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Gerald 07-30-11 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1716666)
Continued from 25.okt.41 (No enemy contacts to date).
All torpedoes set to 3 meters depth, impact pistol.
Tubes 3 & 6 G7A. All other internals TII G7E.
7 externals are G7A.

26.okt.41 AJ99
1446: "Ship spotted! 322. Long range."
1446: Destroyer! Turnung bow on and going to 15 meters.
1447: "Warship! Constant distance. Very fast. 027. Long range."
1447: "Multiple merchant contacts." Silent Speed. Periscope depth.
1451: Destroyer seems to be starboard escort. Light Fog. 15 M/S.
1457: Estimated course 058, making 6 knots. Confidence low.
1459: Open tube 3 (TI G7A) for C2 Cargo at 3.000 to 4.000 meters.
1500: Fire! New depth 102 meters! Destroyer at 350 R, 1.500 meters.
1504: No impact yet. Target missed.
1506: Impact! 6 minutes, 21 seconds. 6.300 meters. Not our target.
1507: Ship sunk! QM advises position to be AJ9846.
1515: 4 escorts counted on hydrophone. Undetected.
1655: Surface, and send report.
1810: BDU advises that we sunk a T2 Tanker at over 10.000 GRT.
2032: Unable to relocate convoy. Returning toward original objective.

27.okt.41 0600: Save & Exit.


Snestorm 07-30-11 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1717114)

Thanks, buddy.

Snestorm 07-30-11 07:28 PM

U109 IXB. Patrol 3. Part 3.
Continued from 27.okt.41. AJ96.
All torpedoes preset to 3 meters depth, impact pistol.

28.okt.41 AJ94
0147: Destroyer sighted at 3.500 meters. Light fog. 15 M/S. Dark night.
0147: Turning bow on whule diving to 20 meters, at One Third Ahead.
0148: Destroyer is moving fast. Constant distance. Turning at Silent Speed.
0149: Periscope depth. Convoy close behind Destroyer.
0221: Warship at 206 R. Steadying up on 346 T.
0222: Convoy's estimated course 072, making 7 knots.
0223: Preset TDC. Bearing 180. AOB 90 Port.
0224: Surface.
0226: Both diesels on line. Det turns for 2 knots. Destroyer at 190 R.
0227: Open tube 6 (TI G7A). Open tube 5 (TII G7E).
0230: Targeting T2 Tanker. Range 2.500 meters.
0232: Destroyer at 180 R, 4.000 meters.
0233: Tire 6! Fire 5! New depth 102 meters. Ahead One Third.
0233: Merchant closing at 250 R. Tense moment!
0235: Single impact! (2 minutes, 23 seconds). 5 degrees Left Rudder.
0236: Target sunk!
0237: "Warship. 350 R. Medium speed & range. Constant distance."
0251: Steady up on 297.

U109 managed a successful evasion, and remained undetected. Whew!
11 (TII G7E) torpedoes remaining below decks.
7 (TI G7A) torpedoes remaining in deck casing.

0908: Contact was not regained with convoy. Proceeding toward AJ71.

Save & Exit.

VONHARRIS 07-31-11 08:31 AM

Back in business
I am returning to action after a week of vacation with the family. No laptop or cell phone were taken along.

U-64 is ready to wake havoc upon the British merchant shipping.

ijnfleetadmiral 07-31-11 08:48 AM

U-47 under LzS Kurt Hossel departed Wilhelmshaven on 1 August 1939 and spent an entire month waiting around for something to happen. Upon the declaration of war on 3 September, she went right to work sinking Allied shipping...well, her crew wanted to go right to work; if only they had shipping to sink! Spent most of our patrol in the English Channel, preying on coastal shipping.

Sank two Coastal Freighters, a Coastal Tanker, a Small Freighter, and one Passenger-Cargo ship for 9,466 tons. The Passenger-Cargo was a bit nerve-wracking, as we'd just received notice not to sink French merchants unless provoked and what was at the enemy ship's masthead? The French tricolor! :damn:

Headed back through the English Channel en route to Wilhelmshaven. Was off Calais, France when requested to send weather report no later than 0600 the following morning for area between Faeroes and Shetlands and Shetlands and Norway. Sent message saying we were off French coast and there was no way we could get there in time. Ordered to extend patrol for as long as fuel and munitions allowed (we were down to one torpedo by this time; in the words of LzS Hossel, "Screw this, we're going home!"), and now home-ported at Kiel. Straggled into Kiel early on 11 September, where we were welcomed by Graf Zeppelin under construction.

Upon arrival, CO was promoted OLzS...not a bad haul for a crappy patrol!

-OLzS Kurt Hossel, Commanding Officer, U-47

sublynx 07-31-11 03:51 PM

die Elster (one of the U-46's currently sailing) patrol 2, end report Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB
7. Flottille, St. Nazaire

Patrol 2: 9.7.1940 Bergen - 2.9.1940 St.Nazaire

2035 Planquadrat AM19 SS Adinda (Küstenfrachter), 1869 BRT. Fracht: Militärfahrzeuge. Mannschaft: 28. Mannschaftsverluste: 8

2200 Planquadrat AM19 SS City of Dublin (Passagier und Frachtschiff), 2398 BRT. Fracht: Passagiere. Mannschaft: 51. Mannschaftsverluste: 8

0413 Planquadrat AM51 SS Port Adelaide (Erzfrachter), 6389 BRT. Fracht: Fracht allgemein. Mannschaft: 88. Mannschaftsverluste: 60
0915 Planquadrat AM52 SS Manchester Port (Empire Typ Frachter), 5795 BRT. Fracht: Militärausrüstung. Mannschaft: 74. Mannschaftsverluste: 28
0934 Planquadrat AM52 SS Flying Yankee (Mittelgroßer Frachter), 5081 BRT. Fracht: Militärausrüstung. Mannschaft: 48. Mannschaftsverluste: 30
1054 Planquadrat AM52 SS Azalea City (Mittelgroßer Frachter), 5083 BRT. Fracht: Stahl. Mannschaft: 51. Mannschaftsverluste: 26
1131 Planquadrat AM52 MV Wanaka (Passagier und Frachtschiff), 1870 BRT. Fracht: Passagiere. Mannschaft: 108. Mannschaftsverluste: 23
1959 Planquadrat AM52 SS Whirlwind (Mittelgroßer Frachter), 4674 BRT. Fracht: Holz. Mannschaft: 53. Mannschaftsverluste: 25

All in all eight ships sunk, 33159 BRT, four from a convoy. Lots of enemy merchant shipping sighted or heard in grids AM51, AM52, BF11 and BF14. BdU was not happy about my decision to let our convoy pass after we had only one torpedo left. That in spite of us sinking six ships during one day. I did get promoted to though and the crew got some Iron crosses. The boat was also equipped with a new 20mm Flakzwilling.

The patrol followed the dates and routes of the real U-46 on it's second patrol commanded by Engelbert Endrass. Endrass had better success, sank 3000 GRT more, sank ships from 3 different convoys and sank a much bigger ship, a 15000 GRT armed merchant. The developers of SH3 and GWX have done a good job though, I did my best and the end result was very close to the real U-46's patrol :)

Fish In The Water 07-31-11 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1717452)
I am returning to action after a week of vacation with the family. No laptop or cell phone were taken along.

And you survived to tell the tale? :03:

Just kidding, great idea to actually 'get away from it all.'

Paul Riley 07-31-11 08:41 PM

Tonight's report - U-23 set out on 3rd war patrol

Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1709363)
War diary of U-23 , Type IIA

2nd war patrol
Patrol orders - patrol grid AN87 for 24 hrs

10th Oct 1939

We left Kiel at 1353 hrs.
After reaching our assigned grid in AN87 and patrolling for 24hrs I decided to return to one of our favourite hunting grounds in AN16.I have no idea why HQ sent us to AN87,the Norwegians are neutral!.No sooner had we arrived there we were flooded with multiple sound contacts,including a small task force patrolling off the east coast of Britain.We also recieved a lot of incoming reports coming from Fastnet including convoy OB17.I had heard of Fastnet being spoken about by other captains back at Kiel but had no idea where it was,my navigator assures me it is just SW of Ireland.We will have to check this area out sometime,it sounds like it sees a lot of action in that area.

13th October
Day 3
We recieved sad news of U-42 lost due to a sustained attack by British warships,45 were lost with 20 survivors,only damaging 1 ship for 4.803 GRT.At 1731 hrs we recieved another radio report of convoy BE 3366 sighted by Luftwaffe reconaissance,inbound with a moderate escort.

16th Oct
Day 6
We recieved the glorious news of the Royal Oak being sunk and HMS Repulse was also damaged in AN 5633

18th Oct
Day 8
1032 hrs We sighted a lone coastal vessel travelling on course 164 at 9kts.I decided to break off from an attack due to the small tonnage of the vessel deciding instead to conserve our 5 torpedoes for larger tonnage.
1215 hrs
Second sound contact recieved
1219 hrs
visual contact on target,identified as a British Granville,travelling on course 336 at approx 4 kts.I set up for a submerged attack at 1000m using an impact tip at depth 4m.
1343 hrs
I decided to use a spread of two aimed at the foremast and funnel.Both were successful hits drifting slightly aft of intended spot as the target began to zig zag.
1358 hrs
Vessel sank on even keel for 4.513 GRT

20th Oct
Day 10
1034 hrs
We picked up a further sound contact and proceeded to intercept
1049 hrs
Visual contact on target,identified as a British tramp steamer travelling on course 146 at 4 kts.Proceeded to get well ahead of target for around 2 hrs and set up for a further submerged attack at approx 1000m.
ETA - 1250 hrs
1300 hrs
Target arrived on time.Fired 1 aimed at foremast.Torpedo hit drifting slightly aft below the funnel.
1338 hrs
Target still afloat listing heavily towards the stern.Prepared a second torpedo aimed slighty aft of impact site,torpedo hit the stern section.
Target finally sank stern first for 1.634 GRT
1454 hrs
Ship spotted,identified as a British passenger/cargo vessel,travelling 238 at approx 5 kts.Broke off from an attack due to current restrictions enforced regarding the sinking of any vessel carrying passengers,although there may have been vital war supplies onboard.

21st Oct
Day 11
0935 hrs
Sound contact,proceeded to intercept.After over an hour chasing the contact at high speed no visual sighting was made,vessel must have been very fast moving.

22nd Oct
Day 12
0811 hrs
We recieved a warship sound contact in the area,with more than one screw heard.I rose to periscope depth and observed 4 faint shadows on the horizon heading North,a small British task force on patrol.Returned to 25m and ordered silent operations until the threat had passed.
1012 hrs
Merchant sound contact,proceeded to intercept.
1023 hrs
Visual contact on vessel,identified as a British medium cargo,travelling on course 238 at 5 kts.Proceeded ahead and set up for a submerged attack at 500m.I needed to be extra certain of a hit and decided to move in closer than usual.As this was our last torpedo I decided to go ahead with a magnetic tip set for a depth of 10m.
1144 hrs
Fired 1 aimed directly at the funnel.Torpedo struck perfectly hitting directly beneath the funnel.Target appears to have been unaffected by the impact and proceeded on its course zig zagging wildly.
I decided to surface and put distance beteen us and shadow the target for 6hrs,or until nightfall,radioing in the ship's position every hour.
1800 hrs
Target carried on its journey forcing us to break off and set course for Kiel.We should arrive in no more than 5 days at 10 kts.
Request must be put in to transfer us into a larger VII

27th Oct
Day 16
0638 hrs
Arrived back at Kiel
17 days at sea

Patrol results
2 sunk for 6.147 GRT , 1 damaged
All torpedoes expended
Hit ratio - 100
Front Clasp medal awarded

Career total
3 sunk for 10.854 GRT , 1 damaged

Leutnant Z.S. Gerhard Hunstein

3rd war patrol of U-23 ,type VIIB
Patrol orders - patrol grid AM79 ,Western Approaches,SW Ireland

24th Nov 1939

We set sail from Wilhelmshaven in our new VIIB on our mission to patrol AM79,the Western Approaches.
With our new trident emblem our spirits are high for we believe the mighty sea god is on our side and will spurn the allies in the carnage yet to come.

25th ,day 1
No events other than our daily positional report

26th ,day 2
We sighted a lone vessel during our transit into the channel and proceeded to intercept.Vessel was ID'd as a British Granville on course 219 and doing 5 kts.Due to the close proximity of the target to its home ports predicting its steady course due to course changes would be difficult,so I decided to move in behind the vessel and close in for a running attack with decks awash at approx 1000m.I chose a magnetic tip for the attack due to the very narrow profile of the target as we were directly astern of it.
After much maneuvering we finally closed in undetected behind our target to a range of approx 1000m and matched speed at 5kts to mask our engine noise and fired 1 at a depth of 7m.Torpedo prematurely detonated giving our presence away.We instantly blew ballast and shelled the vessel which sank for 4.708 GRT ,expending 25 rds.
Multiple warship contacts were on the horizon at this point and we wasted no time in leaving the area to proceed on our mission.I dived to periscope depth and surfaced after 1 hour submerged.The coast was clear again.
After the foolish choice of choosing a magnetic tip I have decided to ruthlessely refrain from using them again and switched to impact tips,BDU did warn all boats about this problem!.
BF33. A second warship was sighted and we dived to periscope depth again.
We picked up a merchant sound contact heading our way but was unable to surface due to the warship on the horizon
The coast was clear again and I decided to pursue the sound contact blowing ballast at full speed

End of report
Leutnant Z.S. Gerhard Hunstein


Snestorm 08-01-11 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1717907)
We instantly blew ballast and shelled the vessel which sank for 4.708 GRT ,expending 25 rds.[/I]

Shelled the vessel? With what?

Snestorm 08-01-11 01:27 AM

U109 IXB. Patrol 3. Part 4.
Continued from 28.okt.41. AJ94. 0900.
11 (TII G7E) torpedoes available. 9 bow + 2 stern.
7 (TI G7A) in upper decking.
All torpedoes preset 3 meters depth, impact pistols.
Times given are ZT (Zone Time).

1.nov.41 AF71 0600: On station. Heavy Fog. 15 M/S.
14.nov.41 AF71 0300: Patroling to SW. Light Fog. 15 M/S.
16.nov.41 BC19 2046: Clear & Dead Calm.
16.nov.41 BC19 2047: Commence moving 2 stern & 1 bow external in.
17.nov.41 BC19 0052: Task complete. Torpedo work detail secured.
19.nov.41 BC54 1050: No contacts. Turning eastward into shallows.

19.nov.46 BC46
2149: "Ship spotted! 342. Long range." Freighter. (Full Moon).
2149: "Ship spotted! 357. Long range." Freighter.
2150: New course 218. New depth 15 meters. Total depth 120 meters.
2151: "Multiple merchant contacts." Periscope depth.
2154: "Warship. 045. Long range. Warship. 329. Slow. Med range."
2155: Following Destroyer to Port. Preset TDC AOB 90 Port, 6 knots.
2204: Steady on 159. Estimated course of 069, making 6 knots.
2208: Targeting T2 Tanker. Position to fall between outer & 2. column.
2211: Open tubes 1, 3, 4 (TII G7E). Set spread at 4 degrees.
2215: Fire spread! Open tube 2! Fire 2 (G7E at C2 Cargo)! New depth 100 meters!
2216: Impact x 2! 1 min, 22 sec. 1.300 meters. T2 sunk!
2218: 5 degrees Right Rudder. Single torpedo missed the C2.
2350: Evasion successful. Undetected.

20.nov.41 BC46
0001: Surface. Taking up persuit of convoy.
0328: Reversing course toward convoy's front. Total depth 200+ meters.
0329: New depth 15 meters.
0331: "Multiple merchant contacts." Turning bow on.
0338: Gradual turning to Port.
0448: Again, steady on 159, for attack on convoy's port side.
0450: Inside escort screen, outside convoy's track.
0455: Open tubes 1, 2, 4 (TII G7E). 3 degree spread for C3 Cargo.
0459: Fire! Impact x 3! Target sunk. 21 second run. 333 meters.
0630: Successful evasion. Undetected.

Attempted another endrun.
Detected by Corvette, and forced down.
Attempted a wider endrun.
Hydrophone indicates, convoy had shifted course northward.
Bow: 2 G7E, 1 G7A.
Stern: 2 G7E (loaded), 2 G7A available for reload.

20.nov.41 BF51 1607: U109 to continue persuit.
Save & Exit.

Paul Riley 08-01-11 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1717975)
Shelled the vessel? With what?

The deck gun of course.'Shelled' as in artillery bombardment?

ijnfleetadmiral 08-01-11 01:21 PM

2nd Patrol of U-47

Ordered back to Kiel; apparently we weren't supposed to go there after all, but who dares contradict the BdU? :)

Since we had a full load of torpedoes, we decided to do a little hunting en route. Made a wide circle of the North Sea and came upon a Medium Cargo ship. Hit her with three torpedoes, one of which (naturally) was a dud, much to CO's anger. Despite damage, she got up to 8 knots and escaped. U-47 was a less-than-happy ship for the next couple days.

The next ship we sighted was a large merchant, which we hit with FIVE torpedoes (again, one was a dud) before she finally succumbed to her wounds. Then we sank a Tramp Steamer with another fish, and expended all but our last stern torpedo in an attack on an Ore Carrier, which we also sent to the bottom.

Our patrol total was three ships sunk for 20,663 tons, bringing our total to 30,129 tons. Upon arrival at Wilhelmshaven, OLzS Hossel was awarded the U-Boat Front Clasp, his first award. He is currently ranked the #1 U-Boat Ace.

The French Passenger-Cargo Ship from our 1st Patrol:

The Large Merchant sinking:

The Tramp Steamer blown in two by the torpedo:

The Ore Carrier sinking:

sublynx 08-01-11 04:46 PM

die Elster (one of the U-46's currently sailing) patrol 3, end report Walter Zantow
U-46, VIIB
7. Flottille, St. Nazaire

Patrol 3: 20.9.1940 St.Nazaire - 29.9.1940 St.Nazaire

On the 26th of September, a convoy heard on the hydrophone, grid BE35. Listened for one and half hours while making 2 knots, course 301. Estimated convoy's course as 250 degrees, 8 knots. The weather was miserable, heavy rain, visibility under 1000 meters. Attacked submerged in order to have even some situational awareness. Three G7e's shot inside the convoy, sinking a 6800 BRT Erzfrachter and a 1800 BRT Kleiner frachter. Both ships were darkened and the smaller one was carrying panzers on the deck. Afterwards Radio intelligence reported a neutral ship sunk.

Evaded first at 30 meters to avoid being rammed. After the merchants had passed, to PD and then surfaced. The convoy had probably two escorts, which were easily evaded, as they used their search lights and they were visible from a long way. It is possible that the escorts can hear the U-boat's engine, so a cautious speed might be advisable, even in a storm.

After the attack disaster struck as a command from the bridge was misinterpreted as an order to crash dive and unfortunately Stabsoberbootsmann Johannes Fehr and Matrosenobergefreiter Fritz Frankhoff were swept to the sea from the brigde during the dive. The hydrophone was also damaged useless and unrepairable and we had to abort patrol. Now returned to St.Nazaire and refitting the boat.


This patrol followed the dates and routes of the real U-46 on it's fifth patrol commanded by Engelbert Endrass. Endrass had to abort the mission because of jamming of the hydrophones. Two crewmen were also swept to the sea during an unintentional dive.

Paul Riley 08-01-11 06:20 PM

Tonight's report ~ U-23 ravages the English Channel!

Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1717907)
3rd war patrol of U-23 ,type VIIB
Patrol orders - patrol grid AM79 ,Western Approaches,SW Ireland

24th Nov 1939

We set sail from Wilhelmshaven in our new VIIB on our mission to patrol AM79,the Western Approaches.
With our new trident emblem our spirits are high for we believe the mighty sea god is on our side and will spurn the allies in the carnage yet to come.

25th ,day 1
No events other than our daily positional report

26th ,day 2
We sighted a lone vessel during our transit into the channel and proceeded to intercept.Vessel was ID'd as a British Granville on course 219 and doing 5 kts.Due to the close proximity of the target to its home ports predicting its steady course due to course changes would be difficult,so I decided to move in behind the vessel and close in for a running attack with decks awash at approx 1000m.I chose a magnetic tip for the attack due to the very narrow profile of the target as we were directly astern of it.
After much maneuvering we finally closed in undetected behind our target to a range of approx 1000m and matched speed at 5kts to mask our engine noise and fired 1 at a depth of 7m.Torpedo prematurely detonated giving our presence away.We instantly blew ballast and shelled the vessel which sank for 4.708 GRT ,expending 25 rds.
Multiple warship contacts were on the horizon at this point and we wasted no time in leaving the area to proceed on our mission.I dived to periscope depth and surfaced after 1 hour submerged.The coast was clear again.
After the foolish choice of choosing a magnetic tip I have decided to ruthlessely refrain from using them again and switched to impact tips,BDU did warn all boats about this problem!.
BF33. A second warship was sighted and we dived to periscope depth again.
We picked up a merchant sound contact heading our way but was unable to surface due to the warship on the horizon
The coast was clear again and I decided to pursue the sound contact blowing ballast at full speed

End of report
Leutnant Z.S. Gerhard Hunstein


Continued from previous report

Visual contact was made on the sound contact.Vessel was ID'd as a French large merchant on course 47 doing 8kts.Prepared for a submerged perpendicular attack at approx 500m.
ETA of enemy vessel - approx 1 hr.
We overhauled for slightly longer than anticipated.
Fired 1 set to a depth of 2m in an attempt to cause fires,for during some of our previous attacks enemy hulls appear quite strong and so causing fires may seem like a valid tactic.Torpedo passed slightly aft of target,possible incorrect torpedo speed setting.Torpedo exploded moments later.I immediately ordered the tanks to be blown and we shelled the target for a total of 8.357 GRT.This was quite a costly engagement as we expended almost 30-40 shells!.
Moments before the vessel was confirmed 'dead' we were spotted in the far distance by what looked like a fast moving vessel,possibly a torpedo boat in an attempt to aid the pathetic Frenchmen.We immediately left the scene and I ordered a crash dive set to 20m.We remained undetected and carried on our mission.

Total tonnage so far - 2 sunk for 13.065 GRT , 12 torpedoes remain , 151 rds HE

After scanning the horizon at normal and zoom magnification the coast was clear and we surfaced,resuming our journey.
We sighted another vessel and proceeded to investigate.Vessel was ID'd as a French small merchant.
I decided to conserve our torpedoes and engaged the vessel with the gun.Ship finally sunk for 2.594 GRT , 29 rds expended

Total so far - 3 sunk for 15.659 GRT

Grid BF33
Patrol craft spotted,dived to 20m and initiated standard evasion procedure (SEP) for approx 1 hr.
Surfaced , 1hr 45 mins smd,recharged batteries.
Sighted a further 2 patrol craft in the area,looked like torpedo boats,decided to evade on the surface with decks awash as light was fading quite quickly.

27th Nov , day 3

Another patrol craft spotted,SEP
Grid BF26
Sighted a vessel in the distance,later ID'd as a British medium cargo,course 263 doing 8kts.As there was still some cover left as it wasnt quite dawn yet I decided to carry out a running attack decks awash at approx 1000m.Finally drew up alongside the vessel undetected and slowed our speed to match.Fired 1 at bearing 290 set to a depth of 5m.Torpedo passed slightly across target's bow,again another speed error! true speed was 7kts.
Luckily the torpedo passed harmlessly away and we remained undetected.I set up for a second attack keeping all settings except target speed.Torpedo slammed directly beneath the funnel,however vessel was still afloat albeit slowed to a practical crawl.We finished off our meal with the deck gun and the vessel sank for 3.847 GRT , approx 26 rds expended.

Total so far - 4 sunk for 19.506 GRT
8 torpedoes remaining
84 HE shells

Almost out of the Channel we sight another coastal vessel.I originally decided this was a small fishing boat and proceeded to abort an attack yet upon closer inspection this turned out to be a British coastal tanker,an important supply ship.Moved in close and opened fire with the gun at close range causing huge fires on the deck.Vessel finally sank for 1.294 GRT

Total so far - 5 sunk for 20.800 GRT

Grid BF25
Warship was sighted,dived to periscope depth , SEP
All clear and we surfaced after approx 1 hr smd
Further warship sighting,DPD , SEP
Sfd,1 hr smd
Just over a day away from our assigned grid and we are still hungry!

End of report
Leutnant Z.S. Gerhard Hunstein


I also managed to take a few shots of the action tonight,in fact this is the first time I have been able to do this after applying the res fix,which appears to cause some problems with screenshots.The shots were done through Irfanview as kindly recommended by Jimbuna,yet I am not 100% happy with the quality of the shots,especially the colour reproduction,and the lighting seems either too bright or too dark than in game.Trust me,in game it looks a lot better,but I guess they arent THAT bad.Once I manage to get rid of the GUI etc future shots should look brilliant!.
Nonetheless,here they are.Hope you like some of em :arrgh!:

U-23 overhauling a distant ship

U-23 stalking a ship decks awash

U-23 leaving the scene after a vicious deck gun engagement

More deck gunning at night

More night gunning!

Daytime gunning.Notice the strange line across the horizon?,this wasnt in the game

Some more day gunning ;)

And some more

And the last one...for now :arrgh!:


ijnfleetadmiral 08-01-11 08:37 PM

~ Got Lazy Crewmen? Threats of Execution Work Wonders!
3rd Patrol of U-47

Arrived in our patrol grid without incident and began our 24-hour watch. Sighted a Coastal Freighter almost immediately and went after her, hitting her with one torpedo, which usually finishes a small ship like that off. But, it's us, so naturally the ship remained afloat. Surfaced and finished her off with our deck gun.

Not thirty minutes later and we came upon a Coastal Tanker. Fired torpedo at it, but it (naturally) bounced off the rudder, claiming it as a dud, but no sooner had the XO stated this than it exploded, causing the tanker's engines to stop. Surfaced and finished her off with deck gun as well, but the gunners don't seem to know how to aim, for they were missing more than they were hitting. CO personally had to stand on the conning tower and scream at them to aim right or be transferred to a naval infantry unit (where they would d**n sure learn better marksmanship! :haha:) upon return to base.

The weather after this sinking became abysmal, with a Large Merchant being sighted briefly through the rain. One torpedo was fired at it, but to no avail. After three days of groping through the rain, we sighted an Ore Carrier. Three torpedoes were fired, but it was thought the ship was way too close for the torpedoes to arm. We were proven wrong, however, when all three hit and detonated, sinking the ship.

Our last victim was a Polish Large Merchant, which was hit with three torpedoes and sunk. We returned to base with four ships sunk for 21,809 tons. OLzS Hossel was presented with the U-Boat Badge upon return.

I should note that OLzS Hossel is becoming stricter with every patrol. Two of the engine room NCOs have been warned that if they don't shape up and follow orders (they seem to want to stay in the diesel or electric engine room when everyone else transfers to the other) they will be transferred off the ship. The torpedo room crews have been having endurance problems lately; however, threats from OLzS Hossel of summary execution and their bodies thrown overboard have hopefully solved the problem. Only time will tell.

The Coastal Freighter:

The Coastal Tanker:

The Ore Carrier:

The Large Merchant:

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