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Kapitän 08-11-21 02:26 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - New Op.-Orders

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2762066)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 10 August 1941 - South of Iceland

0019 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Clausen, Opitz, Fahr, RST: Give position report.

0022 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Current position is Qu.3355AL. - RST -

0033 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Clausen, Opitz, Fahr, RST: Go to course 335° at economical speed. Next status and weather report in 24h.

0430 - Qu.3179AL - SE4/3 shifting south, rain, mist, poor visibility, <1000mb.

0536 - Sunrise. S6/5, rain, mist, poor visibility, <1000mb.

0630 - SSW7/6, rain, mist, poor visibility, <1000mb.

1200 - Qu.3111AL - Days Run: 196.0sm - 191.7 (21h 50') - 4.3sm (2h 10').
153.9cbm (5.2cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. Weather unchanged since 0630h.

1201 - Second position request for U 144 (v. Mittelstaedt).

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. about Operation "Barbarossa" progressing as planned. Air bombardments of war manufacturing, transportation and supply infrastructure in Moscow. Several large fires in the city center and north of the Moskva-River-bend.

2236 - Sundown.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0033/10.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 11 August 1941 - South of Iceland -
- Second week at sea completed -

0023 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Current position is Qu.7641AE. No traffic noticed. Still have 151.2cbm and 14 internal eels. SSW7/6, rain, mist, poor visibility, <1000mb. - RST -

0109 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
New patrol grids: Uphoff (U 84) AK3267, Förster (U 501) AD8889, RST AE7155 via AE7255. Depth 40sm.

0130 - On course 303°. Weather is clearing up again: SSW7/6 shifting west, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

0522 - Sunrise. NW7/6 shifting west, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

1001 - Incoming F.T.: From 1./K.G.40:
Have sunk 1 steamer 2852ts from convoy HG-70.

1125 - Qu.7255AE - New course 270°.

1136 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Convoy HG-70 at 0800h in grid CG8226, heading towards Lisbon.

1200 - Qu.7255AE - Days Run: 203.0sm - (↗ 24h).
148.6cbm (5.3cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. N7/6, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

1201 - Third position request for U 144 (v. Mittelstaedt). Boat is presumed lost.

(Type IID. Historically, sunk on 10 August 1941 in the Baltic Sea west of Dagö, in position 58.58N, 21.24,5E, by torpedo from the Soviet submarine ShCh-307. 28 dead, all hands lost).

1805 - U 568 (Preuss) reports convoy in AE8753, course NW, medium speed. Very likely the same convoy U 501 (Förster) reported this morning in AE8782, on course north.

2005 - U 568 (Preuss) reporting enemy convoy now in AE8725.

Cmdr.: Kptlt. Preuss commanded our sister boat U 10 during our operations with U 11 in the North Sea at the beginning of the war.

2252 - Sundown. NNE6/5, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

2400 - NE4/3, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0109/11.


pikke 08-12-21 02:27 AM

U53 - Type VIIb - 2nd patrol
Left Wilhelmshave at Oct 5, 1939 1204
Assigned patrol area: BE61
Weather clear, wind 7 knots, lot of traffic incoming/outcoming.

Oct 7, 1939

AN84 0632: sonar report contact dead ahead, merchant closing, medium speed, long range.
Surface the boat and quick dash to intercept.

AN84 0703: down again to periscope depth, contact still closing but moving slow, seems to be heading NNE, straight toward us. Will stay under and close the gap.

AN84 0728: it's a passenger/cargo, 7200m away, speed 7knots, running happily toward U53. Weather and sea conditions ideal for a deck gun attack.

AN84 0744: no other sound contact, identified as british, manouvered to run 500m out on parallel course. Men ready to rise the boat and handle deck and flak guns. Here we go.

AN84 0749: that's our first prey. Men did well. Let's move out of the way.

Oct 7, 1939 AN79

1602: Task Force spotted about 85km NE of Dover!
Heading NNE and moving about 27knots.
Reported to BdU and down to periscope depth, don't want to mess with it.

Oct 7, 1939 AN79
1738 Sonar report sound contact, merchant moving slowly away, long range. Seems to be moving northward. I may risk surfacing for a quick dash.

1802 it's another passenger cargo, heading NNE. Moving to intercept. Weather still good but this close to Dover I may opt for a torpedo attack.

1824 identified as french, shot a single torpedo right under the funnel. Big explosion, fires going on. She is slowing down. I'll stalk her to confirm the kill.

1852 she is down to 2 knots and low on water but keeps going. No other sound contact. I'll keep trailing it.

2052 still afloat, dead on water...but not going down. I'll wait another hour

2125 sonar report warship contact, long range medium speed, closing. Time to end the waiting game. Surface the boat.

2127 one single HE shell and down she is. Stubborn ship. U53 is heading NNE in the likely event that warship come inspecting the area.

2140 Down to periscope depth and back on course. The warship has arrived in the area and is moving around but U53 is quite away and moving slow. I'll wait till the warship is gone before resurfacing.

Kapitän 08-12-21 11:11 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating on different convoys

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2762244)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 11 August 1941 - South of Iceland -
- Second week at sea completed -

0023 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Current position is Qu.7641AE. No traffic noticed. Still have 151.2cbm and 14 internal eels. SSW7/6, rain, mist, poor visibility, <1000mb. - RST -

0109 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
New patrol grids: Uphoff (U 84) AK3267, Förster (U 501) AD8889, RST AE7155 via AE7255. Depth 40sm.

0130 - On course 303°. Weather is clearing up again: SSW7/6 shifting west, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

0522 - Sunrise. NW7/6 shifting west, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

1001 - Incoming F.T.: From 1./K.G.40:
Have sunk 1 steamer 2852ts from convoy HG-70.

1125 - Qu.7255AE - New course 270°.

1136 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Convoy HG-70 at 0800h in grid CG8226, heading towards Lisbon.

1200 - Qu.7255AE - Days Run: 203.0sm - (↗ 24h).
148.6cbm (5.3cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. N7/6, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

1201 - Third position request for U 144 (v. Mittelstaedt). Boat is presumed lost.

(Type IID. Historically, sunk on 10 August 1941 in the Baltic Sea west of Dagö, in position 58.58N, 21.24,5E, by torpedo from the Soviet submarine ShCh-307. 28 dead, all hands lost).

1805 - U 568 (Preuss) reports convoy in AE8753, course NW, medium speed. Very likely the same convoy U 501 (Förster) reported this morning in AE8782, on course north.

2005 - U 568 (Preuss) reporting enemy convoy now in AE8725.

Cmdr.: Kptlt. Preuss commanded our sister boat U 10 during our operations with U 11 in the North Sea at the beginning of the war.

2252 - Sundown. NNE6/5, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

2400 - NE4/3, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0109/11.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 12 August 1941 - South of Iceland -

0311 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568:
Have sunk corvette escorting convoy ON-4 in Qu.7665AE. Convoy on course west, medium speed. - Preuss -

0420 - Qu.7155AE - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Have reached Qu.7155AE. - RST -

0506 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Operate on convoy "Preuss" via Qu.7555AE. Be careful of enemy aircraft!

0533 - Sunrise - ESE4/3, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Boat operation on convoy "Preuss", course 110°.

0754 - U 129 (Clausen, IXC) reporting enemy convoy in AL2219, on course west. All "northern" boats are ordered to operate on this convoy. If no contact until the evening of 14 August, boats are to take up new patrol positions from south of Iceland to east of Greenland.

1200 - Qu.7428AE - Days Run: 210.6sm - (↗ 24h).
144.2cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. Weather unchanged since sunrise.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen", course 197°.

1340 - Qu.7455AE - New course 180°.

1801 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about the Soviet Army retreating across the Dnjepr and the Bug-inlet at the Black Sea.

1816 - Incoming F.T.: From U 123:
Convoy HG-70 now in CG4551, course 300°, 7kn. Within the convoy one large cruiser escorted by four destroyers. Cruiser has large radio antenna mounted on the mast, suspecting some kind of surface detection equipment. Convoy has an inner and outer escort ring. - Hardegen -

The attacking boats are given order by the B.d.U., to attack the convoy escorts with salvo shots, without regard to their torpedo reserve.

2000 - Qu.7755AE -

2235 - Sundown. N5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

2400 - NW5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
New course 244°.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


pikke 08-13-21 04:18 AM

U53 - Type VIIb - 2nd patrol - part 2
Oct 8, 1939
AN79 0227 Crew on deck sights a small merchant ship closing. Weather still good, wind 7knots, and it's a dark night. Lowered the boat to 7 metres to reduce the chance to be spotted. Ahead standard and moving in to position.

AN79 0241 Deck gun made a quick work of the tiny Pelagic Trawler. ahead full and back on course.

AN79 0249 fired at by Torpedo boat! light damage and no casualties. We've been lucky, could've been the end of U53. The boat will stay down for a while and clear the area.

AN79 0347 Sonar report multiple contacts heading SSW, moving slow, closing. Sounds like a convoy is coming our way.

AN79 0402 convoy spotted, mostly small merchants, larger one is a medium cargo and it's on the other side.

AN79 0404 that's a big warship crusing right in the middle of the small merchants. Seems the HMS Nelson...

AN79 0412 shot 4 torpedoes, 3 aimed to the HMS Nelson and one at a passenger/cargo close to it. Manouvering to aim stern tube and fire tube V.

AN79 0413 one torpedo went off early. damn magnetics. Will 2 be sufficient to sink such a big one? doubt it...

AN79 0415 two hits on the Nelson and one hit on the Passenger/Cargo. Destroyer and ASW Trawler rushing in. I'll try to sneak away and attack the Nelson once again.

AN79 0419 managed to fire tube V at Nelson, but its a long shot...still it was worth trying...Passenger/Cargo slowing down.

AN79 0428 That last torpedo missed. I'll try to break off, surface and circle around to intercept again from the other side. I've been too greedy, should have focused all our firepower on the Nelson.

AN79 0452 Been able to give the slip to the two warships searching for us. Convoy going on heading SSW. HMS Nelson seems unaffected. Passenger/Cargo low astern but back to normal speed, trailing just a few hundred meters behind the convoy. Time to surface the boat.

Kapitän 08-15-21 03:28 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating on convoy "Clausen"

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2762477)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 12 August 1941 - South of Iceland -

0311 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568:
Have sunk corvette escorting convoy ON-4 in Qu.7665AE. Convoy on course west, medium speed. - Preuss -

0420 - Qu.7155AE - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Have reached Qu.7155AE. - RST -

0506 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Operate on convoy "Preuss" via Qu.7555AE. Be careful of enemy aircraft!

0533 - Sunrise - ESE4/3, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Boat operation on convoy "Preuss", course 110°.

0754 - U 129 (Clausen, IXC) reporting enemy convoy in AL2219, on course west. All "northern" boats are ordered to operate on this convoy. If no contact until the evening of 14 August, boats are to take up new patrol positions from south of Iceland to east of Greenland.

1200 - Qu.7428AE - Days Run: 210.6sm - (↗ 24h).
144.2cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. Weather unchanged since sunrise.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen", course 197°.

1340 - Qu.7455AE - New course 180°.

1801 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about the Soviet Army retreating across the Dnjepr and the Bug-inlet at the Black Sea.

1816 - Incoming F.T.: From U 123:
Convoy HG-70 now in CG4551, course 300°, 7kn. Within the convoy one large cruiser escorted by four destroyers. Cruiser has large radio antenna mounted on the mast, suspecting some kind of surface detection equipment. Convoy has an inner and outer escort ring. - Hardegen -

The attacking boats are given order by the B.d.U., to attack the convoy escorts with salvo shots, without regard to their torpedo reserve.

2000 - Qu.7755AE -

2235 - Sundown. N5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.

2400 - NW5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
New course 244°.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Wednesday, 13 August 1941 - South of Iceland -

0547 - Sunrise. WNW5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Breakfast for the port engine watch.

0600 - Qu.1255AL - Morning call for the remaining crew and morning wash and breakfast at 0630h.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=40.

0852 - O₂=20%.

1005 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break.

1030 - Servicing of stern torpedoes until 1200h.

1200 - Qu.1251AL - Days Run: 172.8sm - ↗ 166.0 (19h) -↘ 6.8sm (5h).
140.7cbm (3.5cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 14 internal eels. T=40.

1220 - Starting trial dive. 185rpm. 4kn.

1233 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. 135rpm.

1252 - T=20. O₂=19%.

1300 - Surfaced after 1h and 2.5sm.

1302 - Boat ventilated.

1321 - Compressed air supply filled.

1325 - Charging batteries at 9000Ah:
Port Diesel, Propulsion, 285RPM, 7kn;
Stbd.Diesel, Charging, 495RPM.

1420 - 55min. for 1000Ah.

During the afternoon and evening, the weather is deteriorating.

2250 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.
SW7/6, overcast, light haze, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

2331 - Incoming F.T.: From U 109:
Wabo attack! Damages cannot be repaired with onboard tools. Commencing return voyage. - Bleichrodt -

2346 - Incoming F.T.: From U 94:
After aircraft attack heavy damages. Not combat ready anymore. Commencing return voyage. - Kuppisch -

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Kapitän 08-15-21 01:05 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating on convoy "Clausen"

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2762985)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Wednesday, 13 August 1941 - South of Iceland -

0547 - Sunrise. WNW5/4, clear, light haze, good visibility, >1000mb.
Breakfast for the port engine watch.

0600 - Qu.1255AL - Morning call for the remaining crew and morning wash and breakfast at 0630h.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=40.

0852 - O₂=20%.

1005 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break.

1030 - Servicing of stern torpedoes until 1200h.

1200 - Qu.1251AL - Days Run: 172.8sm - ↗ 166.0 (19h) -↘ 6.8sm (5h).
140.7cbm (3.5cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 14 internal eels. T=40.

1220 - Starting trial dive. 185rpm. 4kn.

1233 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. 135rpm.

1252 - T=20. O₂=19%.

1300 - Surfaced after 1h and 2.5sm.

1302 - Boat ventilated.

1321 - Compressed air supply filled.

1325 - Charging batteries at 9000Ah:
Port Diesel, Propulsion, 285RPM, 7kn;
Stbd.Diesel, Charging, 495RPM.

1420 - 55min. for 1000Ah.

During the afternoon and evening, the weather is deteriorating.

2250 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.
SW7/6, overcast, light haze, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

2331 - Incoming F.T.: From U 109:
Wabo attack! Damages cannot be repaired with onboard tools. Commencing return voyage. - Bleichrodt -

2346 - Incoming F.T.: From U 94:
After aircraft attack heavy damages. Not combat ready anymore. Commencing return voyage. - Kuppisch -

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 14 August 1941 - Southwest of Iceland -

0310 - Qu.1155AL -

0557 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.1111AL - Days Run: 184.7sm - ↗ 182.2 (23h) - ↘ 2.5sm (1h).
136.3cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 14 internal eels. T=40.

1831 - Incoming F.T.: From U 126:
Sunk the by U-Marconi shelled Yug. steamer "Sud". - Bauer -

2100 - Qu.3255AK -

2251 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. N7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Kapitän 08-16-21 03:09 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating on convoy "Clausen"

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763064)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 14 August 1941 - Southwest of Iceland -

0310 - Qu.1155AL -

0557 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.1111AL - Days Run: 184.7sm - ↗ 182.2 (23h) - ↘ 2.5sm (1h).
136.3cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 14 internal eels. T=40.

1831 - Incoming F.T.: From U 126:
Sunk the by U-Marconi shelled Yug. steamer "Sud". - Bauer -

2100 - Qu.3255AK -

2251 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. N7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Friday, 15 August 1941 - Southwest of Iceland -

0611 - Sunrise. NNE7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

1200 - Qu.3353AK - Days Run: 176.8sm - (↗ 24h).
131.9cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 14 internal eels. T=40.

1440 - Qu.3355AK -

1800 - Norddeich Radio reporting on scuttling of the German steamer "Norderney", at the approach of the British Cruiser HMS Despatch and the Auxiliary Cruiser HMS Pretoria Castle.

2000 - WNW2/2, partly cloudy, hazy, good visibility, >1000mb.

2248 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. SW2/2, partly cloudy, hazy, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


pikke 08-16-21 04:05 AM

U53 - Type VIIb - 2nd patrol - part 3
Part 3
October 8, 1939 AN79

0704 Ship spotted right in front of us, coming our way. U53 down to periscope depth.
Damn, never been so unhappy to spot a target. We had to interrupt our convoy chase.

0710 Indentified as Coastal freighter on a East-west course, likely not part of the convoy we were hunting.

AN79 0717 British coastal freighter sunk. At least we made a quick job of it. Dashing toward the convoy hoping to at least finish off the wounded passenger cargo.

0750 Destroyer coming our way, had to submerge. Wounded passenger cargo about 8km away. Should I shot and risking wasting another torpedo?

AN79 0759 Got it! About 7500m away...we lucked off and claimed at least one vessel from the convoy.
U53 will now move parallel to the convoy course and try to get a shot at the Nelson, if at all possible.

0853 Batteries are draining fast and we are not in a good position yet. Also, sonar reports 4 warship contacts in the Dover area, adding to the convoy escorts. I'd like to surface and make a quick dash ahead but doing so in broad daylight in this area would be suicidal.

0942 Batteries are down to 40% and we now have 8 warship contacts in the area. This hunt has failed. U53 will now head northeast to a safer area and then up to recharge batteries and get some fresh air. HMS Nelson going away stings a lot.

1551 Sound contact toward the french coast. Merchant, medium speed, moving away, heading north.

AN79 1753 French Passenger/cargo sunk, once again a single torped was not enough, had to finish it off with the deck gun.

AN79 2018 British Passenger/cargo sunk using deck gun. The weather is good and the sea is calm so I'll try saving torpedos for bigger preys.

AN79 2222 A bigger one this time, a British Ore Carrier heading north, two eels sent her down quite quickly. Warships sniffing around.

AN79 2301 Coastal freighter cruising south, U53 will try to move into firing position. Must be careful, two armed trawler, an ASW one and torpedo boats are in the area.

AN79 2312 Got her. The solution was not optimal and the torpedo hit nearby the propellers, but she went down fast. Back to playing hide and seek with the warships, another ASW Trawler came up from the Dover area to join the fun. I'll consider myself lucky there is no destroyer around.

October 9, 1939

AN79 0102 U53 slowly cruising on the surface, recharging batteries and ventilating the boat.
October 8 was a busy day. Failures and successes alike. We are down to 3 torpedoes so I'm thinking to not go to the assigned patrol area but to move west toward the english coast and see if we can find some juicy prey there.

Kapitän 08-16-21 01:51 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating along North Atlantic shipping lanes

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763128)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Friday, 15 August 1941 - Southwest of Iceland -

0611 - Sunrise. NNE7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

1200 - Qu.3353AK - Days Run: 176.8sm - (↗ 24h).
131.9cbm (4.4cbm/24h). 14 internal eels. T=40.

1440 - Qu.3355AK -

1800 - Norddeich Radio reporting on scuttling of the German steamer "Norderney", at the approach of the British Cruiser HMS Despatch and the Auxiliary Cruiser HMS Pretoria Castle.

2000 - WNW2/2, partly cloudy, hazy, good visibility, >1000mb.

2248 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. SW2/2, partly cloudy, hazy, good visibility, >1000mb.

Boat operating on convoy "Clausen".


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Saturday, 16 August 1941 - East of Greenland -

0145 - It's beginning to rain, poor visibility. Wind and Sea increasing, shifting to SE.

0525 - Qu.2655AK -

0545 - Breakfast for the port engine watch.

0600 - Morning call for the remaining crew and morning wash and breakfast. K.F.-Ahead.

0624 - Sunrise. ESE7/6, overcast, rain, poor visibility, <1000mb.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=50. 65rpm; 1.6kn.

0852 - O₂=20%.

1008 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break.

1030 - Servicing of stern torpedoes until 1200h.

1200 - Qu.2657AK - Days Run: 166.4sm - ↗ 159.8 (19h) - ↘ 6.6sm (5h)
128.4cbm (3.5cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. T=50.

1252 - O₂=19%.

1300 - Surfaced after 6h and 8.3sm. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

1306 - Boat ventilated and Pressurized Air Supply filled. 2 x 1/3-Ahead.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about Operation "Barbarossa" being on schedule and unsuccessful Soviet air raids in northern and northeastern Germany.

2253 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Have broken off action agianst convoy "Clausen". Boat operating now along North Atlantic shipping lanes and convoy routes.


Kapitän 08-17-21 12:48 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Steamer sunk

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763247)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Saturday, 16 August 1941 - East of Greenland -

0145 - It's beginning to rain, poor visibility. Wind and Sea increasing, shifting to SE.

0525 - Qu.2655AK -

0545 - Breakfast for the port engine watch.

0600 - Morning call for the remaining crew and morning wash and breakfast. K.F.-Ahead.

0624 - Sunrise. ESE7/6, overcast, rain, poor visibility, <1000mb.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance at T=50. 65rpm; 1.6kn.

0852 - O₂=20%.

1008 - Bow torpedoes serviced. Break.

1030 - Servicing of stern torpedoes until 1200h.

1200 - Qu.2657AK - Days Run: 166.4sm - ↗ 159.8 (19h) - ↘ 6.6sm (5h)
128.4cbm (3.5cbm/24h). 9500Ah. 14 internal eels. T=50.

1252 - O₂=19%.

1300 - Surfaced after 6h and 8.3sm. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

1306 - Boat ventilated and Pressurized Air Supply filled. 2 x 1/3-Ahead.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about Operation "Barbarossa" being on schedule and unsuccessful Soviet air raids in northern and northeastern Germany.

2253 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Have broken off action agianst convoy "Clausen". Boat operating now along North Atlantic shipping lanes and convoy routes.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 17 August 1941 - East of Greenland -

0225 - Qu.2755AK - It's stopping to rain, wind and sea are getting calmer, shifting to NE and then to NNW.

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 452:
Sunk tanker 9000ts. - March -

0638 - Sunrise. NNW3/2, partly cloudy, light haze medium visibility, >1000mb.

0700 - Diving for trial dive. 185rpm, 4kn.

0716 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Reacting well at 135rpm.

0720 - Setting reception depth.

0736 - T=20.

0740 - Surfaced after 40min. and 2.1sm.

1200 - Qu.0135AK - Days Run: 197.8sm - ↗ 194.0 (22h 20') - ↘ 3.8sm (1h 40').
124.8cbm (3.6cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 5 Eto and 9 Ato internal.

1635 - Qu.0155AK - New course 195°.

1835 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about success operations togetherr with Hungarian military units, in the southern Ukraine.

2252 - Qu.5155AK - Sundown Midnight Twilight. New course 180°.

2337 - Caribou Merchant, bearing 34°, E=7000, on ENE heading, speed 7kn. "Battle Stations!". Manning deck gun.

2355 - Qu.5182AK - At E=2800, star shell over the steamer: Steamer starts zig-zagging and sending "SSS".

"Weapons Free"! After 10 rounds fired and hits, the steamer sinks on an even keel. Questioned and provisioned 3 survivors in 1 life boat.


Kapitän 08-18-21 03:26 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating along North Atlantic shipping lanes

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763435)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 17 August 1941 - East of Greenland -

0225 - Qu.2755AK - It's stopping to rain, wind and sea are getting calmer, shifting to NE and then to NNW.

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From U 452:
Sunk tanker 9000ts. - March -

0638 - Sunrise. NNW3/2, partly cloudy, light haze medium visibility, >1000mb.

0700 - Diving for trial dive. 185rpm, 4kn.

0716 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Reacting well at 135rpm.

0720 - Setting reception depth.

0736 - T=20.

0740 - Surfaced after 40min. and 2.1sm.

1200 - Qu.0135AK - Days Run: 197.8sm - ↗ 194.0 (22h 20') - ↘ 3.8sm (1h 40').
124.8cbm (3.6cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 5 Eto and 9 Ato internal.

1635 - Qu.0155AK - New course 195°.

1835 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about success operations togetherr with Hungarian military units, in the southern Ukraine.

2252 - Qu.5155AK - Sundown Midnight Twilight. New course 180°.

2337 - Caribou Merchant, bearing 34°, E=7000, on ENE heading, speed 7kn. "Battle Stations!". Manning deck gun.

2355 - Qu.5182AK - At E=2800, star shell over the steamer: Steamer starts zig-zagging and sending "SSS".

"Weapons Free"! After 10 rounds fired and hits, the steamer sinks on an even keel. Questioned and provisioned 3 survivors in 1 life boat.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 18 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -
- 3rd week at sea completed -

0015 - Left area on southerly heading. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 17.8., at 2357h, sunk Caribou steamer 2181ts with deck gun, Qu.5182AK. Have 14 internal and 1 external eels and 121cbm. NNW3/2, partly cloudy light haze, visibility 4-5sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Received F.T.0200/18. Stay on station.

0535 - Qu.5455AK - New course 270°

0654 - Sunrise - W4/3, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.

1200 - Qu.4666AK - Days Run: 220.0sm - ↗ 24h.
119.6cbm (5.2cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 5 Eto and 9 Ato internal. 10.5cm: 112xSpG, 28xLkG. M.G.-2cm-C/30: 7820

1453 - Fuel 120cbm (50%) - Is 118.7cbm => +1.3cbm Reserve

1630 - Qu.4655AK -

2254 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat continuing to operate along North Atlantic shipping lanes and convoy routes.


Kapitän 08-19-21 04:56 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - On station

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763533)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 18 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -
- 3rd week at sea completed -

0015 - Left area on southerly heading. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 17.8., at 2357h, sunk Caribou steamer 2181ts with deck gun, Qu.5182AK. Have 14 internal and 1 external eels and 121cbm. NNW3/2, partly cloudy light haze, visibility 4-5sm, >1000mb. - RST -

0301 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Received F.T.0200/18. Stay on station.

0535 - Qu.5455AK - New course 270°

0654 - Sunrise - W4/3, overcast, light haze, visibility 4-5sm, ~1000mb.

1200 - Qu.4666AK - Days Run: 220.0sm - ↗ 24h.
119.6cbm (5.2cbm/24h). 9100Ah. 5 Eto and 9 Ato internal. 10.5cm: 112xSpG, 28xLkG. M.G.-2cm-C/30: 7820

1453 - Fuel 120cbm (50%) - Is 118.7cbm => +1.3cbm Reserve

1630 - Qu.4655AK -

2254 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat continuing to operate along North Atlantic shipping lanes and convoy routes.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 19 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0046 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Sunk 1 Norwegian escort and 1 steamer 1809ts from convoy OG-71. - Kell -

0325 - Qu.4555AK - New course 0°. Wind and sea getting stronger, shifting to south and then to east.

0551 - Incoming F.T.: From U 201:
Sunk 2 steamers for 5064ts from convoy OG-71. - Schnee -

0706 - Sunrise. SE7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

1035 - Qu.4255AK - New course 63°.

1200 - Qu.4253AK - Days Run: 206.8sm - 24h.
114.3cbm (5.3cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve => 115.6cbm. 9100Ah.
5 Eto and 9 Ato internal. 10.5cm: 112xSpG, 28xLkG. M.G.-2cm-C/30: 7820

2101 - U 106 (Oesten) sending contact keeping messages from convoy OG-71.

2258 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.0301/18.


Kapitän 08-20-21 03:01 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - On station

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763733)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 19 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0046 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Sunk 1 Norwegian escort and 1 steamer 1809ts from convoy OG-71. - Kell -

0325 - Qu.4555AK - New course 0°. Wind and sea getting stronger, shifting to south and then to east.

0551 - Incoming F.T.: From U 201:
Sunk 2 steamers for 5064ts from convoy OG-71. - Schnee -

0706 - Sunrise. SE7/6, overcast, hazy, medium visibility, ~1000mb.

1035 - Qu.4255AK - New course 63°.

1200 - Qu.4253AK - Days Run: 206.8sm - 24h.
114.3cbm (5.3cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve => 115.6cbm. 9100Ah.
5 Eto and 9 Ato internal. 10.5cm: 112xSpG, 28xLkG. M.G.-2cm-C/30: 7820

2101 - U 106 (Oesten) sending contact keeping messages from convoy OG-71.

2258 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.0301/18.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Wednesday, 20 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0010 - Qu.1955AK - New course 117°.

0650 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged in 24h.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive. 135rpm, 3kn.

0852 - O=20%.

1200 - Qu.1999AK - Days Run: 159.0sm - 151.5 (19h) - 7.5sm (5h).
109.9cbm (4.4cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve. 9000Ah. T=50.

1251 - O=19%.

1315 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Reacting well at 135rpm.

1335 - Surfaced after 11sm and 6.5h. Weather has improved somewhat: SE6/5, overcast, light haze, visibility 6-7sm, ~1000mb.

1351 - Boat ventilated and air supply filled.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about successful operations in the southern Crimea and British bombing raids on the northwestern coastal regions of Germany.

2010 - Qu.5155AK. New course 55°.

2248 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. West6/5, overcast, light haze, visibility 6-7sm, ~1000mb.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.0301/18.


Kapitän 08-21-21 03:50 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Received new Op.-Orders

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2763862)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Wednesday, 20 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0010 - Qu.1955AK - New course 117°.

0650 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged in 24h.

0700 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and trial dive. 135rpm, 3kn.

0852 - O=20%.

1200 - Qu.1999AK - Days Run: 159.0sm - 151.5 (19h) - 7.5sm (5h).
109.9cbm (4.4cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve. 9000Ah. T=50.

1251 - O=19%.

1315 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meter. Reacting well at 135rpm.

1335 - Surfaced after 11sm and 6.5h. Weather has improved somewhat: SE6/5, overcast, light haze, visibility 6-7sm, ~1000mb.

1351 - Boat ventilated and air supply filled.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about successful operations in the southern Crimea and British bombing raids on the northwestern coastal regions of Germany.

2010 - Qu.5155AK. New course 55°.

2248 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight. West6/5, overcast, light haze, visibility 6-7sm, ~1000mb.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.0301/18.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 21 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0300 - New course 70°.

0642 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.2957AK - Days Run: 186.8sm - 183.4 (22h 25') - 3.4sm (1h 35').
106.4cbm (3.5cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve. 8500Ah.

1335 - Qu.2955AK. New course 90°.

1621 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
All Greenland boats are to go on course 70° and days run of 150sm, as of 1800h today.

1800 - New course 70°. K.F., 6-7kn.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about successful operations on the eastern front and of Uboats attacking a Gibraltar convoy. In a different F.T., U 557 (Paulsen) had reported the sinking of 4 ships for 17,000ts and torpedoing another ship of convoy OG-71.

(Historically, U 557 sunk 4 ships from convoy OS-4 for 20,407ts, on 27 August 1941).

2240 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.1621/21.


Kapitän 08-22-21 10:17 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 1st War Patrol - Operating on new B.d.U.-Orders

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2764024)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 21 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0300 - New course 70°.

0642 - Sunrise.

1200 - Qu.2957AK - Days Run: 186.8sm - 183.4 (22h 25') - 3.4sm (1h 35').
106.4cbm (3.5cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve. 8500Ah.

1335 - Qu.2955AK. New course 90°.

1621 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
All Greenland boats are to go on course 70° and days run of 150sm, as of 1800h today.

1800 - New course 70°. K.F., 6-7kn.

1836 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about successful operations on the eastern front and of Uboats attacking a Gibraltar convoy. In a different F.T., U 557 (Paulsen) had reported the sinking of 4 ships for 17,000ts and torpedoing another ship of convoy OG-71.

(Historically, U 557 sunk 4 ships from convoy OS-4 for 20,407ts, on 27 August 1941).

2240 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.1621/21.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Friday, 22 August 1941 - Southeast of Greenland -

0627 - Sunrise. WNW5/4, clear, light haze, visibility 7-8sm, >1000mb.

0800 - NW4/3, clear, light haze, visibility 7-8sm, >1000mb.

1200 - Qu.2894AK - Days Run: 161.5sm - (24h).
102.9cbm (3.5cbm/24h) +1.3 Reserve. 8500Ah.

1210 - Charging batteries at 8500 Ah:
Port Diesel, Propulsion, 285RPM, 7kn;
Stbd.Diesel, Charging, 495RPM.

1320 - Batteries charged: 1h 10' for 1500Ah.

2240 - Sundown. Midnight Twilight.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per B.d.U.-F.T.1621/21.


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