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andwii 11-03-11 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Angelo Cire (Post 1779553)
U83, Type VIIC, March 1940.

On patrol out of Wilhelmshaven. Invasion of Norway begun. Ordered to CG85. Missing out on all the action.

Spotted a convoy north of Blythe. Engaged two large cargo transports.
Four torpedoes fired. 3 impacts.

Escort wrecked conning tower, aft crew quarters.
Heavy flooding. Sank to the bottom at 75m.

Damage control crews fight to keep the water at bay. A&B Class circles above.

26 hours later, flooding is under control. One heavy transport is floundering in the water, propulsion dead.

16 hours later, escort moves away. Waited four hours, blew ballast, surfaced.

Immediately spotted by the transport.

Begin maneuvers to fire aft torpedo to finish off transport.

When nearly set up, round impacted conning tower. 3 crewmen dead.
A&B Class returned, fired a long-range (lucky) shot.

Make engines ahead flank, snap-shot the aft torpedo. Miss.

Crash-dive, rig for silent, begin slow circles.

Can hear the A&B Class overhead.

Torpedo impact heard. Silence. Bulkheads collapsing.

A&B Class no longer audible. Wait for 3 hours. Surface.

Large transport still afloat. A&B Class gone. Remnants of an oil-slick present.

Conclusion: Final torpedo impacted A&B Class. Sunk.

:D :D :D :D :D

Headed to Corrientes for refit and refuel.

man you are lucky. lol at one time, I was aground after a depth charge attack, sat there for 8 hours while getting depth charged, and I got to like 30% hull integrty, and I somehow escaped. Someone was watching over you, like they were watching over me. lol

VONHARRIS 11-03-11 10:18 AM

U-109 IXB
Patrol No 5

07 April 1940
12:00 hours Start patrol. Orders are to patrol grid CG87 and then the Straits

20 April 1940
Grid BF48
03:14 hours MV Canton (Medium Merchant 29), 4903 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 20. Sunk by gunfire - 18 105mm rounds used

22 April 1940
Grid CG57
18:24 hours SS Rose Castle (Ore Carrier), 6120 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 91. Crew lost: 88. Sunk by gunfire - 17 105mm rounds used

30 April 1940
Grid CG95
18:59 hours SS E. Sang (Medium Merchant 31), 3516 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 46. Sunk by 3 torpedoes
21:28 hours MV Grenanger (Medium Merchant 08), 5283 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 70. Crew lost: 66. Sunk by 3 torpedoes
22:30 hours Rammed by destroyer in heavy fog , rain and heavy seas Both scopes destroyed. The destroyer just kept going.

01 May 1940
19:07 hours Docked at SS Thalia to replace scopes rearm and refuel.
25 days at sea
4 ships sunk
19822 tons
6 torpedoes fired
35 105mm round used
No casualties and hull damages

YuriJanssen 11-03-11 12:59 PM

Intercepting a Merchant in dark, rainy no visibility weather.. Calculating his speed and course as we speak by plotting it all out, all down to using hydrophones right now!

Long range target, moving slow and closing :)

Gerald 11-03-11 01:03 PM

@ VONHARRIS! Good work, :up:

VONHARRIS 11-03-11 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1779949)
@ VONHARRIS! Good work, :up:

Thank you!

andwii 11-03-11 04:04 PM

Detailed report to come in later, again having a problem with my radio. I gotta get that figured out.

Spent one day in patrol grid. Infiltrated the port of bridgetown. Nothing worth a torpedo seen in periscope. Spent nearly 1/10th of my fuel reserves chasing a sound contact of a merchant, which turned out to be a large tanker. After loosing contact with the tanker, we were close to port of spain. Infiltrated port of spain. On way encountered a stationary large tanker. Periscoped. Two torpedoes launched. She sunk. Continued approach to port of spain. Sank a modern tanker, a small tanker, and a cargo. Out of internals, so we decided to leave port of spain. On way out sound contact. Large Merchant and a costal freighter(I think). Surfaced and engaged with deckgun. Took damage. Periscoped. Got into better position. Surfaced. Engaged again. Sank Large Merchant and damaged Costal Freighter. Two fast movers spotted in distance. Periscoped. Followed damaged freighter until patrol craft moved off. Surfaced and used the rest of deck gun ammunition. Periscoped. Got closer. Surfaced and engaged with flakgun. Ship sunk. Patrol craft spotted again. Periscoped. They move off. Surfaced and another ship spotted. Decided it was not worth the attack risks. Periscoped. Set course for milk cow in patrol sector CC. Put in last 2 stern externals. No future contacts aside from a sail boat. Weather to bad to engage. Five hours from refuel and refit. Planning to attack the American coast.

Wish me luck!

Hans Uberman 11-03-11 04:16 PM

Last night, my Type IXC captain, "Wolfgang Krauss" had a really lucky patrol. The last two targets were in a small convoy together, with a medium tanker, and a Ceramic-type ocean liner. They were accompanied by 5 entirely incompetent destroyers, and followed by a large convoy group.

Patrol 5
U-173, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: September 29, 1942, 23:07
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid ED41

  • Ship sunk!|Grid CF 61|SS Port Campbell (Ore Carrier), 8084 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 87. Crew lost: 35
  • Ship sunk!|Grid CF 61|SS Joseph C. Lincoln (Liberty Cargo), 7336 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 83. Crew lost: 39
  • Ship sunk!|Grid CF 61|SS Lorado Taft (Liberty Cargo), 7337 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 75. Crew lost: 56
  • Ship sunk!|Grid ED 41|SS Ile de Batz (Medium Tanker), 8701 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 20
  • Ship sunk!|Grid ED 41|MV Tanova (Small Tanker), 2051 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 19. Crew lost: 8
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV James J. Maguire (Large Tanker), 9677 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 50. Crew lost: 48
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV Cliona (Large Tanker), 9679 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 72. Crew lost: 59
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV Inverliffey (Large Tanker), 9680 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 19
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV Tannadice (Small Tanker), 2057 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 15. Crew lost: 6
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV Regent Tiger (Large Tanker), 9681 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 8
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV San Alberto (Modern Tanker), 10766 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 38
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV British Faith (Modern Tanker), 10765 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 15
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 96|MV British Architect (Modern Tanker), 10767 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 68. Crew lost: 45
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 93|MV Athelprincess (Large Tanker), 9673 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 71. Crew lost: 66
  • Ship sunk!|Grid EC 66|MV Tantallon (Small Tanker), 2049 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 2
  • Ship sunk!|Grid CA 27|SS American Legion (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 14534 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 1479. Crew lost: 428
  • Ship sunk!|Grid BE 64|SS Viola Ida (HMT Aquitania), 45557 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1615. Crew lost: 920
  • Ship sunk!|Grid BE 64|SS Highland Monarch (Large Troop Ship), 24010 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 334. Crew lost: 190

Patrol results|Crew losses: 0|Ships sunk: 18|Aircraft destroyed: 0|Patrol tonnage: 202404 tons

andwii 11-03-11 08:05 PM

9 ships sunk

15 crew killed in action..............

Will continue report later

end transmission....

roadrage 11-03-11 11:21 PM

Nice patrol Hans!

Oberleutnant z. S. Ernst Klein commanding U-53.

Oh boy did the Brits try to bring the heat. They got cooled off real quick with winter north sea seawater too.:D The crew really did a great job. Attacking a minelaying task force of 8 destroyers is not what I call light work. I'm sure they're all at the club, getting drunk, while I'm here sorting the paperwork for the new boat.


13.3.40. 1741 Patrol 7
U-53, 7th/13th Flotilla
Left at: March 13, 1940, 17:41
From: Kiel
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN23

6.4.40. 1334 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! SS Aberdovey (Coastal Freighter), 1869 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 27
0013 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMCS Kootenay (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 184. Crew lost: 3
0025 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Duncan (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 178. Crew lost: 40
0032 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMCS Margaree (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 149. Crew lost: 14
0034 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vanquisher (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 102. Crew lost: 63
0035 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMAS Voyager (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 118. Crew lost: 7
Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vansittart (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 111. Crew lost: 48
0050 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Delight (C&D classes), 1375 tons. Crew: 166. Crew lost: 41
0109 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! HMS Vortigern (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 120. Crew lost: 102
9.4.40. 0046 Grid AN 24 Ship sunk! SS Garesfield (Small Freighter), 1953 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 18
0101 Grid AN 36 Ship sunk! SS Wacosta (Medium Cargo), 5081 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 39. Crew lost: 18
0103 Grid AN 36 Ship sunk! SS Kara (Tramp Steamer), 1964 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 17
11.4.40. 0940 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 12
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 21119 tons
All torpedoes expended
116 88mm rounds expended
U-boat damaged (HI 99.48%)
Received Oak Leaves for my Knight's Cross.

Commissioned the VIIC boat U-551. Ah, the smell of new paint.:yeah:

VONHARRIS 11-04-11 12:15 AM

Hans Ubermann
This patrol will have the Limeys running! A job exellently done

A great example of courage and seamanship attacking the DD TF.

Congatulations for both of you.

Awaiting your final report

VONHARRIS 11-04-11 02:34 AM

U-109 IXB
01 May 1940
23:30 hours
From: U-109 / SS Thalia
To: BdU
Attack scope unrepairable due to missing parts. Requesting orders

(I love and hate the mulfunctions and sabotage option of the Commander.
It adds to immersion but it can ruin any patrol)

02 May 1940
03:50 hours
From: BdU
To: U-109/ SS Thalia
Return to Wilhelmshaven without engaging any convoy
Engage single contacts if any

Patrol No 6
02 May 1940
14:31 U-109 left SS Thalia

03 May 1940
Grid CG86 - small convoy
06:51 hours SS Dalewood (Tramp Steamer), 2082 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 20. Crew lost: 17 - Sunk by 1 torpedo
07:17 hours FR Luronne (Armed Trawler), 480 tons. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 4 - Hit by 1 torpedo - finished off by gunfire
07:37 hours SS Tyson Lykes (Medium Cargo type C2), 5417 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 56. Crew lost: 20 - Hit by 1 torpedo - finished off by gunfire

04 May 1940
Grid CG82
00:36 hours Spotted a Japanese C2 , a Portuguese C2 and small merchant sailing together. No action taken

09 May 1940
Grid AM76
09:23 hours Q Ship HMS Brutus (Medium merchant), 4044 tons. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 26 - sunk by 3 torpedoes - 1 dud - took light damages during diving

14 May 1940
20:23 docked at port
13 days at sea
4 ships sunk
12023 tons
6 torpedoes fired
20 105mm rounds used
U-boat damaged (H.I. 96.45%)
No casualties

Lord_magerius 11-04-11 05:56 AM

Finally got round to re-installing SH3 + GWX 3 the other day :yeah:
3rd patrol now, which has got to be a record for my shortest ever (and surviving) 3 days :D
Ran into an allied convoy almost as soon as I hit the channel, based at Lorient at the moment. I managed to get within range and fired off 6 eels at 6 separate targets. Score 6 hits, 5 of them were duds :nope: The convoy was lightly escorted by two town classes. After quickly dispatching them I surfaced and set flank speed to chase down the convoy.
Setting up of abreast of the convoy again, I released all of my remaining torpedoes into them. Three hits, the rest missed. Having no stern torpedoes left after using them against the destroyers a red mist descended.
I surfaced and entered the heart of the convoy, deck gun blazing and an unusually large amount of profanity dribbling from my face. A large convoy and only 3 kills, I would soon remedy that. Shortly into the firefight my WO's head was taken clean from his shoulders by a round that fizzed inches away from my own face. Ordering the men to keep firing, we managed to sink a large cargo before having to submerge and lick our wounds.
The damage was minimal, though I thought it best not to push our luck again and headed home. I'll have my vengeance in my next patrol, AM53 beware!

Fish In The Water 11-04-11 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lord_magerius (Post 1780382)
Finally got round to re-installing SH3 + GWX 3 the other day :yeah:

Good hunting and welcome back to the pack! :arrgh!:

Hans Uberman 11-04-11 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Lord_magerius (Post 1780382)
I'll have my vengeance in my next patrol, AM53 beware!

Be sure to get your revenge on the torpedo designers as well.

VONHARRIS 11-04-11 08:55 AM

U-109 IXB
Patrol No 9

18 May 1940
It took only 4 days for the dock crew to fix the attack scope.
05:09 hours U-109 left port for grid AD59

08 June 1940
Grid AD59 - Convoy attack
3 torps fired - all missed
Spotted by the escorts and DCed - flooding but no hull damage

12:04 hours SS Vaijan Kutur'e (Tanker 10), 6581 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 3 - Straggler - sunk by 1 torpedo

18 June 1940
Grid AD83 - Convoy attack
15:04 hours SS British Trader (Tanker 18), 4426 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 14
15:04 hours SS Caribou (Passenger/Cargo), 1874 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 214. Crew lost: 156
15:25 hours MV Tricula (Tanker 07), 7661 tons. Cargo: Gasoline. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 18
6 torpedoes fired
21:17 hours SS Suecia (Medium Freighter), 5363 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 31 - DIW from initial attack - 1 coup de grace

19 June 1940
Grid AD83 - Convoy attack
22:46 hours 3 torpedoes fired
Damaged: Ceramic type ocean liner + turbine tanker type T2
20 June 1940
Second approach against the same convoy
04:13 hours MV Clausina (Tanker 03), 8734 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 41 - sunk by 2 torpedoes
05:12 hours MV South Africa (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 49. Crew lost: 3 - sunk by 1 torpedo
Started return passage

27 June 1940
06:37 hours Docked at port
41 days at sea
7 ships sunk
43419 tons
17 torpedoes fired
No 10,5 cm rounds used
No damages or casualties

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