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pickinthebanjo 04-18-10 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1363871)
How many years are you planning on staying there?

Be more aggresive!
(Just kidding).

that area is a goldmine, lots of naval ships and convoys out there.

I'm actually sailing a IIA way up there to do a harbor attack on the whaling station just as the war breaks out (gettin me a VIIB)

Snestorm 04-18-10 02:15 AM

U502 IXC. 2. Flotilla. Patrol 5.
FINAL PATROL. (All times given as ZT - ZONE TIME).

BF61 27.nov.42 0213
Underway from Lorient til EC18 (Carribean Sea).

BF73 30.nov.42 2352 (110 miles north of Spain's NW corner).
Radar signals detected.
A L A R M !
Crash dive for aircraft.

BF74 2.dec.42 2228 (150 miles NW of Spain's NW corner).
Radar signals detected.
A L A R M !
Crash dive for aircraft.
Both diesels destroyed.
Flooding checked.
Hull Integrity 36%.

U502 managed to surface, send a final status report, and scuttle.

Credit for the sinking goes to the RAF pilot involved.

Snestorm 04-18-10 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by pickinthebanjo (Post 1363886)
that area is a goldmine, lots of naval ships and convoys out there.

I'm actually sailing a IIA way up there to do a harbor attack on the whaling station just as the war breaks out (gettin me a VIIB)

But he's up there just as the war's about to end.
If they find him, the RN might consider the area a goldmine too.

Jimbuna 04-18-10 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1363871)
How many years are you planning on staying there?

Be more aggresive!
(Just kidding).

I plan on staying quite a while yet...I live there :DL:03:

Phantom II 04-18-10 05:17 AM

Leutnant zur See Viktor Reck just did his shakedown patrol of U-52 in August, 1939. Did a test dive on the way back home after a 5-day trip, and ran aground. Luckily he managed to get the boat back up alright with only a few scratches.

Playing 100% Realism DID with GWX3.0 + SH3Commander

Snestorm 04-18-10 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1364014)
I plan on staying quite a while yet...I live there :DL:03:

I wondered about that . . . after posting.

Phantom II 04-19-10 08:23 AM

Just had a very successful patrol. Started Christmas Eve 1939 in a Type VIIB. Sunk 9 Ships for a total of 50229 including a single Tribal Class Destroyer. Had really nice weather in the North Sea, and was able to sink several lone merchants travelling between Britain and Norway with the deck gun. I ran into a convoy just east of the Bay of Biscay, and managed to sink a Large Merchant and a Large Tanker. Took a bit of a beating from the escorts though, but we made it through alright.

Its a nice change, considering in the last patrol I only sunk 3 ships for a total of 12000 tons, and in the one before that only 2 ships for a total of 2800 tons.

Running GWX3 on 100% Realism DiD

Immelman 04-19-10 09:21 AM

Good Job mate anything over 30K its a job well done! :yeah:

Immelman 04-19-10 09:21 AM

Third War Patrol
Date: 11 Jul 1942
Time: 05:36
Port of La Spezia

Departing port of La Spezia for PZ South of Malta.
U-83 VIIB fully provisioned, fresh water tanks topped off.
Eels: 9 TI(G7a) 5 TIII(G7e)
Crew: 42

Fozzy22 04-19-10 04:58 PM

Well I have learnt a big lesson on aircraft, just one is enough to ******* you right up lol. :nope: 6 crew dead inc my watch officer and very heavy damage to my IXB. I was let off though when the plane simply left just as it had crippled me. Took some time to repair then crawled home luckily.

Next time i crash dive instead of manning the flak guns. :shucks:

Yeah that will be because my radio and sonar guy's were both killed by a planes bomb.

pickinthebanjo 04-19-10 06:06 PM

Sitting in grid AM5399 attacking passing cargo ships, sunk 6 2000ton merchants with 100 88mm shells and 1 G7E torpedo. Had to let a few pass because of Naval ships in the area.

Been there since september 3 1939, Date is currently September 6.
Aside from patroling torpedo boats and the occasional destroyer it seems to be a good spot to intercept lone ships and Large convoys (although I've yet to see one this early in the war)

Anyone know when the Hood is docked at scapa flow? I could use 48000tons:)

Phantom II 04-19-10 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1365279)
Good Job mate anything over 30K its a job well done! :yeah:

Yeah I was pretty lucky with the deck gun. Had I used torpedoes alone, I would've probably sunk no more than 3 ships -_-

Immelman 04-19-10 09:03 PM

Unless its a small ship i.e Coastal Freighter, Tramp Steamer etc. I avoid sinking ships exclusively with the deck gun because its not very realistic to sink say a Liberty Cargo with the deck gun alone. Hit her with a torp and finish her off with a deck gun that I can agree with as both realistic and historical. :arrgh!:

Immelman 04-19-10 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1365281)
Third War Patrol
Date: 11 Jul 1942
Time: 05:36
Port of La Spezia

Departing port of La Spezia for PZ South of Malta.
U-83 VIIB fully provisioned, fresh water tanks topped off.
Eels: 9 TI(G7a) 5 TIII(G7e)
Crew: 42

Third War Patrol

Date: 11 Jul 1942
Time: 12:42
Enroute to PZ

“It keeps getting jammed Herr Kaleun, looks like the bolt mechanism is slightly askew.”
“Scheiss, what about the other one?”
“Same thing Sir, looks like someone has tampered with both of them.”
“Keep a sharp eye to the sky Gerhart same goes for all the lookouts. We will have to be extra vigilant when traveling on the surface. We are sitting ducks up here with both flak guns disabled. I am going to report this to BdU they have to secure the bases that’s two patrols in a row the boat gets sabotaged.” :x

Phantom II 04-19-10 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1365906)
Unless its a small ship i.e Coastal Freighter, Tramp Steamer etc. I avoid sinking ships exclusively with the deck gun because its not very realistic to sink say a Liberty Cargo with the deck gun alone. Hit her with a torp and finish her off with a deck gun that I can agree with as both realistic and historical. :arrgh!:

The way I figured, is if GWX lets me do it, then I'm going to try to exploit it however I can, because I know eventually the merchants are going to start carrying guns, and with the increase in Air Patrols and ASW Tech its going to become damn near impossible to stay alive, let alone sink anything. Make hay while the sun still shines.

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