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Kapitän 12-14-21 03:33 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Pre-War Patrol Preparations

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2782607)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 13 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

Taking on of Provisions, Ammunitions and Torpedoes:

Taking on of torpedoes:
- Tubes I-VI: G7e, K-b
- Bow above floor plates: 2 x G7e, K-b
- Bow under floor plates: 2x G7e, K-b & 2 x G7a, K-a
- Aft under floor plate: 2 x G7a, K-a
- Upper deck containers: 8 x G7a, K-a
All with fuse Pi-G7H (only AZ / Pi-1 without MZ)

Holding Op.-Briefings with B.d.U.:
Our own situation is marked by removal of bases and rich reserves of boats for operations:
a) Type VIIc boats in Scotland area.
b) Type IXb boats in Straits of Florida.
c) Type IXc boats from Trinidad to Aruba.
We must take advantage of the situation before changes are made. Principal attacks must be on single ships so that no mass movements will be possible: North Carolina/Cape Hatteras, Hampton Roads/Entrance Chesapeake Bay. Expect best results on 20m-Line from CA 39 to DB 61.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 14 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

Taking on of Provisions, Ammunitions and Torpedoes:

Taking on of torpedoes:
- Tubes I-VI: G7e, K-b
- Bow above floor plates: 2 x G7e, K-b
- Bow under floor plates: 2x G7e, K-b & 2 x G7a, K-a
- Aft under floor plate: 2 x G7a, K-a
- Upper deck containers: 8 x G7a, K-a
All with fuse Pi-G7H (only AZ / Pi-1 without MZ)

Holding Op.-Briefings with B.d.U.:
B.d.U. observations are as follows:
a) Commitment of 6 boats in area from Sydney to Charleston.
b) Commitment of the next 4 boats type IXc to Trinidad and Aruba.
c) For experience further commitment of type IXb boats in area 4a, type IXc in area IVb.
d) Experience will be gained for later operations. As long as the ratio is extant, the east coast of America is to be considered the most successful area for large boats.
e) Use of torpedo mines not contemplated since success will result only from large numbers.
f) Use of VIIc boats in the area South of Newfoundland where we can expect greatest traffic and least defense of enemy ships.


pikke 12-15-21 03:01 AM

A busy day – part 2
February 3, 1940 AN79

1901 We were getting ready to cross the Channel when lookouts spotted a warship SW of us and coming our way. U48 is now at periscope depth and sonar just reported a merchant tailing the warship. We changed course to get a closer look. Warship sounds like an ASW Trawler...another merchant-trawler duo?

1909 An ASW Trawler with a what looks like a medium cargo in tow...sailing almost straight North at 7 knots...I'd like to get rid of the trawler....seems like it's keeping a steady course, perhaps I'll be able to shot a torpedo each and finish off the medium cargo using the deck gun if need be...let's close a bit more...

1927 here we go...opening tube 1...Ato running fast..depth 3.5 meters...impact pistol...aiming at the ASW!...let's switch to the medium cargo...opening tube 2...Ato running fast...depth 10 meters....magnetic pistol....aiming at the bow!....lower periscope...

1928 Torpedo aimed at the cargo just went of too early!....raise tube 3...Ato running fast, depth 4 meters, impact pistol...aiming at mid ship...searchlights!...Trawler is fir...Impact! torpedo! Lower scope!...Ahead flank! hard to port! We got the Trawler just when it was opening fire on us! I could not see clearly where we got it, I hope it's enough to make it sink or else we will be in big troubles...

1929 Impact on the cargo! Trawler was coming our way but it's slowing down...let's slow to a crawl and see what happens.

1935 I'm about to raise the periscope and check what's going on out there...trawler seems to be dead on the wather now while the medium cargo keeps sailing and so far it's not slowing down...let's raise the periscope slowly and check on the Trawler first...where are you my friend? she is...ah...there are scorchmarks visible in the propeller area...I guess we damaged her propulsion...that's why she's not moving anymore...seems a bit low on the back too....let's check on the cargo....there she is...huge fire going on!...seems to be low on the water too...

1941 Big secondary explosion on the cargo!...she is very slow and low now...ASW trawler slowly drifting and definetly low on her back too...let's be patient.

1948 Medium cargo is going down right now!...Nice!...this ASW Trawler is being stubborn...
Ship sunk! SS American Farmer (Medium Cargo), 4664 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 17

2001 This trawler gave in to the sea at last...we've been putting some distance between us and I was considering to risk surfacing and use our deck gun when it began to slowly sink...time to surface and resume our plotted course....
Ship sunk! HMS Hampshire (ASW Trawler), 1100 tons. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 17

2113 U48 is now on the surface and ready to cross the Channel during is partly cloudy and not so windy, visibility moderate....that last attack was a tad too risky...we were lucky enough to critically damage that Trawler, that saved us from a very dangerous situation...four ships sunk today, two ASW trawlers and two merchants...4 torpedoes used, 7 left...a busy day really...

Kapitän 12-15-21 03:59 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Pre-War Patrol Preparations

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2782782)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 14 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

Taking on of Provisions, Ammunitions and Torpedoes:

Taking on of torpedoes:
- Tubes I-VI: G7e, K-b
- Bow above floor plates: 2 x G7e, K-b
- Bow under floor plates: 2x G7e, K-b & 2 x G7a, K-a
- Aft under floor plate: 2 x G7a, K-a
- Upper deck containers: 8 x G7a, K-a
All with fuse Pi-G7H (only AZ / Pi-1 without MZ)

Holding Op.-Briefings with B.d.U.:
B.d.U. observations are as follows:
a) Commitment of 6 boats in area from Sydney to Charleston.
b) Commitment of the next 4 boats type IXc to Trinidad and Aruba.
c) For experience further commitment of type IXb boats in area 4a, type IXc in area IVb.
d) Experience will be gained for later operations. As long as the ratio is extant, the east coast of America is to be considered the most successful area for large boats.
e) Use of torpedo mines not contemplated since success will result only from large numbers.
f) Use of VIIc boats in the area South of Newfoundland where we can expect greatest traffic and least defense of enemy ships.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 15 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

- Final Repairs and Adjustments. Basin Trials.
- Taking on of fresh food provisions and potable water.

Received Intel.Briefing:

- Dangerous Mine-Situation outside the Naval Bases in France! Boats must stay on the ordered transit and approach paths and follow escorts in and out of the Western Naval Bases!

- The U.S.A. has armed its merchant fleet!

- The enemy might have knowledge of our uboat dispositions. This might be achieved by:
1. Disclosure/Treason (not likely, because group of naval staff involved is small).
2. Deciphering of our radio messages (is considered out of the question).
3. A combination of radio traffic and reports of sightings (cannot be confirmed or denied).
4. Location (DeTe = radar) and consequent deviation (to date, no evidence of this).

Pre-War Patrol Preparations completed.


Kapitän 12-16-21 03:23 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Casting off - Leaving base

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2782967)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 15 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

- Final Repairs and Adjustments. Basin Trials.
- Taking on of fresh food provisions and potable water.

Received Intel.Briefing:

- Dangerous Mine-Situation outside the Naval Bases in France! Boats must stay on the ordered transit and approach paths and follow escorts in and out of the Western Naval Bases!

- The U.S.A. has armed its merchant fleet!

- The enemy might have knowledge of our uboat dispositions. This might be achieved by:
1. Disclosure/Treason (not likely, because group of naval staff involved is small).
2. Deciphering of our radio messages (is considered out of the question).
3. A combination of radio traffic and reports of sightings (cannot be confirmed or denied).
4. Location (DeTe = radar) and consequent deviation (to date, no evidence of this).

Pre-War Patrol Preparations completed.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 16 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

0900 - Received Op.-Orders:

1. Outbound transfer on Path "Kernleder" until Point "Kern" (200m-Line).

2. Deep Dive Trial on Point "Kern" to 2A-Meter.

3. After successful deep dive trial, first status report
when crossing 15°W and switching to Atlantic-Frequency. After that, keep radio silence!

4. Proceed acc. special orders under code word "Paukenschlag". Occupy Marqu.16DC for 24h and perform reconnaissance operations along the U.S.A. east coast. Tentative date for the concerted attack together with the other boats is 14 January 1942, however, commence attack only after code word has been given.

5. Atlantic crossing has to be done with most fuel economical speed.

6. Do not to attack anything on the outbound cruise unless an especially attractive target is located, such as a big warship, e.g., cruiser, carrier or battleship.

Cmdr.: But like B.d.U. likes to say, "We never let a 10,000 tonner pass us by." ...

1315 - N2/2, clear, visibility 8-9sm, >1000mb -
Casting off from bunker. Left for Third War Patrol with U 113 and Fifteenth War Patrol overall, and as the first "Paukenschlag" boat.

Taking on escort (Minesweeper "Rostock"), distance 300m.
Some burning ships in Lorient - probably ran aground during fog. A pair Me110 are patrolling the harbor and roadstead.

1340 - Port-Louis to our port beam and Kernével to our stbd. beam. An incoming swarm of Me109 fighters to our stbd. beam.

1410 - Point Luci-1 - Releasing escort. Incoming VIIC boat to our stbd. beam.

1415 - New course 180°.

1430 - New course 225°.
Linear distance to ordered patrol grid is 8500km/4590sm.
Testing of Diesel Engines:
- K.F., 205RPM, 7kn, Max. Distance: ~15,660sm;
- 235RPM, 8kn, Max. Distance: ~17,260sm => most fuel economical speed!
- 250RPM, 9kn, Max. Distance: ~13,900sm;
- 1/3-Ahead, 285RPM, 10kn; Max. Distance: ~11,125sm;
- 2xH.F., 14kn;
- G.F., 16.5kn;
- A.K., 17.5kn.

1505 - New course 270°. On Path "Kernleder".

1622 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1636 - Qu.6178BF - A single Fw200 Condor in 150°true, E=12000, on heading ENE and a own Uboat bearing 60°, E=12000 on southern heading.

1755 - Qu.5299BF - Passing own Fish Trawler bearing 28°, E=8000n on parallel course.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-17-21 03:37 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783179)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 16 December - 2nd U.-Flotilla (Korvkpt. Heinz Fischer, 08.41 - 01.43) - Lorient -

0900 - Received Op.-Orders:

1. Outbound transfer on Path "Kernleder" until Point "Kern" (200m-Line).

2. Deep Dive Trial on Point "Kern" to 2A-Meter.

3. After successful deep dive trial, first status report
when crossing 15°W and switching to Atlantic-Frequency. After that, keep radio silence!

4. Proceed acc. special orders under code word "Paukenschlag". Occupy Marqu.16DC for 24h and perform reconnaissance operations along the U.S.A. east coast. Tentative date for the concerted attack together with the other boats is 14 January 1942, however, commence attack only after code word has been given.

5. Atlantic crossing has to be done with most fuel economical speed.

6. Do not to attack anything on the outbound cruise unless an especially attractive target is located, such as a big warship, e.g., cruiser, carrier or battleship.

Cmdr.: But like B.d.U. likes to say, "We never let a 10,000 tonner pass us by." ...

1315 - N2/2, clear, visibility 8-9sm, >1000mb -
Casting off from bunker. Left for Third War Patrol with U 113 and Fifteenth War Patrol overall, and as the first "Paukenschlag" boat.

Taking on escort (Minesweeper "Rostock"), distance 300m.
Some burning ships in Lorient - probably ran aground during fog. A pair Me110 are patrolling the harbor and roadstead.

1340 - Port-Louis to our port beam and Kernével to our stbd. beam. An incoming swarm of Me109 fighters to our stbd. beam.

1410 - Point Luci-1 - Releasing escort. Incoming VIIC boat to our stbd. beam.

1415 - New course 180°.

1430 - New course 225°.
Linear distance to ordered patrol grid is 8500km/4590sm.
Testing of Diesel Engines:
- K.F., 205RPM, 7kn, Max. Distance: ~15,660sm;
- 235RPM, 8kn, Max. Distance: ~17,260sm => most fuel economical speed!
- 250RPM, 9kn, Max. Distance: ~13,900sm;
- 1/3-Ahead, 285RPM, 10kn; Max. Distance: ~11,125sm;
- 2xH.F., 14kn;
- G.F., 16.5kn;
- A.K., 17.5kn.

1505 - New course 270°. On Path "Kernleder".

1622 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1636 - Qu.6178BF - A single Fw200 Condor in 150°true, E=12000, on heading ENE and a own Uboat bearing 60°, E=12000 on southern heading.

1755 - Qu.5299BF - Passing own Fish Trawler bearing 28°, E=8000n on parallel course.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 17 December 1941 - On Path "Kernleder" -

0600 - Point "Kern" - Diving for trial dive according B.d.U.-Standing Order 507, 135rpm, 3kn.

0632 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

0650 - T=20. Officers and Petty Officers conference in the Control Room. The Commander gives a briefing about the operational targets of this war cruise. Also, the crew needs to be on high alert while the boat is in Qu.BF40, due to expected heavy enemy air cover. The Petty/Officers are to inform the crew accordingly.

0656 - S-Tiefe. Early Morning Dawn.

0700 - Surfaced after 1h and 2.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9900Ah.

0814 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1125 - New course 256°. From now on, "All hands on 'Quivive'!".

1200 - Qu.4399BF - Days Run - since Lorient (22h 45'):
255.7sm - 253.6sm (21h 45') - 2.1sm (1h).
232.1cbm (7.9cbm/23h). On course 256°. Battery 9900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external eels. Weather unchanged since Lorient (24h).

1201 - Second position and status request for U 557 (VIIC, Kvtkpt. Paulssen) and third position request from B.d.U. to U 127 (IXC, Kvtkpt. Hansmann), boat is presumed lost.

(U 127, IXC, KvtKpt. Bruno Hansmann, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operating on convoy HG.76, on 15 December 1941 in the North Atlantic west of Gibraltar, in position 36.28N, 09.12W, by depth charges from the Australian destroyer HMAS Nestor. 51 dead, all hands lost.)

1248 - Qu.4399BF - ALARM! Twin engine airplane approaching from 30°true, E=7500. At T=50, 5-6 bombs, moderate concussions. At A-20, no damages.

1303 - At Reception Depth.

1308 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.2sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9700Ah.

1556 - Qu.4623BF - ALARM! Single engine airplane approaching from 25°true, E=9000. At A-20 no bombs.

1612 - At Reception Depth.

1616 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9600Ah.

1631 - Incoming F.T.: From U 131:
After heavy Wabo attack, unable to dive. Repelled aircraft attack by shooting down airplane. Being surrounded by destroyers, scuttling the boat. - Kvtkpt. Baumann -

1643 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2222 - Qu.4615BF - ALARM! 2-3 twin engine airplanes attacking the boat. E=5000. Direct approach in complete darkness! 3-4 bombs about 100-150m astern. Machine Gun Fire. After the airplanes passing over, crash diving. During the diving process, 3-4 bombs at T=40 and at T=50, another 3 bombs.

2224 - At A-20, no damages!

2238 - Boat remains submerged at A-20, 105rpm, 2kn. No silent running.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-18-21 04:10 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Crossing the Bay of Biscay

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783346)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 17 December 1941 - On Path "Kernleder" -

0600 - Point "Kern" - Diving for trial dive according B.d.U.-Standing Order 507, 135rpm, 3kn.

0632 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Setting Reception Depth.

0650 - T=20. Officers and Petty Officers conference in the Control Room. The Commander gives a briefing about the operational targets of this war cruise. Also, the crew needs to be on high alert while the boat is in Qu.BF40, due to expected heavy enemy air cover. The Petty/Officers are to inform the crew accordingly.

0656 - S-Tiefe. Early Morning Dawn.

0700 - Surfaced after 1h and 2.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9900Ah.

0814 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1125 - New course 256°. From now on, "All hands on 'Quivive'!".

1200 - Qu.4399BF - Days Run - since Lorient (22h 45'):
255.7sm - 253.6sm (21h 45') - 2.1sm (1h).
232.1cbm (7.9cbm/23h). On course 256°. Battery 9900Ah. 14 internal and 8 external eels. Weather unchanged since Lorient (24h).

1201 - Second position and status request for U 557 (VIIC, Kvtkpt. Paulssen) and third position request from B.d.U. to U 127 (IXC, Kvtkpt. Hansmann), boat is presumed lost.

(U 127, IXC, KvtKpt. Bruno Hansmann, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operating on convoy HG.76, on 15 December 1941 in the North Atlantic west of Gibraltar, in position 36.28N, 09.12W, by depth charges from the Australian destroyer HMAS Nestor. 51 dead, all hands lost.)

1248 - Qu.4399BF - ALARM! Twin engine airplane approaching from 30°true, E=7500. At T=50, 5-6 bombs, moderate concussions. At A-20, no damages.

1303 - At Reception Depth.

1308 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.2sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9700Ah.

1556 - Qu.4623BF - ALARM! Single engine airplane approaching from 25°true, E=9000. At A-20 no bombs.

1612 - At Reception Depth.

1616 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 9600Ah.

1631 - Incoming F.T.: From U 131:
After heavy Wabo attack, unable to dive. Repelled aircraft attack by shooting down airplane. Being surrounded by destroyers, scuttling the boat. - Kvtkpt. Baumann -

1643 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2222 - Qu.4615BF - ALARM! 2-3 twin engine airplanes attacking the boat. E=5000. Direct approach in complete darkness! 3-4 bombs about 100-150m astern. Machine Gun Fire. After the airplanes passing over, crash diving. During the diving process, 3-4 bombs at T=40 and at T=50, another 3 bombs.

2224 - At A-20, no damages!

2238 - Boat remains submerged at A-20, 105rpm, 2kn. No silent running.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 18 December 1941 - Bay of Biscay -

Cmdr.: Today, U 125 (IXC), Kptlt. Ulrich Folkers, will leave for Operation "Paukenschlag".

0019 - O = 20% (1h 57').

0359 - O = 19% (3h 50').

0739 - O = 18% (3h 40').

0752 - At Reception Depth.
Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
Qu.8756BE. Aircraft Carrier protecting convoy HG.76. Constantly fast single engine fighters in the air. Calm wind and sea. - Bigalk -

0800 - Surfaced after 9h 38' and 21.9sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8700Ah.

Incoming F.T.: From U 434:
Convoy HG.76: Diving from airplanes! - Hyda -

Cmdr.: Convoy HG.76 seems to be very well protected by air and sea!

0810 - Boat ventilated. 2xH.F.

0817 - Qu.4539BF - ALARM! One twin engine airplane in 50°true, E=10000, on a southwestern heading.

0819 - At A-20, no bombs.

Cmdr: "Most likely didn't see us."

0820 - Sunrise.

0834 - At Reception Depth.

0837 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8600Ah. 2xH.F.

Cmdr.: The Intel Briefing about the very strong air cover in the Bay of Biscay and Qu.BF40 in particular, was not exaggerated!

0855 - Incoming F.T.:
Different contact reports of convoy HG.76

0901 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To Group "Seeräuber":
Operate on Convoy HG.76, according to contact reports 0855/18.

Group "Seeräuber" consists of:
U-67(IXC), Kptlt.Günther Müller-Stöckheim
U-71(VIIC), Oblt.Hardo Rodler von Roithberg
U-107(IXB), Oblt.Harald Gelhaus
U-108(IXB), KvtKpt.Klaus Scholtz
U-127(IXC), KvtKpt.Bruno Hansmann
U-131(IXC), KvtKpt.Arend Baumann
U-434(VIIC), Kptlt.Wolfgang Heyda
U-574(VIIC), Oblt.Dietrich Gengelbach

1016 - Qu.4561BF - ALARM! 3 Catalina approaching from 40°true on course SW, E=11000.

1019 - At A-20, no bombs.

1031 - At Reception Depth.

1036 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8500Ah. 2xH.F.

1200 - Qu.4555BF - Days Run: 146.1sm - 119.7sm (13h 02') - 26.4sm (10h 58').
228.6cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 258°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (48h).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda), and third position and status request for U 557 (Paulssen), boat is presumed lost.

(U 557, VIIC, KrvKpt. Ottokar Arnold Paulssen, sank on 16 December 1941 in the Mediterranean Sea west of Crete, in position 35.31N, 23.19E, after erroneous ramming by the Italian torpedo boat Orione; 43 dead, all hands lost.)

1530 - 1/3-Ahead.

1655 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2052 - Boat operating on ship contact report 2040/18, in Qu.4487BF, on course NNE, medium speed.

2113 - "Smoke plume ahead!". It is the ship contact report 2040/18 and is identified as a small tramp steamer type merchant. Running off on southerly heading, acc. Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".

2133 - Back to general course 259°.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-19-21 02:45 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Crossing the Bay of Biscay

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783521)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Thursday, 18 December 1941 - Bay of Biscay -

Cmdr.: Today, U 125 (IXC), Kptlt. Ulrich Folkers, will leave for Operation "Paukenschlag".

0019 - O = 20% (1h 57').

0359 - O = 19% (3h 50').

0739 - O = 18% (3h 40').

0752 - At Reception Depth.
Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
Qu.8756BE. Aircraft Carrier protecting convoy HG.76. Constantly fast single engine fighters in the air. Calm wind and sea. - Bigalk -

0800 - Surfaced after 9h 38' and 21.9sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8700Ah.

Incoming F.T.: From U 434:
Convoy HG.76: Diving from airplanes! - Hyda -

Cmdr.: Convoy HG.76 seems to be very well protected by air and sea!

0810 - Boat ventilated. 2xH.F.

0817 - Qu.4539BF - ALARM! One twin engine airplane in 50°true, E=10000, on a southwestern heading.

0819 - At A-20, no bombs.

Cmdr: "Most likely didn't see us."

0820 - Sunrise.

0834 - At Reception Depth.

0837 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8600Ah. 2xH.F.

Cmdr.: The Intel Briefing about the very strong air cover in the Bay of Biscay and Qu.BF40 in particular, was not exaggerated!

0855 - Incoming F.T.:
Different contact reports of convoy HG.76

0901 - F.T. from B.d.U.: To Group "Seeräuber":
Operate on Convoy HG.76, according to contact reports 0855/18.

Group "Seeräuber" consists of:
U-67(IXC), Kptlt.Günther Müller-Stöckheim
U-71(VIIC), Oblt.Hardo Rodler von Roithberg
U-107(IXB), Oblt.Harald Gelhaus
U-108(IXB), KvtKpt.Klaus Scholtz
U-127(IXC), KvtKpt.Bruno Hansmann
U-131(IXC), KvtKpt.Arend Baumann
U-434(VIIC), Kptlt.Wolfgang Heyda
U-574(VIIC), Oblt.Dietrich Gengelbach

1016 - Qu.4561BF - ALARM! 3 Catalina approaching from 40°true on course SW, E=11000.

1019 - At A-20, no bombs.

1031 - At Reception Depth.

1036 - Surfaced after 20min. and 1.1sm.
Weather unchanged since Lorient. Battery 8500Ah. 2xH.F.

1200 - Qu.4555BF - Days Run: 146.1sm - 119.7sm (13h 02') - 26.4sm (10h 58').
228.6cbm (3.5cbm/24h). On course 258°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (48h).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda), and third position and status request for U 557 (Paulssen), boat is presumed lost.

(U 557, VIIC, KrvKpt. Ottokar Arnold Paulssen, sank on 16 December 1941 in the Mediterranean Sea west of Crete, in position 35.31N, 23.19E, after erroneous ramming by the Italian torpedo boat Orione; 43 dead, all hands lost.)

1530 - 1/3-Ahead.

1655 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2052 - Boat operating on ship contact report 2040/18, in Qu.4487BF, on course NNE, medium speed.

2113 - "Smoke plume ahead!". It is the ship contact report 2040/18 and is identified as a small tramp steamer type merchant. Running off on southerly heading, acc. Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".

2133 - Back to general course 259°.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 19 December 1941 - Bay of Biscay -

0140 - Qu.6933BE - Passed Qu.BF40 and enemy air cover zone. Going on most fuel economical speed, 235RPM, 8kn.

0700 - Early Morning Dawn.

0831 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.6918BE - Days Run: 234.9sm - (24h).
224.2cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (72h).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Second position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda).

1708 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1720 - Qu.6837BE. "Smoke plume bearing 68°!".
Medium sized steamer running slowly on course 30°, E=16000.
Boat is continuing on outbound transit, acc. Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".

1957 - Incoming F.T.: From U 574:
Diving from escort of convoy HG.76. - Gengelbach -

2000 - Qu.6855BE -

2151 - Incoming F.T.: From U 574:
Qu.8789BE. Torpedo hit midship on escort of convoy HG.76. Detected by second destroyer. Trying to escape on su...a...c...

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-20-21 03:32 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Passed the Bay of Biscay - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783646)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Friday, 19 December 1941 - Bay of Biscay -

0140 - Qu.6933BE - Passed Qu.BF40 and enemy air cover zone. Going on most fuel economical speed, 235RPM, 8kn.

0700 - Early Morning Dawn.

0831 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.6918BE - Days Run: 234.9sm - (24h).
224.2cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (72h).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Second position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda).

1708 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1720 - Qu.6837BE. "Smoke plume bearing 68°!".
Medium sized steamer running slowly on course 30°, E=16000.
Boat is continuing on outbound transit, acc. Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".

1957 - Incoming F.T.: From U 574:
Diving from escort of convoy HG.76. - Gengelbach -

2000 - Qu.6855BE -

2151 - Incoming F.T.: From U 574:
Qu.8789BE. Torpedo hit midship on escort of convoy HG.76. Detected by second destroyer. Trying to escape on su...a...c...

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 20 December 1941 - Northwest of Cape Finisterre -

0412 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Crossed 15°W. Switching to Atlantic Frequency. A lot of enemy air cover from Qu.4399 - 4561BF. 5 times Alarm, bombed twice, no damages. On 18 Dec., 2115h, one steamer in Qu.4484BF, on course NNE. On 19 Dec., one steamer in Qu.6837BE, on course 30°. Continuing outbound transit acc. to special Op.-Orders. 221cbm. 14+8 eels. N2/2, clear, visibility 8-9sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0433 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue as ordered.

0710 - Beginning Morning Dawn.

0841 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.6778BE - Days Run: 193.5sm - (24h).
219.8cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (4 days).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach), and third position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda), both boats are presumed lost.

(U 131, IXC, KvtKpt. Arend Baumann, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operation on convoy HG.76, on 17 December 1941 in the North Atlantic north-east of Madeira, Portugal, in position 34.12N, 13.35W, by depth charges and gunfire from the British escort destroyers HMS Exmoor and HMS Blankney, the British destroyer HMS Stanley, the British corvette HMS Pentstemon and the British sloop HMS Stork and by gunfire from a Martlet aircraft* (802 Sqn FAA) of the British escort carrier HMS Audacity. 47 survivors, no casualties.)

(U 434, VIIC, Kptlt. Wolfgang Heyda, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operating on convoy HG.76, on 18 December 1941 in the North Atlantic north of Madeira, in position 36.15N, 15.48W, by depth charges from the British escort destroyer HMS Blankney and the British destroyer HMS Stanley. 2 dead and 42 survivors.)

1722 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


pikke 12-20-21 05:45 AM

February 4, 1940 BF33 Let's play hide and seek! - part 1

0322 Dover, Calais and all those warships patrolling the area are now behind us...we made it through!...U48 is now on the surface to recharge batteries and get some fresh air. We had to keep changing course to avoid enemy ships. Most of them were probably torpedo boats...but that made it too risky to surface and move quickly through their lines. There were also a couple of cargos sailing NE but there was no way to get close enough to attack or even just establish visual contact. Weather is now overcast with little wind and moderate visibility, sea conditions are not so bad. We are sailing SW, my plan is to stay closer to the french side during the day and move toward the english side during the day.

0502 U48 just dived and we already have two sound contacts...both merchants, one NE of us and the other one West of us. Both seems to be closing.

0514 U48 is now moving WSW to intercept the cargo heading for the channel. Will attack it first to prevent her getting any closer to the Channel. Will try to make it quick and intercept the other one soon after.

0602 This seem to be a Granville type freighter...possibly French...going 6 knots...let's adjust our course slightly to the southest to have a better angle...the other target is moving at medium speed and getting closer...I planned to use our deck gun but there are three warships, possibly torpedo boats, coming this way...think I'll use two eels on this one to make it quick and then move north to intercept the other one

0611 her she is: a nice fat French Granville...will shot a salvo using tubes 2 and 3: Ato running fast, depth 4 meters, impact pistol, spread 2 degree...opening tubes...aiming at mid! 2 3 away...running time 28 seconds...begin reloading the tubes...let's wait and see...come torpedo just went off too early! A dud!...Impact!...right ahead of the structure...that started a small fire...hopefully it will suffice...were the other torpedo not be a dud she would be down already...

0617 she is already very low and is getting on and off, they are struggling to suppress it...looks good...she is not going anywhere so we will now move north to intercept the other one...just spotted it through our periscope...hopefully it does not change course...ahead full!

0648 ahead slow!...our target is a Coastal Freighter going 9 knots on a SW course...she did not change course nor is zigzagging...weird...I would have used the deck gun on such a small target but those torpedo boats are now hollering nearby that Granville, which makes things difficult...I'll have to use a torpedo. Granville does not look very good: dead on the water and very very low...I bet she will go down very soon

0700 Granville going down right now! Which is good since there are two more warships coming our way: one from the Calais area and one from the Dover area...but we are now almost ready to attack this British Coastal Freighter
Ship sunk! SS Cassequel (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 107. Crew lost: 13 1 ready...Ato running fast, impact pistol, running depth 4,5 meters...we are about 1800 m off to the south...aiming at the bow tube!...lower periscope! Ahead flank! Hard to port! Those warships are coming straight our way and while the one coming from the French side sounds like a Trawler the one from Dover is most likely a destroyer by the sound of it. I want to move away as much as I can before they are too close, pity these torpedo boats are still in the area or I'll have surfaced and run for it.

0704 ...ahead slow...Torpedo should hit any seconds now...raise our periscope...let's check if...Impact!...almost missed her, got her right on the visible fire...searchlights are scanning the waves...let's scan around, perhaps we can spot those other two warships...Torpedo boat engaging us! Lower periscope! Ahead flank! Down to 20 meters!

0706 Torpedo boat must have been in our baffles and probably spotted our periscope! We suffered no damage...but they are not the problem now, we have a warship running fast toward us and she sounds very much like a destroyer...let's change course to north...

0711 We have now a total of 5 warships lurking overhead...we got pinged briefly and I must confess I had cold feet for a moment there...but seems like they don't have a proper fix on us and are searching a bit more to the south...changing course to north was the right choice...lucky me. Coastal Freighter slowed down to 2 knots and is zigzagging away...

0723 U48 is shadowing this freighter...she is still zigzagging at 2 knots and we can keep the contact...all 5 warships are somewhere ESE of us and still sniffing around...I'd love for them to move back to their patrol areas...

0757 U48 was able to slowly get ahead of our target but now things changed once again...Coastal Freighter changed course to west and increased speed to 3 knots...or perhaps it looks so since it's not zigzagging anymore...also, we have a new warship contact straight ahead of us and all our friends from the previous party still close back there: an A&B destroyer, an Armed Trawler and three torpedo boats...I guess we must use one more torpedo...let's increase speed a bit more and get ready to use our stern tube...

0803 all is ready: Ato running fast at 5 meters, impact pistol, distance about 700 tube 5...aiming just ahead of the!...ahead full! Lower periscope!

0804 Impact! And she is sinking, at last! Time to run and hide once again, warships increasing speed already.
Ship sunk! SS Abinger (Coastal Freighter), 1872 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 19

0811 Warships in the area but quite a bit south of us...the one from the west did not come our way...U48 will keep crawling away as silently as possible...

0842 All warships have left the area now...we will wait a bit more to be sure they are well gone before surfacing. Batteries are not that bad and oxygen is still good. Two attacks, two ships sent to the bottom, 5 warships succesfully evaded...on the other hand we had to use four torpedoes while two should have been enough...not very efficient...we are now down to 3 torpedoes, two Ato in the bow and one in our stern tube.

Kapitän 12-21-21 03:36 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783811)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Saturday, 20 December 1941 - Northwest of Cape Finisterre -

0412 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Crossed 15°W. Switching to Atlantic Frequency. A lot of enemy air cover from Qu.4399 - 4561BF. 5 times Alarm, bombed twice, no damages. On 18 Dec., 2115h, one steamer in Qu.4484BF, on course NNE. On 19 Dec., one steamer in Qu.6837BE, on course 30°. Continuing outbound transit acc. to special Op.-Orders. 221cbm. 14+8 eels. N2/2, clear, visibility 8-9sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0433 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Continue as ordered.

0710 - Beginning Morning Dawn.

0841 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.6778BE - Days Run: 193.5sm - (24h).
219.8cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 8500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (4 days).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach), and third position and status request for U 131 (Baumann) and U 434 (Hyda), both boats are presumed lost.

(U 131, IXC, KvtKpt. Arend Baumann, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operation on convoy HG.76, on 17 December 1941 in the North Atlantic north-east of Madeira, Portugal, in position 34.12N, 13.35W, by depth charges and gunfire from the British escort destroyers HMS Exmoor and HMS Blankney, the British destroyer HMS Stanley, the British corvette HMS Pentstemon and the British sloop HMS Stork and by gunfire from a Martlet aircraft* (802 Sqn FAA) of the British escort carrier HMS Audacity. 47 survivors, no casualties.)

(U 434, VIIC, Kptlt. Wolfgang Heyda, was sunk on its first war patrol, while operating on convoy HG.76, on 18 December 1941 in the North Atlantic north of Madeira, in position 36.15N, 15.48W, by depth charges from the British escort destroyer HMS Blankney and the British destroyer HMS Stanley. 2 dead and 42 survivors.)

1722 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 21 December 1941 - WNW of Cape Finisterre -

0037 - Further contact reports by Group "Seeräuber" of convoy HG.76.

0545 - Breakfast of the Port Machine Watch.

0600 - Port Machine Watch on duty station. Wake-Up of the remaining crew and morning wash.

0630 - Breakfast for the remaining crew.

0700 - Diving for Torpedo Maintenance at Reception Depth.

0705 - T=20. 135rpm, 3kn. Beginning of Torpedo Maintenance.

0849 - Sunrise.

0859 - O = 20%.

1005 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break until 1030h.

1200 - Qu.8255BE - Days Run: 167.8sm - 153.2sm (13h 00') - 14.6sm (5h 00').
218.0cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 259°. T=20. O = 20%. Battery 7500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Stern torpedoes serviced. Lunch Break until 1300h.

1225 - Qu.8255BE -

1249 - O = 19%.

1300 - Diving for trial dive acc. B.d.U. Standing Order 507. 135rpm, 3kn.

1321 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meters.

1223 - Testing of E-Engines:
- 1/3-Ahead, 185rpm = 4kn
- Half-Ahead, 245rpm = 6kn
- Full-Ahead, 285rpm = 7kn
- A.K., 296rpm = 7.5kn

1327 - 135rpm. Setting reception depth.

1343 - At reception depth.

1345 - Surfaced after 1h 45min. and 5.0sm (Total: 6h 45' and 19.6sm). Weather unchanged since Lorient (5 days). Battery: 7000Ah.

1349 - Boat ventilated.

1350 - Charging batteries:
- Port Diesel, 285RPM, Propulsion, 8kn;
- Stbd. Diesel, 496RPM, Charging.

1402 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann) and second position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach).

1620 - Battery charged = 2h 30min. for 3000Ah.
2x235RPM, 8kn.

1734 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2100 - Lights-Out for the Off-Watch.

2340 - Wake-Up of the First Sea Watch and the Stbd. Machine Watch.

2400 - "Mittelwächter" - Midnight Coffee for the Watch on Duty.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-22-21 02:40 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - On outbound transit

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2783947)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Sunday, 21 December 1941 - WNW of Cape Finisterre -

0037 - Further contact reports by Group "Seeräuber" of convoy HG.76.

0545 - Breakfast of the Port Machine Watch.

0600 - Port Machine Watch on duty station. Wake-Up of the remaining crew and morning wash.

0630 - Breakfast for the remaining crew.

0700 - Diving for Torpedo Maintenance at Reception Depth.

0705 - T=20. 135rpm, 3kn. Beginning of Torpedo Maintenance.

0849 - Sunrise.

0859 - O = 20%.

1005 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break until 1030h.

1200 - Qu.8255BE - Days Run: 167.8sm - 153.2sm (13h 00') - 14.6sm (5h 00').
218.0cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 259°. T=20. O = 20%. Battery 7500Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Stern torpedoes serviced. Lunch Break until 1300h.

1225 - Qu.8255BE -

1249 - O = 19%.

1300 - Diving for trial dive acc. B.d.U. Standing Order 507. 135rpm, 3kn.

1321 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meters.

1223 - Testing of E-Engines:
- 1/3-Ahead, 185rpm = 4kn
- Half-Ahead, 245rpm = 6kn
- Full-Ahead, 285rpm = 7kn
- A.K., 296rpm = 7.5kn

1327 - 135rpm. Setting reception depth.

1343 - At reception depth.

1345 - Surfaced after 1h 45min. and 5.0sm (Total: 6h 45' and 19.6sm). Weather unchanged since Lorient (5 days). Battery: 7000Ah.

1349 - Boat ventilated.

1350 - Charging batteries:
- Port Diesel, 285RPM, Propulsion, 8kn;
- Stbd. Diesel, 496RPM, Charging.

1402 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann) and second position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach).

1620 - Battery charged = 2h 30min. for 3000Ah.
2x235RPM, 8kn.

1734 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

2100 - Lights-Out for the Off-Watch.

2340 - Wake-Up of the First Sea Watch and the Stbd. Machine Watch.

2400 - "Mittelwächter" - Midnight Coffee for the Watch on Duty.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 22 December 1941 - West of Cape Finisterre -

0421 - Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
In Pos.Qu.8721. On 21 Dec., 2300h, in Qu.8719BE, sunk enemy Escort Carrier of the "Formidable" Class 10,000ts, of convoy HG.76. - Bigalk -

(At 21.37 hours on 21 December 1941 HMS Audacity (D 10), 11,000ts, (Cdr D.W. Mackendrick, RN) was hit at the stern by one of four torpedoes fired by U 751 while escorting convoy HG-76 about 470 miles west of Cape Finisterre 43° 45'N, 19° 54'W. U 751 reloaded two of the bow torpedo tubes as fast as possible in order to attack the stopped aircraft carrier again, firing a spread of two torpedoes at 22.55 hours and the U-boat withdrew after launching the stern torpedo too at 22.57 hours. The latter missed, but the others struck the stricken vessel and caused her to sink by the stern in less than 15 minutes. The survivors (73 dead and 225 survivors) were picked up by HMS Convolvulus (K 45) (T/Lt R.S. Connell, RNR), HMS Marigold (K 87) (Lt W.S. Macdonald, RNVR) and HMS Pentstemon (K 61) (LtCdr J. Byron, RNR)

Cmdr.: The current position of Bigalk is about 70sm to the south of our current position in Qu.8179BE. In order to stay undetected, I therefore decide to continue with my outbound transit.

0730 - Early Morning Dawn.

0856 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.7631BE - Days Run: 181.6sm - 176.6sm (22h 15') - 5.0sm (1h 45').
213.6cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 258°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (6 days).

1202 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Second position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann) and third position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach), boat is presumed lost.

(U 574, VIIC, Oblt.Dietrich Gengelbach, was sunk on its first war patrol and while operating on convoy HG.76, on 19 December 1941 in the North Atlantic east of Ponta Delgada, Azores, in position 38.12N, 17.23W, by ramming and depth charges from the British sloop HMS Stork. 28 dead and 16 survivors.)

1746 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Kapitän 12-23-21 03:45 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - 1st week at sea completed

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2784128)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Monday, 22 December 1941 - West of Cape Finisterre -

0421 - Incoming F.T.: From U 751:
In Pos.Qu.8721. On 21 Dec., 2300h, in Qu.8719BE, sunk enemy Escort Carrier of the "Formidable" Class 10,000ts, of convoy HG.76. - Bigalk -

(At 21.37 hours on 21 December 1941 HMS Audacity (D 10), 11,000ts, (Cdr D.W. Mackendrick, RN) was hit at the stern by one of four torpedoes fired by U 751 while escorting convoy HG-76 about 470 miles west of Cape Finisterre 43° 45'N, 19° 54'W. U 751 reloaded two of the bow torpedo tubes as fast as possible in order to attack the stopped aircraft carrier again, firing a spread of two torpedoes at 22.55 hours and the U-boat withdrew after launching the stern torpedo too at 22.57 hours. The latter missed, but the others struck the stricken vessel and caused her to sink by the stern in less than 15 minutes. The survivors (73 dead and 225 survivors) were picked up by HMS Convolvulus (K 45) (T/Lt R.S. Connell, RNR), HMS Marigold (K 87) (Lt W.S. Macdonald, RNVR) and HMS Pentstemon (K 61) (LtCdr J. Byron, RNR)

Cmdr.: The current position of Bigalk is about 70sm to the south of our current position in Qu.8179BE. In order to stay undetected, I therefore decide to continue with my outbound transit.

0730 - Early Morning Dawn.

0856 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1200 - Qu.7631BE - Days Run: 181.6sm - 176.6sm (22h 15') - 5.0sm (1h 45').
213.6cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 258°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (6 days).

1202 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Second position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann) and third position and status request for U 574 (Gengelbach), boat is presumed lost.

(U 574, VIIC, Oblt.Dietrich Gengelbach, was sunk on its first war patrol and while operating on convoy HG.76, on 19 December 1941 in the North Atlantic east of Ponta Delgada, Azores, in position 38.12N, 17.23W, by ramming and depth charges from the British sloop HMS Stork. 28 dead and 16 survivors.)

1746 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 23 December 1941 - West of Cape Finisterre -

- First week at sea completed -

Cmdr.: Today, U 123 (IXB), Kptlt. Reinhard Hardegen, will leave for Operation "Paukenschlag".

0240 - Qu.7555BE -

0740 - Early Morning Dawn.

0905 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1018 - Incoming F.T.: From U 79:
Diving from escort! - Kaufmann -

1200 - Qu.7491BE - Days Run: 191.4sm - (24h).
211.9cbm (1.7cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (1 week).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 79 (Kaufmann) and
third position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann), boat is presumed lost.

(U 451, VIIC, KvtKpt. Eberhard Hoffmann, was sunk on 21 December 1941, while attempting to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, north-west of Tangier, in position 35.55N, 06.08W, by depth charges from a British Swordfish aircraft (812 Sqn FAA/A). 44 dead and 1 survivor.)

1759 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


pikke 12-24-21 03:41 AM

February 4, 1940 BF32 Let's play hide and seek! - part 2
1222 U48 is now in grid BF32 and quite close to the British coast. A couple of minutes ago our sonar operator picked up a new sound contact to the west: sounds like a merchant in close proximity to the Isle of Wight, south of Portsmouth. We also have multiple warships in the area, many torpedo boats but also what sounds like an ASW Trawler patrolling the area. I'm sure destroyers are in the area too. I think we may go a bit closer and take a peek, chances are we may find worthy targets in this area.

1259 Ship spotted! It's quite far ahead and barely visible through our periscope. Seems like our sound contact. She is stationary...and looks like a tanker...very tempting! ASW trawler somewhere close to it and what sounds like a destroyer further NW. Torpedo boats south and north of us...

1317 Definitely a big tanker...ASW Trawler quite close to her and another one coming from SW...destroyer still not spotted...but not so far away...if we attack we take a huge risk...lot of fire power in the area and not much water to hide is still overcast with little winds, visibility moderate...

1341 Our target is a Whale Factory ship! Range is about 2800m and we are not going any closer. There are now 2 ASW Trawler north and south of her, a destroyer NW of her and possibly one more destroyer further away. Torpedo boats are roaming the area too. U48 will launch her two remaining bow torpedoes. Both G7a will run at medium speed, depth 5 meters, impact pistol. As soon as tube 3 is empty we wil change course to the North. I expect the Brits will come here in a rush so we may surprise them moving closer to the coast. Hope so. Open tube 2...aiming at middle! Open tube 3...aiming slightly! Lower periscope! Increase speed to 3 knots! Change course to 005°!

1344 Impact! Let's raise our periscope and check... Impact! Both torpedoes hit! She is burning! Increase speed to 4 knots! Lower scope!

1351 We stirred up quite the chaos...2 ASW Trawler, 2 destroyers and 6 torpedo boats are searching for us. U48 is now on silent running and crawling at two knots...we changed course to 035° of the destroyers is going to pass quite close to us...

1359 Destroyer is getting very close now...reduce speed to 1 knot...pinging us...come on, keep going your way... is she sailing on?...did not pick us up, pinged us briefly, we may breathe again...let's wait a while and then we will be back to 2 knots

1402 Secondary explosion from the target...that destroyer is coming back...lower speed to 1 knot...

1405 ...pinging us again...and once again she sail on...increase speed to 2 knots...

1422 U48 is slowly moving away...that destroyer came back and pinged us briefly three more times but never got a fix on us...she is still doing search patterns back there...we will move away and raise our periscope when we are at a safe distance.

1504 I risked a brief glance through our periscope and what I saw is promising: our target is engulfed in flames! All those warships are still circling in the area...we will slowly move away and monitor the situation.

1525 We just raised our periscope again and a big secondary explosion went off. She is sinking now! We got a huge target so close to the British coast...I bet this is gonna hurt their morale! Let's keep moving away.

1942 U48 is now on the surface and sailing back toward Dover area. We have just one torpedo left in our stern tube and I've decided to begin our return passage without completing our assigned patrol. It would be a waste of time and fuel and I'm sure we will find a target on the way back. Last attack was perfect and a bit of luck helped us flee the area. We got a big target. Weather is getting worse, there are lightnings out there and visibility is reduced, which may help us hide ourselves when crossing the Channel.
Ship sunk! SS Frango (Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 150. Crew lost: 88

Kapitän 12-24-21 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by pikke (Post 2784496)
1222 U48 is now in grid BF32 and quite close to the British coast. A couple of minutes ago our sonar operator picked up a new sound contact to the west: sounds like a merchant in close proximity to the Isle of Wight, south of Portsmouth. We also have multiple warships in the area, many torpedo boats but also what sounds like an ASW Trawler patrolling the area. I'm sure destroyers are in the area too. I think we may go a bit closer and take a peek, chances are we may find worthy targets in this area.

1259 Ship spotted! It's quite far ahead and barely visible through our periscope. Seems like our sound contact. She is stationary...and looks like a tanker...very tempting! ASW trawler somewhere close to it and what sounds like a destroyer further NW. Torpedo boats south and north of us...

1317 Definitely a big tanker...ASW Trawler quite close to her and another one coming from SW...destroyer still not spotted...but not so far away...if we attack we take a huge risk...lot of fire power in the area and not much water to hide is still overcast with little winds, visibility moderate...

1341 Our target is a Whale Factory ship! Range is about 2800m and we are not going any closer. There are now 2 ASW Trawler north and south of her, a destroyer NW of her and possibly one more destroyer further away. Torpedo boats are roaming the area too. U48 will launch her two remaining bow torpedoes. Both G7a will run at medium speed, depth 5 meters, impact pistol. As soon as tube 3 is empty we wil change course to the North. I expect the Brits will come here in a rush so we may surprise them moving closer to the coast. Hope so. Open tube 2...aiming at middle! Open tube 3...aiming slightly! Lower periscope! Increase speed to 3 knots! Change course to 005°!

1344 Impact! Let's raise our periscope and check... Impact! Both torpedoes hit! She is burning! Increase speed to 4 knots! Lower scope!

1351 We stirred up quite the chaos...2 ASW Trawler, 2 destroyers and 6 torpedo boats are searching for us. U48 is now on silent running and crawling at two knots...we changed course to 035° of the destroyers is going to pass quite close to us...

1359 Destroyer is getting very close now...reduce speed to 1 knot...pinging us...come on, keep going your way... is she sailing on?...did not pick us up, pinged us briefly, we may breathe again...let's wait a while and then we will be back to 2 knots

1402 Secondary explosion from the target...that destroyer is coming back...lower speed to 1 knot...

1405 ...pinging us again...and once again she sail on...increase speed to 2 knots...

1422 U48 is slowly moving away...that destroyer came back and pinged us briefly three more times but never got a fix on us...she is still doing search patterns back there...we will move away and raise our periscope when we are at a safe distance.

1504 I risked a brief glance through our periscope and what I saw is promising: our target is engulfed in flames! All those warships are still circling in the area...we will slowly move away and monitor the situation.

1525 We just raised our periscope again and a big secondary explosion went off. She is sinking now! We got a huge target so close to the British coast...I bet this is gonna hurt their morale! Let's keep moving away.

1942 U48 is now on the surface and sailing back toward Dover area. We have just one torpedo left in our stern tube and I've decided to begin our return passage without completing our assigned patrol. It would be a waste of time and fuel and I'm sure we will find a target on the way back. Last attack was perfect and a bit of luck helped us flee the area. We got a big target. Weather is getting worse, there are lightnings out there and visibility is reduced, which may help us hide ourselves when crossing the Channel.
Ship sunk! SS Frango (Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 150. Crew lost: 88

Great Job! :up:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :woot:

Kapitän 12-24-21 04:31 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 3rd War Patrol - Merry Christmas to All!

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2784287)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Tuesday, 23 December 1941 - West of Cape Finisterre -

- First week at sea completed -

Cmdr.: Today, U 123 (IXB), Kptlt. Reinhard Hardegen, will leave for Operation "Paukenschlag".

0240 - Qu.7555BE -

0740 - Early Morning Dawn.

0905 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1018 - Incoming F.T.: From U 79:
Diving from escort! - Kaufmann -

1200 - Qu.7491BE - Days Run: 191.4sm - (24h).
211.9cbm (1.7cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather unchanged since Lorient (1 week).

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 79 (Kaufmann) and
third position and status request for U 451 (Hoffmann), boat is presumed lost.

(U 451, VIIC, KvtKpt. Eberhard Hoffmann, was sunk on 21 December 1941, while attempting to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, north-west of Tangier, in position 35.55N, 06.08W, by depth charges from a British Swordfish aircraft (812 Sqn FAA/A). 44 dead and 1 survivor.)

1759 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


KTB - U 113

Wednesday, 24 December 1941 - NNE of the Azores -

- Christmas Eve -

Cmdr.: Today, U 66 (IXC), KvtKpt. Richard Zapp, will leave for Operation "Paukenschlag".

0750 - Early Morning Dawn.

0915 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since Lorient.

1000 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Merry Christmas from the B.d.U.! Commanders are obliged to keep with Uboat Protocol for Special Occasions.

1200 - Qu.9862BD - Days Run: 191.9sm - (24h).
210.1cbm (1.8cbm/24h). On course 259°. Battery 10000Ah. 14 internal and 8 external torpedoes. Weather and Sea have further decreased and shifted eastward: ENE1/1, clear, visibility 8-9sm, >1000mb.

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
First position and status request for U 567 (Endraß!) and
second position and status request for U 79 (Kaufmann).

1550 - Qu.9855BD -

1814 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Etmal.

1820 - Qu.9849BD. Diving for submerged cruise at A-20.

1825 - At A-20, 135rpm, 3kn. "Merry Christmas!".

2019 - O = 20%.

2120 - Surfaced after 3h and 8.8sm.
Weather unchanged since Etmal. Battery 9300Ah.

2130 - Boat ventilated. 2x235RPM, 8kn.

Boat operating acc. to Op.-Orders "Paukenschlag".


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