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ArnoldR 10-13-18 07:34 AM

Simple solution to your problem
@ Cybermat47

Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2572335)
Okay, so... I spend the better part of an hour (real time) stalking a convoy, after a day of gameplay. I'm about to attack, so I press the "preheat torpedoes" button. Nothing happens. I walk all the way down to the torpedo room, with a big fat enemy convoy a mere 5km away from me, and tell the torpedo officer right to his face to preheat the torpedo. This is what I get: He's literally disobeying my orders because he's not happy enough

Here is another way to solve your problem : Return to the control room, then go to the captain's cabin. Take your Luger pistol with you, and return to the torpedo room with your last argument. This trick should solve the issue ! *** Sorry, I couldn't resist... =)

fitzcarraldo 10-13-18 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by ArnoldR (Post 2572360)
@ Cybermat47 Here is another way to solve your problem : Return to the control room, then go to the captain's cabin. Take your Luger pistol with you, and return to the torpedo room with your last argument. This trick should solve the issue ! *** Sorry, I couldn't resist... =)

Torpedoman: You can kill me. I only obbey to mein Führer. Shot me, traitor! Be more agressive! Preheat your f....k torpedo with your cigarette!:Kaleun_Wink:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 10-13-18 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by ArnoldR (Post 2572360)
@ Cybermat47 Here is another way to solve your problem : Return to the control room, then go to the captain's cabin. Take your Luger pistol with you, and return to the torpedo room with your last argument. This trick should solve the issue ! *** Sorry, I couldn't resist... =)

New "mod" is coming, I can feel it...:haha:


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2572361)
Torpedoman: You can kill me. I only obbey to mein Führer. Shot me, traitor! Be more agressive! Preheat your f....k torpedo with your cigarette!:Kaleun_Wink:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

You've just made me cry from lough Fitz! :har:

ArnoldR 10-13-18 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2572361)
Torpedoman: You can kill me. I only obbey to mein Führer. Shot me, traitor! Be more agressive! Preheat your f....k torpedo with your cigarette!:Kaleun_Wink:

I will stop to answer before it's becoming too trash ... :Kaleun_Salute:

Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572362)
New "mod" is coming, I can feel it...:haha:

Oh yes, please do it if you can ! :D

Cybermat47 10-13-18 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2572358)
@ Cybermat: I enabled your little mod for abilities and it doesn´t work. I have grey preheated torpedoes options in the torpedoman menu. I apply the mod and resume my current campaign (HT, December 1941). Do I need to apply it in campaign start?

You have to unlock the preheat ability first. Go to the crew management screen and upgrade the ability from there (the mod makes it free to unlock the preheating ability).

The removal of morale cost doesn't work on patrol. I'm not sure, but it could work if applied in the bunker.

fitzcarraldo 10-13-18 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2572365)
You have to unlock the preheat ability first. Go to the crew management screen and upgrade the ability from there (the mod makes it free to unlock the preheating ability).

The removal of morale cost doesn't work on patrol. I'm not sure, but it could work if applied in the bunker.

I forgot that. Solved. Many thanks!

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

gap 10-13-18 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572351)
« Allows carriers to launch aircrafts when they have contact detected and airbases to launch aircrafts at contacts »
Too much aircrafts and possible gamesave corruption in certain situations. Also, when AC spawns an aircraft in your proximity, it will just fall down ?!. If I'm not mistaken, AC will still send airplanes (just like normal airbases) even without this patch enabled...

IIRC, the code making carriers to launch aircraft is broken in SH5, i.e. in stock game air groups are ignored and carriers are purely cosmetic. Not sure about the «[...] and airbases to launch aircrafts at contacts» part , as airbases should already do that without need of a patch, but maybe I forgot something. In any case, I am afraid that discarding that patch implies a loss of feature...


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572351)
« Units visual sensor affected by avalaible light »
AI units are too "blind" in sunset/sunrise and especially during the night. It's much better without this patch IMO.

That patch should be customizable:

If you want to know all the reasoning behind it, how it works, and why you should reconsider it, I recommend you reading TDW's patcher thread starting with this post:


vdr1981 10-13-18 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2572370)
IIRC, the code making carriers to launch aircraft is broken in SH5, i.e. in stock game air groups are ignored and carriers are purely cosmetic. Not sure about the «[...] and airbases to launch aircrafts at contacts» part , as airbases should already do that without need of a patch, but maybe I forgot something. In any case, I am afraid that discarding that patch implies a loss of feature...

That patch should be customizable:

If you want to know all the reasoning behind it, how it works, and why you should reconsider it, I recommend you reading TDW's patcher thread starting with this post:


Thanks for the links Gap and I'll certainly study them (again:yep:) but from my experience after a lot (and I mean really lot:)) of testing, some TDW features do not actually work as intend and they will sometimes only add another (unnecessary IMO) "layer" of complexity over the already existing and also very complex game settings stated in various cfg files.
I spent a lot of time testing, tweaking and fixing many of his features from NewUIs, IRAI, FXU and gen.Patcher. TDW is not visiting us anymore but if he does drop by sometime, I'd have a lot of findings to report . To be honest, I wouldn't know where to start frankly...

gap 10-13-18 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572374)
Thanks for the links Gap and I'll certainly study them (again:yep:) but from my experience after a lot (and I mean really lot:)) of testing, some TDW features do not actually work as intend and they will sometimes only add another (unnecessary IMO) "layer" of complexity over the already existing and also very complex game settings stated in various cfg files.
I spent a lot of time testing, tweaking and fixing many of his features from NewUIs, IRAI, FXU and gen.Patcher. TDW is not visiting us anymore but if he does drop by sometime, I'd have a lot of findings to report . To be honest, I wouldn't know where to start frankly...

I know and I respect your work, what you have made for SH5 is amazing, but today you made two statements (that carriers spawn aircraft in stock game without need of any patch and that the "units visual sensor affected by avalaible light" patch is umbalanced), and I rectified / completed them.

What you want to do with the small pieces of information I shared with you is totally up to you and, all considered, I am sure you will do the best use of it :salute:

vdr1981 10-13-18 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2572379)
... but today you made two statements (that carriers spawn aircraft in stock game without need of any patch...

I never talked about "stock" game. And AC will indeed spawn planes in (modded) game even with mentioned patches disabled. I just tested quick scenario in a historical mission. I can upload the mission if you like to check it for your self...:yep::salute:

Fifi 10-13-18 12:36 PM

Ok, thanks for those explanations :up:

The units visual sensors can be let aside, as in TWOS i’m Very satisfied by AI behavior so far. Any time any weather. :up:

But about the others patches (aircrafts) you know what?
I’m going to enable it (and all dependencies) and see what happens in my future missions.
If TWOS is going CTD, i’ll Deactivate it, very simple!
If there are noticeable good changes by activating it, i will report back...

On side note about TDW patcher, BTW, i’m VERY satisfied of the « collateral damage » and dependencies deactivated! A lot more realistic to me, when beeing damaged. No more sub parts deep inside the hull beeing damaged when straffed on the radio or the main flooding pump!
Only the conning tower parts, or/and external parts like periscope or deck gun or even ballasts.
Already been damaged few times, and the damages were close to what it would have been in a more logical way (to me)

gap 10-13-18 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2572400)
I never talked about "stock" game. And AC will indeed spawn planes in (modded) game even with mentioned patches disabled. I just tested quick scenario in a historical mission. I can upload the mission if you like to check it for your self...:yep::salute:

Okay, good to know that AC air groups work in "modded" game, whatever that means :up:

Ashikaga 10-13-18 02:43 PM

Sound question.

Vecko I have renamed the flak gun wav file to .bak in the sound folder and replaced it with the sound file for an original 2cm flak. Now there is a slight difference in length between the original game flak sound file and the 2cm sound file.

I am testing it now but have a slight problem with the volume. When shooting my flak gun it is hardly audible so I am trying to amplify it with audacity.
(which worked !)

Is it possible to edit the rate of fire for the flak gun to make it more compatible with the original 2cm flak rate of fire ?

So that instead of tatatatata you get ta ta ta ta ta. (dunno how to explain it differently) if so please advise so I can make it sound fully historically accurate.

If I succeed I can send you the sound file for incorporation in twos I hope...

My 2CM Flak sound in game as it is now :

Original 2cm Flak rate of fire :


vdr1981 10-13-18 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ashikaga (Post 2572421)
Is it possible to edit the rate of fire for the flak gun to make it more compatible with the original 2cm flak rate of fire ?

Yes, you can edit "recoil_time" values in [Name of the gun].sim file, using goblin editor...

Ashikaga 10-13-18 03:28 PM

Ah that is great!,

Where should I send the sound file to when I am finished?

Since I am unsure how to make a mod for it which can be enabled via the mod enabler.


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