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VONHARRIS 12-02-11 03:20 AM

U-502 IXC
27 August 1941
04:08 hours U-502 left Lorient for grid CF86

02 September 1941
Grid CF96
04:47 hours Fired 3 bow shots at small convoy
04:50 hours 2 impacts
05:00 hours Fired 1 bow shot at C2 cargo ship
05:01 hours Pinging - overrun by enemy DD - minor damages
05:03 hours Impact
05:13 hours SS Defiance (Medium Cargo type C2), 5558 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 2
until 05:20 hours Cat and mouse game with enemy DD
05:28 hours Depth 118m - pinging - doubts about the effiency of the Alberich coating
05:38 hours For 10 minutes DC explosions away
06:08 hours No more DCs - no contacts
07:24 hours Reloading
07:56 hours Completed
08:54 hours Surfaced and repaierd flak gun
Grid CF95
18:08 hours Wind 2m/s - moving externals
21:00 hours Completed

03 September 1941
Grid CF86
08:28 hours Reached patrol area
Grid CF83
13:24 hours Warship sound bearing 346
13:39 hours Sound contacts bearing 356 - convoy closing
14:41 hours Visual contact - Periscope spotted by the enemy
14:48 hours 4 bow shots - DCs exploding away - diving to 100m
14:50 hours Impact - SS Argun (Medium Merchant 11), 3129 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 17
14:50 hours Impact
14:51 hours Depth 28m speed 1 kt
14:53 hours Sinking sounds - SS Bruyére (Medium Merchant 08), 5281 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 11 - Pinging - DCs - 3 warships
14:55 hours Hit by DCs - damages and flooding - depth 60m and sinking fast
14:57 hours Depth 100m
15:00 hours DCs close - more damages - new depth 136m
15:01 hours Flooding under control - damage report : Both diesels destroyed by sea water
15:13 hours Pinging
until 15:26 hours DCs exploding away
15:54 hours Depth 130m - no DCs - contacts bearing 202 convoy moving away
17:55 hours Surfaced
Sent message to Bdu
Diesels destroyed by DCs - destoyed Enigma machine and rotors - Logs destroyed - Position 752Kms ESE of Porta Delgado Grid CF83
Scuttling boat - crew is good condition - awainting rescue

Unfortunately the message was intercepted by the Allies and Kapitänleutnant Gerhard Belzer and his crew surrendered to the Allies on 03SEP41. U-502 was long gone under the surface for the last time. The weather was good. Gerhard Belzer was sent to a POW camp in Scotland where he spent the rest of the war. After the war Gerhard Belzer spent more than a year in British captivity, before returning home in November 1946. Then he built up a successful oil trading company and was a member of Parliament for 32 years.

Total career statistics
U-106 IXB boat 10 patrols
U-502 IXC boat 1 patrol
Start : 01 December 1939
End : 03 September 1941
441 days at sea
93 ships sunk
651171 tons
Largest merchant sunk: SS Queen Mary (Cunard liner 2), 80817 tons on 17 May 1940
Largest warship sunk : HMS Indomitable (Illustrious class), 23000 tons on 16 June 1940

andwii 12-02-11 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1797711)
Unfortunately the message was intercepted by the Allies and Kapitänleutnant Gerhard Belzer and his crew surrendered to the Allies on 03SEP41. U-502 was long gone under the surface for the last time.

"They will pay for that, damn toms!"

Oberleutnant z. S. Wolfgang Eisenholtz

sublynx 12-02-11 08:23 AM

U-331 patrol 3
U-331 VIIC
1. Flottille, Brest Theodor Wald
Orders: Transfer to Brest

Patrol report

29.6.1941 Departure from Kiel
2.7.1941 0209 BF7655 a group of several warships observed on the hydrophone. A probable group of destroyers on a N - NE course, medium speed
9.7.1941 0046 BE3366 a contact report received. However, the convoy couldn't be found
10.7.1941 1453 BE6359 cloudy, good vis., wind 0 m/s A merchant heard on the hydrophone at 1023 hours. By 1440 hours four G7e torpedoes launched at an 8000 GRT ore carrier, estimated course 145 degrees, 9 knots. Due to some unexplainable carelessness the first torpedo was launched delayed because the order to open the torpedo hatch never got through to the torpedo compartment. Shaken by the mistake the next torpedo was launched at a gyro angle of 003 degrees instead of the planned 000 degrees. The last two torpedoes were launched with the correct settings. Depth 2 meters, AZ pistol, range 911 meters, bearing 342. Two hits on the ship, only one where intended. Probably there was an error in the ship's course and/or speed estimate. The ship seen sinking by 1453
12.7.1941 Arrival at Brest

1. There seems to be an airplane free route from Norway to the Atlantic. The planes from Iceland and Scotland can't reach all areas.
2. The long time spent training and refitting has made the crewmen somewhat careless. We were lucky we didn't find a convoy. With my crew making mistakes like these it would not be too good trying to evade a destroyer screen. I hope we get a new patrol order soon, in order to get the crewmen working at their full skills again


VONHARRIS 12-03-11 01:12 PM

U-503 IXC
When the news of Gerhard Belzer's capture reached Wilhelmshaven his close friend ERICH HARTMANN , who was an instuctor there , demanded immediately a front line position.
His demand was met and he was given command of U-503 IXC Uboot
From 01 October 1941 to 9 November 1941 U-503 did shakedown patrols , drills and various exercises. Qualifications were given to the crew.

10 November 1941
11:28 hours U-503 left Lorient. It was pay back time

14 November 1941
Grid CG19
12:12 hours Spotted Spanish medium cargo type C2 bearing 339 heading WSW
Grid CG43
21:28 hours Warship spotted bearing 014 heading NNE - dived to PD
21:29 hours Sound contacts bearing 359 - convoy closing
21:47 hours 2 bow shots fired in bad visibility
21:51 hours Impacts
22:58 hours 1 stern shot coup de grace
22:59 hours SS Gudrun Mærsk (Tramp Steamer), 2239 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 14

15 November 1941
Grid CG49
17:50 hours Spotted Argentinian medium cargo type C2 bearing 034 heading ENE

23 November 1941
Grid DU78
05:08 hours Wind 1m/sec - moving external torpedoes
07:27 hours Completed

25 November 1941
Grid EJ82
23:50 Reached patrol area

28 November 1941
Grid EJ82
06:38 hours Top secret code word received: Paukenschlag

10 December 1941
Grid EE75
03:38 hours On course for US waters

11 December 1941
Grid ED95
03:23 hours Freedom of attack against all US shipping

16 December 1941
Grid EC16
03:24 hours No contacts so far

17 December 1941
Grid DN84
16:36 hours Fired 4 bow shots at fast tanker convoy - missed
16:49 hours Observed ships were unarmed - surfaced to use deck gun
17:01 hours SS Thorshavet (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 104. Crew lost: 7
17:42 hours MV Eola (Small Tanker), 3471 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 0 - total 116 105mm rounds fired

18 December 1941
Grid DN47
19:01 hours 4 bow shots at large tanker
19:02 hours 4 impacts
19:19 hours Surfaced and shelled the tanker - SS Vestfold (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12017 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 79. Crew lost: 22 - before the sinking was confirmed 2 stern shots fired - missed
19:22 hours RFA Blue Ranger (A 157) (Supply tanker Ranger type), 3230 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 55 - total 25 105mm rounds used
19:25 hours Moving externals inside
23:50 hours Completed

20 December 1941
Grid DM26
23:30 hours Warship senn bearing 351 - dived to PD
21 December 1941
00:00 hours 1 bow shot fired
00:03 hours Tientsin (Armed Tugboat), 1275 tons. Crew: 8. Crew lost: 4
00:05 hours Surfaced
00:06 hours Warship seen bearing 019 - dived to PD
01:55 hours Surfaced
Grid DM23
04:34 hours 3 bow shots fired at attack cargo ship
04:37 hours USS Muskingum AK-198 (Attack cargo ship 1), 7690 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 248. Crew lost: 116
04:39 hours Surfaced
10:11 hours Warship seen bearing 314 - dived to PD
10:46 hours 1 stern shot
10:50 hours Vaillant (Armed Tugboat), 1275 tons. Crew: 11. Crew lost: 9

16 January 1942
23:13 hours U-503 docked at Lorient.
68 days at sea
8 ships sunk
43213 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 97.68%)

VONHARRIS 12-04-11 12:27 PM

U-503 IXC
03 February 1942
12:10 hours U-503 left Lorient for her second US East Coast sortie

06 February 1942
Grid BB96
16:35 hours 2 bow shots submerged at large merchant
16:39 hours Surfaced to finish the fataly wounded ship
16:40 hours Opened fire - range 3500m
16:41 hours Return fire but way off
16:47 hours SS City of Madras (Large Merchant), 9942 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 107. Crew lost: 59
17:00 hours Wind 2m/s - moving externals
19:10 hours Completed

11 February 1942
Grid BD99
14:42 hours Tanker 13, 10490 tons (unidentified) - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stern shots

13 February 1942
Grid BD88
06:14 hours Wind 0m/s - moving externals
10:24 hours Completed

23 February 1942
Grid CB29
04:53 hours MV Wanaka (Passenger/Cargo), 2423 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 189. Crew lost: 66 - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stren shots.

26 February 1942
Grid CA64
15:36 hours Warship seen bearing 037 - dived to PD
17:44 hours Surfaced

29 February 1942
Grid CA81
00:45 hours MV Hickory Brook (Medium Merchant 15), 6075 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 13 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots
Grid CA73
10:19 hours Reached patrol area
13:27 hours MV Grangetoft (Coastal Tanker), 1234 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 21. Crew lost: 10 - submerged attack - 1 stern shot
19:37 hours MV Nacella (Motor Tanker), 9791 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 33 - submerged attack - 4 bow + 1 stern shot

01 March 1942
Grid CA73
08:35 hours SS Sea Phoenix (Large Cargo type C3) , 8868 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 26 - submerged attack - 4 bow shots - all torpedoes expended

27 March 1942
13:13 hours Docked at Lorient.
During the return trip several contacts were avoided by diving to PD and crash dives due to aircraft presence.
53 days at sea
7 ships sunk
48823 tons
No casualties or damages

Gerald 12-04-11 06:31 PM

Good work,Von :salute:

andwii 12-04-11 10:28 PM

Patrol 5
U-65, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: May 19, 1941, 05:53
From: Corrientes

Grid CG 95
Ship sunk! SS Wray Castle (Granville-type Freighter), 4708 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 33

Grid CG 95
Ship sunk! SS Akinity (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 20

"Looks like im going to have to be more careful while over by the area Gibraltar, our took a pretty huge amount of damage from air cover which happened right as we surfaced to attack a ship with I had shot 3 tubes at (using diffrent depths) and they all duded. After taking this major damage and having low ell counts (all gone except externals) we made the decision to head back to base instead of continuing the patrol. As of late we have had bad luck with U-65."

Oberleutnant z. S. Wolfgang Eisenholtz

New boat commissioned - U-129 Type IXC

Next patrol grid assigned by BdU is CG77

VONHARRIS 12-05-11 02:33 AM

U-503 IXC
13 May 1942
03:20 hours U-503 left Lorient for her second US sortie

20 May 1942
Grid BE77
16:52 hours MV Fagerfjell (Motor Tanker), 10120 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 12 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots
18:02 hours SS Kosmos II (Converted Whale Factory Ship) (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 158. Crew lost: 153 - submerged attack - 3 bow shots + 6 105mm rounds

27 May 1942
Grid CD21
08:52 hours Wind 1 m/s - moving externals
13:08 hours Completed

29 May 1942
Grid CC32
10:49 hours SS Dutchess (Large Cargo type C3) , 9244 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 8 - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stern shots
Let a coastal freighter escape.

04 June 1942
Grid CB27
12:29 hours Wind 0m/s - moving externals
15:00 hours Completed

06 June 1942
Grid CA62
09:47 hours Warship seen bearing 323 - dived to PD
10:04 hours USS Murray DD 576 (Fletcher class), 2325 tons. Crew: 355. Crew lost: 305
15:45 hours Engaged enemy airship with no success. Took minor damages - fired 1400 20mm rounds at the enemy but the blimp escaped

07 June 1942
Grid CA53
18:46 hours RFA Brown Ranger (A 169) (Supply tanker Ranger type), 3230 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 10 - unarmed - sunk by gunfire - 39 105mm rounds

08 June 1942
Grid CA53
01:32 hours Orkla (Small Freighter), 2407 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 15 - submerged attack - 1 bow shot
Grid CA28
07:05 hours Reached patrol area

09 June 1942
Grid CA28
02:19 hours Warship seen bearing 288 - dived to PD
02:29 hours Sound contact bearing 249 - closing
02:36 hours Visual contact
02:53 hours SS Bantam (Medium Merchant 40), 5926 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 29 - 3 bow shots
03:46 hours Surfaced
06:36 hours Warship seen bearing 288 - dived to PD
09:44 hours Still submerged - SS Clyde Austin Dunning (Liberty Cargo), 6700 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 82. Crew lost: 48 - 4 bow shots - leaving the area submerged
10 June 1942
Grid CA52
08:38 hours Oxygen down to 50% - surfaced
08:49 hours Aircraft seen bearing 200 - dived to PD at flank speed
11 June 1942
Grid CA53
01:51 hours Surfaced
Grid CA61
14:49 hours Request to arm and refuel from U-461 U-tanker
20:28 hours Request denied - retuning to base
20:41 hours Warship seen bearing 028 - dived to PD
12 June 1942
00:28 hours Surfaced - start return trip

01 July 1942
Grid BE95
05:00 hours Warship seen bearing 332 - dived to PD
05:04 hours Sound contacts bearing 316 - convoy moving away
11:06 hours Surfaced

03 July 1942
16:41 hours
Docked at Lorient
52 days at sea
8 ships sunk
51968 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 93.54%)

VONHARRIS 12-05-11 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1799438)
Good work,Von :salute:

Thank you!

VONHARRIS 12-07-11 01:35 AM

U-503 IXC
10 October 1942
12:01 hours Patrol start

05 November 1942
Grid DC87
08:35 hours Reached patrol area

12 November 1942
Grid DM19
20:02 hours SS Isac (Tramp Steamer), 1719 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 29 - submerged attack - 1 bow shot
20:08 hours SS Krasnoe Znamya (Tramp Steamer), 1720 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 0 - submerged - 1 bow shot + 16 105mm rounds from 3400m
20:24 hours Radar warning - crash dive
23:33 hours Surfaced

13 November 1942
Grid DM19
02:56 hours USS Natrona APA-214 (Attack cargo ship 1), 7690 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 245. Crew lost: 83 - submerged - 3 bow shots
03:03 hours SS Norton (Ore Carrier), 8108 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 99. Crew lost: 77 - submerged - 1 bow + 2 stern shots
10:00 hours Radar warning - crash dive
14:44 hours Warship sound bearing 357 - closing - depth 100m
14 Novenber 1942
00:23 hours Surfaced

15 November 1942
Grid DM26
01:09 hours SS Thorshammer (Converted Whale Factory Ship), 12016 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 88. Crew lost: 76 - submerged - 4 bow shots
07:04 hours Glen Albyn (Small Fishing Boat), 124 tons. Crew: 7. Crew lost: 4 - sunk by flak gunfire - 200 20mm rounds
07:32 hours MV Audacity (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Trucks. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 18 - submerged - 1 stern shot
22:40 hours Radar warning - crash dive
16 November 1942
01:37 hours Surfaced
Grid DN11
18:35 hours 1m/s winds - moving externals
23:15 hours Completed

18 November 1942
Grid DM23
06:32 hours SS Oldham (Heavy Merchant 02), 7040 tons. Cargo:Explosives. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 25 - 2 bow + 2 stern shots
11:17 hours HMS Silvio (Medium Merchant 15), 6075 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 45. Crew lost: 5 - submerged - 2 bow shots + 12 105mm rounds from 3400m
2 bow + 1 stern torpedoes remain - start return trip
Map of operations

13 December 1942
05:36 hours Docked at Lorient
65 days at sea
9 ships sunk
46431 tons
No damages or casualties

VONHARRIS 12-07-11 12:58 PM

U-503 IXC
13 January 1943
22:57 hours Patrol start
Attack scope off centered - will continue patrol

01 February 1943
Grid CC22
16:43 hours RWR - dived to PD
16:52 hours Sound contact warship bearing 246 - closing
20:57 hours Surfaced

03 February 1943
Grid BB91
10:09 hours Reached patrol grid
11:28 hours RWR - dived to PD
13:33 hours Surfaced

04 February 1943
Grid BB91
04:33 hours Moving to intercept convoy
Grid BB94
05:11 hours RWR
05:22 hours Multiple RWRs - dived to PD
05:28 hours Sound contacts bearing 020 - 038 , convoy closing
06:21 hours 4 bow shots - diving to 100m
06:24 hours 3 explosions
14:50 hours Escaped undetected - surfaced

06 February 1943
Grid BB91
03:09 hours RWR - dived to PD
03:28 hours Sound contact warship bearing 298 closing
04:08 hours 1 bow shot fired at long range - missed
07:49 hours Surfaced
08:07 hours RWR - dived to PD
08:24 hours Sound contact warship bearing 075 moving away
11:23 hours Surfaced

07 February 1943
Grid BB91
01:59 hours RWR
02:05 hours Multiple RWRs - dived to PD
02:41 hours Sound contact warship bearing 296 moving away
03:20 hours Sound contact merchant bearing 295 closing
05:19 hours Visual contact
05:20 hours SS Winamac (Tanker 04), 8781 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 2 - 1 bow shot
06:03 hours Battery down to 50% surfaced - ship spotted bearing 007 long range
06:57 hours Dived to PD - lining stern shot
07:08 hours MV Herbrand (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 46 - 1 stern shot
07:10 hours Surfaced
11:37 hours RWR - dived to PD
12:37 hours Surfaced

08 February 1943
Grid BB91
01:30 hours RWR - dived to PD
02:20 hours Warship sound bearing 220 closing
02:49 hours Warship sound bearing 250 moving away
03:27 hours Warship sound bearing 103 moving away
04:23 hours Surfaced
08:00 hours RWR - dived to PD
08:40 hours Sound contact warship bearing 203 closing
08:41 hours Visual contact
08:45 hours 2 stern shots
08:47 hours USS Balch DD363 (Somers class), 1850 tons. Crew: 312. Crew lost: 118
08:50 hours Surfaced - 4 bow + 1 stern remaining

09 February 1943
Grid BB91
22:19 hours RWR - dived to PD
22:30 hours Sound contact warship bearing 101 closing
23:30 hours Sound contact warship bearing 204 moving away
10 February 1943
01:12 hours Surfaced

11 February 1943
Brid BB91
18:03 hours Moving to intercept convoy
18:33 hours RWR
18:44 hours Multiple RWRs - dived to PD
18:49 hours Sound contacts bearing 025 convoy closing
20:04 hours 4 bow shots fired - diving to PD
20:05 hours SS Moses G. Farmer (Liberty Cargo), 8127 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 6
20:54 hours Rised to PD
21:56 hours 1 stern shot at straggler
21:57 hours SS Toorak (Tanker 06), 8595 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 25 - no internal torpedoes left
12 February 1943
08:53 hours Surfaced - start return trip

25 February 1943
Grid BE85
07:32 hours RWR - dived to PD
07:52 hours Sounds bearing 047 maintain distance
08:32 hours Sounds bearing 074 moving away - disengaged
12:03 hours Surfaced
17:43 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
18:13 hours RWR - dived to PD
18:28 hours Sound contacts bearing 014 - 023 closing
19:57 hours 4 bow + 2 stern shots fired - diving to 150m
19:57 hours SS Rose Castle (Ore Carrier), 8463 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 83. Crew lost: 44
Grid BE85
20:18 hours SS Dunav (Medium Merchant 25), 4349 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 36. Crew lost: 3
26 February 1943
05:49 hours Escaped undetected at 150m - surfaced

01 March 1943
02:47 hours Docked at Lorient
48 days at sea
7 ships sunk
48945 tons sunk
No damages or casualties

STEED 12-10-11 05:26 PM

Back from my break and I wish I stay away...Jan 1943 seven crew kill in action against a US Tanker and being jumped on by a damn aircraft. Back in port undergoing major repair to my IXC U-126.

andwii 12-10-11 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by STEED (Post 1803350)
Back from my break and I wish I stay away...Jan 1943 seven crew kill in action against a US Tanker and being jumped on by a damn aircraft. Back in port undergoing major repair to my IXC U-126.

Herr Josepf Scherin shares your pain.

Herr Wolfgang Eisenholtz will right the names of your dead crewmen on the next torpedo.

Jimbuna 12-10-11 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1803356)
Herr Josepf Scherin shares your pain.

Herr Wolfgang Eisenholtz will right the names of your dead crewmen on the next torpedo.


andwii 12-10-11 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1803380)

I tried to be more aggressive, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

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