound contact of steamer bearing 38°, E=21000, approaching at medium speed, on course 205°.

0449 - On new course 90°. Second sound contact of steamer bearing 306°, E=20000, at medium speed, on course 240°.

0505 - The first sound contact now bearing 317°, E=10000. Full Ahead.

0513 - S-Tiefe. Darkness, overcast, sea has subsided somewhat.

0515 - Surfaced after 7h 15min. and 13.0sm.
Weather: N5/4, overcast, hazy, limited visibility, ~1000mb.

0517 - "Shadow bearing 325°, E=3500m!". Boat ventilated. On new course 115°.

0520 - "Battle Stations!". Flooding tube I. Ship is identified as a Supply Tanker of 3150ts, draught 6.0m.

0524 - Qu.7998CA - Single Shot with tube I: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30. Own course 115°; Own speed 2kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Supply Tanker of 3150ts, draught 6.0m.
Target course 205°; Target distance 1300m; Target angle green63°; Target speed 11kn; Firing angle α 356°.

=> Torpedo is a hit amidships after 73 Sec.!

Tanker starts to zig-zag, continues on and is sending "SSS". Going on parallel course 205°.

0530 - The tanker doesn't sink. Manning deck gun. Distance to tanker is 1000m. "Weapons Free!".

0535 - After the second shot, the tanker is pointing a search light at the boat. After 6 shots and hits with the deck gun, the tanker sinks in a sea of fire. Running off with Full Ahead on course 300°.

0551 - Compressed Air Supply filled.

0555 - The second sound contact comes into sight at the plotted position and time. Ship is identified as a Small U.S.A. Merchant of 1667ts, draught 6.8m. Going to new course 330°. Small Ahead.

0559 - Qu.7998CA - Single Shot with tube II: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 4.5m; Vt30. Own course 330°; Own speed 6kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Small U.S.A. Merchant of 1667ts, draught 6.8m.
Target course 240°; Target distance 2000m; Target angle red69°; Target speed 9kn; Firing angle α 002°.

=> Torpedo is a hit in the forecastle after 1 min. 58 Sec.!

The torpedo hit is followed by a huge explosion, debris are flying through the air. After 1-2 minutes the steamer sinks on an even keel. Spotted 3 boats with 9-12 survivors.

0605 - Running off at high speed on course 58°.

0636 - Incoming F.T.: From U 123:
Sank the armed steamer "Culebra", 3044 BRT, after a gun battle in CC 79. Ship was loaded with aircraft parts. - Hardegen -

0700 - Diving for submerged cruise at T=20, 105rpm/2kn.

0703 - Sound contact turbine, bearing 125°, E=8000, slowly on course 235°.

0808 - Lost sound contact 0703/25, bearing 155°, E=18500, in position Qu.7998CA.

0857 - O= 20%.

0920 - S-Tiefe. Morning Dawn. Weather and Sea unchanged. Back to Reception Depth.

0956 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106:
Sank the British "Traveller", 3963 BRT. - Rasch -

Cmdr.: U-Rasch belongs to the second wave of "Paukenschlag" boats, which have already left the Western bases.

1010 - Sunrise.

1015 - Surfaced after 3h 15min. and 7.8sm.

1020 - Boat ventilated. Charging Batteries (7700Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/6-7kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1200 - Qu.8772CA - Days Run: 83.3sm - 50.6sm (7h) - 32.7sm (17h).
131.9cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 62°. Battery 9700Ah. 3 internal Eto and 2 Ato. Weather unchanged since 0515h.

- to be continued -

- continued from 26 January, 1200h -

1220 - Batteries charged (2h for 2300Ah). 2x235RPM/7kn.

1608 - On new course 306°.

1845 - Water depth 162m.

1900 - Water depth 100m.

1915 - Water depth 63m.

1930 - Water depth 50m.

1951 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0515h. Water depth 45m.

2100 - Diving just before dark, for submerged cruise at Reception Depth.

2104 - Sound contact with steamer, bearing 200°, E=14000, on course SSW, medium speed.

2110 - Surfaced after 10min and 0.5sm. Boat operating on sound contact 2104/25. On course 158°. "Estimated contact with sound contact in about 45 min. All hands on Maneuver Stations!".

2200 - Now on course 201°. Diving for sound check. Steamer heard bearing 11°, E=5000. Speed of steamer must therefore be about 10kn.

2203 - Surfaced directly from T=20, after 3min. and 0.6sm.

2241 - Now on course 215°. Diving for sound check. Steamer heard bearing 318°, E=4500. Course of steamer must therefore be about 205°.

2244 - Surfaced directly from T=20, after 3min. and 0.3sm.

2306 - Now on course 203°. "Shadow Ahead Port! Distance 4000m!". It is the sound contact 2104/25! A Large U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, that appears to be empty, with a draught of 6.0m, on course 205, speed 11kn.

Cmdr.: I suspect, that the tanker is on its way to the oil refineries of Aruba-Trinidad, for loading of precious cargo destined for England. I sound "General Quarters!", as we are overtaking the tanker along its stbd. beam.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-27-22 04:08 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Gettings more done before 9am ...

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790048)
- continued from 26 January, 1200h -

1220 - Batteries charged (2h for 2300Ah). 2x235RPM/7kn.

1608 - On new course 306°.

1845 - Water depth 162m.

1900 - Water depth 100m.

1915 - Water depth 63m.

1930 - Water depth 50m.

1951 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0515h. Water depth 45m.

2100 - Diving just before dark, for submerged cruise at Reception Depth.

2104 - Sound contact with steamer, bearing 200°, E=14000, on course SSW, medium speed.

2110 - Surfaced after 10min and 0.5sm. Boat operating on sound contact 2104/25. On course 158°. "Estimated contact with sound contact in about 45 min. All hands on Maneuver Stations!".

2200 - Now on course 201°. Diving for sound check. Steamer heard bearing 11°, E=5000. Speed of steamer must therefore be about 10kn.

2203 - Surfaced directly from T=20, after 3min. and 0.6sm.

2241 - Now on course 215°. Diving for sound check. Steamer heard bearing 318°, E=4500. Course of steamer must therefore be about 205°.

2244 - Surfaced directly from T=20, after 3min. and 0.3sm.

2306 - Now on course 203°. "Shadow Ahead Port! Distance 4000m!". It is the sound contact 2104/25! A Large U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, that appears to be empty, with a draught of 6.0m, on course 205, speed 11kn.

Cmdr.: I suspect, that the tanker is on its way to the oil refineries of Aruba-Trinidad, for loading of precious cargo destined for England. I sound "General Quarters!", as we are overtaking the tanker along its stbd. beam.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 27 January 1942 - ESE of Cape Hatteras -

- Sixth week at sea completed -

0005 - Turning boat hard to port, in order to bring the stern tubes to bear. On course 295°. Flooding tubes V & VI.

0007 - Qu.7993CA - Salvo Shot with tubes V & VI: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30; Angle of divergence 1.5°; Own course 295°; Own speed 6kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Large empty U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, draught 6.0m.
Target course 205°; Target distance 1600m; Target angle green72°; Target speed 11kn; Firing angle α 001°.

=> Torpedo tube V is hit amidships, after 1 min. 36 Sec.!
=> Torpedo tube VI is a failure, understeers!

The tanker starts sending "SSS" and zig-zags, reducing speed to 5kn.

Boat running ahead of tanker, in order to get the last loaded torpedo in tube III to bear.

0023 - On course 112°. Flooding tube III. Waiting for the tanker to return to its mean course of 205°, after turning away while zig-zagging.

0033 - Qu.7993CA - Single Shot with tube III: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30; Own course 112°; Own speed 3kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Large empty U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, draught 6.0m.
Target zig-zagging around mean course of 205°; Target distance 1300m; Target angle green95°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle α 355°.

=> Torpedo is a hit below the forward bridge, after 79 Sec.!

0037 - The tanker continues on, further reducing speed, but is not sinking. Manning deck gun.

0038 - "Weapons Free!". E=900. After the 2nd shot, a fire breaks out on the tanker, and after 8 shots in total, the tanker starts to catch fire over all and sinks on an even keel at 0040h. Flames continue to linger on the water for a while, even after the tanker has sunk. Water depth here is 365m.

Running toward the sinking position. Questioning and supplying 14 survivors in 4 boats.

0100 - Running off on an easterly course, at 2xH.F.-Ahead.
"Secure Weapons! Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

Cmdr.: After a chase that lasted over 3.5h and covered a distance of nearly 38sm, we finally caught our prey, that provided us with more tonnage, than the previous 6 ships combined.

0130 - The weather is clearing up, but the sea and swell are increasing. Reducing speed to 1/3-Ahead.

Cmdr.: We were able to sink the tanker with the help of the deck gun, just in the nick of time.

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 26 Jan., 0530h, sunk Supply Tanker, 3150ts, with Eto and deck gun, in Qu.7998CA. On 26 Jan., 0600h, sunk Small U.S.A. Merchant, 1667ts, with Eto, in Qu.7998CA. On 27 Jan., 0040h, sunk Large empty U.S.A. Tanker, 18458ts, with 2 Eto and deck gun, 1 Eto understeered, in Qu.7993CA. Tanker was en route to Aruba-Trinidad. Many patrol vessels in Qu.1230DC. Still have 2 internal Ato and 128cbm. NW6/5 increasing, clear, light haze, good visibility, medium swell, >1000mb. Continuing Op. - RST -

Cmdr.: The outgoing F.T.'s are more detailed and longer, in order to give the second wave of "Paukenschlag" boats, e.g, U-Rasch, that are already on their way to the U.S.A. East Coast, some intelligence about the theatre of operation.

0205 - "ALARM!". Crash diving from Catalina, direct approach from 275°true, E=5000. Airplane was first sighted heading SSE, and then turned toward the boat. Suspect radar detection. At T=30, 2 well placed bombs, no damages.

0207 - At A-20, another 3-4 bombs, no damages.
Also, sound contact turbine, bearing 351°, E=11000, heading straight toward our postion on course 253°, at medium speed.

Cmdr.: Clearly, the enemy has organized a concerted hunt for us. There! All of a sudden, sinking noises coming from the direction of the warship. I suspect, it must have foundered in the heavy sea. I decide to stay submerged.

0248 - On course 0°. 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

0427 - O= 20%.

0702 - T=50. Beginning of torpedo reloading.

0714 - Tube V reloaded with G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ).

0727 - Tube VI reloaded with G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ).

0735 - Continue submerged cruise at A-20, 65rpm/1.6kn.

0837 - O= 19%.

0909 - S-Tiefe. Morning Dawn. Weather is clear, however, stormy sea.

0910 - Surfaced after 7h 05min. and 16.7sm. Water Depth is 203m. NNW7/6, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Light damage to forward upper deck from the last airplane attack, cannot be repaired due to the heavy swell. Battery 9000Ah.

0920 - Boat ventilated. On new course 45°.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 01-27-22 04:02 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - ... than others do all day.

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790105)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 27 January 1942 - ESE of Cape Hatteras -

- Sixth week at sea completed -

0005 - Turning boat hard to port, in order to bring the stern tubes to bear. On course 295°. Flooding tubes V & VI.

0007 - Qu.7993CA - Salvo Shot with tubes V & VI: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30; Angle of divergence 1.5°; Own course 295°; Own speed 6kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Large empty U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, draught 6.0m.
Target course 205°; Target distance 1600m; Target angle green72°; Target speed 11kn; Firing angle α 001°.

=> Torpedo tube V is hit amidships, after 1 min. 36 Sec.!
=> Torpedo tube VI is a failure, understeers!

The tanker starts sending "SSS" and zig-zags, reducing speed to 5kn.

Boat running ahead of tanker, in order to get the last loaded torpedo in tube III to bear.

0023 - On course 112°. Flooding tube III. Waiting for the tanker to return to its mean course of 205°, after turning away while zig-zagging.

0033 - Qu.7993CA - Single Shot with tube III: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30; Own course 112°; Own speed 3kn ahead; Shooter: Ltnt.z.S & I.W.O. Rainer SCHEUFLER.
Target ship: Large empty U.S.A. Tanker of 18192ts, draught 6.0m.
Target zig-zagging around mean course of 205°; Target distance 1300m; Target angle green95°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle α 355°.

=> Torpedo is a hit below the forward bridge, after 79 Sec.!

0037 - The tanker continues on, further reducing speed, but is not sinking. Manning deck gun.

0038 - "Weapons Free!". E=900. After the 2nd shot, a fire breaks out on the tanker, and after 8 shots in total, the tanker starts to catch fire over all and sinks on an even keel at 0040h. Flames continue to linger on the water for a while, even after the tanker has sunk. Water depth here is 365m.

Running toward the sinking position. Questioning and supplying 14 survivors in 4 boats.

0100 - Running off on an easterly course, at 2xH.F.-Ahead.
"Secure Weapons! Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

Cmdr.: After a chase that lasted over 3.5h and covered a distance of nearly 38sm, we finally caught our prey, that provided us with more tonnage, than the previous 6 ships combined.

0130 - The weather is clearing up, but the sea and swell are increasing. Reducing speed to 1/3-Ahead.

Cmdr.: We were able to sink the tanker with the help of the deck gun, just in the nick of time.

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 26 Jan., 0530h, sunk Supply Tanker, 3150ts, with Eto and deck gun, in Qu.7998CA. On 26 Jan., 0600h, sunk Small U.S.A. Merchant, 1667ts, with Eto, in Qu.7998CA. On 27 Jan., 0040h, sunk Large empty U.S.A. Tanker, 18458ts, with 2 Eto and deck gun, 1 Eto understeered, in Qu.7993CA. Tanker was en route to Aruba-Trinidad. Many patrol vessels in Qu.1230DC. Still have 2 internal Ato and 128cbm. NW6/5 increasing, clear, light haze, good visibility, medium swell, >1000mb. Continuing Op. - RST -

Cmdr.: The outgoing F.T.'s are more detailed and longer, in order to give the second wave of "Paukenschlag" boats, e.g, U-Rasch, that are already on their way to the U.S.A. East Coast, some intelligence about the theatre of operation.

0205 - "ALARM!". Crash diving from Catalina, direct approach from 275°true, E=5000. Airplane was first sighted heading SSE, and then turned toward the boat. Suspect radar detection. At T=30, 2 well placed bombs, no damages.

0207 - At A-20, another 3-4 bombs, no damages.
Also, sound contact turbine, bearing 351°, E=11000, heading straight toward our postion on course 253°, at medium speed.

Cmdr.: Clearly, the enemy has organized a concerted hunt for us. There! All of a sudden, sinking noises coming from the direction of the warship. I suspect, it must have foundered in the heavy sea. I decide to stay submerged.

0248 - On course 0°. 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

0427 - O= 20%.

0702 - T=50. Beginning of torpedo reloading.

0714 - Tube V reloaded with G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ).

0727 - Tube VI reloaded with G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ).

0735 - Continue submerged cruise at A-20, 65rpm/1.6kn.

0837 - O= 19%.

0909 - S-Tiefe. Morning Dawn. Weather is clear, however, stormy sea.

0910 - Surfaced after 7h 05min. and 16.7sm. Water Depth is 203m. NNW7/6, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Light damage to forward upper deck from the last airplane attack, cannot be repaired due to the heavy swell. Battery 9000Ah.

0920 - Boat ventilated. On new course 45°.

- to be continued -

- continued from 27 January, 0920h -

0945 - On course 90°. 285RPM. Water depth is 143m.
Diving for Trial Dive and submerged cruise.

0950 - A-20. 135rpm.

1000 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U. Standing Order 507.

1006 - Sunrise.

1020 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting for A-20.

1024 - Sound contact turbine, bearing 268°, E=17000, on medium speed on course 85°.

1037 - T=60. 65rpm/1.6kn

1050 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 285°, E=18000.

1117 - O= 20%.

1200 - Qu.8742CA - Days Run: 137.5sm - 115.1.6sm (14h 24') - 22.4sm (9h 36').
127.5cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 8700Ah. 2 internal Ato. T=60. O= 20%.

1308 - Submerged cruise. Silent Running.

1527 - O= 19%.

1949 - Sundown.

2007 - On new course 0°.

2015 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged.

2017 - O= 18%.

2020 - Surfaced after 8h 20' and 10.8sm since Etmal, and 10h 35' and 15.1sm in total. Weather unchanged since 0130h. Battery 7900Ah.

2027 - Boat ventilated.

2051 - Compressed Air Supply filled.

2100 - At evening dusk, diving for submerged cruise.

2106 - At A-20. 65rpm/1.6kn. Silent Running. Lights out for the Off-Watch.

2205 - Sound contact with warship bearing 008°, E=21000, with slow speed on course 202°.

2317 - O= 20%.

2330 - Sound contact crosses our bow at a distance of 8000m.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-28-22 02:56 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - The ASW hunt is on ...

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790270)
- continued from 27 January, 0920h -

0945 - On course 90°. 285RPM. Water depth is 143m.
Diving for Trial Dive and submerged cruise.

0950 - A-20. 135rpm.

1000 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U. Standing Order 507.

1006 - Sunrise.

1020 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting for A-20.

1024 - Sound contact turbine, bearing 268°, E=17000, on medium speed on course 85°.

1037 - T=60. 65rpm/1.6kn

1050 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 285°, E=18000.

1117 - O= 20%.

1200 - Qu.8742CA - Days Run: 137.5sm - 115.1.6sm (14h 24') - 22.4sm (9h 36').
127.5cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 8700Ah. 2 internal Ato. T=60. O= 20%.

1308 - Submerged cruise. Silent Running.

1527 - O= 19%.

1949 - Sundown.

2007 - On new course 0°.

2015 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged.

2017 - O= 18%.

2020 - Surfaced after 8h 20' and 10.8sm since Etmal, and 10h 35' and 15.1sm in total. Weather unchanged since 0130h. Battery 7900Ah.

2027 - Boat ventilated.

2051 - Compressed Air Supply filled.

2100 - At evening dusk, diving for submerged cruise.

2106 - At A-20. 65rpm/1.6kn. Silent Running. Lights out for the Off-Watch.

2205 - Sound contact with warship bearing 008°, E=21000, with slow speed on course 202°.

2317 - O= 20%.

2330 - Sound contact crosses our bow at a distance of 8000m.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 28 January 1942 - ENE of Cape Hatteras -

0008 - Sound contact now 2500m to our port beam. Vessel identified as possible submarine contact. Boat remains submerged.
(In the External View, it is a US Submarine)

0205 - Lost warship sound contact in relative bearing 203°, E=21000, still with slow speed on course 202°. From Qu.8721 to 8743CA.

0314 - Sound contact turbine bearing 340°, E=19000, medium speed, course 215°.

0408 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 262°, E=20000, still with medium speed on course 215°. From Qu.8713 to 8715CA.

0437 - O= 19%. Sound contact turbine bearing 237°, E=18000, medium speed, on easterly course.

0545 - On new course 85°.

Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 121°, E=21000, still with medium speed on course 215°. From Qu.8716 to 8725CA.

0744 - Sound contact turbine bearing 105°, E=20000, medium speed, course 287°.

0825 - Sound contact crosses our stern at a distance of 2000m.

0915 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 274°, E=20000, still with medium speed on course 287°. From Qu.8722 to 8712CA.

Cmdr.: I suspect that his was the same patrol vessel as the sound contact from 0442h to 0600h.

0937 - O= 18%.

1003 - Sunrise.

1013 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged.

1015 - Surfaced after 13h 15' and 18.5sm. Weather unchanged since 27 Jan., 0130h. Battery 7300Ah.

1047 - Boat ventilated.

1110 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 125:
Folkers: Return to port, reloading from deck containers to be attempted.

1118 - Compressed Air Supply filled.

1200 - Qu.8476CA - Days Run: 45.4sm - 16.1sm (2h 25') - 29.3sm (21h 35').
126.6cbm (0.9cbm/24h). On course 0°. Battery 7300Ah. 2 internal Ato. Weather unchanged since 27 Jan., 0130h. Swell subsiding somewhat.

1210 - Charging Batteries (7300Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/6kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1435 - Batteries charged (2h 25' for 2700Ah).

1448 - On new course 270°.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 01-28-22 04:16 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Another steamer falls ...

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790360)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 28 January 1942 - ENE of Cape Hatteras -

0008 - Sound contact now 2500m to our port beam. Vessel identified as possible submarine contact. Boat remains submerged.
(In the External View, it is a US Submarine)

0205 - Lost warship sound contact in relative bearing 203°, E=21000, still with slow speed on course 202°. From Qu.8721 to 8743CA.

0314 - Sound contact turbine bearing 340°, E=19000, medium speed, course 215°.

0408 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 262°, E=20000, still with medium speed on course 215°. From Qu.8713 to 8715CA.

0437 - O= 19%. Sound contact turbine bearing 237°, E=18000, medium speed, on easterly course.

0545 - On new course 85°.

Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 121°, E=21000, still with medium speed on course 215°. From Qu.8716 to 8725CA.

0744 - Sound contact turbine bearing 105°, E=20000, medium speed, course 287°.

0825 - Sound contact crosses our stern at a distance of 2000m.

0915 - Lost sound contact turbine in relative bearing 274°, E=20000, still with medium speed on course 287°. From Qu.8722 to 8712CA.

Cmdr.: I suspect that his was the same patrol vessel as the sound contact from 0442h to 0600h.

0937 - O= 18%.

1003 - Sunrise.

1013 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged.

1015 - Surfaced after 13h 15' and 18.5sm. Weather unchanged since 27 Jan., 0130h. Battery 7300Ah.

1047 - Boat ventilated.

1110 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 125:
Folkers: Return to port, reloading from deck containers to be attempted.

1118 - Compressed Air Supply filled.

1200 - Qu.8476CA - Days Run: 45.4sm - 16.1sm (2h 25') - 29.3sm (21h 35').
126.6cbm (0.9cbm/24h). On course 0°. Battery 7300Ah. 2 internal Ato. Weather unchanged since 27 Jan., 0130h. Swell subsiding somewhat.

1210 - Charging Batteries (7300Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/6kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1435 - Batteries charged (2h 25' for 2700Ah).

1448 - On new course 270°.

- to be continued -

- continued from 28 January, 1448h -

1520 - Water Depth 427m. "Commander to Bridge!".
Two steamers in keel line, bearing 257°, E=8500/9000, on course 334°, speed 9kn.

1530 - Diving for submerged attack, at angle to bow 0°.

1532 - Sound Contact turbine, bearing 43°, E=13500, with medium speed on course 208°.

1545 - On course 245°. The lead steamer is identified as Caribou class, 2100ts, draught 7.5m, 1 Army Truck as upper deck cargo and a stern gun. 500m behind a SAR-Freighter of 2530ts, draught 6.0, is burning in the forecastle, 1 Airplane and 2-3 boats as upper deck cargo, also, has a deck gun on the forecastle. Both are U.S.A. steamers.

1553 - "Battle Stations!". Flooding tube V.

1555 - Qu.8446CA - Single Shot with tube V: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 5.5m; Vt30. Own heading 245°; Own speed 1kn astern; Shooter: Kptlt. & Cmdr. RST.
Target ship: U.S.A. Caribou Steamer of 2100ts, draught 7.5m.
Target course 334°; Target distance 1247m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 9kn; Firing angle α 330°.

1556 - Qu.8446CA - Flooding tube VI - Single Shot with tube VI: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 4.0m; Vt44. Own heading 245°; Own speed 2kn astern; Shooter: Kptlt. & Cmdr. RST.
Target ship: U.S.A. SAR-Freighter of 2530ts, draught 6.0m.
Target course 334°; Target distance 1320m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 9kn; Firing angle α 350°.

=> Tube V is a hit amidships after 87 Sec.!
The steamer sinks after 1-2 minutes followed by one single underwater explosion. Water depth here is 184m.

=> Tube VI is a failure, understeers amidships!

1605 - The sound contact turbine from 1532h, is approaching our position. Running off on course 130°. 1/3-Ahead.

1612 - At E=7000, the sound contact is identified as a Clemson Destroyer, and has the following ASW ranges: ASDIC: 1300m; Sound: 6500m; Radar: 7000m; Field of View: 8000m.
Reducing speed to Small Ahead.

1619 - At E=4000, Silent Running.

1623 - The destroyer is sniffing around for us, in the general area of our firing position.

1715 - After 1h, the destroyer runs off on course SW.

1723 - At Reception Depth.

1730 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". On new course 90°.

1737 - O= 20%. T=60.

1755 - Lost sound contact with Clemson Destroyer in relative bearing 158°, E=19000, on course SW.

1827 - S-Tiefe. Wind and Sea conditions seem to have subsided somewhat and it is partly cloudy.

1830 - Qu.8457CA - Just mere seconds before surfacing, a P38-"Lightning" is seen in the B-Periscope in 220°true, E=6000. At first the airplane is on course south but then turns around and flies off of course north. Suspect that the airplane belongs to the Air Cover Zone of New York.

1845 - Surfaced after 3h 15min. and 9.2sm. Battery 9300Ah.
Weather: NE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

1847 - Boat ventilated.

1927 - Sundown. ENE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

2117 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 123:
Hardegen: U 575 is at Spreewald rendezvous point.
In case Spreewald has not passed the meeting place, she has taken course so that she will reach that point not earlier than the morning of 30 January. You are to wait until 1 February at 2400 hours and in case Spreewald is not found, will proceed.

2120 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 27 Jan., 0205h, right after sending F.T., bombed by Catalina, direct approach, search lights, no damage, Qu.8771CA. Many patrol vessels in Qu.8710/20CA. On 28 Jan., 1557h, sunk U.S.A. Caribou Merchant, 2100ts; last internal Ato on U.S.A. SAR-Freighter understeered; both in Qu.8446CA. Still have 8 external Ato and 126cbm. Heading East. ENE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb. - RST -

Diving for submerged cruise at Reception Depth.

2123 - T=20, 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

2313 - Sound contact steamer bearing 120°, E=19000, on course 009°, slow speed.

2323 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged. Boat stays submerged because of no use of weapons due to weather and no internal torpedoes.

2327 - T=20, 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

2347 - O = 20%.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-29-22 06:28 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - 8 steamers in less than a week

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790504)
- continued from 28 January, 1448h -

1520 - Water Depth 427m. "Commander to Bridge!".
Two steamers in keel line, bearing 257°, E=8500/9000, on course 334°, speed 9kn.

1530 - Diving for submerged attack, at angle to bow 0°.

1532 - Sound Contact turbine, bearing 43°, E=13500, with medium speed on course 208°.

1545 - On course 245°. The lead steamer is identified as Caribou class, 2100ts, draught 7.5m, 1 Army Truck as upper deck cargo and a stern gun. 500m behind a SAR-Freighter of 2530ts, draught 6.0, is burning in the forecastle, 1 Airplane and 2-3 boats as upper deck cargo, also, has a deck gun on the forecastle. Both are U.S.A. steamers.

1553 - "Battle Stations!". Flooding tube V.

1555 - Qu.8446CA - Single Shot with tube V: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 5.5m; Vt30. Own heading 245°; Own speed 1kn astern; Shooter: Kptlt. & Cmdr. RST.
Target ship: U.S.A. Caribou Steamer of 2100ts, draught 7.5m.
Target course 334°; Target distance 1247m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 9kn; Firing angle α 330°.

1556 - Qu.8446CA - Flooding tube VI - Single Shot with tube VI: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 4.0m; Vt44. Own heading 245°; Own speed 2kn astern; Shooter: Kptlt. & Cmdr. RST.
Target ship: U.S.A. SAR-Freighter of 2530ts, draught 6.0m.
Target course 334°; Target distance 1320m; Target angle red90°; Target speed 9kn; Firing angle α 350°.

=> Tube V is a hit amidships after 87 Sec.!
The steamer sinks after 1-2 minutes followed by one single underwater explosion. Water depth here is 184m.

=> Tube VI is a failure, understeers amidships!

1605 - The sound contact turbine from 1532h, is approaching our position. Running off on course 130°. 1/3-Ahead.

1612 - At E=7000, the sound contact is identified as a Clemson Destroyer, and has the following ASW ranges: ASDIC: 1300m; Sound: 6500m; Radar: 7000m; Field of View: 8000m.
Reducing speed to Small Ahead.

1619 - At E=4000, Silent Running.

1623 - The destroyer is sniffing around for us, in the general area of our firing position.

1715 - After 1h, the destroyer runs off on course SW.

1723 - At Reception Depth.

1730 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". On new course 90°.

1737 - O= 20%. T=60.

1755 - Lost sound contact with Clemson Destroyer in relative bearing 158°, E=19000, on course SW.

1827 - S-Tiefe. Wind and Sea conditions seem to have subsided somewhat and it is partly cloudy.

1830 - Qu.8457CA - Just mere seconds before surfacing, a P38-"Lightning" is seen in the B-Periscope in 220°true, E=6000. At first the airplane is on course south but then turns around and flies off of course north. Suspect that the airplane belongs to the Air Cover Zone of New York.

1845 - Surfaced after 3h 15min. and 9.2sm. Battery 9300Ah.
Weather: NE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

1847 - Boat ventilated.

1927 - Sundown. ENE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

2117 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 123:
Hardegen: U 575 is at Spreewald rendezvous point.
In case Spreewald has not passed the meeting place, she has taken course so that she will reach that point not earlier than the morning of 30 January. You are to wait until 1 February at 2400 hours and in case Spreewald is not found, will proceed.

2120 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 27 Jan., 0205h, right after sending F.T., bombed by Catalina, direct approach, search lights, no damage, Qu.8771CA. Many patrol vessels in Qu.8710/20CA. On 28 Jan., 1557h, sunk U.S.A. Caribou Merchant, 2100ts; last internal Ato on U.S.A. SAR-Freighter understeered; both in Qu.8446CA. Still have 8 external Ato and 126cbm. Heading East. ENE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb. - RST -

Diving for submerged cruise at Reception Depth.

2123 - T=20, 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

2313 - Sound contact steamer bearing 120°, E=19000, on course 009°, slow speed.

2323 - S-Tiefe. Weather and Sea unchanged. Boat stays submerged because of no use of weapons due to weather and no internal torpedoes.

2327 - T=20, 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

2347 - O = 20%.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 29 January 1942 - Northeast of Cape Hatteras -

0133 - Lost sound contact with steamer in relative bearing 219°, E=20000, on course 006°, slow speed, from Qu.8483 to 8456CA.

0507 - O = 19%.

0620 - 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

0941 - Sunrise.

0957 - O = 18%.

1000 - Surfaced after 12h 40min. and 29.2sm.
Weather and Sea unchanged since Sundown, 28 Jan.
Battery 7800Ah. 2x235RPM/7kn. Course 83°.

1007 - Boat ventilated.

1200 - Qu.8545CA - Days Run: 91.8sm - 53.4sm (8h 05') - 38.4sm (15h 55').
126.0cbm (0.6cbm/24h). On course 83°. Battery 7800Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 28 Jan.

1216 - Incoming F.T.: From U 132:
Sunk the Coast Guard Cutter Alexander Hamilton, off Iceland. - Vogelsang -

1403 - Qu.8554CA - Let a neutral Brazilian Caribou Steamer pass, E=4500. Is on course North and armed with stern deck gun. Did not send radio message. No use of weapons due to weather and sea.

Cmdr.: As the steamer is armed, it should have been sunk, but unfortunately, weather prevented it.

1605 - Qu.8555CA - On course 90°.

1815 - Charging Batteries (7800Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/7kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1915 - Sundown. Weather and Sea unchanged in 24h. Visibility ~5sm.

1932 - F.T. from U 109: To U 130:
Kals: Don't send radio beacon. Wait until 30 Jan. NW11/9-10, 998mb, have to heave to due to storm. Approximate Position CB4840 - Bleichrodt -

2005 - Batteries charged (1h 50' for 2200Ah). Evening Dusk.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-30-22 06:02 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Another storm is approaching ...

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790579)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 29 January 1942 - Northeast of Cape Hatteras -

0133 - Lost sound contact with steamer in relative bearing 219°, E=20000, on course 006°, slow speed, from Qu.8483 to 8456CA.

0507 - O = 19%.

0620 - 105rpm/2kn, Silent Running.

0941 - Sunrise.

0957 - O = 18%.

1000 - Surfaced after 12h 40min. and 29.2sm.
Weather and Sea unchanged since Sundown, 28 Jan.
Battery 7800Ah. 2x235RPM/7kn. Course 83°.

1007 - Boat ventilated.

1200 - Qu.8545CA - Days Run: 91.8sm - 53.4sm (8h 05') - 38.4sm (15h 55').
126.0cbm (0.6cbm/24h). On course 83°. Battery 7800Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 28 Jan.

1216 - Incoming F.T.: From U 132:
Sunk the Coast Guard Cutter Alexander Hamilton, off Iceland. - Vogelsang -

1403 - Qu.8554CA - Let a neutral Brazilian Caribou Steamer pass, E=4500. Is on course North and armed with stern deck gun. Did not send radio message. No use of weapons due to weather and sea.

Cmdr.: As the steamer is armed, it should have been sunk, but unfortunately, weather prevented it.

1605 - Qu.8555CA - On course 90°.

1815 - Charging Batteries (7800Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/7kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1915 - Sundown. Weather and Sea unchanged in 24h. Visibility ~5sm.

1932 - F.T. from U 109: To U 130:
Kals: Don't send radio beacon. Wait until 30 Jan. NW11/9-10, 998mb, have to heave to due to storm. Approximate Position CB4840 - Bleichrodt -

2005 - Batteries charged (1h 50' for 2200Ah). Evening Dusk.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 30 January 1942 - Off the U.S.A. East Coast -

0315 - Qu.8655CA -

0815 - Early Morning Dawn.

0930 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sundown, 28 Jan.

1200 - Qu.9446CA - Days Run: 167.7sm (24h).
124.8cbm (1.2cbm/24h). On course 90°. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 28 Jan.

1201 - F.T. from U 132: To B.d.U.:
Position West of Reykjavik. Began return cruise to western France, diesel compressor out of order and other damage unable to be repaired. Attacked convoy on 29 January, consisting of 1 steamer (3,000 tons), 2 destroyers, 1 sweeper, 2 patrol craft and 1 escort ship. Sunk the Coast Guard Cutter Alexander Hamilton, as result of 4 torpedo spread shot. - Vogelsang -

1202 - F.T. from U 654: To U 130:
Kals: Testing of 8 electric torpedoes showed fault in plugging in plus or minus cables, from battery to heater. Result was quicker topping up and shorter runs. After changing over, these errors were completely corrected. - Forster -

1410 - Qu.9455CA -

1640 - It's becoming overcast, wind and sea increasing, shifting East.

Cmdr.: We are approaching the storm area, where the fuel transfer from U 130 to U 109 is impossible because of weather.

1903 - Sundown. ESE7/6, cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-31-22 07:34 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Fighting the elements and enemy aircraft

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790758)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 30 January 1942 - Off the U.S.A. East Coast -

0315 - Qu.8655CA -

0815 - Early Morning Dawn.

0930 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sundown, 28 Jan.

1200 - Qu.9446CA - Days Run: 167.7sm (24h).
124.8cbm (1.2cbm/24h). On course 90°. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 28 Jan.

1201 - F.T. from U 132: To B.d.U.:
Position West of Reykjavik. Began return cruise to western France, diesel compressor out of order and other damage unable to be repaired. Attacked convoy on 29 January, consisting of 1 steamer (3,000 tons), 2 destroyers, 1 sweeper, 2 patrol craft and 1 escort ship. Sunk the Coast Guard Cutter Alexander Hamilton, as result of 4 torpedo spread shot. - Vogelsang -

1202 - F.T. from U 654: To U 130:
Kals: Testing of 8 electric torpedoes showed fault in plugging in plus or minus cables, from battery to heater. Result was quicker topping up and shorter runs. After changing over, these errors were completely corrected. - Forster -

1410 - Qu.9455CA -

1640 - It's becoming overcast, wind and sea increasing, shifting East.

Cmdr.: We are approaching the storm area, where the fuel transfer from U 130 to U 109 is impossible because of weather.

1903 - Sundown. ESE7/6, cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 31 January 1942 - Southeast of New York -

0135 - Qu.9555CA -

0815 - Early Morning Dawn.

0920 - Sunrise. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sundown, 30 Jan.

0938 - Qu.9645CA - Diving from Single Engine Airplane in 160°true, on course Northwest, E=8000. At T=20, no bombs.

Cmdr.: We are positioned 365sm Northwest of Bermuda. The air cover zone of Bermuda must have been expanded since our outbound transit.

0953 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.8sm. On new course 65°, 1/3-Ahead. Swell is increasing.

1015 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 86, 213, 352, 435, 455, 591:
U 435 - 455 - 352 make up Group Hecht.
U 213 - 86 - 591 make up Group Schlei.
Home port for both groups is Bergen unless large scale repairs are necessary. Attack area for U 213 is AL 30.

1017 - F.T. from U 213: To B.d.U.:
Met no patrols on the "Amsterdam" route. Sighted floating mine in AM 3284. - von Varendorff -

Cmdr.: Oberleutnant z. See Amelung von Varendorff was the II.W.O. on U 47 when it made its successful raid on the British base at Scapa Flow. He left U 47 before it went on her last patrol. He is now in command of a VIID type minelayer boat.

1058 - F.T. from U 130: To U 109:
Bleichrodt: Plan to transfer fuel in CD 4965 on 1 February at 1500 hours. - Kals -

1200 - Qu.9651CA - Days Run: 161.2sm - 160.4sm (23h 45') - 0.8sm (15').
122.2cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 65°. Battery 9900Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 30 Jan.

1208 - We heave to, due to the heavy swell, doesn't help. Back to course 65°.

1301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 107:
Have sunk the British Tanker San Arcadio, 7419ts. - Gelhaus -

1401 - Incoming F.T.: From U 333:
Have sunk the Norwegian Steamer Elg, northeast of the Azores. - Cremer -

1432 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 123, 333, 575:
Hardegen, Cremer, Heydemann: U-Cremer did not sink the Elg but the Spreewald! All units in the vicinity search the area for survivors! Cremer: Return at once after rescue mission!

1631 - Incoming F.T.: From U 82:
Sunk the British Destroyer Belmont off Cape Sable Island. - Rollmann -

1816 - Qu.9635CA - "ALARM!". Crash Diving from Single Engine Airplane in 189°true, on course NNW, E=6000.

1818 - At A-20, no bombs. Boat remains submerged.

1853 - Sundown.

2007 - O = 20%.

2100 - Lights out for the Off-Watch. Silent Running. 105rpm/2kn. T=60.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 02-01-22 09:49 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Heading east in search of better weather

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2790924)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 31 January 1942 - Southeast of New York -

0135 - Qu.9555CA -

0815 - Early Morning Dawn.

0920 - Sunrise. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sundown, 30 Jan.

0938 - Qu.9645CA - Diving from Single Engine Airplane in 160°true, on course Northwest, E=8000. At T=20, no bombs.

Cmdr.: We are positioned 365sm Northwest of Bermuda. The air cover zone of Bermuda must have been expanded since our outbound transit.

0953 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.8sm. On new course 65°, 1/3-Ahead. Swell is increasing.

1015 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 86, 213, 352, 435, 455, 591:
U 435 - 455 - 352 make up Group Hecht.
U 213 - 86 - 591 make up Group Schlei.
Home port for both groups is Bergen unless large scale repairs are necessary. Attack area for U 213 is AL 30.

1017 - F.T. from U 213: To B.d.U.:
Met no patrols on the "Amsterdam" route. Sighted floating mine in AM 3284. - von Varendorff -

Cmdr.: Oberleutnant z. See Amelung von Varendorff was the II.W.O. on U 47 when it made its successful raid on the British base at Scapa Flow. He left U 47 before it went on her last patrol. He is now in command of a VIID type minelayer boat.

1058 - F.T. from U 130: To U 109:
Bleichrodt: Plan to transfer fuel in CD 4965 on 1 February at 1500 hours. - Kals -

1200 - Qu.9651CA - Days Run: 161.2sm - 160.4sm (23h 45') - 0.8sm (15').
122.2cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 65°. Battery 9900Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sundown 30 Jan.

1208 - We heave to, due to the heavy swell, doesn't help. Back to course 65°.

1301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 107:
Have sunk the British Tanker San Arcadio, 7419ts. - Gelhaus -

1401 - Incoming F.T.: From U 333:
Have sunk the Norwegian Steamer Elg, northeast of the Azores. - Cremer -

1432 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 123, 333, 575:
Hardegen, Cremer, Heydemann: U-Cremer did not sink the Elg but the Spreewald! All units in the vicinity search the area for survivors! Cremer: Return at once after rescue mission!

1631 - Incoming F.T.: From U 82:
Sunk the British Destroyer Belmont off Cape Sable Island. - Rollmann -

1816 - Qu.9635CA - "ALARM!". Crash Diving from Single Engine Airplane in 189°true, on course NNW, E=6000.

1818 - At A-20, no bombs. Boat remains submerged.

1853 - Sundown.

2007 - O = 20%.

2100 - Lights out for the Off-Watch. Silent Running. 105rpm/2kn. T=60.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 1 February 1942 - Northwest of Bermuda -

0047 - On new course 53°. O = 19%.

0600 - O = 18%.

0907 - S-Tiefe. Weather has deteriorated: Rain and storm.

0916 - Sunrise. Surfaced after 15h and 36.5sm.
Weather: West5/4, overcast, drizzle, fog, limited visibility, medium swell, <1000mb.

0927 - Boat ventilated. Battery 8100Ah.

0934 - Intercepted open F.T. on the 600m-Frequency:
torpedoed. Position 38° 46' N, 64° 17' W

Cmdr.: The position given corresponds with Marqu.5447CB. The steamer could have been torpedoed by U-Bleichrodt.

0936 - Charging Batteries (8100Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/6kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

0953 - F.T. from U 109: To U 130:
Kals: Just now sunk the steamer Tacoma Star. Request meeting already at 0900h in CB4965. - Bleichrodt -

1001 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Front Flotillas will soon be supplied with Short Range Radar FMG 41G (gU) FuMO 29 Seetakt equipment. (Historically: FuMO29-Radar, as of Q4/1942); and FuMB-1/Metox600A, as of August 1942, until 08/43). (Historically, also available, Bold-1, as of 01/42).

1111 - Batteries charged (1h 35' for 1900Ah).

1200 - Qu.7157CB - Days Run: 94.0sm - 57.5sm (9h) - 36.5sm (15h).
120.0cbm => 50% (2.2cbm/24h). On course 53°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sunrise 1 Feb.

1315 - Qu.7155CB - On new course 90°.

1846 - Sundown. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise.

2000 - Evening Dusk. Diving for submerged cruise at A-20, 135rpm/3kn.

2100 - Lights out for the Off-Watch. Silent Running.

2207 - O = 20%.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


complutum 02-01-22 03:02 PM

2e Unterseebootflottille

1e Kampfpatrouille
02.09.1939 (Kiel)
01.10.1939 (Wilhemshaven)

Oberleutnant z. S. Erik Goldschmidt

13:45 KIEL Sail for our first combat patrol.

14:45 The escort returns to port, solo navigation started.

08:00 AO4799 Course: 000º D Engines: 300rpm - 10kts No clouds, light fog, Calm wind. rippled sea. Continue navigation as ordered. No incidents to note.

14:40 AO4496 Laeso lightship spotted, bearing 292º - distance 11,000m.

16:02 AO4469 Norwegian fishing vessel identified sailing SSO.

20:00 AO4437 Course 310º D Engines: 300rpm – 10kts Light clouds, Moderate fog, N Moderate wind. tidal wave. Continue navigation as ordered.

20:37 AN3563 Course 255º D Enfines: 400rpm – 13kts No clouds, no fog, Temporal N, Strong Swell. British merchant 6800T sank with deck gun. Quickly
moving away from the area, in 2 hours we will reduce speed to 300rpm. Very high crew morale thanks to this success. 150rds 8.8cm left.
06:48 AN3527 Norwegian freighter sailing on course O stopped, after reviewing the manifest we let it go.

20:00 AN3152 Course 330º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts No clouds, no fog, Strong swell. Continue navigation as ordered.

22:42 AN3121 Norwegian freighter sailing on course SSE stopped, after reviewing the manifest we let it go.

03:00 AN2943 Stopped another Norwegian freighter, sailing with same course than previous one, after reviewing the manifest we let it go.

03:27 AN2943 As we resume our navigation we see a small coal tender 300T that sails on a S course without lights and began evasive maneuvers, sank with
deck gun

06:43 AN2912 British Steamer 1700T. Submerged, fired Tube 1 (TII) Impact. Fired Tube 2 (TI) failed due to the target reduced speed as result of the first hit.
Surface and open fire with cannon to finish it off. Sank at 06:48

07:10 AN2478 British cargo and passenger ship 2400T, starts zigzag. Approach and open fire with cannon. Fired Tube 4 (TI) Impact. Sank at 07:51. 59rds
8.8cm left. 11 Torpedoes all TI.

10:56 AN2417 German cargo and passenger ship, estimated course NNE. Let it goes without warning.

20:00 AF8742 Course 295º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Sea and weather no change. Continue navigation towards assigned grid. The performance of the entire
crew in the attacks carried out has been commendable.
12:09 AF7565 Zero meridian crossed.

20:00 AF7577 Course 250º D Engines: 400rpm – 12kts Sea and weather no change. Continue navigation towards assigned grid. Sailing at high speed to get
out of the air danger zone as soon as possible.
17:15 AM3262 Course 250º D Engines: 300rpm – 8kts Cruise sailing.

20:00 AM3259 Same course and speed. Overcast, very rough storm WSW, heavy seas. Continue navigation towards assigned grid, ETA 10.09.39 at 22:00.

13:45 AM3346 Atlantic zone.

20:00 AM2495 Course 250º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts No clouds, S hard storm, heavy seas. Continue navigation towards assigned grid, ETA 10.09.39 at
20:42 AM1833 Fuel 80% - Clear, E hard storm, heavy seas. Assigned Grid reached, patrol pattern started. Transmited to BdU as ordered.

22:00 E Engines: 150rpm – 3kts Dive to 55 meters to listen by hydrophones, we will continue diving for 2 hours.

00:04 D Engines: Port: 300rpm – propulsion, Star: 350rpm – charge. Surface, no contact during the dive. Continue patrol pattern.

10:00 E Engines: 150rpm – 3kts. Dive to 55 meters to listen by hydrophones, we will continue diving for 4 hours.

14:06 D Engines: Port: 200rpm – propulsion, Star: 500rpm – charge. Surface, no contact during the dive. Continue patrol pattern.

20:00 AM1865 Course 270º D Engines: 200rpm – 7kts. Clear, calm, curly sea. Continue patrol pattern. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.

22:00 E Engines: 150rpm – 3kts. Dive to 55 meters to listen by hydrophones, we will continue diving for 4 hours.

02:05 D Engines: Portr: 200rpm – propulsion, Star: 500rpm – charge. Surface, no contact during the dive. Continue patrol pattern.

20:00 AM1887 Course 270º D Engines: 200rpm – 7kts Clear, Moderate fog, moderate wind SW, tidal wave. Continue patrol pattern. Daily transmision to FdU.

20:00 AM1817 Course 090º D Engines: 200rpm – 7kts Weather and seas no change. Continue patrol pattern. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered, requested
new patrol grid.

22:01 Radio from FdU, new grid AK66, daily transmision at 08:00.

08:00 AM1754 Course 260º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Light clouds, Moderate fog, very hard storm SE, heavy seas. Continue sailing to new assigned grid.
Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.

08:00 AL3926 Course 260º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Clear, no fog, very hard storm S, heavy seas. Continue sailing to new assigned grid. Daily transmision
to FdU as ordered. ETA 18.09.39 at 02:00.

08:00 AL2995 Course 260º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Weather and seas no change. Continue sailing to new assigned grid. Daily transmision to FdU as
08:00 AL4557 Course 260º D Engines: 300rpom – 9kts Weather and seas no change. Continue sailing to new assigned grid. Daily transmision to FdU as

23:35 AK6633 New assigned grid reached, patrol pattern started.

08:00 AK6698 Course 270º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Very hard Storm ESE, heavy seas. Continue patrol pattern, no contact so far.

08:00 AK6621 Course 270º D Engines: 300rpm – 9kts Storm NNE, swell to strong swell. Continue patrol pattern, no contact so far. Thanks to the
improvement in the weather, we have introduced the external bow tube, operation concluded at 05:30.
15:00 AK6624 Mixed British cargo-passenger ship of 2400T sunk, fired 2 torpedoes at periscope dive, 1 hit and the other missed the target and exploded at
the end of the race. Surface and open gun fire, fired 1 torpedo hits but does not detonate, second torpedo hit, sinks at 14:57. There are
33rds 8.8cm and 7 Torpedoes left.
07:00 AK6358 British merchant, dive to attack, fired tubes 1 and 2 no impact despite ideal fire position and correct calculations. Fired tubes 3 and 4 again
no impact, unexplained torpedo failures. As seas makes the use of the cannon impracticable and as we have exhausted the bow torpedoes,
we give up continuing the pursuit and begin the return to base.

08:00 AK6356 Course 070º D Engines: 300rpm – 7kts Very hard storm NNE, heavy seas. Continue transit back to base.

08:00 AL0149 Course 080º D Engines: 300rpm – 8kts Very hard storm NNW, strong swell. Continue transit back to base.

08:00 AL2881 Course 080º D Engines: 400rpm – 12kts Clear, very hard storm WNW, strong swell. Continue transit back to base. Daily transmision to FdU
as ordered.

08:00 AL3693 Course 080º D Engines: 400rpm – 12kts Light clouds, very hard storm WSW, heavy seas. Continue transit back to base. Daily transmision to
FdU as ordered.

18:45 AM1617 Fuel down to 50%.

08:00 AM2382 Course 080º D Engines: 400rpm – 12kts No weather change, strong swell. Continue transit back to base. Daily transmision to FdU as
01:30 AM3313 Out from Atlantic area. Transmited to FdU.

08:00 AM3274 Course 080º D Engines: 400rpm – 13kts Heavy clouds, heavy rain, visibility almost nil, very hard storm W, strong swell. Continue transit
back to base. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.
08:00 AF7753 Course 070º D Engines: 400rpm – 13kts Weather and seas no change. Continue transit back to base. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.

22:50 AF7562 Zero meridian crossed.

08:00 AF7685 Course 115º D Engines: 400rpm – 16kts Clear, no fog, very hard storm WnW, strong swell to heavy seas. Continue transit back to base.
Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.
08:00 AN3124 Course 160º D Engines: 400rpm – 12kts Weather and seas no change. Continue transit back to base. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.

22:20 AN3812 Polish merchant 10500T, fired stern tube at periscope dive, range 500m, gyro angle 0. Impact but no detonated. Dive to 40m to reload while
maintaining approximate course to the target.

23:07 AN3811 Fired tube 5, range 450m, gyro angle 2º, impact but not detonated. We abort the attack since it is impossible to use the cannon. The ship
sails with a constant heading of 260º.
08:00 AN3884 Course 150º DEngines (7kts): port: 300rpm – propulsion, star: 350rpm – charge. Weather and seas no change. Continue transit back to
base. Daily transmision to FdU as ordered.
00:00 Radio from FdU, we are ordered to head for Wilhemshaven. We maintain our current course and once in sight of Helgoland we will begin our
final approach to our new destination.

03:47 We sighted Helgoland and started final transit to Wilhemshaven.

07:29 We entered the estuary through the West Channel.

09:37 Berthed at the assigned dock. End of combat patrol.

Kapitän 02-02-22 07:58 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - MV Spreewald was sunk by one of our own boats

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2791169)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 1 February 1942 - Northwest of Bermuda -

0047 - On new course 53°. O = 19%.

0600 - O = 18%.

0907 - S-Tiefe. Weather has deteriorated: Rain and storm.

0916 - Sunrise. Surfaced after 15h and 36.5sm.
Weather: West5/4, overcast, drizzle, fog, limited visibility, medium swell, <1000mb.

0927 - Boat ventilated. Battery 8100Ah.

0934 - Intercepted open F.T. on the 600m-Frequency:
torpedoed. Position 38° 46' N, 64° 17' W

Cmdr.: The position given corresponds with Marqu.5447CB. The steamer could have been torpedoed by U-Bleichrodt.

0936 - Charging Batteries (8100Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/6kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

0953 - F.T. from U 109: To U 130:
Kals: Just now sunk the steamer Tacoma Star. Request meeting already at 0900h in CB4965. - Bleichrodt -

1001 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Front Flotillas will soon be supplied with Short Range Radar FMG 41G (gU) FuMO 29 Seetakt equipment. (Historically: FuMO29-Radar, as of Q4/1942); and FuMB-1/Metox600A, as of August 1942, until 08/43). (Historically, also available, Bold-1, as of 01/42).

1111 - Batteries charged (1h 35' for 1900Ah).

1200 - Qu.7157CB - Days Run: 94.0sm - 57.5sm (9h) - 36.5sm (15h).
120.0cbm => 50% (2.2cbm/24h). On course 53°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since Sunrise 1 Feb.

1315 - Qu.7155CB - On new course 90°.

1846 - Sundown. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise.

2000 - Evening Dusk. Diving for submerged cruise at A-20, 135rpm/3kn.

2100 - Lights out for the Off-Watch. Silent Running.

2207 - O = 20%.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 2 February 1942 - NNW of Bermuda -

0327 - O = 19%.

0425 - Qu.7255CB -

0747 - O = 18%.

0900 - Surfaced after 13h and 37.8sm.
Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise, 1 February.

0909 - Sunrise. Weather and Sea unchanged in 24h.

0913 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled. Battery 7600Ah.

0916 - Swell subsiding somewhat. Drizzle stopped but still foggy. 2x235RPM/7kn.

F.T. from U 105: To B.d.U.:
Sighted 3 boats and 3 rafts from "Spreewald", with 24 Germans and 58 prisoners in BE 4720, about 40 sea miles north of the scene of sinking, and picked them up. According to survivor's statements the Captain sailed away from the other boats in an easterly direction with about 20 men on the evening of 1 February.
- Schuch -

0928 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 105:
Schuch: Search to the east by Condors was fruitless. You are in charge of further search. All other boats collect round U 105 by using beacon signals.

1200 - Qu.7266CB - Days Run: 122.6sm - 84.8sm (11h) - 37.8sm (13h).
116.0cbm (4.0cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 7500Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 0916h.

1202 - First Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer).

1300 - Charging Batteries (7500Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/7kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 103:
Sunk the U.S.A. Tanker W.L. Steed, 6182ts, off the U.S.A East Coast, in Qu. CA 5640. - Winter -

Cmdr.: The second "Paukenschlag"-Wave has meanwhile arrived at the U.S.A. East Coast.

1501 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report:
During the month of January, the KM has sunk 106 ships, for 419,907ts. Of these, the Uboats have sunk 62 ships, for 327,357ts.

1510 - Batteries charged (2h 10' for 2500Ah). 2x235RPM/7kn.

1815 - Qu.7355CB -

1835 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0916h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 02-03-22 09:00 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - The search for better weather continues

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2791321)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 2 February 1942 - NNW of Bermuda -

0327 - O = 19%.

0425 - Qu.7255CB -

0747 - O = 18%.

0900 - Surfaced after 13h and 37.8sm.
Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise, 1 February.

0909 - Sunrise. Weather and Sea unchanged in 24h.

0913 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled. Battery 7600Ah.

0916 - Swell subsiding somewhat. Drizzle stopped but still foggy. 2x235RPM/7kn.

F.T. from U 105: To B.d.U.:
Sighted 3 boats and 3 rafts from "Spreewald", with 24 Germans and 58 prisoners in BE 4720, about 40 sea miles north of the scene of sinking, and picked them up. According to survivor's statements the Captain sailed away from the other boats in an easterly direction with about 20 men on the evening of 1 February.
- Schuch -

0928 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To U 105:
Schuch: Search to the east by Condors was fruitless. You are in charge of further search. All other boats collect round U 105 by using beacon signals.

1200 - Qu.7266CB - Days Run: 122.6sm - 84.8sm (11h) - 37.8sm (13h).
116.0cbm (4.0cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 7500Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 0916h.

1202 - First Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer).

1300 - Charging Batteries (7500Ah):
- Port Engine Propulsion 285RPM/7kn;
- Stbd.Engine Charging, 496RPM.

1301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 103:
Sunk the U.S.A. Tanker W.L. Steed, 6182ts, off the U.S.A East Coast, in Qu. CA 5640. - Winter -

Cmdr.: The second "Paukenschlag"-Wave has meanwhile arrived at the U.S.A. East Coast.

1501 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report:
During the month of January, the KM has sunk 106 ships, for 419,907ts. Of these, the Uboats have sunk 62 ships, for 327,357ts.

1510 - Batteries charged (2h 10' for 2500Ah). 2x235RPM/7kn.

1815 - Qu.7355CB -

1835 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0916h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 3 February 1942 - North of Bermuda -

- Seventh week at sea completed -

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106:
Sunk the Swedish Amerikaland, 15355ts, off the U.S.A East Coast, in Qu. CA 8458. - Rasch -

0535 - Qu.8155CB -

0545 - Breakfast for the Port-Machine-Watch.

0600 - Wake-Up and Morning Wash for the remaining crew. Port-Machine-Watch on duty.

0630 - Breakfast for the remaining crew.

0700 - Swab-the-decks for the Off-Watch.

0740 - Early Morning Dawn.

0845 - Daily Work Routine for the Off-Watch.

0857 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1200 - Qu.8244CB - Days Run: 165.2sm (24h).
113.4cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h. Lunch.

1201 - Second Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer).

1300 - Daily Work Routine for the Off-Watch.

1650 - Qu.8255CB -

1715 - Dinner.

1825 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

2100 - Lights-Out for the Off-Watch.

2340 - Wake-Up for the First Sea-Watch and the Stbd.-Machine-Watch.

2400 - "Mittelwächter" - Midnight Coffee for the First Sea-Watch and the Stbd.-Machine-Watch.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 02-04-22 09:46 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Finally, the weather is improving

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2791534)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 3 February 1942 - North of Bermuda -

- Seventh week at sea completed -

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106:
Sunk the Swedish Amerikaland, 15355ts, off the U.S.A East Coast, in Qu. CA 8458. - Rasch -

0535 - Qu.8155CB -

0545 - Breakfast for the Port-Machine-Watch.

0600 - Wake-Up and Morning Wash for the remaining crew. Port-Machine-Watch on duty.

0630 - Breakfast for the remaining crew.

0700 - Swab-the-decks for the Off-Watch.

0740 - Early Morning Dawn.

0845 - Daily Work Routine for the Off-Watch.

0857 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1200 - Qu.8244CB - Days Run: 165.2sm (24h).
113.4cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 90°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h. Lunch.

1201 - Second Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer).

1300 - Daily Work Routine for the Off-Watch.

1650 - Qu.8255CB -

1715 - Dinner.

1825 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

2100 - Lights-Out for the Off-Watch.

2340 - Wake-Up for the First Sea-Watch and the Stbd.-Machine-Watch.

2400 - "Mittelwächter" - Midnight Coffee for the First Sea-Watch and the Stbd.-Machine-Watch.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 4 February 1942 - Northeast of Bermuda -

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Passed the air cover zones of Halifax and Bermuda. Current position Qu.8346CB. Loading of external eels not possible due to weather. 113cbm. Commencing return voyage. W5/4, overcast, fog, poor visibility, <1000mb. - RST -

0227 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue acc. Op.-Order.

0405 - Qu.8355CB - On new course 75°.

0524 - Incoming F.T.: From U 136:
Enemy convoy in AL 0389 on westerly course. 17 vessels. - Zimmermann -

0701 - Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
Sunk the British Silveray, 4535ts, from dispersed convoy ON.55, off Nova Scotia. - Bigalk -

0730 - Early Morning Dawn.

0847 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1200 - Qu.9118CB - Days Run: 133.1sm (24h).
110.8cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 75°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1202 - Third Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer). Boat is presumed lost.

(U 581, VIIC, Kptlt. Werner Pfeifer, was sunk on 2 February 1942 in the North Atlantic south-east of Horta, Azores, in position 38.24N, 28.30W, by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS Westcott, 4 dead and 42 survivors.)

1814 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

2149 - On new course 82°. Fog is lifting and it is clearing up. Wind and sea are subsiding, shifting south.

2400 - South1/1, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 02-05-22 08:39 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Airplane shot down

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2791720)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 4 February 1942 - Northeast of Bermuda -

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Passed the air cover zones of Halifax and Bermuda. Current position Qu.8346CB. Loading of external eels not possible due to weather. 113cbm. Commencing return voyage. W5/4, overcast, fog, poor visibility, <1000mb. - RST -

0227 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue acc. Op.-Order.

0405 - Qu.8355CB - On new course 75°.

0524 - Incoming F.T.: From U 136:
Enemy convoy in AL 0389 on westerly course. 17 vessels. - Zimmermann -

0701 - Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
Sunk the British Silveray, 4535ts, from dispersed convoy ON.55, off Nova Scotia. - Bigalk -

0730 - Early Morning Dawn.

0847 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1200 - Qu.9118CB - Days Run: 133.1sm (24h).
110.8cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 75°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

1202 - Third Position and Status Request for U 581 (Pfeifer). Boat is presumed lost.

(U 581, VIIC, Kptlt. Werner Pfeifer, was sunk on 2 February 1942 in the North Atlantic south-east of Horta, Azores, in position 38.24N, 28.30W, by depth charges from the British destroyer HMS Westcott, 4 dead and 42 survivors.)

1814 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Feb., 0916h.

2149 - On new course 82°. Fog is lifting and it is clearing up. Wind and sea are subsiding, shifting south.

2400 - South1/1, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 5 February 1942 - Southeast of Nova Scotia -

0151 - ESE1/1, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Intercepted open F.T. on the 600m-Frequency:
torpedoed. Position 35° 14' N, 60° 05' W

Cmdr.: The position given corresponds with Marqu.9713CB, which is about 345sm Northeast from Hamilton, Bermuda and 155sm Southwest from our current position. The steamer could have been torpedoed by U-Bleichrodt or U-Kals.

0226 - Incoming F.T.: From U 109:
Op.-East Coast not possible due to fuel. Since 3 Feb., delayed return cruise together with U-Kals, via Qu.CC80. Fuel transfer not possible due to weather. Just sunk the Canadian Tanker Montrolite. 2 Eto, 58cbm, Qu.CB9713. To Kals: Please send radio beacon as of 1100h. - Bleichrodt -

0356 - Qu.6894CB - 570sm Southeast of Halifax. Right before the watch change, the boat is being attacked by a twin engine airplane. Direct approach in complete darkness. Increasing speed to A.K. 3-4 bombs astern. The 1st Sea Watch is fending off the airplane with both Flak guns. Airplane is flying off burning on course Northwest.

Cmdr.: Apparently, the air cover zone of Nova Scotia has been expanded during our Op. at the East Coast.

0406 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U., U 109, U 130:
In Qu.6894CB, at 0356h, attacked by land-based airplane, direct approach, 3-4 bombs astern, no damage. Airplane set on fire by Flak, flying off on course NW. ESE1/1, clear, light haze, visibility 3-4sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0432 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Remain vigilant!

0720 - Early Morning Dawn.

0838 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

0832 - Qu.6972CB - 570sm Southeast of Halifax. Visibility is 5-6sm. Boat is being attacked by 2 pair of twin engine airplanes from 310°true. Increasing speed to A.K. The 3rd Sea Watch is fending off the airplanes with both Flak guns, one airplane is burning. The bombs are way off. Airplanes fly off on course Northwest.

1038 - Qu.6981CB - 580sm Southeast of Halifax. Boat is being attacked again by 2 pair of Bristol Beaufort bombers from 310°true. Increasing speed to A.K. The bombs are way off.
The 3rd Sea Watch is shooting down one of the attackers.
The remaining three airplanes fly off on course Northwest.
Boat continues with return voyage.

Cmdr.: I decide to not search the crash site for survivors, as I want to reach a safe area before the weather and sea conditions become worse again, preventing the loading of the external torpedoes.

1200 - Qu.6982CB - Days Run: 183.3sm (24h).
109.0cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 82°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. 7676xM.G.-2cm-C/30-PbG. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
To all Biscay-Boats: Occupy Marqu.BF35 by 12 Feb., 0600h, and clear area of all enemy warships.

Cmdr.: The Op.-area ordered by B.d.U. is in the English Channel. There must be a big operation of some kind be planned.

1255 - Qu.6983CB - No airplanes for nearly 2.5h.
"All Engines Stop!". Commencing loading of external torpedoes.

1502 - Both external stern torpedoes loaded under deck and slight damage to forward upper deck repaired. Commencing loading of forward external torpedoes.

1805 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

1901 - Incoming F.T.: From U 103:
Sunk the U.S.A. Steamers India Arrow, 8327ts, and China Arrow, 8403ts, off the U.S.A East Coast.
- Winter -

1910 - Evening Dusk. Loaded 4 external bow torpedoes under deck. Continuing on course 81°, 2x235RPM/8kn.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 02-06-22 10:03 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Loaded external torpedoes just in time

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2791870)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 5 February 1942 - Southeast of Nova Scotia -

0151 - ESE1/1, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Intercepted open F.T. on the 600m-Frequency:
torpedoed. Position 35° 14' N, 60° 05' W

Cmdr.: The position given corresponds with Marqu.9713CB, which is about 345sm Northeast from Hamilton, Bermuda and 155sm Southwest from our current position. The steamer could have been torpedoed by U-Bleichrodt or U-Kals.

0226 - Incoming F.T.: From U 109:
Op.-East Coast not possible due to fuel. Since 3 Feb., delayed return cruise together with U-Kals, via Qu.CC80. Fuel transfer not possible due to weather. Just sunk the Canadian Tanker Montrolite. 2 Eto, 58cbm, Qu.CB9713. To Kals: Please send radio beacon as of 1100h. - Bleichrodt -

0356 - Qu.6894CB - 570sm Southeast of Halifax. Right before the watch change, the boat is being attacked by a twin engine airplane. Direct approach in complete darkness. Increasing speed to A.K. 3-4 bombs astern. The 1st Sea Watch is fending off the airplane with both Flak guns. Airplane is flying off burning on course Northwest.

Cmdr.: Apparently, the air cover zone of Nova Scotia has been expanded during our Op. at the East Coast.

0406 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U., U 109, U 130:
In Qu.6894CB, at 0356h, attacked by land-based airplane, direct approach, 3-4 bombs astern, no damage. Airplane set on fire by Flak, flying off on course NW. ESE1/1, clear, light haze, visibility 3-4sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0432 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Remain vigilant!

0720 - Early Morning Dawn.

0838 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

0832 - Qu.6972CB - 570sm Southeast of Halifax. Visibility is 5-6sm. Boat is being attacked by 2 pair of twin engine airplanes from 310°true. Increasing speed to A.K. The 3rd Sea Watch is fending off the airplanes with both Flak guns, one airplane is burning. The bombs are way off. Airplanes fly off on course Northwest.

1038 - Qu.6981CB - 580sm Southeast of Halifax. Boat is being attacked again by 2 pair of Bristol Beaufort bombers from 310°true. Increasing speed to A.K. The bombs are way off.
The 3rd Sea Watch is shooting down one of the attackers.
The remaining three airplanes fly off on course Northwest.
Boat continues with return voyage.

Cmdr.: I decide to not search the crash site for survivors, as I want to reach a safe area before the weather and sea conditions become worse again, preventing the loading of the external torpedoes.

1200 - Qu.6982CB - Days Run: 183.3sm (24h).
109.0cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 82°. Battery 10000Ah. 8 external Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. 7676xM.G.-2cm-C/30-PbG. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
To all Biscay-Boats: Occupy Marqu.BF35 by 12 Feb., 0600h, and clear area of all enemy warships.

Cmdr.: The Op.-area ordered by B.d.U. is in the English Channel. There must be a big operation of some kind be planned.

1255 - Qu.6983CB - No airplanes for nearly 2.5h.
"All Engines Stop!". Commencing loading of external torpedoes.

1502 - Both external stern torpedoes loaded under deck and slight damage to forward upper deck repaired. Commencing loading of forward external torpedoes.

1805 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 0151h.

1901 - Incoming F.T.: From U 103:
Sunk the U.S.A. Steamers India Arrow, 8327ts, and China Arrow, 8403ts, off the U.S.A East Coast.
- Winter -

1910 - Evening Dusk. Loaded 4 external bow torpedoes under deck. Continuing on course 81°, 2x235RPM/8kn.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 6 February 1942 - Southeast of Nova Scotia -

0355 - Qu.4755CC - On new course 75°.

0502 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
To U 67 (Müller-Stöckheim), 129 (Clausen), 156 (Hartenstein), 161 (Achilles) and 502 (von Rosenstiel): Prepare to reach the area of the South Caribbean by mid February. Await new Op.-Orders under Codeword "Neuland".

Cmdr.: The preparations for commitment of the next boats type IXc to Trinidad and Aruba, has begun.

0700 - Diving for torpedo loading.

0750 - T=30. 135rpm/3kn. Commencing torpedo loading.

0800 - All four bow tubes reloaded. Commencing loading of stern tubes.

0831 - Sunrise. O = 20%. Both stern tubes reloaded.

0835 - Surfaced after 1h 35min. and 4.6sm.
Weather unchanged since 5 Feb., 0151h.

0845 - Boat ventilated. "All Engines Stop!". Commencing loading of remaining external torpedoes.

0901 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106:
Sunk the British Opawa, 10354ts, in Qu. CB 5682. - Rasch -

Cmdr.: U-Rasch, who belongs to the second "Paukenschlag"-Wave, must also be already on its return voyage, as it is a IXB type boat.

1050 - Two external bow torpedoes loaded under deck.
Continuing on with 2x235RPM/8kn.

1106 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
B-Dienst intercepted an enemy radio transmission, that in Qu.DD3174, the Panamanian Steam merchant Halcyon is being attacked by an enemy merchant raider, and that an American Cruiser has left Hamilton, Bermuda, in order to assist.

Cmdr.: The position given is about 325sm southwest from us and about 380sm from Bermuda. I'm not aware of any friendly merchant raiders operating in this area.

1200 - Qu.4733CC - Days Run: 118.8sm - 114.2sm (22h 25') - 4.6sm (1h 35').
107.3cbm (1.7cbm/24h). On course 75°. Battery 9700Ah. 8 internal Ato. 136x10.5cm-SpG. 7676xM.G.-2cm-C/30-PbG. Weather unchanged since 5 Feb., 0151h.

1200 - First Position and Status Request for U 82 (Rollmann).

- to be continued -

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