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Jaystew 04-20-14 04:49 AM

Im starting to think things still dont work right in SH5 and well it looks nice, but I am consistently running out of memory after an hour or two, and the gun sometime locks up and wont swivel, the damage control system while intricate and kool, I dont understand it. How come some things repair other things dont repair?

This crashing because of memory is bull****.

I have 4 gigs of ram and 512 on the video card and 600 GB to play with on the HD with a 4gig page file so no way should it be running out of memory. Seems something makes it crash around 3.2-3.5 GB system memory and thats crap. :(

steineib 04-20-14 05:01 AM

thats true Jaystew, sometimes it comes : deckgeschütz repariert. haha funny how can they repair something outside of the u-boot if im underwater ? hmmm atm i have 16GB ram and it is ok more or less, but let me say it so without the mods the game crashes much much more than with the mods :D

TheDarkWraith 04-20-14 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jaystew (Post 2199565)
I have 4 gigs of ram and 512 on the video card and 600 GB to play with on the HD with a 4gig page file so no way should it be running out of memory. Seems something makes it crash around 3.2-3.5 GB system memory and thats crap. :(

If you are running any 'heavy' mods then I can see how you're running out of memory :yep:

You are probably running a 32bit OS also correct? If so:
4GB of RAM means you only have a theoretical 3GB available for applications. Of that theoretical 3GB 512MB is reserved for memory mapping of the video card. That leaves you with a theoretical 2.5GB. I think you can see why you are crashing on out of memory now. Be glad your video card doesn't have more RAM than it does :-?

You really need at least 8GB of RAM and a 64bit OS to play this game with any 'heavy' mods :yep:

steineib 04-20-14 11:01 AM

sooo feindfahrt is over, my idea to attack the task force was not a good idea. just the battleship had get a hug from one of my torpedos. and i get some bad demage on the u-boot. i had try to escape to south-west. and i had see the slow battleship again but one of the destroyers had spot me and made some long distance fire via AA-guns. get some more demage but could escape at bad weather into direction south-east. well i had made the way down to Lorient, but i was 2 days to early there. so i had wait in the port. soo after 10hours a german convoy had come to Lorient. and i had see some stupid things from the software...... sure all the ships had come into the port in the convoy formation , but it is a bit toooo narrow, so left and right some ships crashes on land. some time later all vessels where not more vissible. a half hour later i had hear some explosions so i had look around and some more ships had explode into Lorient, also not just in the water ....... no even outside in the buildings. and than the best my u-boot had hit by a rolling ship. is there something to make that something like this never will happend again ?

thebeasle 04-20-14 06:43 PM

Runs great so far. Thanks vdr1981 and all the great modders here at subsim!!!

Jaystew 04-20-14 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith (Post 2199605)
If you are running any 'heavy' mods then I can see how you're running out of memory :yep:

You are probably running a 32bit OS also correct? If so:
4GB of RAM means you only have a theoretical 3GB available for applications. Of that theoretical 3GB 512MB is reserved for memory mapping of the video card. That leaves you with a theoretical 2.5GB. I think you can see why you are crashing on out of memory now. Be glad your video card doesn't have more RAM than it does :-?

You really need at least 8GB of RAM and a 64bit OS to play this game with any 'heavy' mods :yep:

Running 64bit.
Have 4 gigs of ram, the game seems to creep up o 3.2-3.5 which so far I've only really done the Baltic campaign against the Polish. Sunk the same ships 2 or 3 times because of reloads. Seen different action so its not too scripted but those Polish destroyers are always on my route to the ships in port. I call in a report and usually a fighter comes along and shoots em out.

Last nite, I made it as far as ever my own fault to die though. More on that a bit. So my navigator is pretty bad at dead reckoning. In fact their dead reckoning is sooo sloppy Im thinking celestial reckoning is the only real way to not strike land with that guy. That or do my own navigating via DR cuz they cant hes terrible at it.

So sank about half a dozen ships in Danzig and outlying port areas, the one ship sailing around not a destroyer. Fighters got the other two destroyers. I saw a German BB in the harbor in the early afternoon so I guess they figure they got it bottled up. Already had the message to port at Kiel.

So I do A best guess fix, then ask him to do a DR hes like 60 miles off that lol and I ask for a Celestial fxi, seems that one is closer to my best guess. I call for 50 NM NE to run us out of the bay and harbor. Then ~120NM at 300 to get us out to deeper water. This all goes ok, but I start to rely on his DR for our position and when to make turns. I wasn't figuring exactly where we should be ... by running the numbers myself... first mistake...

Germany needs boats back at port so they can get them back out to sea against the british and you know Jaystew, the only thing he hates more than British are Canadians so its Flankspeed ahead making 16 kts with a little battledamage

On the final leg on the way home guess what...

Supposed to be at least 50NM from land we run aground in a light fog at 16 kts. Great. Thanks Kirschbaum. I hate that guy in the movie too. And well now hes a ****ty navigator LOL.

So I guess I get to do my own navigating and Kirschbaum gets to help with C fixes and no more DR.

The adventures of Jaystew. I will try restarting the system before running SH5 I think that might help.

THE_MASK 04-20-14 11:25 PM

My game drops down to 1TC just before I hit land :yep: Then I emergency reverse out :yep:

Jaystew 04-20-14 11:41 PM

I should mention that to be the first thing I modded to the mod myself. :) I was getting stuck at 100m with those Polish destroyser who didnt really have a clue where I was and just randomly "detecting me" but to no effective avail in attack.

So I set all the stops to 32X. LOL so I probably hit that shore at 32X at 16 kts. I remember the first indication was "Pressure Hull Damaged" Sir yelling
I checked and noticed the hull integrity was down and boom I saw the sub on its side at a weird angle on the ground LOL

I dont like setting 1X time compression for land proximity because I like to pilot in and out of the harbors manually. We were supposed to be ablt 4 hours from the turn into Kiel harbor area. LOL Oh well.

Just got to do it again.

Quantum_Peep 04-24-14 05:25 AM

Hi vdr1981, great mod. I have a question: It has been asked before on how to reactivate the auto ID for enemy ships and you suggested to download and install the "disable sonar ping" file. However, it does not seem to do the trick?!

vdr1981 04-24-14 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Quantum_Peep (Post 2200720)
Hi vdr1981, great mod. I have a question: It has been asked before on how to reactivate the auto ID for enemy ships and you suggested to download and install the "disable sonar ping" file. However, it does not seem to do the trick?!

Did you try this one ?

Quantum_Peep 04-24-14 11:57 AM

Yes, that is the file version I tried, but I still don't get the option to have the officer identify the ship for me

vdr1981 04-24-14 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Quantum_Peep (Post 2200799)
Yes, that is the file version I tried, but I still don't get the option to have the officer identify the ship for me

Hm...You should have...
Show me a screenshot with all available commands for weapons officer.

Quantum_Peep 04-25-14 09:18 AM

Uninstalled/reinstalled everything, working now, thanks!

Herr Graf 04-26-14 09:27 PM

Thank you so much for all of your effort and time in making an easy to use

"Mega Mod"!

I had left SH series long ago and played Sh3 forever. SH4 out of the box was crud and SH5 out of the box was triple crud!

Many thanks to everyone involved for making SH5 a much better game!

SirGussifer 04-28-14 09:46 PM

Detected by escorts
Thanks for putting this great mod-pack together, I was finally motivated to dig this game up from the bottom drawer.

I was hoping to get some advice on how to properly attack the Polish task force in the patrol of the campaign.
I spot the task force at around 13:00 and after determining their course I submerge to periscope depth and wait for them at 0 knots. I make observations through the attack periscope to identify, get the speed and so forth and lower periscope to stay undetected.

The problem is that the two escorts spot me from 4000 meters and start shooting with great accuracy. The same goes for when I fire the torpedoes, a couple of seconds after the steam torps leave they start shooting (this was the one time when they got within 3000 meters).
What am I doing wrong here? The weather is pretty good but it seems impossible to spot a periscope from 4000 meters, especially when I'm laying still. I would hate to see what happens later in the war when the escorts are equipped with radar...

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I've installed the mods in the order described in post#1 and no additional changes have been made. Realism is at 96% (have external view enabled but can't go external for whatever reason, if anyone could figure this one out too it would be great).


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