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oldstyle 03-12-11 07:50 PM

first submarine sunk
August 42, just leaving St Nazaire, we spotted an english submarine on surface and decided to attack him with gun. Of course he replied and hit me twice but was hit also.
As I was closer, he decided to submerge! Not really, but enough to send my gunners ineffective. I never thought and read here that a AI sub (english or german) can dive ! He was almost at 9 or 10 meters underwater and we could see his top structures.
I was at a good position so I decided to attack him with torpedo but impossible to check his distance with the uzo (no sub in the recognized book...) and of course his speed. I estimated distance, speed, course and deph and shoot a speed gaz torpedo. I saw the torp going to the target direction but the sub change course and it was clear that the torp will passed a few at his back. Fortunatly, it was a magnetic torp and as I was ready to shoot another one, sure to have missed with the first, I heard an explosion and saw debris and after a lifeboat. It was sunk.
Only 727 tons for one torp but a good begining for this mission.

Snestorm 03-12-11 08:20 PM

U28 VII(A). Patrol 4 incomplete but good.
Underway from Willy on 13.feb.40, bound for BE26.

We never got there as BDU decided to dispatch us into a convoy battle.

26.feb.40 AM16
0312: Radio message: Convoy. AM16. ENE. 7 knots.
0413: Radio message: Convoy. AM16. ENE. 7 knots.
So we dived for a listen and, Bingo!
Overcast. Medium fog. 15 m/s wind.

Our first attack was a night surface attack (too dark for periscope work).
Close. Realy close. A freighter was aproaching from 308R, 1000 meters as the last second ticked off before 3 torpedoes could be loosed on a T2 Tanker. We turnrd onto the convoys course as we dove to 100 meters. Although no escorts were seen, 2 were heard responding to our attack, by the sound man.

The battle continued into the next night. There would be 2 submerged attacks, and an additional surface attack (for the stern tube), before closing the battle.

In all 3 ships were sunk for 20.838 GRT. (My Repair PO will finaly see his Iron Cross 2.).

On recieving our final status report, BDU ordered us to return to base.

1.mar.40 AE93 (N of Færøerne)
1530: Alarm! First, and last, aircraft encounter of the patrol.
No depth charges were dropped.

U28 docked at Willy on 9.mar.40

U28 to date:
4 war patrols completed.
15 ships sunk for 62.929 GRT.

VONHARRIS 03-13-11 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1618294)
Can you live with it?

What about buying the tower & 105 mm with renown when available?
Not a perfect solution, but hopefuly a simple one.

Yeah , I have no problem with that.
In fact I have here a hybrid Uboat.
I am proud that I am testing new techologies! :D

ediko 03-13-11 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1618417)
Yeah , I have no problem with that.
In fact I have here a hybrid Uboat.
I am proud that I am testing new techologies! :D

You do know that the new technologies that you are testing are just old decommissioned submarine parts welded together? They simply lacked a IX submarine so they made you one from whats was available at the local junkyard. :)

VONHARRIS 03-13-11 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by ediko (Post 1618450)
You do know that the new technologies that you are testing are just old decommissioned submarine parts welded together? They simply lacked a IX submarine so they made you one from whats was available at the local junkyard. :)

Despite this , she is performing perfectly.
And she is one of a kind. He he! :haha:

Snestorm 03-13-11 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1618417)
Yeah , I have no problem with that.
In fact I have here a hybrid Uboat.
I am proud that I am testing new techologies! :D

You sir, are cool.

We are in agreement. What-ever it takes to get our IXs, as soon as possible is quite OK.

Snestorm 03-13-11 04:31 PM

U28 VII(A). Norge.
Patrol 5. The Norwegian Campaign.
AN23, with a jaunt into AN24 (The coastal Bergen grid).

Left Willy on 6.apr.40, and returned on 17.apr.40.
0 ships sunk for 0 GRT.

We shadowed a small merchant out of the fjord above Bergen.
He was on course 285 at 8 knots, and flying Norway's colors.
Started doing an end around, and when he cleared the restricted waters, he turned to course 355. He was bound for Trondheim or Narvik, not Hartlepool so, we let him go.

We encountered no enemy task forces or invasion forces.
We were forced down once by aircraft, but no DCs were dropped.

Gargamel 03-13-11 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by ediko (Post 1618450)
You do know that the new technologies that you are testing are just old decommissioned submarine parts welded together? They simply lacked a IX submarine so they made you one from whats was available at the local junkyard. :)

SHhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell him...

We slapped them things together... added some chrome... a littel wax and polish.... and He said "Shiny!" and started drooling.....

It's like you're telling him there's no Easter Bunny!

STEED 03-13-11 06:51 PM

IXC in March 1943 and it sucks. Sunk one ship in the Russian convoys and rec'd a good pounding for my efforts, bloody escorts pinging like mad. :nope:

In port with a thumping headache from all that pinging.

VONHARRIS 03-14-11 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Gargamel (Post 1618823)
SHhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell him...

It's like you're telling him there's no Easter Bunny!

Boo Hoo Hoo :wah::wah:
Does that mean that there is no Santa Claus either?:hmmm:

Gereke 03-14-11 02:28 AM

Now, now. There's no crying in the Kriegsmarine!

Keep your chin up and be a good boy. Perhaps the U-boot Fairy will leave you a chocolate torpedo under your pillow.

ediko 03-14-11 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gereke (Post 1619020)
Now, now. There's no crying in the Kriegsmarine!

Keep your chin up and be a good boy. Perhaps the U-boot Fairy will leave you a chocolate torpedo under your pillow.

Must be one hell of a pillow.

VONHARRIS as long as you like it ;).
Don't go to deep though, that rust starts to show itself.

Gargamel 03-14-11 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by ediko (Post 1619245)
Must be one hell of a pillow.

Nah... it's just a Belgian Torpedo.

frau kaleun 03-14-11 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Gereke (Post 1619020)
Now, now. There's no crying in the Kriegsmarine!

Keep your chin up and be a good boy. Perhaps the U-boot Fairy will leave you a chocolate torpedo under your pillow.

Unfortunately, for every chocolate torpedo you get from the KM's Fairy Godmother Department, the Practical Joke Department sends you two Bernards. :wah:

Snestorm 03-14-11 07:14 PM

U28 VII(A). Patrol 6.
Left Willy on 15.maj.40.
Bound for AM19. A dream grid (Rockall Bank), but again, we never got there.

2127 "Ship Sighted . . .". Destroyer!
He can't be alone all the way out here. Nope. Convoy!
Course 108. Speed 7 knots.

Attack 1.
Daylight submerged.
3 T2 topedoes fired at 1 target.
T2 Tanker sunk for 10.871 GRT

Attack 2.
Night surface.
3 T2 torpedoes fired at 1 taget. (C2 Cargo).
1 impact on her stern. Nothing sunk.

Attack 3. (Entering the shallow section).
Daylight submerged.
3 T1 torpedoes fired at 1 target.
1 T2 torpedo fired at a second target.
T2 Tanker sunk for 11.673 GRT.
The sigle torpedo shot impacted, but nothing sunk.

Attack 4. (The external stern tube).
Daylight submerged.
"Closest sound contact. Merchant. Stationary".
1 T1 torpdo fired at 1 target.
Coastal Merchant sunk for 2.046 GRT.
(He was the recipient of the lone torpedo in attack 3).

U28 docked at Willy on 12.jun.40 flying 3 penants worth 24.590 GRT.

U28's history to date:
6 patrols completed.
18 ships sunk for 87.519 GRT.

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