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vdr1981 09-18-16 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2435280)
It is normal for a black swans stern to always be under water like this?

If she caries to many depth charges, why not...:O:
Is that historical mission or campaign?

Lanzfeld 09-18-16 09:09 AM

No, I'm in campaign and there are 2 of them looking for me and both have their sterns below water.

kevinsue 09-18-16 09:25 AM

My god this game can be intense sometimes! I intercepted a convoy with an escort of 5 or 6 DD's and made a save that unfortunately was just a little too close.
The escorts immediately run a full speed to intercept me as soon as I enter the game. I managed to hit one with the stern tube but took a bit of damage
as one of them ran over me from astern while in the process of crash diving. After a very long time spent hiding as they ran back and forth dropping
depth charges, they eventually gave up and steamed off to rejoin the convoy.

After the DD's departed we surfaced and then started the long haul of finding and overtaking the convoy again. During the later stages of the attack,
we were spotted and once again and the DD's turned to intercept. I managed to fire 4 torpedoes into the convoy scoring 3 hits on 2 ships (wasn't what I
was actually aiming at) before crash diving again. Once again with the escorts dropping depth charges ineffectually in the wrong place I decided to
head in the general direction of the convoy and use some TC to speed things up as I had already spent a number of hours in real time for this intercept.

During the TC suddenly all hell broke loose as we took a hit from a depth charge. With damaged just about everything, the boat started to sink rapidly
with major flooding in the control room. I tried to blow ballast but could only maintain current depth using manual control of the hydroplanes and motors
set at flank speed. Obviously this gave the DD's a beacon to home in on but there was no choice, advertise your position or sink to crush depth!

With no options but to attempt knuckles and double knuckles as the DD's passed overhead and praying that you don't get hit again, the crew finally
got the flooding under control and we were able to reduce power on the motors. With the ballast blown and no compressed air, eventually positive
buoyancy then became the problem and manual hydroplanes and forward speed was needed as not to surface in the middle of the circling DD's
until the necessary repairs were completed to maintain the depth. I honestly didn't think that we would survive this adventure but with the Chief
putting extra crew on damage and flooding control with the help of the Bosun's moral boosts etc, we actually managed to survive. Not sure if
this stuff is actually what you would class as Sunday afternoon relaxation. :D

vdr1981 09-18-16 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2435286)
No I'm in campaign and there are 2 of them looking for me and both have their sterns below water.

Without going into to much details I'll say yes , it's normal. The game will sometimes randomize spawned units depths. This may be the bug (or feature , I'm not sure ) with quite realistic consequences where we shouldn't rely to much on draft data stated in our recognition manual.
This sometimes may seem strange with small units though...
In real life ships draft depends on many factors (like ships weight, water salinity ect...) so any randomization is quite welcome IMO, even if that includes occasional visual glitches. :yep:

Another possibility is that those ships have suffered some damage during their journey....

vdr1981 09-18-16 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2435294)
My god this game can be intense sometimes!

Amassing photo-story Kevin...:up:

gap 09-18-16 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2435299)
Amassing photo-story Kevin...:up:

I agree :yep: :yeah:

vdr1981 09-18-16 10:00 AM

I don't know did you spot this Potus's announcement , but in one of the next episodes we may actually see real life Royal Navy officer doing "real" real navigation with in game tools and TWoS megamod.
I'm certainly looking forward to it...:yep:

Lanzfeld 09-18-16 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2435296)
Without going into to much details I'll say yes , it's normal. The game will sometimes randomize spawned units depths. This may be the bug (or feature , I'm not sure ) with quite realistic consequences where we shouldn't rely to much on draft data stated in our recognition manual.
This sometimes may seem strange with small units though...
In real life ships draft depends on many factors (like ships weight, water salinity ect...) so any randomization is quite welcome IMO, even if that includes occasional visual glitches. :yep:

Another possibility is that those ships have suffered some damage during their journey....

Reloaded save. All is normal.

Von_Stolzenberg 09-18-16 11:36 AM

Hmm I was on my Way to Dover Straight and just sneaked through some DD patrouls. But constant crashes to Desktop. Sigh.... also Submarine Flags and submarine exhaust fumes causes CTD for me :wah:

Trying a bit of SH3+GWX gold to calm down a bit =(

I wish SH5 had some more stable code.... or I need a new PC.

gap 09-18-16 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Von_Stolzenberg (Post 2435317)
Hmm I was on my Way to Dover Straight and just sneaked through some DD patrouls. But constant crashes to Desktop. Sigh.... also Submarine Flags and submarine exhaust fumes causes CTD for me :wah:

Trying a bit of SH3+GWX gold to calm down a bit =(

I wish SH5 had some more stable code.... or I need a new PC.

TDW's sub flag is known for causing CTD's. Remove that mod and keep enjoing TWoS :03:

Lanzfeld 09-18-16 11:41 AM

Since we are asking about certain sounds...

Anyone know how to get rid of the creaking sound you get underwater when you are not deep at all and not changing depth.
Kind of irritating.

vdr1981 09-18-16 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Von_Stolzenberg (Post 2435317)
But constant crashes to Desktop. Sigh.... also Submarine Flags and submarine exhaust fumes causes CTD for me :wah:

Of course they do...Even my grandmother knows that already...:)

Very few CTD's in more than 40 patrols here...:yep::up:

New PC won't do any better if you don't drop off your old non real nav "Game-find-me-action-while-I-take-piss" SH3 playing habits...:yep:

kevinsue 09-18-16 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Lanzfeld (Post 2435321)
Since we are asking about certain sounds...

Anyone know how to get rid of the creaking sound you get underwater when you are not deep at all and not changing depth.
Kind of irritating.

Your CTD's must be something to do with your install. I have found that the later versions of TWoS are rock solid and have on occasions not strictly followed vdr's tips for stable gameplay as far as saves away from AI units etc and still no CTD's.

Those irritating creaks bothered me as well so I replaced them with more subtle sounds. I also removed that irritating telemetry sound in the radio room and added a ocean ambience that sounds really great in rough seas. I have uploaded them to Mediafire for you. Just extract the file into your MODS folder and install with JSGME after the other mods anytime during your patrol and give them a try.

Nobon 09-18-16 06:41 PM

Yes, as I already said, I found it in the Museum, "medium PassAnger ship" and it was rendered ok...

Still, then and after It was a PERSISTENT error, no matter how much times I reloaded and restarted the game. (I only use"museum" after a full restart, and vica versa with the normal game, I don't swicth between them neither.)

Was, as I fixed it/ though by the written/unwritten logical rules of bugtracking I haven't got enough information to state that it's 100
percent that the modified line was the actual fix. Need to revert it,
load, make another new save, load that, and need to try to reproduce
the error... Then it will be 100%. But since you are saying it should be
a very rare, very minor glitch, I might leave this to one of my dayoffs.

Also I need to pinpoint WHERE is the original information the savegame typo (if it WAS a typo) was created from, and change THAT. As without that, it is just a one time savegame fix...


So what I did:

at CampaignMission.mis at my save directory I had only two "passAnger" ship, and one was an american. This was the only British:

[Group 432.Unit 6]
Name=_AOTDMM/Stormfly/SV Big modern Passangership#17

And at data I found only one reference in files to a "big modern passAnger" :


DisplayName=AOTDMM/Stormfly/SV Big modern Passangership

[Texture 1]

[Unit 1]
Name=Boston Express

;************ The End ************

So what I did>

I realised that the one at the savegame had a _ before it's name. The other, American Passanger ship by SteelViking had the same _, but that seemed ok., but the British one had this one difference compared to the /data directory british file, so I removed the _ before the name, saved the savegame mis file, then reloaded the save. Same error:

At a distance, there seem to have a 3-4 tone grey texture, but as before, when I went closer, to like 2 kilometers, it changed to pitch black, when the other ships gained detailed textures.

Then I made another save, the mis file on the new savegame is RETAINED the change I made, no _ at the ship's name, and that time, when I reloaded the new save, the ship HAD normal textures.

I'm sure that this is the ship in question, as other ships in the same group seemed the ones I saw, and heading was accurate aswell.

So again> to state that the modification caused the fix, I need to take those bugtrack steps backwards I already wrote here- until that I can only be 60% sure.. Well it surely didn't broke anything, and actually I modified a full reference... But who knows until I track it back...

This is where I'm standing now.

ISSUE number 2:

I activated Sober's old no footsteps mod at the bottom of the mod list, but I still have loud footsteps and a loud sonarman when I try to listen to the hzdrophone... Any suggestions how to get rid of these?


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2435264)
There's your ship Nobon...It's rendered OK as you can see. It was probably a random glitch. Did you alt tab the game by any chance?:hmm2:

Ashikaga 09-18-16 07:33 PM

About underwater sounds.

The creaking sound is quite normal. It is maybe a bit loud but hull pressure buckling as well as buckling was quite loud. You are in an environment which due to the air inside enhances sounds. That is also why for instance the hydrophone works so well. In water sounds travel very far and can be very audible even to the human ear.

Of course what really should happen if you go quite deep is that the inside bolts and rivets become projectiles flying around inside the boat and leaks springing everywhere. Not rendered in I am afraid.

What annoys me the most is that when I am in a storm and dive I can still hear the wind blowing even at 70 meters.

No solution for that yet I think.


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