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pikke 01-04-22 03:54 AM

U48 vs Convoy – part 2
March 20, 1940 grid AN01
1918 U48 is now east of Dundee and there is no sign of that convoy. Instead we have a sound contact from the other side. Merchant, medium speed, moving away, bearing 268, long range. It seems to be moving north...I'll try to intercept and then come back searching for the convoy.

1938 Sound contact is now ESE of us but does not sound much closer...perhaps it's not going North but north-east? Let's change our course to ENE.

2012 U48 is now in grid AN47 and diving. If I guessed right our friend should be somewhere south of us...yes! Sonar just got contact: south of us and much closer. I think we will stay submerged and use sonar to get close.

2027 Target is a British Coastal Tanker. We spotted her through our periscope a couple of minutes ago and have changed course accordingly. She is going 9 knots and heading about 020. We are going to use our stern tube, a single torpedo should be more than enough for a small vessel like this. Pity the wind is too strong to use our deck gun. Tube five is ready: Eto, impact pistol, depth 3 meters. Open tube 5...let's raise our scope to get final range...about 500m...and AoB...about 80°!...torpedo away and running...lower periscope...5...4...raise periscope...2....1...Impact! Right in the middle! visible fire but scorch marks clearly visible on her lower hull...let's shadow her.

2048 She is down to 2 knots and very low on the water...I'd love for the wind to drop so I could use our deck gun...

2053 She is going down! Took a bit longer than expected. I'm glad I did not have to use another torpedo. No other contacts on sonar. Let's move away and go back searching for that convoy.
Ship sunk! MV Hilda (Coastal Tanker), 1343 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 3

2149 I think we may have found that convoy again. We dived for a sonar check and got a warship sound contact West of us. At first I thought she was coming our way to investigate our last attack but she is moving southward. U48 will surface and dash SW to try to get ahead of her.

2233 Yes, it's a convoy and I believe it's the one we attacked before. U48 is now in front of them. They are moving slow. Frigate in the lead. I think they rearranged ship disposition because I remember the large cargo being on the eastern side while now the biggest ship I can spot is right behind the leading escort. Weather unchanged, the waves should help us close in undetected. Rig for silent running! New heading 340! ahead slow!

2249 We are now past the leading escort and changing our course to get into firing position. I searched for the medium cargo but she is now last place of the westernmost column. Other targets around here are tramp steamers and small merchants. I may end up firing a torpedo to the closest small merchant if we remain undetected.

2257 It's time to attack. Tubes 2 and 3 ready: Ato running fast, impact pistol, depth 5 meters, spread 5 tubes 2 and 3...raise periscope....must be quick, there is a tramp steamer closing on us and they may spot she is...range about 400 meters...AoB...80 degrees!...both torpedoes away...Searchlights!...Lower periscope! Dive to 25 meters! Impact!...Again!...let's move inside the herd and sneak away. Ahead standard!

2306 There is chaos least two warships came very close...but I bet the traffic out there is a mess...we are crawling east at 2 knots and will try to break away.

2321 Convoy is slowly moving away and perhaps there is a ship slower than the others. We have two warships sniffing around. U48 changed course slightly NE.

2351 Large cargo goes to the bottom! Warships have left the area and are now returning to convoy. We now just have to wait it out until these warships are gone.
Ship sunk! SS Breton (Large Cargo), 9217 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 19

2359 U48 is back at periscope depth and will surface in a short while. I think we will break contact with this convoy, we sunk all the big preys and the only worthwhile ship remaining is that medium cargo. We also need to move in our external reserves, we have no torpedo in our stern tube right now. We did a good job today: four ship sunk for about 26000grt. Crew earned some rest and a good beer!

Kapitän 01-04-22 06:09 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - The bridge watch better fasten their seat belts

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786058)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 3 January 1942 - South of the Newfoundland Grand Bank -

0015 - The sea is continuously washing over the bridge. Running athwart on course 215° doesn't help.

0500 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive acc. B.d.U.-Standing Order 507.

0510 - At A-20. On new course 270°. 135rpm, 3kn.

0545 - Breakfast for the Port Machine Watch.

0600 - Port Machine Watch on duty. Wake-up and Morning Wash for the remaining crew.

0630 - Breakfast for the remaining crew.

0700 - T=50. O = 20%. Commencing of torpedo maintenance.

1000 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Battery power 5000Ah (50%). Break until 1020h.

1017 - Sunrise.

1039 - O = 19%.

1150 - Stern torpedoes serviced.

1200 - Qu.5695CC - Days Run: 119.3sm - 99.0sm (17h 00') - 20.3sm (7h 00').
184.6cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 4900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. T=60. O=19%. Lunch Break until 1300h.

1300 - Commencing of trial dive.

1320 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meters.
(Critical depth begins at 158m)
135rpm. Setting reception depth.

1339 - At reception depth. On new course 215°.

1340 - Surfaced after 1h 40min. and 4.9sm since Etmal, and total 8h 40min. and 25.2sm.
Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.
Battery: 4400Ah. 2x235RPM, 3-6kn.

1423 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled.

1425 - Sea still continuously washing over the bridge. Going on course 260° doesn't help.

1445 - Running athwart on course 215° again, seems to be better.

1946 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 4 January 1942 - South of the Newfoundland Grand Bank -

0900 - Early Morning Dawn.

1019 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2020h.

1200 - Qu.8269CC - Days Run: 124.9sm - 119.9sm (22h 20') - 4.9sm (1h 40').
182.9cbm (1.7cbm/24h). On course 215°. Battery 4400Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

1956 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-05-22 04:26 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - The storm rages on

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786229)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 4 January 1942 - South of the Newfoundland Grand Bank -

0900 - Early Morning Dawn.

1019 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2020h.

1200 - Qu.8269CC - Days Run: 124.9sm - 119.9sm (22h 20') - 4.9sm (1h 40').
182.9cbm (1.7cbm/24h). On course 215°. Battery 4400Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

1956 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 5 January 1942 - SSW of the Newfoundland Grand Bank -

0501 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: No fuel supply available for return cruise, include in operational planning. Only in absolute emergency, boats can supply out of supply ship "Max Albrecht" in El Ferrol. Still no attacks granted until further orders.

0900 - Early Morning Dawn.

1019 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2020h.

1200 - Qu.8768CC - Days Run: 141.3sm (24h).
180.2cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 215°. Battery 5100Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

(Note: Propulsion keeps switching to "battery charging" without prompting by Commander. Assuming, that when boat cuts under in high swell, it runs on electric engines for a short while and when "resurfacing", it automatically switches to "battery charging". Have then manually, switch back to "2x-Ahead").

2005 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

2039 - It's beginning to rain, wind is shifting to East and in due process to NNW. Poor visibility.

2330 - On new course 270°.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-06-22 05:02 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Third week at sea completed

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786376)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 5 January 1942 - SSW of the Newfoundland Grand Bank -

0501 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: No fuel supply available for return cruise, include in operational planning. Only in absolute emergency, boats can supply out of supply ship "Max Albrecht" in El Ferrol. Still no attacks granted until further orders.

0900 - Early Morning Dawn.

1019 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2020h.

1200 - Qu.8768CC - Days Run: 141.3sm (24h).
180.2cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 215°. Battery 5100Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

(Note: Propulsion keeps switching to "battery charging" without prompting by Commander. Assuming, that when boat cuts under in high swell, it runs on electric engines for a short while and when "resurfacing", it automatically switches to "battery charging". Have then manually, switch back to "2x-Ahead").

2005 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 2 Jan., 2030h.

2039 - It's beginning to rain, wind is shifting to East and in due process to NNW. Poor visibility.

2330 - On new course 270°.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 6 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

- Third week at sea completed -

0702 - Incoming F.T.: From U 701:
Have sunk the British Baron Erskine, 3657ts, SSE of Cape Farewell, Greenland. Was straggler from convoy SC.62. Also, lost man over board on 2 Jan., II.W.O. Ltnt.z.S. Bernhard Weinitschke. - Degen -

Cmdr.: The entire North-Atlantic seems to be in an uproar.

0905 - Early Morning Dawn.

1022 - Sunrise. NNW7/6, rain, poor visibility, <1000mb.

1130 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive.

1200 - Qu.1255DE - Days Run: 129.6sm - 128.3sm (23h 30') - 1.3sm (30').
177.6cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 7300Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. T=60. Lunch.

1209 - O = 20%.

1300 - T=50. Commencing of torpedo maintenance.

1549 - O = 19%.

1605 - Bow tubes serviced. Break until 1625h.

1755 - Stern tubes serviced. Dinner until 1835h.

1845 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U.-Standing Order 507. 135rpm, 3kn.

1905 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

1922 - At Reception Depth.

1929 - S-Tiefe. O = 18%. Battery: 5900Ah.

1930 - Surfaced after 7h 30' and 21.7sm since Etmal, and 8h and 23sm total. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise.

1939 - Boat ventilated.

1959 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-07-22 05:23 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - The storm continues

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786554)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 6 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

- Third week at sea completed -

0702 - Incoming F.T.: From U 701:
Have sunk the British Baron Erskine, 3657ts, SSE of Cape Farewell, Greenland. Was straggler from convoy SC.62. Also, lost man over board on 2 Jan., II.W.O. Ltnt.z.S. Bernhard Weinitschke. - Degen -

Cmdr.: The entire North-Atlantic seems to be in an uproar.

0905 - Early Morning Dawn.

1022 - Sunrise. NNW7/6, rain, poor visibility, <1000mb.

1130 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive.

1200 - Qu.1255DE - Days Run: 129.6sm - 128.3sm (23h 30') - 1.3sm (30').
177.6cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 7300Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. T=60. Lunch.

1209 - O = 20%.

1300 - T=50. Commencing of torpedo maintenance.

1549 - O = 19%.

1605 - Bow tubes serviced. Break until 1625h.

1755 - Stern tubes serviced. Dinner until 1835h.

1845 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U.-Standing Order 507. 135rpm, 3kn.

1905 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

1922 - At Reception Depth.

1929 - S-Tiefe. O = 18%. Battery: 5900Ah.

1930 - Surfaced after 7h 30' and 21.7sm since Etmal, and 8h and 23sm total. Weather and Sea unchanged since Sunrise.

1939 - Boat ventilated.

1959 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 7 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

0705 - Qu.1155DE -

0905 - Early Morning Dawn.

1018 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.1145DE - Days Run: 108.5sm - 86.8sm (16h 30') - 21.7sm (7h 30').
175.8cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 5900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2007 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2121 - Qu.3355DD -

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


pikke 01-08-22 05:28 AM

Springtime - part 1
March 21, 1940

0722 It's springtime and weather is now really nice: almost no wind, light fog and smooth sea. In the last few hours crew has managed to move the external reserves and load our tubes. They are pretty tired so I think for today we will laze around here and spend most of our time submerged. U48 is now slowly cruising eastward and will soon reach grid AN47.

1055 We have been following a very faint sound contact north of us for the last 10 minutes or so. Seems like we have a merchant going toward the coast at medium speed. Let's surface and go get a closer look. So much for letting the crew rest...

1145 Ship spotted! Far on the northern horizon, she is sailing WSW. We will break visual contact and try to get ahead of her.

1215 Warship spotted straight ahead! Dive!

1217 U48 managed to dive before being spotted. There is an ASW Trawler in front of us and two other sound contacts. I cannot spot them so I guess they may be Torpedo boats. We are trying to intercept that cargo while submerged, it won't be easy.

1231 Ok, I think we may get into a good firing position. Target is closing but so is that Trawler, I'll take a risk and stay on this course. We are draining our batteries quite fast. Target is nothing big. We made it back to grid AN1.

1239 Our target is a Coal Freighter moving at 8 knots. We are now on silent running and slowly turning around. We will shot from tube 5. Torpedo is ready: high speed, impact pistol, depth 2,5 meters. ASW Trawler is now at about 3000m. As I suspected there are two Torpedo boats with her.

1243 It's about time...Raise periscope!...Where is the Trawler? There...good, she is moving away now. Back to our Coal she is...British flag, no visible weapons...pity we cannot use our deck gun...range 800m...AoB 75° port tube! Lower periscope! Set speed 4 knots! Dive to 25m!

1244's about time...raise periscope!...Impact! her right in the middle, small fire burning...lower periscope. Let's do a 90° change of course. Hard to port!

1248 Warships coming this way. The first to arrive will be the torpedo boats since they are faster. We will slow down only when the ASW Trawler gets closer. Target is slowing down.

1254 ASW Trawler in now in the area but not close to us. U48 is crawling away at 2 knots. Torpedo boats are all over the place but they are not that big of a threat....She is going down! That Coal freighter was dead on the water and she could not hold on any longer. We will slowly slip away.
Ship sunk! SS Star of Cairo (Coal Freighter), 2506 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 29

Kapitän 01-08-22 06:27 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - In the lonely wastes of the Atlantic

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786698)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 7 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

0705 - Qu.1155DE -

0905 - Early Morning Dawn.

1018 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.1145DE - Days Run: 108.5sm - 86.8sm (16h 30') - 21.7sm (7h 30').
175.8cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 5900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2007 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2121 - Qu.3355DD -

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 8 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

0910 - Early Morning Dawn.

1025 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.3255DD - Days Run: 124.5sm (24h).
173.2cbm (1.4cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 6900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2016 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


pikke 01-09-22 04:35 AM

Springtime - part 2
March 21, 1940 Grid AN51

1342 No warship around, time to surface again. U48 will now leave this area and move south. I think we may go patrol the area off Hartlepool for a while. We have five torpedo left, all bow tubes ready and one reserve.

1421 Warship spotted! Long range! Let's take a look...she is very far away and sailing north...I think we need no dive. Seems alone...

1426 She is most likely the ASW Trawler that came to investigate earlier. Most likely this is her patrol area.

1529 Warship spotted, closing fast! Let's dive!

1533 A torpedo boat...two of them...Perhaps we are a bit too close to the coast. U48 will move east for a while.

1604 On the surface again. I think we may move away from the coast for the day and close in at night.

2021 We are diving. U48 was getting closer to the coast when our lookouts spotted a warship NW of us. We will use our sonar to check if she is alone or escorting something.

2024 By the sound of it seems we may have an ASW Trawler and perhaps something else. We will close the gap and see what's out there.

2027 There is a bigger shadow behind the leading escort. I believe we have an escort-cargo duo sailing SE at medium speed. We will intercept them.

2154 ASW Trawler in the lead keeps breaking off and doing patterns ahead of the cargo. We will get tube 1 ready for the Trawler and tubes 2 and 3 ready for the big cargo, which may be an Empire-Type freighter. We are in a good position and crawling at two knots.

2201 ASW Trawler is doing patterns again so I will not fire on her. Cargo is indeed an Empire-type freighter, British flag, she is going 8 knots. We will attack her port side. Tube 2 and 3 are set for high speed, impact pistol, depth 3 meters.

2203 Trawler is about 1000 ahead of target...time to tubes 2 and 3...range 800m...AoB 80° port side...spread 2,5°!...torpedoes away and running...change course to 000! set speed 4 knots! Lower periscope!...I'll try to place the cargo between us and the Trawler...Impact!..Two impacts! Let's raise the periscope and a take a peek...there is a small fire on her forward deck...too dark to spot marks on the hull...Lower periscope.

2209 ASW Trawler is coming back but we are now north of the cargo and crawling at two knots. Empire-type freighter slowed down and started to zigzag, or at least trying to.

2214 Our target is almost stationary, U48 is now west of her while that ASW Trawler is on the other side. I'm increasing the gap so that there are less chances our periscope would be spotted when we raise it.

2239 Stubborn ship is still afloat. ASW Trawler still sniffing around in the wrong place. We are now about 1000m away from her. She is still burning and seems a bit lower than before.

2301 ASW Trawler is slowly leaving the area...weird! Empire-type freighter much lower on the water now. Once this warship is truly gone we may raise and use our deck gun to finish her off.

2331 We where getting ready to surface when she began to slip under the sea. Very slowly, but she is going down at last!. The only sonar contact we have right now is from that ASW Trawler, and it's quite faint. We will surface in a while and resume our plotted course.
Ship sunk! SS Corinaldo (Empire-type Freighter), 7235 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 26

pikke 01-09-22 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786854)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 8 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

0910 - Early Morning Dawn.

1025 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.3255DD - Days Run: 124.5sm (24h).
173.2cbm (1.4cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 6900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2016 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


You got me curious about Uboat KTB reports and I searched for some on the net.
They are very interesting to read.
Also, I'm not going to complain about bad weather in SH3, ever!
First one I read reported ice forming on the boat and visibility 30m!!!
I knew it happened but still... :o

Kapitän 01-09-22 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by pikke (Post 2787050)
You got me curious about Uboat KTB reports and I searched for some on the net.
They are very interesting to read.
Also, I'm not going to complain about bad weather in SH3, ever!
First one I read reported ice forming on the boat and visibility 30m!!!
I knew it happened but still... :o

Yes, the original KTBs are quite interesting to read ... also, the Interigation Reports of captured Uboat crews.

The weather conditions in Sh3, seem to change every 3 days or so (with h.sie-patch).

I noticed that when loading a game save with the same weather conditions, that the swell is higher or lower than when having saved and exited the game (one can always tell when the L.I. reports "Depth 10m", or not) ;-)

Kapitän 01-09-22 07:57 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - B.d.U. sending further Op.-Paukenschlag Orders & Intel

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2786854)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 8 January 1942 - East of Bermuda -

0910 - Early Morning Dawn.

1025 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.3255DD - Days Run: 124.5sm (24h).
173.2cbm (1.4cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 6900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

2016 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 9 January 1942 - ENE of Bermuda -

0420 - Qu.3155DD -

0747 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: Distribution of attack areas off the American coast:
U 66 (Zapp) - CA 79, 97, DC 12-13
U 123 (Hardegen) - CA 28, 29, 52, 53
U 125 (Folkers) - CA 38, 59, 62, 63
U 109 (Bleichrodt) - area between points BA 9633 - CB 1577 - BB 7355 - BB 8575.
U 130 (Kals) - BB 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58. This boat will be assumed to be in her area on 13 January.
U 113 (RST) - area between DC 16 - CA 54 - BB 58. This boat will be assumed to be in her area on 14 January.

0920 - Early Morning Dawn.

1033 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.2366DD - Days Run: 120.9sm (24h).
169.7cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 7600Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1215 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive.

1220 - A-20. Lunch until 1250h. 135rpm, 3kn.

1300 - T=50. Commencing of torpedo maintenance.

1410 - O = 20%.

1538 - QU.2365DD - Listening contact with steamer bearing 0°, E=19000, on course East, medium speed.

1600 - Bow tubes serviced. Break until 1620h.

1620 - Steamer passing the boat 800m to our port beam, on opposite course. Commencing torpedo maintenance of stern tubes.

1750 - O = 19%. Stern tubes serviced.

1800 - At A-20. Dinner until 1845h.

1900 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U.-Standing Order 507.

1920 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

1936 - T=20.

1940 - Surfaced after 7h 25' and 21.3sm. Battery: 6000Ah.
Weather: NNW6/5, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb. Wind and Sea decreasing and shifting North.

2001 - Boat ventilated and Pressurized Air Supply filled.

2007 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: Entrances to Portland and Boston have been mined. 13 U.S.A. harbors have been designated as defense areas, among which are New York, San Francisco, Boston and Norfolk.

2012 - Sundown. NNE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

2210 - Qu.2355DD - NE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

Cmdr.: Finally, the weather and sea conditions have improved.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-10-22 03:32 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - With improved weather come the airplanes

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2787070)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 9 January 1942 - ENE of Bermuda -

0420 - Qu.3155DD -

0747 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: Distribution of attack areas off the American coast:
U 66 (Zapp) - CA 79, 97, DC 12-13
U 123 (Hardegen) - CA 28, 29, 52, 53
U 125 (Folkers) - CA 38, 59, 62, 63
U 109 (Bleichrodt) - area between points BA 9633 - CB 1577 - BB 7355 - BB 8575.
U 130 (Kals) - BB 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58. This boat will be assumed to be in her area on 13 January.
U 113 (RST) - area between DC 16 - CA 54 - BB 58. This boat will be assumed to be in her area on 14 January.

0920 - Early Morning Dawn.

1033 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1200 - Qu.2366DD - Days Run: 120.9sm (24h).
169.7cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 7600Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 6 Jan.

1215 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive.

1220 - A-20. Lunch until 1250h. 135rpm, 3kn.

1300 - T=50. Commencing of torpedo maintenance.

1410 - O = 20%.

1538 - QU.2365DD - Listening contact with steamer bearing 0°, E=19000, on course East, medium speed.

1600 - Bow tubes serviced. Break until 1620h.

1620 - Steamer passing the boat 800m to our port beam, on opposite course. Commencing torpedo maintenance of stern tubes.

1750 - O = 19%. Stern tubes serviced.

1800 - At A-20. Dinner until 1845h.

1900 - Beginning of trial dive acc. B.d.U.-Standing Order 507.

1920 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

1936 - T=20.

1940 - Surfaced after 7h 25' and 21.3sm. Battery: 6000Ah.
Weather: NNW6/5, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb. Wind and Sea decreasing and shifting North.

2001 - Boat ventilated and Pressurized Air Supply filled.

2007 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
Paukenschlag Boats: Entrances to Portland and Boston have been mined. 13 U.S.A. harbors have been designated as defense areas, among which are New York, San Francisco, Boston and Norfolk.

2012 - Sundown. NNE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

2210 - Qu.2355DD - NE5/4, partly cloudy, light haze, medium visibility, >1000mb.

Cmdr.: Finally, the weather and sea conditions have improved.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 10 January 1942 - Northeast of Bermuda -

0915 - Qu.2255DD - Early Morning Dawn.

1031 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1200 - Qu.2246DD - Days Run: 135.9sm - 114.6sm (16h 35') - 21.3sm (7h 25').
168.8cbm (0.9cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 6000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From Yugoslav steamer "Nikolina Matkovic":
Urgently requesting help due to loss of her rudder. Qu.AJ 92.

Cmdr.: The steamer is probably in the same storm that we were in for this past week, and which has now shifted northward. A ship in this kind of storm without a rudder is lost. "God save their souls!".

1245 - Qu.2245DD - "ALARM!". Diving from airplane in 200°true, on course ENE, sighted at 6000m.

1247 - At A-20, no bombs.

Cmdr.: We are about 245sm Northeast of Bermuda. Visibility is about 5.5sm.

1300 - At Reception Depth.

1305 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Battery: 5900Ah. 2x235RPM.

1316 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1425 - Qu.2244DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of single engine airplanes in 240°true, approaching from the general direction of Bermuda, sighted at 6000m.

1426 - At A-20, no bombs.

1449 - At Reception Depth.

1455 - Surfaced after 30min. and 1.6sm.
Battery: 5900Ah. 2x235RPM.

1515 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1613 - Qu.2166DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of single engine in 210°true, approaching from the general direction of Bermuda, on course ENE, sighted at 6000m. No direct approach! Turning away again in 180°true on course WSW, towards Bermuda. At A-20, no bombs.

1629 - At Reception Depth.

1633 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Battery: 5800Ah. 2x235RPM.

1738 - Qu.2165DD - Single engine airplane in 195°true, on course 60. Sighted at 6000m. Flying until reaching 130°true and flying off again on course 240° in the general direction of Bermuda. Never got closer than 5000m, no direct approach. Boat remains surfaced.

Cmdr.: It is now clear, that as the storm has forced us south, we have now entered the enemy air cover zone of Bermuda.

2023 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

2049 - Qu.2155DD - "ALARM!". Diving from single engine airplane in 230°true, on course ENE, sighted at 5000m. At A-20, no bombs.

(Note: In the external view, 2 pair of airplanes can be seen)

2101 - At Reception Depth.

2104 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.8sm.
Battery: 5800Ah. 2x235RPM.

2126 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-11-22 03:35 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - In the enemy air cover zone of Bermuda

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2787229)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 10 January 1942 - Northeast of Bermuda -

0915 - Qu.2255DD - Early Morning Dawn.

1031 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1200 - Qu.2246DD - Days Run: 135.9sm - 114.6sm (16h 35') - 21.3sm (7h 25').
168.8cbm (0.9cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 6000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From Yugoslav steamer "Nikolina Matkovic":
Urgently requesting help due to loss of her rudder. Qu.AJ 92.

Cmdr.: The steamer is probably in the same storm that we were in for this past week, and which has now shifted northward. A ship in this kind of storm without a rudder is lost. "God save their souls!".

1245 - Qu.2245DD - "ALARM!". Diving from airplane in 200°true, on course ENE, sighted at 6000m.

1247 - At A-20, no bombs.

Cmdr.: We are about 245sm Northeast of Bermuda. Visibility is about 5.5sm.

1300 - At Reception Depth.

1305 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Battery: 5900Ah. 2x235RPM.

1316 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1425 - Qu.2244DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of single engine airplanes in 240°true, approaching from the general direction of Bermuda, sighted at 6000m.

1426 - At A-20, no bombs.

1449 - At Reception Depth.

1455 - Surfaced after 30min. and 1.6sm.
Battery: 5900Ah. 2x235RPM.

1515 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1613 - Qu.2166DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of single engine in 210°true, approaching from the general direction of Bermuda, on course ENE, sighted at 6000m. No direct approach! Turning away again in 180°true on course WSW, towards Bermuda. At A-20, no bombs.

1629 - At Reception Depth.

1633 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Battery: 5800Ah. 2x235RPM.

1738 - Qu.2165DD - Single engine airplane in 195°true, on course 60. Sighted at 6000m. Flying until reaching 130°true and flying off again on course 240° in the general direction of Bermuda. Never got closer than 5000m, no direct approach. Boat remains surfaced.

Cmdr.: It is now clear, that as the storm has forced us south, we have now entered the enemy air cover zone of Bermuda.

2023 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

2049 - Qu.2155DD - "ALARM!". Diving from single engine airplane in 230°true, on course ENE, sighted at 5000m. At A-20, no bombs.

(Note: In the external view, 2 pair of airplanes can be seen)

2101 - At Reception Depth.

2104 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.8sm.
Battery: 5800Ah. 2x235RPM.

2126 - Pressurized Air Supply filled.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 11 January 1942 - NNE of Bermuda -

0600 - Charging batteries at 5800Ah:
Stbd.Diesel Charging: 496RPM; Port Diesel Propulsion: 285RPM, 7kn.

0820 - Qu.1355DD -

0925 - Early Morning Dawn.
Batteries Charged => 3h 25' for 4200Ah. 2x235RPM, 7kn.

1041 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1037 - Qu.1346DD - "ALARM!". Diving from two pair of single engine airplanes in 170°true, on northerly heading, sighted at 8000m.

1039 - At A-20, no bombs.

1050 - At Reception Depth.

1052 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.9sm.
Battery: 9800Ah. 2x235RPM.

1056 - Immediately after surfacing, again, "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplanes in 205°true, on northerly heading, is already verily close, about 5500m.

1058 - At A-20, no bombs.

1105 - At Reception Depth.

1111 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.9sm.
Battery: 9700Ah. 2x235RPM.

1200 - Qu.1345DD - Days Run: 159.6sm - 153.2sm (22h 05') - 6.4sm (1h 55').
165.3cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 9700Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h. Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1202 - Incoming F.T.: From SS Cyclops (9076ts):
Have been torpedoed in 41° 51'N, 63° 48'W (CB 2424).

Cmdr.: Do we have a trigger-happy "Paukenschläger"?

1301 - Qu.1344DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplane, identified as a Catalina, in 205°true, on northerly heading, direct approach, E=5000. At T=20, two bombs abeam to stbd. and in further course more bombs at the diving position, 500m astern. At A-20, no damages.

Cmdr.: It seems that the enemy air patrol behavior has become more deliberate. I wonder if the sinking of the steamer east of Boston has anything to do with this. In any case, the enemy is now aware of our presence in the area.

1326 - At Reception Depth.

1327 - At S-Tiefe, a twin engine double-decker airplanes in 190°true, flying off on southerly heading, E=5000.

1331 - Surfaced after 30 min. and 1.6sm. Battery 9500Ah.

1344 - Qu.1344DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of twin engine double-decker airplanes in 165°true, E=8000, on course NNE but at E=5000, turned towards the boat. At first one airplane was sighted and only then, the second airplane came into sight, as they approached out of the sun.
The airplanes are identified as type DeHaviland DH Dragon.

1345 - During the diving process, to well placed bombs. At T=30, two more bombs and strong concussions.

1346 - At A-20 no damages. Boat remains submerged for submerged cruise at A-20, 105rpm, 2kn, Silent Running.

1400 - More Wabos at the diving position, 1700m astern.

Cmdr.: The element of surprise is now clearly gone. Also, we will now very likely not reach the ordered patrol area at the designated time either. If we can manage to make the enemy believe that we have been sunk, we might gain some valuable time. In any case, the enemy does not appear to have any shortages of airplanes and aircrews.

1608 - O = 20%.

1715 - Stopped Silent Running. Battery 9100Ah (2h 15' at 105rpm/2kn => 400Ah). Dinner until 1800h.

1800 - Back to Silent Running, 135rpm, 3kn.

1840 - Qu.1266DD - The whole time, Wabos in various distances, no damages.

2030 - Sundown.

2058 - O = 19%.

2150 - At Reception Depth.

2154 - Surfaced after 8h 10min. and 21.9sm.
Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.
Battery 8200Ah (4h at 135rpm/3kn => 900Ah). 2x285rpm, 7kn.
The Flak was slightly damages during the last air attack and is quickly repaired.

2218 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled.

2220 - Charging Batteries: Port-Diesel Propulsion, 285RPM, 7kn; Stbd.-Diesel Charging, 496RPM.

2400 - Batteries Charged: 1h 40min., for 1800Ah. 2xH.F.-Ahead, 12kn.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-12-22 06:00 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Being hunted by airplanes

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2787421)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 11 January 1942 - NNE of Bermuda -

0600 - Charging batteries at 5800Ah:
Stbd.Diesel Charging: 496RPM; Port Diesel Propulsion: 285RPM, 7kn.

0820 - Qu.1355DD -

0925 - Early Morning Dawn.
Batteries Charged => 3h 25' for 4200Ah. 2x235RPM, 7kn.

1041 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1037 - Qu.1346DD - "ALARM!". Diving from two pair of single engine airplanes in 170°true, on northerly heading, sighted at 8000m.

1039 - At A-20, no bombs.

1050 - At Reception Depth.

1052 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.9sm.
Battery: 9800Ah. 2x235RPM.

1056 - Immediately after surfacing, again, "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplanes in 205°true, on northerly heading, is already verily close, about 5500m.

1058 - At A-20, no bombs.

1105 - At Reception Depth.

1111 - Surfaced after 15min. and 0.9sm.
Battery: 9700Ah. 2x235RPM.

1200 - Qu.1345DD - Days Run: 159.6sm - 153.2sm (22h 05') - 6.4sm (1h 55').
165.3cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 9700Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h. Pressurized Air Supply filled.

1202 - Incoming F.T.: From SS Cyclops (9076ts):
Have been torpedoed in 41° 51'N, 63° 48'W (CB 2424).

Cmdr.: Do we have a trigger-happy "Paukenschläger"?

1301 - Qu.1344DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplane, identified as a Catalina, in 205°true, on northerly heading, direct approach, E=5000. At T=20, two bombs abeam to stbd. and in further course more bombs at the diving position, 500m astern. At A-20, no damages.

Cmdr.: It seems that the enemy air patrol behavior has become more deliberate. I wonder if the sinking of the steamer east of Boston has anything to do with this. In any case, the enemy is now aware of our presence in the area.

1326 - At Reception Depth.

1327 - At S-Tiefe, a twin engine double-decker airplanes in 190°true, flying off on southerly heading, E=5000.

1331 - Surfaced after 30 min. and 1.6sm. Battery 9500Ah.

1344 - Qu.1344DD - "ALARM!". Diving from a pair of twin engine double-decker airplanes in 165°true, E=8000, on course NNE but at E=5000, turned towards the boat. At first one airplane was sighted and only then, the second airplane came into sight, as they approached out of the sun.
The airplanes are identified as type DeHaviland DH Dragon.

1345 - During the diving process, to well placed bombs. At T=30, two more bombs and strong concussions.

1346 - At A-20 no damages. Boat remains submerged for submerged cruise at A-20, 105rpm, 2kn, Silent Running.

1400 - More Wabos at the diving position, 1700m astern.

Cmdr.: The element of surprise is now clearly gone. Also, we will now very likely not reach the ordered patrol area at the designated time either. If we can manage to make the enemy believe that we have been sunk, we might gain some valuable time. In any case, the enemy does not appear to have any shortages of airplanes and aircrews.

1608 - O = 20%.

1715 - Stopped Silent Running. Battery 9100Ah (2h 15' at 105rpm/2kn => 400Ah). Dinner until 1800h.

1800 - Back to Silent Running, 135rpm, 3kn.

1840 - Qu.1266DD - The whole time, Wabos in various distances, no damages.

2030 - Sundown.

2058 - O = 19%.

2150 - At Reception Depth.

2154 - Surfaced after 8h 10min. and 21.9sm.
Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.
Battery 8200Ah (4h at 135rpm/3kn => 900Ah). 2x285rpm, 7kn.
The Flak was slightly damages during the last air attack and is quickly repaired.

2218 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled.

2220 - Charging Batteries: Port-Diesel Propulsion, 285RPM, 7kn; Stbd.-Diesel Charging, 496RPM.

2400 - Batteries Charged: 1h 40min., for 1800Ah. 2xH.F.-Ahead, 12kn.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 12 January 1942 - North of Bermuda -

0040 - Qu.1255DD -

0210 - Qu.1246DD - Boat is being attacked by a pair of DH Dragons from 130°true, direct approach, E=4500. The bombs are off the stbd. beam, no damages. After the attack, the airplanes fly off initially on course East at a distance of 4500m astern of the boat, continue on course South.

Cmdr.: It is quite concerning, that the airplanes managed to detect the boat in the dark! Also, the plan to suggest to the enemy that we have been sunk, has not worked.

0715 - Qu.1155DD -

0935 - Early Morning Dawn. 2x285RPM, 7kn.

1051 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1057 - Qu.3366DC - A pair of single engine airplanes in 135°true on course NW. At a distance of 4500m, turn back and fly off on course SE. Must have reached their maximum range, about 180sm from Bermuda. The airplanes are identified as type Seversky P-35.

1102 - Incoming F.T.: From U 43 (IX):
Have sunk the Swedish Yngaren, 5246ts, straggler from convoy HX.168. - Lüth -

1137 - Qu.3366DC - "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplane in 155°true, on course WNW, E=6000.

1138 - At A-20, no bombs. Boat remains submerged. 135rpm, 3kn.

1200 - Qu.3366DC - Days Run: 177.7sm - 154.2sm (15h 20') - 23.5sm (8h 40').
160.0cbm (5.3cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 9800Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. T=60. Lunch Break.

1305 - At Reception Depth. No F.T.s received.

1320 - At A-20. Submerged cruise, 135rpm, 3kn, Silent Running.

1328 - O = 20%.

1347 - The whole time, Wabos in various distances, no damages.

1715 - Interrupted Silent Running for Dinner until 1800h.

1820 - O = 19%. At Reception Depth. No F.T.s received.

1825 - At A-20. Submerged cruise, 135rpm, 3kn.

2150 - At Reception Depth.

2152 - S-Tiefe. Darkness.

2200 - Surfaced after 10h and 29sm since Etmal (Total: 10h 23min. and 30.3sm).
Battery 7900Ah => 10h at 135rpm/3kn => 1900Ah. 2x285RPM, 1/3-Ahead,

2209 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled.

2225 - Qu.3355DC - Charging batteries: Port-Diesel Propulsion, 396RPM, 9kn; Stbd.-Diesel Charging, 496RPM.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 01-13-22 03:42 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Received new Op.-Orders

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2787574)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 12 January 1942 - North of Bermuda -

0040 - Qu.1255DD -

0210 - Qu.1246DD - Boat is being attacked by a pair of DH Dragons from 130°true, direct approach, E=4500. The bombs are off the stbd. beam, no damages. After the attack, the airplanes fly off initially on course East at a distance of 4500m astern of the boat, continue on course South.

Cmdr.: It is quite concerning, that the airplanes managed to detect the boat in the dark! Also, the plan to suggest to the enemy that we have been sunk, has not worked.

0715 - Qu.1155DD -

0935 - Early Morning Dawn. 2x285RPM, 7kn.

1051 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1057 - Qu.3366DC - A pair of single engine airplanes in 135°true on course NW. At a distance of 4500m, turn back and fly off on course SE. Must have reached their maximum range, about 180sm from Bermuda. The airplanes are identified as type Seversky P-35.

1102 - Incoming F.T.: From U 43 (IX):
Have sunk the Swedish Yngaren, 5246ts, straggler from convoy HX.168. - Lüth -

1137 - Qu.3366DC - "ALARM!". Diving from a twin engine airplane in 155°true, on course WNW, E=6000.

1138 - At A-20, no bombs. Boat remains submerged. 135rpm, 3kn.

1200 - Qu.3366DC - Days Run: 177.7sm - 154.2sm (15h 20') - 23.5sm (8h 40').
160.0cbm (5.3cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 9800Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. T=60. Lunch Break.

1305 - At Reception Depth. No F.T.s received.

1320 - At A-20. Submerged cruise, 135rpm, 3kn, Silent Running.

1328 - O = 20%.

1347 - The whole time, Wabos in various distances, no damages.

1715 - Interrupted Silent Running for Dinner until 1800h.

1820 - O = 19%. At Reception Depth. No F.T.s received.

1825 - At A-20. Submerged cruise, 135rpm, 3kn.

2150 - At Reception Depth.

2152 - S-Tiefe. Darkness.

2200 - Surfaced after 10h and 29sm since Etmal (Total: 10h 23min. and 30.3sm).
Battery 7900Ah => 10h at 135rpm/3kn => 1900Ah. 2x285RPM, 1/3-Ahead,

2209 - Boat ventilated and Compressed Air Supply filled.

2225 - Qu.3355DC - Charging batteries: Port-Diesel Propulsion, 396RPM, 9kn; Stbd.-Diesel Charging, 496RPM.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 13 January 1942 - Northwest of Bermuda -

- Fourth week at sea completed -

0020 - Batteries Charged: 1h 55min., for 2100Ah. 2xH.F.-Ahead, 12kn.

0502 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
RST: After reaching ordered patrol grid, your attack area is from Qu.BB58 to CA54. Wait for attack order!

0525 - Qu.3255DC - 2x235RPM/7kn.

0935 - Early Morning Dawn.

1051 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1200 - Qu.3166DC - Days Run: 155.9sm - 126.9sm (15h 00') - 29.0sm (10h 00').
153.9cbm (6.1cbm/24h). On course 270°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

1202 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Second position and status request for U 374 (von Fischel).

1301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 552:
Sank the British steamer Dayrose off Cape Race, 4113 BRT. - Topp -

1305 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
RST: Regarding F.T.: 0502/13:
Once attack order is given, free hunting in ordered attack area. When out of torpedoes, send status report. Conserve fuel for return voyage!

1635 - Qu.3155DC - On new course 264°.

2043 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 9 Jan., 2210h.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


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