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Synthfg 04-30-09 01:55 PM

Making it out of Biscay was an achievement TBH
Should still be convoys

Jimbuna 04-30-09 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by robj250 (Post 1093551)
Hi thought it might be a good idea to go to the Canary Island and look for some single merchants, no such luck. Now I'l going down the coastline of Africa to Freetown in hopes of finding some merchants there.

Am I wasting my time. It's July 1944.


You should find plenty of traffic around Freetown Rob

Hanomag 04-30-09 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1093587)
You should find plenty of traffic around Freetown Rob

HaH!! DD traffic.. dont fall for his tricks Rob!! You'll be doomed!! Hes probably testing out some new uber DD they have patrolling there. :yep:

Just for that I am patrolling as far from Freetown as I can get... like....
Galveston Texas!! :arrgh!:

Hanomag 04-30-09 02:58 PM

oops... forgot my patrol report... ahem..

From: U-765
To: Bdu

AM4665 7 Feb 1941

Local time: 1807hrs

Intercepted medium size British convoy. Expended 2 eels into Fiji class. Have been ghosting convoy waiting for the bastard to sink now for 8 1/2 hrs. :damn:

Attempting 2nd attack run. Hopefully will report back in later.

Nothing Follows


Jimbuna 04-30-09 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Hanomag (Post 1093592)
HaH!! DD traffic.. dont fall for his tricks Rob!! You'll be doomed!! Hes probably testing out some new uber DD they have patrolling there. :yep:

Just for that I am patrolling as far from Freetown as I can get... like....
Galveston Texas!! :arrgh!:

ROFLMAO :rotfl:

Mike....ya crazy bugga :DL

robj250 04-30-09 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1093587)
You should find plenty of traffic around Freetown Rob

Hi jimbuna:

The weather is bad. medium rain, heavy fog as I'm going down the coastline. Have about 40 hours to go yet before reaching Freetown. So, if there is DD traffic there, wish me luck.


Captain Birdseye 04-30-09 04:22 PM

Awarding my crew with several crates of Becks after racking up a great tonnage of 21,000 tonnes and infiltrating Gibraltar harbour and sinking a Tribal class.

Shame some will be leaving to join other boats.

Jimbuna 05-01-09 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by robj250 (Post 1093657)
Hi jimbuna:

The weather is bad. medium rain, heavy fog as I'm going down the coastline. Have about 40 hours to go yet before reaching Freetown. So, if there is DD traffic there, wish me luck.


Good Luck :D

Leg 05-01-09 09:48 AM

getting ready to leave the port for a new patrol!

kaptkirkU4467 05-01-09 01:32 PM

U 5..sunk a few seconds ago.
I found a small convoy in AM 75.
I hit the BlackSwan that came snoopin around,but he played dead..and got me as I came up.

karamazovnew 05-05-09 03:11 AM

Status Report
From: U64
To: BdU
Location: AM92
Time: 09:00AM, 15 April 1940
Name: Status Report

Total patrol tonnage so far: 52,250 tons. 7 torpedoes remaining. Sighted verly large convoy at 3:00AM, grid AM92, heading SW, speed 8 knots. Mostly small merchants with light escort of 4 Hunt Class. Sank 2 Empire Freighters, one Ore Carrier and one pursuing Hunt Class. Premature detonation of magnetic fuse on one torpedo. Advise all boats, heavy light patrol craft screen around Irish sea. No aircraft. Weather excelent. Will atempt another pass.

karamazovnew 05-05-09 03:42 AM

From: U64
To: BdU
Location: AM87
Time: 08:00AM, 19 April 1940
Name: Status Report

Total patrol tonnage so far: 61,700 tons. 3 torpedoes remaining. Tell Churchill his convoy lost 2 more Medium Cargo ships. Under heavy attack on the way out. Advise all boats to stay out of sight of irish ships. Fair weather, 50% fuel, heading home.

End of patrol Note(6 may 1940): 7'th patrol 89,597 tons, for a total of 422437 (386537/35900) tons. 103 days at sea.promoted to Oberleutnant Z.S. and awarded Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and swords :arrgh!:.

Bent Periscope 05-05-09 10:06 AM

Early Jan. 1942, off the Long Island Sound. Last 2 days sank 3 C2s, a Liberty Ship and Small Merchant.

I feel like a fox in a hen house.


Leg 05-05-09 10:32 AM


8 August 1940 BF19

57000 tons, 3 torpedos left, continuing to patrol.

Captain Birdseye 05-05-09 12:51 PM

Just on our way to patrol AL95 just south of Greenland.

Current career is U-96 as Henrich Lehmann, using realistic patrol areas for the dates.

We intercepted a convoy and fired a salvo of four torps off at a large tanker, in the middle of getting numerous reports of convoys. We'd just caught the convoy run this morning.

We heard bulkheads breaking up, but Bdu didn't credit us the kill as we didn't see him get hit or go down.

We continued the journey north, with no problems. We found another large convoy in the extreme north atlantic. Another three torps salvo fired off, no hits. This time the Royal navy wanted us dead.

Two hours of DC charges from a Flower Class Corvette and a Southampton class put the willies up my men. A mixture of novice sailors and old sea dogs. Fear was rife.

We escaped with our lives, with all torps left in the aft tube. Let's go see what we can hunt near Greenland.

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