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andwii 11-19-11 03:16 PM

back at base with over 50 patrols done. Why does BdU keep sending me out there!

Sailor Steve 11-19-11 03:22 PM

Because you're not using Commander, or at least not the 'Realistic Career Length' function. In real life no one ever did anywhere near that many patrols.

andwii 11-19-11 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1790510)
Because you're not using Commander, or at least not the 'Realistic Career Length' function. In real life no one ever did anywhere near that many patrols.

I know I was making a joke lol, I just enabled the realistic career length function.

Sailor Steve 11-19-11 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1790531)
I know I was making a joke lol, I just enabled the realistic career length function.

I wondered if you might be joking, but my mean and petty spirit just had to say something. Or maybe it was my obsessive-compulsive nature. :oops: :D

andwii 11-19-11 05:32 PM

Date of Birth: 07NOV11
Place of Birth: BERLIN
Date of Intake: 01APR34 (CREW 34)

Started another career will still work on my other career, but I felt like taking a break from being found so easy by the destroyers.

2.10.39. 0720 Patrol 2
U-53, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: October 2, 1939, 07:20
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BE31


1030 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
SS Montcalm (Large Troop Ship),
24421 tons. Cargo: Troops.
Crew: 800. Crew lost: 560

Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
HMS Lady Beryl (ASW Trawler),
1100 tons. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 34

Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
HMS Woolston (V&W classes),
1188 tons. Crew: 116. Crew lost: 82

1202 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
SS Highland Chieftan (Large Troop Ship),
24422 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages.
Crew: 566. Crew lost: 45

Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
SS Santa Ana (Medium Cargo),
4958 tons. Cargo: Coal.
Crew: 46. Crew lost: 15

1254 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
MV Teakwood (Modern Tanker),
10821 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil.
Crew: 52. Crew lost: 39

2210 Grid AN 79 Ship sunk!
SS Agility (Coastal Freighter),
1870 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore.
Crew: 35. Crew lost: 5


Grid AN 81 Ship sunk!
SS Bretwalda (Granville-type Freighter),
4709 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal.
Crew: 54. Crew lost: 48

Grid AN 16 Ship sunk!
SS Bradfyne (Granville-type Freighter),
4710 tons. Cargo: Explosives.
Crew: 47. Crew lost: 8


Grid AN 26 Ship sunk!
SS Abinger (Coastal Freighter),
1872 tons. Cargo: Timber.
Crew: 22. Crew lost: 6

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 10
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 80071 tons

VONHARRIS 11-20-11 01:46 AM

U-107 IXB
Patrol 7 (11)
01 May 1941
05:25 hours U-107 left Lorient

04 May 1941
Grid BF78
01:38 hours Spotted French small convoy bearing 012 heading NNE
03:14 hours Spotted destroyer - dived to PD
03:56 hours Attack against small convoy - 4b + 2st shots fired
03:57 hours SS Vanzetti (Small Merchant), 1834 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 32
03:59 hours SS Clumberhall (Medium Merchant 06), 5173 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 36
09:17 hours Tubes reloaded - surfaced
Grid CG21
19:46 hours Ship seen bearing 001 - dived to PD
20:46 hours SS Benmohr (Medium Merchant 06), 5174 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 20 - sunk by 1 bow + 2 stern shots (1 dud)

05 May 1941
Grid CG16
02:27 hours Ship seen bearing 344
02:37 hours Torpedo impacts - star shell fired by enemy ship
02:39 hours 1 bow shot coup de grace
02:41 hours SS Helka (Medium Merchant 31), 3516 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 33. Crew lost: 6 - sunk by 3 bow torpedoes

06 May 1941
Grid CG43
02:06 hours Ship seen bearing 342 heading away - disengaged
06:46 hours Wind 1m/s no fog - moving externals inside
14:14 hours Procedure completed

14 May 1941
08:47 hours Reached patrol area DS26

16 May 1941
23:22 hours New orders: Proceed to grid ET62 and attack enemy shipping

23 May 1941
Grid EJ96
05:48 hours SS Brittanic II (Small Merchant), 1835 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 29. Crew lost: 11 - sunk by 5 105mm rounds

26 May 1941
Grid ET62
04:52 hours SS Newchang (Small Freighter), 1753 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 13 - armed - sunk by 1 bow shot
05:06 hours SS Bechebille (Medium Merchant 25), 4347 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 67. Crew lost: 29 - armed - sunk by 1 bow + 2 stern shots

27 May 1941
Grid ET62
06:17 hours SS Jussi H. (Tramp Steamer), 1953 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 7 - armed - sunk by 2 bow shots

31 May 1941
Grid DU78
19:34 hours Warship seen bearing 307 - dived to PD
01 June 1941
00:09 hours Still submerged - second warship sound contact bearing 213
06:03 hours No contacts - surfaced

08 June 1941
Grid CG57
10:29 hours SS Robert L. Holt (Small Merchant), 1837 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 0 - unarmed - sunk by 1 bow shot

12 June 1941
11:09 hours Docked at Lorient
9 ships sunk
27422 tons
22 torpedoes fired
5 105mm rounds used
No damages or casualties

Obltn Strand 11-20-11 05:56 AM

Operation Hartmut. Radio traffic and sailing. Only a lucky shot gave me destroyer tonnage.

Patrol 5
U-55, 7th Flotilla
Left at: April 2, 1940, 09:35
From: Wilhelmshaven

23:27 Ship spotted. AN 4623

00:20 Fired tube II against large freighter. G7a, Range 900m, Speed 7 kts, AoB green 90. Definite detonation failure as torpedo exploded behind the target.
00:23 Fired tube III. G7a , Range 1200m, Speed 7 kts, AoB green 100. Likely detonation failure.
00.34 Large freighter sunk with gunfire. AN 4389

00:30 Positioned front of Vestfjörden. AF 3798
21:09 Ship spotted. AF 3729
21:17 Small fishing trawler. Not worth attacking.
23:09 Task force of four destroyers spotted. AF 3761
23:17 Fired tubes III and IV against destroyer. G7a, Range 1300m, Speed 27 kts, AoB green 90. One hit which sunk a destroyer.
23:18 Detected. Crash dive. AF3761

01:04 Sustained a depth charge attack. No damage. AF 3762

03:00 Received new orders. Deploy to defend Harstad. AF 3735

20:45 In position north of Harstad.

16:47 Received new orders. Patrol grid AF 53

17:00 Arrived operations area.

01:11 Received new orders. Patrol grid AF 81

21:50 Arrived operations area. AF 8133

12:02 Ordered to withdraw from Norway. Returning to base. AF 8139

08:10 Docked at Kiel.

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 2
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 11052 tons

Ships sunk:
SS Umtali (Large Merchant), 9677 tons.
HMCS Restigouche (C&D classes), 1375 tons.

Oberleutnant z. s. Siegfried Strand
U-5 (3 patrols)
U-55 (2 patrols)

Career Tonnage: 36 482 tons

Fish In The Water 11-20-11 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 1790762)
23:17 Fired tubes III and IV against destroyer. G7a, Range 1300m, Speed 27 kts, AoB green 90. One hit which sunk a destroyer.

One less blight on the surface, well done and congrats! :up:

VONHARRIS 11-21-11 12:35 AM

U-107 IXB
Patrol 8 (12)
01 August 1941
00:57 hours U-107 left port for grid DR23

18 August 1941
06:46 hours Reached patrol grid DR23

19 August 1941
23:11 hours New orders: Proceed to Port of Spain - Maintain radio silence

31 August 1941
12:04 hours Reached ES96

02 September 1941
Grid ED98
07:03 hours Spotted Colombian large tanker bearing 038 heading NW
10:12 hours Spotted US medium merchant bearing 049 heading N
10:28 hours Stern mounted gun observed on the merchant
21:14 hours Spotted US harbor tugboat bearing 003 heading S - armed

03 September 1941
Grid ED98
00:57 hours Spotted US large tanker bearing 158 heading NNE
14:00 hours Spotted Colombian small tanker bearing 307 heading NW

05 September 1941
Grid EE71
02:32 hours Fired 1 bow shot at ASW trawler - missed
02:54 hours Fired 1 bow shot at ASW trawler - missed
13:43 hours Surfaced - Leaving the area

25 September 1941
Grid DH18
05:01 hours Submerged torpedo attack against enemy convoy
05:02 hours SS Iron Prince (Medium Merchant 39), 3237 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 26
05:17 hours SS Cantal (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 44 - 4bow + 2stern shots fired - diving to 100m
05:34 hours SS Guelma (Medium Merchant 17), 4022 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 12
16:07 hours Surfaced after several DC attacks which caused no damages

26 September 1941
Grid DH24
10:39 hours SS Marie-Louise le Borgne (Coastal Freighter), 1872 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 16 - sunk by gunfire
10:42 hours SS Empire Citizen (Granville-type Freighter), 4710 tons. Cargo: Trucks. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 29 - sunk by gunfire - 66 105mm rounds used for both ships

05 October 1941
13:03 hours Docked at Lorient
66 days at sea
5 ships sunk
17026 tons
8 torpedoes fired
66 105mm rounds used
No casualties or damages
Took command of U-505 IXC (my goal is to finish the war with her)
Installed 20mm twim flak gun , new batteries , new hydrophones and Alberich sonar coating.

Randomizer 11-21-11 01:00 AM

One reads all these reports of success and daring-do and then there is the latest from U-743 Lt z S Randomizer commanding...

Departed Trondheim 5 August 1944 on a fifty-day patrol to AM53. Late afternoon on the 6th, while running surfaced in poor weather spotted what I initially identified as a 1000 GRT Coastal Vessel. Remained unseen, plotted an intercept course and once in position dived and commenced attacking with what seemed to be a perfect set up.

Range 2000m, Fired Tube II, electric G7e T3 set for 6m with magnetic exploder. Missed.

Set up again range 1100, fired Tube I electric G7e T3 set for 6m with magnetic exploder. Missed again.

Set up for the third time, re-checked the target ID and determined target was a 112 ton motor vessel not a much larger Coastal vessel... My ranges were way off so the shots all missed aft of the target I presume.

Surfaced and shot it apart with the 37mm gun having wasted two torpedoes over 1000 km from the North Channel. Not my finest SH3 moment ever but my first ever gun kill with a Type VIIC.

VONHARRIS 11-21-11 11:31 AM

U-505 IXC
Patrol 1 (13)
17 November 1941
12:41 hours U-505 left for her first war patrol

21 November 1941
Grid CG51
09:11 hours SS Carolus (Tramp Steamer), 1722 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 7 - sunk by gunfire - 14 105mm rounds used

30 November 1941
Grid EK11
00:45 hours Warship seen bearing 288 - dived to PD
00:51 hours Warship sound contact bearing 290
11:22 hours Surfaced

01 December 1941
Grid EK14
21:48 hours Warship seen bearing 239 - dived to PD
21:56 hours Warship sound contact bearing 231 closing
21:58 hours Second warship contact bearing 244 closing
22:18 hours 1 stern torpedo fired
22:24 hours HMS Meteor (L class AA), 1690 tons. Crew: 227. Crew lost: 120
02 December 1941
Grid EK14
03:58 hours Surfaced wind 5m/s no fog
06:46 hours Merchant seen bearing 017 - dived to PD
06:48 hours Two merchant sound contacts bearing 017 closing
07:34 hours Visual contact : two armed ore carriers
07:44 hours Two torpedo hits on each ship
07:49 hours SS Port Hardy (Ore Carrier), 6381 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 15 - 2 bow torpedoes
07:57 hours SS Port Brisbane (Ore Carrier), 6380 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 91. Crew lost: 18 - sunk by 2 bow + 2 stern torpedoes

03 December 1941
Grid EK14
15:41 hours Ship seen bearing 000 closing - dived to PD
15:52 hours Visual contact : medium merchant 08
16:45 hours SS Aris (Medium Merchant 08), 5281 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 73. Crew lost: 67 - sunk by 2 bow + 1 stern torpedoes + 6 105mm rounds

05 December 1941
15:37 hours New orders: Patrol around Kapverden for as long as possible

09 December 1941
Grid EJ58
10:30 hours Noticed fuel levels dropping fast - start return trip
Grid EJ64
11:17 hours Ship seen bearing 358 closing - dived to PD
11:20 hours Multiple sound contacts
12:46 hours Visual contact with convoy - 2 bow shots fired
12:51 hours 2 bow shots fired
14:51 hours Surfaced

25 December 1941
19:30 hours Docked at Lorient - Christmas and New Year at home
39 days at sea
5 ships sunk
21454 tons
14 torpedoes fired
20 105mm rounds used
No casualties or damages

Sailor Steve 11-21-11 03:04 PM

Oberleutnant z.S Johann Anter, Type IIB U-15: Flotilla Weddigen, Kiel

1st Patrol:

0411 Departed Kiel docks.
0503 Transitted Holtenau locks.
0943 Passed Rendsberg
1539 Transitted Brunsbüttel locks, into Elbe. Opened orders - AN56.

0400 Report: AN9646, 270°, 8 knots, Clear, Wind 4, Sea 3, Waves .5.
1302 FdU: French ships are now targets.
1426: Time zone change - now 1326.

0300 Report: AN6943, 275°, 8 knots, Clear, Wind 4, Sea 3, Waves .5.
0615 FdU: Task force leaving Scapa Flow, course ESE.
1046 Sighted Den Helder lightship.

0300 Report: AN 6711, 275°, 7 knots, Clear, Wind 15, Sea 7, Waves 4.
0713 Sighted aircraft. Ordered periscope depth.
0800 Surfaced.
0858 Arrived AN5699.
1254 Sighted ship.
1255 Task force! Periscope depth.
1257 1 aircraft carrier, 1 large warship, several destroyers. Too far away to pursue.
1340 Surfaced, sent contact report.
2314 Sighted ship.
2318 Lost contact.
2346 Found him again.

0018 Close enough to make out shape - freighter.
0045 Small freighter - 2000 tons.
0046 Making surface attack run.
0050 Can make out flag - Danish. Breaking off attack.
0300 Report: AN5655, 295°, 3 knots, Clear, Wind 14, Sea 7, Waves 4.

0300 Report: AN5644, 180°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 15, Sea 7, Waves 4.
0843 Sighted aircraft. Periscope depth.
0941 Sound reports merchant contact.
0950 Surfaced.
1005 Trawler, 1000 tons. Letting him go.
1201 Radio: Warsaw under seige.

0300 Report: AN5688, 090°, 3 knots, Clear, Wind 20, Sea 8, Waves 6.

0300 Report: AN5639, 000°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 21, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5621, 270°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 1, Sea 1, Waves 0.1.

0300 Report: AN5659, 120°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 5, Sea 3, Waves 0.5.

0300 Report: AN5636, 000°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 5, Sea 3, Waves 0.5.
1538 Sighted ship.
1545 Passenger/Cargo, 2000 tons.
1602 Periscope depth.
1634 Danish.
1730 Surfaced.

0300 Report: AN5675, 240°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 0, Sea 0, Waves 0.

0300 Report: AN5611, 140°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 0, Sea 0, Waves 0.
0630 Storm front moving in.
2100 Radio: Poland has surrendered.

0300 Report: AN5685, 000°, 4 knots, Overcast, Wind 20, Sea 8, Waves 6.
1432 Sighted ship.
1435 Periscope Depth.
1500 Ore ship, 6000 tons.
1510 British! Perfect position. Immediate attack.
1510 Fired 2 torpedoes, 1 fast, 1 slow.
1511 Both hit!
1512 Surfaced.
1513 Radio: SSS! SSS! SS Talthybius! 54°51' N 0°54'E! Sinking!
1519 Target slowing.
1523 Target wallowing. Crew abandoning ship.
1527 Target sank, leaving 1 boat and 3 rafts.
1532 Talked to officers in boat. SS Talthybius, 6138 tons, carrying a cargo of coal. AN5673.
1545 On our way.
1550 Depth 40 metres to reload.
1615 Surfaced.
1752 Radio: Have rescued survivors of SS Talthybius - SS Marjory.

0300 Report: AN5664, 140°, 4 knots, Overcast, Wind 23, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5639, 000°, 4 knots, Overcast, Wind 24, Sea 9, Waves7.

0300 Report: AN5688, 220°, 3 knots, Overcast, Wind 23, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5611, 180°, 3 knots, Overcast, Wind 23, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5647, 040°, 4 knots, Overcast, Wind 21, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5667, 140°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 24, Sea 10, Waves 8.

0300 Report: AN5633, 270°, 3 knots, Clear, Wind 18, Sea 8, Waves 5.

0300 Report: AN5612, 270°, 4 knots, Clear, Wind 26, Sea 10, Waves 9.

0300 Report: AN5679, 090°, 3 knots, Partly Cloudy, Wind 24, Sea 9, Waves 8.

0300 Report: AN5695, 300°, 4 knots, Partly Cloudy, Wind 26, Sea 10, Waves 9.

0300 Report: AN5615, 300°, 4 knots, Partly Cloudy, Wind 24, Sea 9, Waves 8.
1707 Sightetd ship.
1720 Coaster, 2000 tons.
1735 Not sure if we can fire in this weather. Attempting submerged attack.
1743 Fired one torpedo, range 700. Hit!
1745 Target sank as U-15 surfaced.
1747 No wreckage, no boats, no survivors...nothing. No trace target was ever there.

0300 Report: AN5632, 090°, 4 knots, Partly Cloudy, Wind 26, Sea 10, Waves 9.
1653 Dove to avoid aircraft.
2000 Surfaced.

0300 Report: AN5657, 240° 4 knots, Clear, Wind 23, Sea 9, Waves 7.

0300 Report: AN5614, 000°, 3 knots, Clear, Wind 24, Sea 9, Waves 8.
1714 Lookouts report ship sighted.
1719 Another large ore ship.
1740 Diving for attack.
1807 Last two torpedoes fired.
1808 Two good hits!
1809 Surfaced.
1811 Radio: SOS! SS Fresno City! Have struck mine!
1824 Target proceeding as if unaffected. Radioing for instructions.
1848 Ordered to return home.
1851 Dove to avoid aircraft.
2000 Surfaced.

0300 Report: AN6471, 100°, 9 knots, Clear, Wind 21, Sea 9, Waves 7.

1706 Have crossed time zone, now 1806.

0347 Transitted Brunsbüttel locks, into Canal.
1538 Exited Holtenau locks into Kiel.
1623 Tied up at dock, patrol over.

At sea 30 days.

2 ships cofirmed, 1 probable.
6.10.39 AN56 SS Talthybius, 6138 tons, Cargo Coal, Crew 74, 37 survivors.
17.10.39 AN53 unkown, no credit.*
28.10.39 AN56 MV Fresno City, 7881 tons, Cargo Coal, Crew 79, 72 Survivors. Ship reported hitting mine, but almost certainly victim of U-15.

Total: 2 ships, 14019 tons.

*SS David H. Atwater reported missing on 19.10.39. Comparison of British reports with Oblt.s.Z Anter's claim indicates this ship was likely victim of U-15.
Added 4.11.41: SS David H. Atwater, 1869 tons, Cargo Coal, Crew 29, no survivors.

Revised total, 4.11.41: 3 ships, 15,888 tons.

SummerStorm 11-21-11 03:59 PM

Mission 8
Greetings to all. This is my first post, so apologies if I break protocol by posting blind. Big fan of Silent Hunter 2 and with my best friend spent hours terrorising convoys as he hurled depth charges into the murky abyss.

Playing Mission 8 of Silent Hunter 3, realism settings at max.
Orders were to patrol AM53, so after reviewing the options we had decided to sail north of the Orkneys. The weather was rough and inclement throughout the entire voyage, with the waves lashing at the submarine and visibility scant. It was at dawn in the north east corner of grid AN 13 that the happy words "ship sighted" were bellowed by the watch. Rushing up, a ship was confirmed "J class destroyer". Quickly a salvo of torpedoes was lined up and fired at a range of 6000 meters. As the sub slid to periscope depth all that be heard was the incessant tick tick tick of the chronometer, not even a mouse dared to fart as we peeped through the murky brine and watched the destroyer plow idly through the waves. Minutes passed when bam, a resounding explosion ripped the sky. A hit, and a kill.
The men cheered and then set about reloading the torpedoes, with the Captain giving the order to return to course.

Hours passed when more good news came as this time a C2 cargo ship had been spotted. Range 4500 meters. Ruhr 1, los...
tick tick tick the unending stomach churning wait and BAM again a hit. But the big beast lumbered on. The order to surface the ship was given, with the hope being to finish the cargo ship off with a few well placed shells, sadly the rough seas meant this was impossible and with the wounded pig manouvering for all its worth in the stormy sea and with each torpedo such a precious commodity the next torpedo would have to be exact. Full Ahead, and then a swivel to line the ship up dead centre. Ruhr 2, los...
with a range of a mere 700 meters the wait was over before it began but clunk a dud. Verdammt!
Inching a little closer Ruhr 3, los....
And this time a deafening blast as the ship split in two and collapsed into the sea.
Things were going well and we were not even close to our patrol zone, though torpedoes were becoming scarce and in the rough seas the external reserve could not be touched.
After scanning the map a daring little plan was hatched to go to the objective via the scenic harbour town of Loch Ewe...

To be continued?:arrgh!:

Fish In The Water 11-21-11 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by SummerStorm (Post 1791453)
Greetings to all. This is my first post...

Welcome aboard mate and thanks for the report. :sunny:

Sailor Steve 11-21-11 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by SummerStorm (Post 1791453)
Greetings to all.



This is my first post, so apologies if I break protocol by posting blind.
Not at all. You're fine.

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