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andwii 10-12-11 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by WWII44 (Post 1766208)
Restarted using the Warship Mod, taken comand of the heavy cruiser Moltke and have desimated two convoys on my second patrol. I even sank the HMS Nelson.

Speakin of the HMS Nelson, I sunk her in the port at Gibraltar. idk how I got in there.

mightymightychatham 10-12-11 08:41 PM

I was enjoying a few sojourns in a Type IIA as a nice change of pace from my VIIC.

That was until I set out on my 4th patrol and all 5 torpedoes were duds. ALL 5! Grrrraaaagh! :damn:

In frustration I requested a transfer to the surface fleet and Admiral Raeder, recognising my fine leadership qualities, gave me command of the Graf Spee. :salute:

Oh destroyers? Where are you? Not scared of you any more! :arrgh!:


roadrage 10-12-11 09:11 PM

Oberleutnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-66.

The boys at Lorient got the U-66 put back together again, along with a fresh coat of paint with the latest camo pattern. Needless to say the Chief has went over her with a fine toothed comb. Even he is impressed with the workmanship. Pulled a good patrol this time, sitting off of Africa. Lots of juicy cargo ships coming out of Freetown. Got a few bullet holes and dings in her this time. Seems Chief thinks the damage is light compared to the usual, even acceptable.

11.7.41. 2040 Patrol 17
U-66, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: July 11, 1941, 20:40
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid DT34

14.7.41. 0203 Grid BE 99 Ship sunk! SS Krasnoe Znamya (Coastal Merchant), 2042 tons. Cargo: Foodstuffs. Crew: 29. Crew lost: 15
16.7.41. 1556 Grid DH 22 Ship sunk! SS Kirnwood (Small Merchant), 2343 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 16
1612 Grid DH 22 Ship sunk! SS Baltavia (Coastal Merchant), 2043 tons. Cargo: Coal. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 8
23.7.41. 0541 Grid DJ 12 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
0813 Grid DJ 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid DJ 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid DJ 13 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
2058 Grid CG 86 Ship sunk! SS Townsend (C3 Cargo), 7951 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 52. Crew lost: 21
26.7.41. 1640 Grid CG 82 Ship sunk! SS Gudrun Mærsk (Coastal Merchant), 2044 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 25. Crew lost: 12
Grid CG 82 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid CG 82 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid CG 82 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
Grid CG 82 Aircraft destroyed! HurricaneMkII Fighter Bomber
0644 Grid CG 51 Ship sunk! SS Flying Scud (C2 Cargo), 6445 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 55
0058 Grid CG 16 Ship sunk! SS Cecil (C3 Cargo), 7953 tons. Cargo: Sulfur. Crew: 40. Crew lost: 21
0748 Grid CG 13 Ship sunk! SS Rajah (C3 Cargo), 7954 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 51
31.7.41. 0406 Grid BF 71 Ship sunk! SS City of Lancaster (Small Merchant), 2408 tons. Cargo: Military Stores. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 37
0414 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 9
Aircraft destroyed: 8
Patrol tonage: 41183 tons

Luno 10-13-11 03:08 AM

Just want to drop by and say nice work everyone :up:

VONHARRIS 10-13-11 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by roadrage (Post 1766229)
Oberleutnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-66.

The boys at Lorient got the U-66 put back together again, along with a fresh coat of paint with the latest camo pattern.

Can you post a screenshot of your U-66?
Nice patrol.
You seem to have found a way to fight planes.
I avoid to do so unless absolutely neccesary.

andwii 10-13-11 10:09 AM

The end of the war is comin, I can tell. The russians are nockin on the door of berlin. Its april 23, 1945.

Obltn Strand 10-13-11 10:15 AM

Not bad for a new boat with mostly inexperienced crew. Couldn't help Bismarck but I bet those New Zealanders will miss their cruiser.

Patrol 4
U-555, 1st Flotilla
Left at May 14, 1941, 23.55
Mission Orders: Patrol grid BE67

09.02 New orders received. Stay in Bay of Biscay to support Bismarck.
11.15 Arrived previously assigned patrol area. Will stay there and wait for further orders. BE67
15.56 Ship spotted. BE64
16.47 Fired double fan at 800m. One hit, other missed.
17.02 Small passenger ship sunk. BE64
18.38 Took external forward torpedo on board. BE67

20.20 Ship spotted. BE91
20.24 Convoy spotted. Shadowing. BE91
20.40 Positioned well ahead of the convoy. Possibility to attack submerged. BE91
21.24 Fired torpedo against small merchant at 1500m. Sunk immediately after hit.
21.32 Double fan against cruiser at 2200m. One hit followed by huge explosion. Sunk immediately.
21.32 Fired torpedo against large freighter at 1800m. Hit scored.
21.38 Fired rear torpedo against small freighter at 1200m. Miss or dud.

Fired rear torpedo against convoy straggler at 900m. Large freighter sunk. BE91
02.00 Contact lost. BE91
02.57 New orders received. Move to vicinity of grid BE61 in support of Bismarck. BE67
15.30 Arrived patrol area. BE61

04.31 New orders received. Move NE of grid BE53 to help Bismarck. BE61
12.02 Bismarck sunk.
12.38 New orders received. Patrol grid AM16.

07.45 Took external rear torpedo on board. AL99
21.51 Ship spotted. AM47
22.37 German colours observed. AM47

16.31 Hospital ship spotted. AM19
23.50 Arrived patrol area. AM16

01.44 New orders received. Patrol grid AM51. AM16
14.20 Arrived patrol area. AM51

08.04 Ship spotted. AM51
08.50 Fired double fan against large freighter at 1200m. Both hit.
09.01 Fired rear torpedo against stationary target at 1200m Sunk immediately after hit. AM51

10.00 Low on fuel. Starting return trip. AM51

08.52 Arrived Brest.

Ships sunk:
SS Leonatus (Passenger/Cargo), 2122 tons
SS Pronto (Small Freighter), 2404 tons
HMNZS Gambia (Fiji class), 10725 tons
SS City of Windsor (Empire-type Freighter), 7872 tons
SS Empire Byron (Empire-type Freighter), 7574 tons
Patrol tonnage: 30697 tons

Kapitänleutnant z. S. Sigmund Strand

U-2 type IIa (1 patrol)
U-139 type IId (2 patrols)
U-555 type VIIc (1 patrol)
Career Tonnage: 46 998 tons

VONHARRIS 10-13-11 12:49 PM

U-157 IXC
Patrol No 14
Orders : Patrol grid GR82 and the area off Capetown

04 March 1943
05:00 hours U-157 left Lorient

19:15 hours Returned to port due to engine failure. Speed at ahead one third was 3 kts instead of the normal 7 - 8 kts.

0 days at sea
0 ships sunk.

roadrage 10-13-11 09:40 PM

Oberleutnant z. S. Erwin Wulf commanding U-66.

The Chief is in good spirits. No damage to the U-66 this time. I told him to just wait until the weather is good and the RAF is back out in force.:arrgh!:

It seems a couple of pictures were taken of the U-66 as she was pulling in to Lorient after her last successful patrol. Wouldn't be surprised to see these show up in some propaganda.


26.8.41. 1122 Patrol 18
U-66, 2nd Flotilla
Left at: August 26, 1941, 11:22
From: Lorient
Mission Orders: Patrol grid CG44

31.8.41. 0242 Grid CG 43 Ship sunk! SS Sea Bass (C3 Cargo), 7909 tons. Cargo: Coffee. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 30
9.9.41. 0621 Grid CG 43 Ship sunk! SS Sea Porpoise (C3 Cargo), 7949 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 43. Crew lost: 35
1150 Grid CG 43 Ship sunk! SS Penolver (Small Merchant), 2335 tons. Cargo: Tobacco. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 20
10.9.41. 1416 Grid CG 43 Ship sunk! SS Fayette (C3 Cargo), 7950 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 38. Crew lost: 6
12.9.41. 0912 Grid CG 43 Ship sunk! SS Frederick Funston (C3 Cargo), 7951 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 62. Crew lost: 60
2240 Grid CG 16 Ship sunk! SS Empire Merchant (Small Merchant), 2336 tons. Cargo: Scrap Metal. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 48
15.9.41. 0306 Grid CG 13 Ship sunk! SS American Importer (C2 Cargo), 6446 tons. Cargo: Textiles. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 16
1614 Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 7
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonage: 42876 tons

With only needing a refuel and rearm, I think she can be back out to sea in a couple of days, but the Chief wants the diesels looked over thoroughly, seems they ingested a large amount of water in the 5-10m seas we've been in for nearly the entire patrol.

Edit: Seems BdU won't listen this time. A staff position there awaits me. I told the men to take good care of the U-66, and to show the new commander, Leutnant z. S. Helmut Bornmann what a real u-boat crew is made of. 18 war patrols, 216 days at sea, 63 ships sunk, 52 merchants, 11 warships, 28 planes downed, 251089 GRT sent to the bottom.

19Herr_Rapp86 10-13-11 11:00 PM

Kapitanleutnant Rapp, Kommandant U-47. 1943. 186000 tonnes of allied shipping sent to the deep. Minor damage from aircraft last patrol. Setting up for convoy attack this patrol. Grid CF53

andwii 10-14-11 12:29 AM

War is over.


Date and Time


Patrol 15
U-3527, 11th Flotilla
Left at: April 23, 1945, 13:50
From: Bergen
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN11

Grid AN 11
Ship sunk!
HMS Tartar (Tribal class),
1850 tons. Crew: 239. Crew lost: 74


Grid AN 11
Ship sunk!
HMS Inglis (Captain class I)I,
1400 tons. Crew: 203. Crew lost: 38

Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMCS Cape Breton (River class),
1250 tons. Crew: 148. Crew lost: 97

Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Rapid (Q&R classes),
1690 tons. Crew: 201. Crew lost: 52


Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Cygnet (Black Swan class),
1250 tons. Crew: 224. Crew lost: 114



Grid AN 11

Ship sunk!
HMS Gardiner (Captain class I)I,
1400 tons. Crew: 212. Crew lost: 192



Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
HMCS Fraser (C&D classes),
1375 tons. Crew: 183. Crew lost: 104


Grid AN 16

Ship sunk!
HMCS Uganda (Fiji class),
10725 tons. Crew: 754. Crew lost: 128

Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
MV Western Prince (Troop Transport),
8011 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 258. Crew lost: 54

Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
MV San Alberto (Modern Tanker),
10872 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 46. Crew lost: 5


Grid AN 16
Ship sunk!
HMS St. Agnes (Isles class),
540 tons. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 0


Grid AN 16

Ship sunk!
SS Bonifacio (Small Merchant),
2404 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 22


Grid AN 15
Ship sunk!
HMS Blanche (A&B classes),
1350 tons. Crew: 185. Crew lost: 11

Grid AN 13

Ship sunk!
SS Finlandia (Coastal Freighter),
1870 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 30. Crew lost: 0


Grid AN 13

Ship sunk!
SS Winona (Coastal Freighter),
1871 tons. Cargo: Steel. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 9

Grid AN 13
Ship sunk!
USS Nassau (Bogue class),
15390 tons. Crew: 929. Crew lost: 18


Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 16
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 63248 tons

After der Führer's death, as a crew we decided to get some revenge by invading Scapa Flow, sunk a fiji class, a troop transport and a few other ships. My men fought bravely and I was proud to serve with each and every one of them.

VONHARRIS 10-14-11 02:55 AM

U-157 IXC
Patrol 15
Patrol gird EJ59 and then off Freetown
The diesel engines took a month to be repaired after the saboatge.
U-157 received a new camo pattern

and the conning tower

03 April 1943
17:21 hours U-157 left Lorient

11 April 1943
Grid DH61
17:04 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft. This Metox RWR is a savior

15 April 1943
Grid DT66
22:18 hours SS Van Spilbergen (Medium Merchant 09), 3185 tons. Cargo: Aircraft. Crew: 48. Crew lost: 39.
1 bow + 1 stern torpedoes fired - 2 hits
Target was finished off by gunfire

25 April 1943
Grid ET37
19:57 hours HMS Mendip (Hunt I class), 1000 tons. Crew: 165. Crew lost: 47.
2 stern torpedoes fired - 1 hit scored
Grid ET37 - Convoy battle
23:20 hours MV Regent Tiger (Large Tanker), 13612 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 58. Crew lost: 15 (hit by 3 torpedoes)
Damaged : CAM ship 02 by 2 torpedoes and CAM ship 02 by 1 torpedo

30 April 1943
Grid ET29
12:00 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft.

19 May 1943
Grid CG98
06:52 hours Aircraft destroyed! Vought OS2U-3 Kingfisher. No RWR!
10:18 hours Crash dived to avoid aircraft. Decided to stay down
13:28 hours Sound contact of approaching convoy
14:26 hours Lining up 4 bow shots at a huge liner
14:29 hours One escort must have spotted my attack scope. U-157 came under immediate gunfire and DC attack by 5 escorts
15:03 hours Hit by DCs in bow area. Uncontrolable flooding in bow quarters, U-157 is sinking fast by the bow despite all attempts to save her.
15:15 hours All ballast blown away , no compressed air left
15:30 hours Depth meter reads 263 meters .................

Kapitänleutnant Helmut Bach and U-157 were lost sometime on 19MAY43.
Total career data
15 patrols: U-103 IXB 8 patrols - U-157IXC 7 patrols
763 days at sea
90 ships sunk (79 merchants - 11 warships)
599708 tons sunk (554528 merchant - 45180 warships)
5 aircrafts shot down
Biggest warship sunk: HMS Royal Oak (Revenge class), 31000 tons. Crew: 1198. Crew lost: 1006 on 12 December 1940 at 02:22 hours (U-103)
Largest merchant sunk : SS Amy (HMT Aquitania), 44592 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1200. Crew lost: 288 on 03 February 1941 at 22:48 hours
Highest patrol tonnage: 74345 (patrol 6)
Longest patrol : 102 days (patrol 10)

Fish In The Water 10-14-11 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1767013)
U-157 received a new camo pattern

Very nice! :up:

It was almost worth the breakdown... :DL

VONHARRIS 10-14-11 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water (Post 1767028)
Very nice! :up:

It was almost worth the breakdown... :DL

Thank you.
It didn't bring good luck though. U-157 was lost

@ andwii
Congratulations on staying alive to see the end of the war.
I am still trying to do this.

andwii 10-15-11 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1767200)
Thank you.
It didn't bring good luck though. U-157 was lost

@ andwii
Congratulations on staying alive to see the end of the war.
I am still trying to do this.

whats funny is its listed as 15 patrols because my game hates me. After I sunk the HMS Nelson in Girbalter my game CTDed (I saved though). Went back and it CTDed. I tried many times, restarted comp. Nothing worked so I basically made another campaign a little after that last mission under the same name. My actual stats are I lost 8 members of my crew. I feel so sorrowed that I had to let them die, stupid 9 hour long depth charging, happened once, then the second time I got shot at by a merchant killing the guy on the flak. I will say though he died for a reason, he helped bring that merchant down. I burryed him with full honors, as well as the other 7. It would been 10 but my medic worked fast.

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