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frau kaleun 07-05-10 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1436468)
@frau kaleun

Thanks for the great read.

Thank you for reading and enjoying it! :sunny:

robbo180265 07-06-10 04:30 AM

Really nice report frau kaleun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, thanks for sharing it with us:up:

frau kaleun 07-06-10 08:03 AM

Thanks for reading it!

This is my longest career so far and the first where I've paid so much attention to managing my crew (thanks SH3 Commander!) and it really does bring a whole new aspect to the game... I'm starting to get attached to the little buggers (and of course to my boat) and it makes it more like there's a real "story" going on every time we go out.

Herr-Berbunch 07-06-10 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1436768)
Thanks for reading it!

This is my longest career so far and the first where I've paid so much attention to managing my crew (thanks SH3 Commander!) and it really does bring a whole new aspect to the game... I'm starting to get attached to the little buggers (and of course to my boat) and it makes it more like there's a real "story" going on every time we go out.

With such a successful patrol I'm guessing there's no room for Bernard, it's a shame as he's just sat here on the quayside dangling his legs in the water like a lost schoolboy looking all forlorn!

Jimbuna 07-06-10 11:35 AM


Paul Riley 07-06-10 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1436986)



RegioSommergibile 07-06-10 04:24 PM

I finished my 5th patrol, and with some success indeed ;-)

On my way to my patrol zone AM79, I passed in front of a Dutch port and I sank a French Mittelgrosser Frachter. Then I decided to pass in front of the british coast, going north, then circumnavigate the tip of Scotland to go then south and reach the patrol zone. In the process I stubmled on and sank all these:

30.10.39. 2332 Planquadrat AN 58 Schiff versenkt! SS Abinger (Küstenfrachter), 1871 BRT. Fracht: Eisenerz. Mannschaft: 22. Mannschaftsverluste: 5
31.10.39. 0142 Planquadrat AN 58 Schiff versenkt! SS Alice Marie (Kleiner Frachter), 2228 BRT. Fracht: Holz. Mannschaft: 27. Mannschaftsverluste: 23 2015 Planquadrat AN 47 Schiff versenkt! MV Hildasay (Trawler), 98 BRT. Mannschaft: 34. Mannschaftsverluste: 6 2243 Planquadrat AN 18 Schiff versenkt! Bewaffneter Trawler, 1100 BRT 1.11.39. 0310 Planquadrat AN 18 Schiff versenkt! PT-173 (Elco Torpedoboot), 45 BRT. Mannschaft: 15. Mannschaftsverluste: 6 1712 Planquadrat AN 14 Schiff versenkt! SS Tacoma Star (Großes Frachtschiff), 8120 BRT. Fracht: Fracht allgemein. Mannschaft: 109. Mannschaftsverluste: 50 11.11.39. 0206 Ergebnisse
Verluste: 0
Versenkte Schiffe: 7
Zerstörte Flugzeuge: 0
Versenkte Tonnage: 18618 Tonnen

I then went on and docked at the Refueling Ship in front of Greenland. Total tonnage sunk: 18618 Tons, not bad at all.:arrgh!:

It was fun when I sank that Elco torpedoboat. I did not use the cannon because I had a quite nasty experience once when a colleague killed all my deck gun crew so I decided to play it safe and therefore I used a torpedo. The eel impacted on the stern and it sent the Elco literally flying in the air, with various explosions trailing behind it, and then it landed in the water again, it started burning vehemently and finally it sunk.
Eh eh eh, it created more confusion than a battleship! :DL

RegioSommergibile 07-07-10 12:50 PM

Colleghi Comandanti,

On my SH session today, I am discovbering how wonderfully pleasant it is trying to target and sink with torpedoes something in a sea that to define rough is to make a compliment to it...

On the plus side anyhow, at periscope depth you become almost invisible (almost).

I managed to sink an V&W class that happened to be north of Scotland and crossed my path at 90° basically on its own, but how complicated... Now I'm trying to send to the bottom another destroyer.

Any suggestion on how to target and fire in these awful conditions?

Jimbuna 07-07-10 03:19 PM

Set the torpedo at something like 2 metres and on impact setting....still no guarantee of success though.

Paul Riley 07-07-10 03:43 PM

Masters of the storms!
In rough seas that are too difficult to attack in submerged try to aim for a surface attack at night,or decks awash if it is a light night compared to a pitch black one.Ideally the attack should be made at between 1-2000m (light conditions permitting) bow on so your profile is narrower and with impact tips set high (as Jim mentioned),NEVER use mag tips in those conditions!.
I personally like attacking in storms myself.
Master the storms and you master the seas! :arrgh!:
And always remember,
BE MORE AGGRESSIVE!! (sorry Jim hehe)

Gerald 07-07-10 06:05 PM

Well.....[/QUOTE] If you go to the pub,and take a couple of drinks,"maybe,remember I say maybe" you are more stable on the hand, no more staggering, I like heavy water,no big deal at all,even if the eels go far from target sometimes,but to adjust aob this is great :haha:

Note: I heard about "short-break" and calm sea..... :hmmm:

Snestorm 07-08-10 12:45 AM

U64 IXB. Maiden Voyage.
Left Willy on 29.mar.40.

22.apr.40: current position AF84.
Have had no enemy contacts since leaving Willy.
With over 3/4 fuel remaining we are awaiting release from the campaign around Norway.

Alpha Von Burg 07-08-10 04:58 AM

current position, AM27
Spotted HMS Rodney
used up the last of my 3 torps... all hit...
target still afloat... returning to base...
persued by escorts... damage minor...
casualties... 0...
torps... 0...
fuel... less than 50%...

Gerald 07-08-10 05:00 AM

Go up to Narvik,

Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1438560)
Left Willy on 29.mar.40.

22.apr.40: current position AF84.
Have had no enemy contacts since leaving Willy.
With over 3/4 fuel remaining we are awaiting release from the campaign around Norway.

Instead there are more contact, and less aircraft

Snestorm 07-09-10 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Vendor (Post 1438668)
Instead there are more contact, and less aircraft

I felt obligated to maintain my patrol sector throughout the campaign, especialy in that situation, as a real boat would have. As a reward I ended up matching the tonnage of most boats involved there. Nothing. (Without GWX there nothing spetacular about Narvik. We aren't modded alike.)

U64 IXB. Patrol 1.
Current positionis AM31. With 5/8 fuel remaining (following The Norwegian Campaign), we are enroute to find, report, and engage North Atlantic commerce in the area of AM19.
1 merchant sunk for 2.343 GRT. 11 torpedoes remaining (9 fore and 2 aft).

Yes. We botched our first attack. Our second attack, several hours later, was succesful.

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