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ijnfleetadmiral 11-26-11 07:10 AM

28 March 1940:
Scharnhorst departs Wilhelmshaven on another raiding mission.

Returned to port 2 April 1940, having sunk 24 ships for an impressive 101,528 tons. We tried twice to intercept a task force in the hopes of sinking a battleship or carrier, but no luck. However we did manage to chase down and obliterate a convoy just W of Scapa Flow. Departed the area after damage in attack by Swordfish, of which we shot down one.

On a side note, my gunners and flak gunners are very popular with the ladies ashore, what with all the medals they have. But it's tit-for-tat aboard sink a lot of ships or shoot down a lot of aircraft, your CO hands out medals like they're candy.:D

3 Large Merchants
2 Empire-type Freighters
4 Medium Cargo Ships
3 Granville-type Freighters
2 Small Freighters
1 Tramp Steamer
3 Coastal Freighters
1 Swordfish Torpedo Bomber
1 Tribal-class DD
2 A/B-class DDs
3 J/K-class DDs

VONHARRIS 11-27-11 05:13 AM

U-106 IXB
12 July 1940
03:20 hours U-106 left port for grid BE68

20 July 1940
Grid AM54
05:20 hours Spotted US heavy merchant 02 bearing 023 heading east

22 July 1940
Grid BF17
18:02 hours MV Olivia (Tanker 07), 7661 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 47. Crew lost: 26 - submerged attack 3 bow + 2 stern shots

24 July 1940
Grid BE68
00:25 hours Reached patrol area
14:19 hours SS Empire Norseman (Large Tanker type T3), 13041 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 38 - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stern shots

26 July 1940
Grid BF17
09:15 hours Ship seen bearing 036 heading west - dived to PD
09:20 hours Sound contacts bearing 039 - convoy
09:48 hours Visual contact
10:03 hours Fired 4 bow shots at Revenge class battleship from less than 1000m
10:04 hours 3 impacts on the bow of the battleship
10:11 hours Tube No 4 reloaded and fired - missed or dud
10:32 hours Depth 97m undetected

13:08 hours Surfaced - 15m/s wind - rain and fog

27 July 1940
Grid BE36
03:16 hours Wind 0m/s - start moving external torpedoes
07:22 hours Procedure completed

31 July 1940
Grid AM52
17:54 hours US small freighter bearing 357 heading east

01 August 1940
Grid AM52
17:58 hours US small merchant bearing 024 heading east
23:27 hours SS Reliant (Large Merchant), 12049 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 102. Crew lost: 43 - sunk by gunfire - 32 105mm rounds

04 August 1940
Grid AM02
11:58 hours MV Reliable (Small Trawler), 98 tons. Crew: 15. Crew lost: 1 - sunk by flakguns - 60 20mm rounds

08 August 1940
Grid AM52
11:54 hours SS Leopold L. D. (Medium Merchant 08), 5281 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 9 - sunk by gunfire - 25 105mm rounds
22:11 hours SS Alca (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 9 - sunk by gunfire - 26 105mm rounds

09 August 1940
Grid AM52
11:37 hours Aircraft seen bearing 241 medium range - engaged
11:39 hours Fairey Swordfish Mk I shot down - 80 20mm rounds
23:37 hours Hospital ship bearing 349 heading west

12 August 1940
Grid AM52
08:32 hours SS Manistee (Medium Merchant 08), 5282 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 9 - sunk by gunfire - 36 105mm rounds

13 August 1940
Grid AM52
13:34 hours MV Delaires (Medium Cargo type C2), 5678 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 10 - 2 stern shots + 18 105mm rounds
13:38 hours SS Port Denison (Ore Carrier), 6187 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 59 - 2 bow shots + 9 105mm rounds

18 August 1940
Grid AN62
17:42 hours German commerce raider seen bearing 323 heading SSW

19 August 1940
14:17 hours Docked at port
39 days at sea
9 ships sunk
58462 tons
No damages or casualties
Installed 20mm twin flak gun.

andwii 11-27-11 05:28 PM

"Did you guys hear about Herr Heinz Schmidt? On the way to the straits of Gibraltar he encountered a convoy sinking the HMS Glasgow, and proceeded to the straits. He then made the bold decision of entering the Gibraltar harbor, and he sunk the Battleship HMS Nelson! I heard he is going to be awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords when he arrives back in Lorient. Hopefully he will make the return journey across the straits!"

Jimbuna 11-27-11 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1795177)
"Did you guys hear about Herr Heinz Schmidt? On the way to the straits of Gibraltar he encountered a convoy sinking the HMS Glasgow, and proceeded to the straits. He then made the bold decision of entering the Gibraltar harbor, and he sunk the Battleship HMS Nelson! I heard he is going to be awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords when he arrives back in Lorient. Hopefully he will make the return journey across the straits!"

Never heard of him :O:

VONHARRIS 11-28-11 12:32 PM

U-106 IXB
29 August 1940
03:28 hours U-106 departed from Wilhelmshaven for grid DT73

01 September 1940
00:01 hours New orders : Report to Lorient after finishing your patrol

06 September 1940
Grid AM55
12:47 hours SS Philipp M. (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 13 - submerged attack - 1 stern shot

09 September 1940
Grid BF17
08:25 hours Surfaced sound contact due to bad weather baering 310 moving away. Contact ignored

20 September 1940
Grid DT73
01:30 hours Reached patrol grid

29 September 1940
Grid ET61
18:36 hours SS Politician (Large Merchant), 10891 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 106. Crew lost: 48 - sunk by gunfire - 44 105mm rounds

02 October 1940
Grid ET61
02:01 hours SS Japara (Medium Merchant 40), 5926 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 26 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots
02:02 hours SS Ahoy (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 31. Crew lost: 6 - submerged attack - 1 stern shot
02:05 hours Surfaced to attack large merchant
02:28 hours SS Craftsman (Large Merchant), 10892 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 105. Crew lost: 85 - surface attack - 2 bow + 1 stern shots

03 October 1940
Grid ET61
17:44 hours Spotted heavy cruiser bearing 292 heading south at high speed - dived to PD - interception impossible
20:28 hours Surfaced

13 October 1940
Grid ET61
15:10 hours Leaving the area

17 October 1940
Grid EK16
17:00 hours Under attack by Elco TB - diving to PD at flank speed
17:09 hours Second warship contact bearing 267 closing - diving to 100m
22:18 hours Surfaced

25 October 1940
Grid CG95
02:43 hours SS Aallotar (Passenger/Cargo), 1867 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 235. Crew lost: 61 - sunk by gunfire - 31 105mm rounds
03:33 hours Spotted large passenger/cargo bearing 318 heading ESE

26 October 1940
Grid CG82
06:16 hours MV Herma (Medium Merchant 39), 3236 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 57. Crew lost: 4 - sunk by gunfire - 32 105mm rounds used
11:28 hours Spotted Greek small merchant bearing 028 heading SSE

27 October 1940
Grid CG27
22:48 hours Spotted darkened Japanese ore carrier bearing 098 heading SW

30 October 1940
Grid BF17
22:43 hours SS Glenroy (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 43 - submerged attack - 4 bow shots

01 November 1940
Grid BF17
08:24 hours SS Van Spilbergen (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 35 - sunk by gunfire - 25 105mm rounds used

05 November 1940
22:53 hours Docked at Lorient
69 days at sea
9 ships sunk
48829 tons
No damages or casualties

Obltn Strand 11-28-11 01:31 PM

Night of the long knives...
I did it Kretschmer style.
At least my convoy mojo is back until radar gelds it.

Patrol 8
U-55, 7th Flotilla
Left at: September 14, 1940, 03:16
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AM51

06:00 Arrived operations area. AM 5133

23:19 Convoy reported at grid AM 5143. Intercepting. AM 5172

00:15 Convoy spotted. Heading east, medium speed. AM 5149
00:25 In good position. Will attack immediately.
00:40 Fired tubes I and II against large merchant. G7e, range 2000m, speed 8 kts, AoB green 80, depth 4m. First malfunctioned, second hit.
Fired tubes III and IV against passenger liner. G7a, same firing data. Both hit and target sunk fast.
00:44 Fired tube V against large freighter. G7e, range 2500m, speed AoB green 100, depth 4m. Miss. AM 5149
01:14 Torpedoes loaded. Convoy in visual contact. Previously hit merchant dead in the water. AM 5149
02:12 Fired tube V against straggler. G7a, range 900m, speed 0 kts, AoB red 100, depth 4m. Hit and target sunk. AM 5149
02:17 Detected by escort. Crash dive.
03:20 Depth charged. No damage. Contact with convoy regained. AM 5173
Fired tubes I and II against large merchant. G7e, range 1400m, speed 8 kts, AoB red 90, depth 4m. Both hit and target sunk.
Fired tubes III and IV against tanker. G7e, range 500m, speed 8 kts, AoB red 90, depth 4m. Both hit and target sunk. Both hit and target exploded. AM 5184
05:35 Still in contact with convoy. Minor damage to deck structures from gunfire.
AM 5184
06:24 Fired tubes I G7a and II G7e against large merchant. Range 900m, speed 8 kts, AoB red 120, depth 4m. First hit second malfunctioned. Out of internal torpedoes. Started return trip. AM 5188

09:20 Docked at St. Nazaire

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 5
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 47420 tons

Ships sunk:
HMS Antonia (Auxiliary Cruiser), 13850 tons.
SS Port Hardy (Large Merchant), 10042 tons.
MV Tarleton (Small Tanker), 4490 tons.
SS Port Brisbane (Ore Carrier), 8995 tons.
SS City of Manchester (Large Merchant), 10043
and SH3C retired me.

andwii 11-28-11 06:49 PM

"Heinz Schmidt made it back through the straits of Gibraltar, currently the only man to go back and forth through the strait! He was informed by radio that he was to receive the Knights Cross with golden oak leaves, swords, and diamonds! Lucky bugger!"

VONHARRIS 11-29-11 05:23 AM

U-106 IXB
23 November 1940
14:06 hours U-106 left Lorient for grid AM78

27 November 1940
12:16 hours Reached patrol area

28 November 1940
Grid AM78
18:28 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
20:00 hours No visual contact - awful weather - dived to PD - sound contacts bearing 045 - 054 closing
21:08 hours Visual contact bearing 135
21:14 hours SS Treminnard (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Machinery. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 13 - 2 stern shots - disengaging - diving to 100m
21:24 hours Depth 60m - pinging
21:25 hours Depth charges - no damages
21:31 hours DCs away
21:36 hours DCs away
21:40 hours Depth 100m - ordered new depth 130m
22:38 hours No contacts - reloading tubes
23:04 houts Tubes reloaded
23:29 hours Surfaced

30 November 1940
Grid AM78
11:45 hours New orders : Proceed to grids AD83 - AD59 - heavy convoy traffic

06 December 1940
06:52 hours Reached grid AD83

07 December 1940
Grid AD83
17:09 hours Aircraft seen bearing 159 - will engage to test new twin 20mm flak - ahead flank
17:11 hours Lockheed A-29 Hudson Mk IIIA shot down - 120 20mm rounds used. The 37mm heavy flak is useless

10 December 1940
Grid AD83
09:32 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
10:12 hours Visual contact bearing 296 - dived to PD
10:28 hours Sound contacts bearing 028 closing
11:41 hours Visual contact
11:59 hours 4 single aimed shots - diving to 100m
12:00 hours SS Hektoria (Whale Factory Ship), 17332 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 114. Crew lost: 108
12:02 hours SS Empire Flint (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 34
12:24 hours Depth 94m - undetected
15:05 hours No sound contacts - reloading tubes
16:00 hours Tubes reloaded
16:19 hours Surfaced

11 December 1940
Grid AD59
SS Mona (Tramp Steamer), 1720 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 19 - submerged attack - 1 bow + 1 stern shots

16 December 1940
Grid AD59
17:46 hours Fired 1 bow shot at destroyer but missed. Escaped undetected.

19 December 1940
Grid AD82
08:24 hours Warship seen bearing 017 - dived to PD
08:28 hours Sound contacts bearing 010 - 015 closing
09:26 hours 4 bow shots - diving to 100m
09:27 hours Set speed 1 kt
09:28 hours SS Triona (Ore Carrier), 8587 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 42
09:28 hours SS Fort Coulonge (Empire-type Freighter), 5455 tons. Cargo: Trucks. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 0
09:29 hours Depth 25m - pinging - evasive manouvers
09:31 hours DCs no damages
09:32 hours Ordered new depth 140m
09:34 hours Depth 69m - pinging
09:35 hours DCs close enough - shaking - evasive actions
09:37 hours Depth 80m - pinging - DCs no damages
09:39 hours Depth 88m - more pinging - 3 warships
09:39 hours Sinking sounds MV Brand (Medium Merchant 29), 4904 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 71. Crew lost: 31
09:44 hours Depth 100m
09:46 hours Distant pinging - closing - DCs
09:49 hours DCs - minor damages
09:52 hours DCs - close but no damages
09:55 hours DCs - closer - shaking - evasive manouvers
09:57 hours No good - more pinging and DCs - 4 warships
10:00 hours Depth 121m - more pinging - 2 warships
10:01 hours Ordered new depth : 160m
10:14 hours Depth 136m - pinging fading away
10:40 hours Depth 140m - maintaining - no pinging - convoy moving away
14:31 hours Depth 142m - no contacts
15:50 hours Surfaced - 7m/s winds - Repaired flak and deck guns - 1 stern torpedo remaining - weather not allowing moving of external torpedoes - leaving th area

29 December 1940
Grid BF61
08:44 hours Spotted German mineswepper - raised the flag
08:57 hours Docked at Lorient
37 days at sea
7 ships sunk
51951 tons
No casualties or hull damages
1 aircraft shot down

gazpode_l 11-29-11 11:34 AM

Gazpode - R Hessler
Following a hiatus, I recently had the chance to grab some hours of gameplay on SH3. However, it became plainly obvious that I had either become rusty, or had lost my luck! I present the following citation:-

2nd Flt, Lorient Base - Nov1st, 1941
From: C.i.C - Lorient docks
To: A Doenitz, TWIMC

We wish to report the now obvious loss of our vessel, U-111 from 2Flt. This boat was commanded by R Hessler, a well respected and experienced commander. The boat had left for her eighth patrol some three week's ago. Her last contact was made on Oct 9th, 1941 - reporting some eight vessel's sunk for and est 31,000GRT of enemy shipping, and had five serviceable torpedoes remaining plus half a tank of fuel.

Orders were issued for the commander to continue with his patrol, with the hope he would find some more enemy ships to sink with the five remaining torpedoes.

We've now been fed evidence to suggest that upon engaging a large convoy, U-111 was detected, depth charged and sunk by enemy escorts protecting the convoy, in a position some 200km SW of Holyhead.

Lorient is tonight mourning the loss of a great commander who in his 8 patrols, sent more than 171,000GRT of enemy shipping to the bottom and was promoted twice, as well as being rewarded with the Iron Cross.

A sad end to a very distinguished career which ironically was due to take a different direction upon his return to Lorient with Hessler being eyed as the new head of our Training academy.


This was my greatest commander of all time since I began playing SH3 and I just hope that once I get back into SH3 more regularly, I can emulate the great feat's I achieved with this commander.

:wah::dead:R.I.P Reuben Hessler, Commander U-65, U-111. :dead::wah:

VONHARRIS 11-29-11 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by gazpode_l (Post 1796000)

:wah::dead:R.I.P Reuben Hessler, Commander U-65, U-111. :dead::wah:

The crew and Kaleun of U-106 mourn the loss of U-111 and her crew.
Your loss will be avenged! :salute:

andwii 11-29-11 03:19 PM

"The current Commander of U-65 and her crew mourn for the loss of such a captian."

Heinz Schmidt

VONHARRIS 11-30-11 03:12 AM

U-106 IXB
05 February 1941
10:15 hours After refit and maintance on the diesels U-106 was ready to sail off again.

07 February 1941
Grid BF45
09:29 hours Spotted Irish large tanker type T3 bearing 040 heading SSW

10 February 1941
Grid BE28
19:30 hours Spotted US motor tanker bearing 328 heading NNE
19:33 hours Forward mounted open 4in gun observed on tanker

16 February 1941
Grid AK27
07:26 hours Reached patrol area
12:07 hours Warship seen bearing 035 - dived to PD
12:09 hours Contacts bearing 036 - convoy closing
12:50 hours Visual contact
13:03 hours 3 bow shots at liner + 1 bow shot at tanker
13:06 hours SS Avelona Star (Blue star liner), 15081 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1468. Crew lost: 1379 - This was for sinking U-111 Kptltn R. Hessler
13:15 hours Depth 60m - pinging - evasive actions
13:17 hours DCs - no damages
13:20 hours Depth 80m - pinging
13:22 hours DCs close but no damages
13:25 hours Depth 100m - pinging
13:27 hours DCs - minor damages
13:29 hours Ordered new depth: 150m
13:33 hours DCs exploding away
13:49 hours Depth 152m - warship bearing 148 moving away
14:11 hours No sound contacts - reloading
14:50 hours Completed
15:25 hours Surfaced - clear weather - 1m/s wind - moving externals
18:13 hours Completed

22 February 1941
Grid AD82
22:30 hours Warship seen bearing 037 - dived to PD
22:38 hours Sound contacts bearing 328 - convoy closing
22:56 hours Visual contact
23:12 hours 4 bow shots fired - diving to 100m
23:16 hours SS Marcella (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: Sugar. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 17
23:16 hours SS Albi (Medium Merchant 25), 4348 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 25
23:18 hours MV Solør (Tanker 01), 8590 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 41
23:21 hours Depth 55m - pinging - evasive actions
23:23 hours DCs - no damages
23:25 hours Depth 70m - pinging
23:28 hours DCs close enough to shake the boat
23:30 hours Depth 80m - pinging
23:37 hours Depth 90m - DCs
23:41 hours Depth 100m
23:43 hours Depth 107m - DCs
23:47 hours Depth 113m - DCs exploding away
23:54 hours Depth 118m - DCs exploding away
23:59 hours Depth 120m - DCs exploding away
23 February 1941
00:10 hours Depth 132m - DCs exploding closer
00:13 hours Ordered new depth : 160m
00:26 hours Warship bearing 131 - moving away
00:39 hours Depth 150m
01:19 hours No contacts - reloading tubes
01:51 hours Completed
02:23 hours Surfaced - 7m/s winds - light fog
Grid AD56
23:51 hours Spotted US TF: Nevada class BB + New Orleans class CA - bearing 317 heading SE - requested permission to fire
24 February 1941
00:04 hours Request denied

27 February 1941
Grid AD59
12:41 hours SS Paderewski (Turbine Tanker type T2), 8818 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 52 - 4 stern shots submerged attack
12:55 hours Surfaced
13:24 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 147 - crash dived to 70m
16:12 hours Surfaced

06 March 1941
Grid AK32
10:00 hours Warship seen bearing 008 - dived to PD
10:03 hours Sound contacts bearing 358 - 018 convoy closing
10:55 hours Visual contact
11:12 hours 3 bow shots at fleet tender + 1 bow shot at ammo ship - diving to 100m
11:14 hours HMS Echodale (Fleet Tender), 16902 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 29
13:28 hours No contacts - reloading 2 bow tubes
13:45 hours Completed
14:05 hours Surfaced - clear weather - 15m/s winds

11 March 1941
Grid BE13
04:37 hours 0 m/s wind - moving externals
08:00 hours Completed - 3 bow + 3 stern torpedoes available

20 March 1941
Grid BF61
11:25 hours Spotted Commerce raider - raised the flag
11:41 hours Docked at Lorient
44 days at sea
6 ships sunk
58086 tons
No casualties despite numerous DC attacks
U-boat damaged (H.I. 98.52%)

VONHARRIS 11-30-11 10:55 AM

U-106 IXB
19 April 1941
17:17 hours U-106 departed from Lorient

23 April 1941
Grid CG21
01:55 hours SS P. L. M. 21 (Medium Merchant 40), 5926 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 13 - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stern shots

28 April 1941
Grid DH58
19:24 hours Spotted armed US passenger/cargo bearing 018 heading NNE

06 May 1941
Grid EJ84
09:02 hours Reached patrol area

07 May 1941
Grid EJ84
10:10 hours wind 1m/s - moving externals
12:31 hours Completed

14 May 1941
Grid ET66
16:55 hours SS Malancha (Large Merchant), 9854 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 91. Crew lost: 88 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots
17:39 hours SS Autolycus (Large Merchant), 9853 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 46 - submerged attack - 2 bow + 2 stern shots

15 May 1941
Grid ET62
06:39 hours wind 1m/s - moving externals
09:35 hours Completed

23 May 1941
Grid EU96
22:46 hours Fired 3 bow shots at small convoy - bad visibility
22:48 hours 2 impacts - visual contact lost - surfacing
23:22 hours 2 stern shots fired at large cargo type C3
23:23 hours 2 impacts
23:24 hours SS Calibogue (Large Cargo type C3) , 6858 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 44

12 June 1941
Grid CG95
03:50 hours Spotted Spanish large passenger/cargo bearing 358 heading East
21:41 hours Warship seen bearing 019 - dived to PD
21:51 hours 1 stern shot at enemy DD - diving to 100m
21:59 houts Torpedo missed or dud
22:17 hours Surfaced

14 June 1941
Grid CG94
04:43 hours Diesel fuel down to 50%
10:09 hours Aircraft seen bearing 213 - crash dived to 80m
18:14 hours Surfaced
22:06 hours SS Rose Schiaffino (Medium Merchant 31), 3516 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 41. Crew lost: 12 - submerged attack - 1 bow shot + 14 105mm rounds

15 June 1941
Grid CG86
06:48 hours SS Helka (Medium Merchant 31), 3517 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 58 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots
Grid CG85
21:26 hours MV Hilda (Coastal Freighter), 1873 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 21 - submegred attack - 2 bow shots
22:41 hours SS Selvistan (Medium Merchant 06), 5175 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 44 - submerged attack - 1 bow shot + 20 105mm rounds - All torpedoes expended

19 June 1941
Grid BF61
16:19 hours Spotted German small merchant bearing 357 heading NE - raised the flag
16:20 hours Docked at Lorient
62 days at sea
8 ships sunk
46572 tons
No damages or casualties

andwii 11-30-11 05:40 PM

"Herr Heinz Schmidt, after arriving back at port, and receiving the Knights cross with golden oak leaves, swords, and diamonds was ordered to relinquish command of U-65, and Heinz's best friend and watch officer Wolfgang Eisenholtz was promoted to the Commander of U-65. Because of the impression Heinz Schmidt made on der Fuhrer, Heinz Schmidt was assigned the command of the newly formed 23rd flotilla based in Salamis, Greece."

"We will all miss our former Commander and my best friend Heinz Schmidt, but lets keep the spirit of him on U-65, and make him proud!"

Oberleutnant z. S. Wolfgang Eisenholtz

Actually what happened was I got a nasty virus on my computer the screwed up all my current campaigns, so I just started another with the name of my Watch Officer.

VONHARRIS 12-01-11 08:01 AM

U-106 IXB
06 July 1940
22:38 hours U-106 left Lorient

13 July 1941
Grid CG77
00:37 hours Reached patrol area

17 July 1941
Grid CG94
04:11 hours SS Aurora (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 26. Crew lost: 0 - surface torpedo attack - 1 bow shot
Grid CG95
19:57 hours Aircraft seen bearing 157 - crash dive to 100m
20:52 hours Surfaced

19 July 1941
Grid CG94
11:46 hours Aircrafts spotted bearing 358 - 001 - crash dive to 100m - took minor damages
15:24 hours Surfaced
16:21 hours Aircrafts spotted bearing 288 - 291 - crash dive to 100m
19:20 hours Surfaced - aircrafts spotted bearing 298 - crash dive
21:03 hours Surfaced

22 July 1941
Grid CG94
08:05 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 197 - crash dive
13:44 hours Surfaced
14:08 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 178 - crash dive - maintain 100m depth
19:37 hours Sound contact bearing 050 - closing - rising to PD
20:14 hours Visual contact
20:23 hours 2 bow shots
20:25 hours 2 impacts - ship DIW
20:50 hours 1 stern shot as coup de grace
20:51 hours Impact
20:52 hours 2nd stern shot
20:53 hours Impact - SS Lynton Grange (Medium Freighter), 5363 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 4 (2 bow + 2 stern shots)
21:30 hours Surfaced and leaving the area

25 July 1941
Grid CG82
18:40 hours SS Marcel Schiaffino (Medium Merchant 31), 3516 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 18 - submerged attack - 2 bow shots

31 July 1941
Grid CG83
03:16 hours Taksang (Medium Merchant 31), 3519 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 15 - surfaced torpedo attack - 2 bow shots

01 August 1941
Grid CG85
05:07 hours SS Afiena (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 18 - surface torpedo attack - 1 bow shot

03 August 1941
Grid CG51
16:47 hours wind 1m/s - moving externals inside
20:30 hours Completed
22:15 hours Recalled back to base (I had to end the patrol for R/L tasks)

07 August 1941
13:23 hours Docked at Lorient
33 days at sea
5 ships sunk
16139 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 99.23%)
Took command of U-502 IXC type Uboot
Installed Alberich sonar coating for testing purposes
Removed 3,7cm heavy flak gun
Installed twin 2cm light flak gun and new hydrophones.

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