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KL-alfman 04-16-10 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by MoN (Post 1362194)
It´s not quite as strict, i.e. coeds and coworkers are usually "per du", but still lots of possibilities to **** up and embarace yourself.

I guess it´s something you get used to rather fast, tho. Like people you just met the other day greeting you with hugs and kisses in francophone countries.

ja, du hast recht.
(you're right)

a german lesson thread might be useful, for not hi-jacking the "recent-patrol"-thread. :hmmm:

Bothersome 04-16-10 06:15 PM

Captains log - November 19, 1940, 00:57 hours..

Currently being depth charged. Forth pass should be about 3 minutes away.

British destroyer chasing because I took the liberty of attempting to sink an Auxillary Cruiser. One sec... More spashes... Charges going off. They sound a bit further away now. My current depth is 187 meters. Silently Sneaking away South-East.

Good news, my sound man says he hears the ship going down. Aux Cuiser 13850 tons.

01:00 just commanded my chief to hold this depth at 190.

Memorandum: Convoy was 15 merchant ships strong. Only one destroyer for protection. I did radio in earlier about 8 hours ago to ask for sub-pack help. No response.

More splashes...

Immelman 04-16-10 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1353503)
1st War Patrol
Date: 08 Mar 1942
Time: 20:24
100 km NW of Alexandria

Man o'War

"Hydrophone contact Herr Kaleun, multiple screw sounds bearing 150, moving fast and closing." "
"How far away Johan?"
"Extreme range but getting louder"
"All ahead two thirds, take us up to PD Chief and make your course South South East" time to take a quick peak make sure there are no surprises up top. "Up scope" Quick scan of the sky and one more of the sea, nothing on the horizon. "Surface the boat chief all ahead full, give me standard propulsion we will recharge the batteries later. Are your men ready Gerhart?"
"Men are assembled and standing by sir"
"Very well, stay sharp up there men we are expecting a fast moving convoy not long from now. Extra rations of beer for the first one to spot it! That got their attention and some cheers out of the men!
"Its not fair sir Leutnant Gerhart always wins" said one of the lookouts and everyone laughed good heartedly. The men where up the ladder in a heart beat as the conning tower broke the surface of the calm water.

Karls the navigator covered his maps as water gushed down the tower. His latest grease marks noted the estimated position of the convoy as well as our approximate position. Looking at the map I drew a line from the convoy towards the port of Alexandria the predictable course. I decided to try to sneak in since I was lucky enough to be ahead of them. Karls and Helmuth were watching me expectantly. "We run another 8km on the surface then Chief run us decks awash for another 5km. The last leg we will run submerged. The Tommies will certainly have radar on those escorts and I don't want to ruin the surprise we have in store for them." The men smiled conspiratorially. It will be dark when we engage so I better tell Fritz to load all tubes with TIs. Might as well have him recheck all the detonators, better be safe then have duds.

1st War Patrol
Date: 08 Mar 1942
Time: 21:47
100 km NW of Alexandria

“Lead ship bearing 64 degrees Herr Kaleu” we were close enough now that Johan could distinguish individual screw sounds in all that infernal cacophony that he listened to on his head set. It was pitch black outside and I couldn’t see anything in the scope. “We will have to be real close to fire accurately I murmured to Fritz.” We all have taken up the habit of talking in whispers when attacking submerged, as if the enemy could hear our plans. We are running silent at PD the control room is suffused in the red glow of the night lamps that are preserving my night vision.

A hazy form slowly becomes distinguishable despite the pitch black moonless night. Slowly it materialized in the distinct silhouette of a destroyer. There’s your lead ship Johan. “Destroyer moving fast” Everyone froze in their tracks in the control room. “Breath people she hasn’t detected us she going on her merry way.” Sighs could be heard all around me as I started enunciating my observations. “Moving right to left, Bow angle 70, estimated speed say 20kts, range 3000 meters. Down scope” Let’s give her a minute and check again.

Lather rinse repeat and we finally have a workable solution. We can’t use it to fire yet, we have to firm it up but it’s a start. As I raise the scope yet again and do my usual check, I notice more forms emerging from the dark night. They are big, massive! Three of the in a row moving fast! “What is it Herr Kaleun” Fritz probably noticed how my knuckles turned white as my grip increased on the scope.

“We are about to stir up a hornet’s nest. This is not a regular convoy, this is a task force. We need to work fast on this one boys and get the hell out even faster. Chief 5 degrees to port all ahead one third, Fritz prepare to fire a salvo, flood all fore tubes and open all outer doors. Set depth 6m, speed 40kts spread angle 1 degree.” I want to line up nice and proper on the last one in line and get as close as I can. “My God she is so big she doesn’t fit in my scope even when zoomed out!” Fritz snaps me out of my trance. “What about the range Herr Kaleun?”
“Make it 1800m, fire all tubes on my mark.”
“LOS!” I bark out my orders while my eyes stay glued on the four white fingers of death extending towards the unsuspecting prey. “Chief take us down fast. All ahead full!” With my last few moments before the scope gets smothered by the waves I make a quick 360 sweep of the horizon to make sure that we have not been spotted. “Down scope.”

I look at Fritz questioningly but his eyes heed only the needles of the chronometer. “Passing 30 meters” the Chief calls it out. No one pays him any attention all eyes are on Fritz. The bow planes man gets smacked on the back of the head “Eyes front mind your station sailor!” the Chief scolds him. “Passing 50 meters” says the Chief and I sigh in relief. “All ahead one third”, I give the order, we are not out of the woods yet, but there is no need to be calling more attention to ourselves then we have to. All is quiet in the control room barring the sound of metal being compressed as we descend and of course the tic tac of the chronometer. “10 seconds” my Weapons officer manages his voice hoarse with tension and starts giving us the count down.

The silence is shattered by four loud booms followed by a thunderous bang. A few seconds later the boat shakes as the turbulence hits us all the way down here at 80m. “Massive flooding sir, metal grinding, bulkheads breaking, sounds like a train wreck up there.”
“I certainly hope so” says Fritz “A four eel salvo will ruin anyone’s day. Just what in the hell did we shoot at sir” I never got the chance to reply since Johan reported “Fast screws coming in hot, depth charges in the water”
“All ahead full come 30 degrees to starboard new course bearing 210. Once we complete the turn resume silent running. Relax men they got nothing on us, standard procedure to make sure that our heads are down not a PD looking for more targets. They are keeping us busy while they wait for reinforcements. I figure there is another two destroyers on their way over here. But we’ll be long gone, by the time they get here, will be on the other side of that train wreck. Keep heading down chief all the way to 180 meters.”

1st War Patrol
Date: 09 Mar 1942
Time: 01:12
100 km NW of Alexandria

“Think it’s safe to go back up there sir” Chief asks me warily.
“Don’t worry chief I doubt they are lying about waiting for us. There were travelling quite fast over 20kts they were in a hurry to get somewhere. Besides they got nothing left to shoot at us that can reach us down here.” I say with a chuckle “Never seen Tommies so pissed in my life”
“With good reason sir, we infiltrated a task force and planted four eels in the side of their flagship, I would be pretty pissed too sir wouldn’t you?”
“Oh yes I was! I was livid Chief. I still am pissed at the loss of the Bismarck and this is payback for my brother and all the other sailors that died along with him. Now surface the boat and let’s see if we can find anything in the debris field.

“Anything Gerhart?” I call up to the bridge
“Alot of junk still floating sir, but nothing useful… Wait I think we got something. Sailor get that orange thing with your hook. Good throw it here!”
“I got something sir! It’s a personal flotation device, there is something stenciled on it but I can’t make it out its too dark.”
Don’t use lamps up there! Just throw it down!
The PFD hits the floor of the command room and I grab it and walk straight to my bunk. I find my lamp that I keep there for emergencies and shine it on the black markings. All the off duty crew has gathered around my bunk looking at me expectantly. I turn to Johan look him straight in the eyes. “Fire up the wireless son and tell BdU that U-83 and its crew just sunk the Flagship of the British Home fleet the HMS Nelson. :rock:

1st War Patrol
Date: 10 Mar 1942
Time: 15:35
100 km NE of Alexandria

Not to shabby...

“You will have to do better then that men.” I said to Gerhart and Fritz who were both standing at attention on the bridge. I take one last look through my binoculars at the burning ship and turn to them. “These sailors need serious practice. Over 80 shots to sink the coastal freighter yesterday and we emptied our stores on that small merchant today before it finally sunk. We must do better next time.”

The deck gun party busily went about the task of securing the 88mm for diving, but their ears missed nothing. “I want Willy to become our resident expert, he is a natural marksman with that gun but he needs practice and professional instruction. I want you to arrange for him to be trained by the best as soon as we return to port. As you have noticed it’s not like the old times anymore. Even these small ships are armed to the teeth now days, so we must dispatch them to the deep quickly and efficiently. See to it men.”
“Yes sir” They both replied in unison.

“Now let’s go home and get some rest I think we earned it after the patrol we had.”
“Over 70000 tons not too shabby for a first patrol.” Gerhart said with a smile.
“Lets not forget that we sunk the British jewel of the Med, their prized flagship” chipped in Fritz.
“Which reminds me Captain” said Gerhart with a concerned look darkening his handsome features “We have plenty of white cloth for the merchies but have no red cloth on board to tailor a pennant for the HMS Nelson.”
“That’s no problem at all, our little souvenir will do nicely for pennant don’t you think?” I ask as a strike a match to light one of the last Monte Christos I have brought with me. My two officers exchange quizzical glances and turn to me for an explanation. I puff on my cigar twice to make sure its well lit and answer them
“Unless of course you gentlemen can think of something more fitting for the occasion, then the life preserver we recovered from the stricken battleship to hang from our flag pole?

Jimbuna 04-16-10 06:20 PM

Very nice

Flopper 04-16-10 06:24 PM

concerning hijack: campaign stories still welcome!
I could count in Spanish by the 3rd grade, Japanese by 6th. I have run sh3 since the start with German speech and STILL can't even count to 10.

WHY is that language so difficult for me to grasp?

Side note, when I was a kid, we played army. I always wanted to be the Germans. Thought they had the best looking everything (planes, ships, tanks, uniforms, flags.)

Nice post, Immelman

sergei 04-17-10 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Bothersome (Post 1362745)
Memorandum: Convoy was 15 merchant ships strong. Only one destroyer for protection.

Happy times indeed :DL


Originally Posted by Bothersome (Post 1362745)
Good news, my sound man says he hears the ship going down. Aux Cuiser 13850 tons.

Good catch :salute:

gazpode_l 04-17-10 09:50 AM

I had a go at the nelson last night in the single mission "convoy TM1"

I hit her with four eels set at 10m depth with magnetic charges. She just simply accepted the torpedo's like they food and carried on her merry way! :o:stare:

Immelman 04-17-10 10:06 AM

2nd War Patrol
Date: 06 May 1942
Time: 21:51
Port of Salamis

Departing port of Salamis for PZ off the coast of Egypt.
U-83 VIIB fully provisioned, fresh water tanks topped off.
Eels: 8 TI(G7a) 5 TII(G7e)
Crew: 42
U-83 leaving port under the cover of darkness.

2nd War Patrol
Date: 07 May 1942
Time: 06:23
Aegean Sea en route to PZ


“Of all the things for them to brake, I can’t believe it!”
“Could have been worst Herr Kaleun, I heard that U-181 didn’t get 50 km from St-Nazaire before both her diesel engines seized. She had to be towed back and put in dry-dock” my First Officer informed me.
“Chief I want this ship canvassed from bow to stern, check every nook and cranny I do not want any more unpleasant surprises.”
“Of course Captain my men are already on it”
“Bloody Greeks will pay for that! Johan signal BdU that U-83 has been sabotaged. Tell them our attack periscope is out of action. The seals have been tampered with and humidity has seeped in and fogged the lenses.”

“Bastards new what they were doing its impossible to repair at sea”
“We still have the Observation scope Captain we should count ourselves lucky that we don’t have to scrub the patrol and return to port.” Once again Gerhart is right but that doesn’t make me feel much better.
“Oh don’t worry I plan to give them hell for this, it takes more then just a broken scope to stop us from sinking enemy shipping.”

2nd War Patrol
Date: 11 May 1942
Time: 16:39
100 km N of Port Said

“Outstanding job Gerhart, make sure to covey to Willy my admiration. He bagged two coastal freighters with less then 50 shots expanded!”
“Thank you sir but why not tell him yourself? I am sure it would mean much more to him coming directly from you.” I look at him and smile
“That’s not the way it works son. I am not here to make friends I am the tough old bastard that must ask them to lay their lives on their line for the good of the boat and crew. To do that I must maintain an air of professional detachment.
“I am not sure I agree with your reasoning Sir.”
“Maybe not yet but soon you will, at least I hope so, for your own sake…”
“What am I to understand by that cryptic reply Sir?”
After a long sigh I look him straight in the eyes and tell him “Simply put son, I hope you are taking notes because the way this war is going you will have your own boat in a few months. Then you will experience first hand the burdens of command and what it means to be responsible for 50 odd souls.”

Immelman 04-17-10 01:44 PM

2nd War Patrol
Date: 16 May 1942
Time: 4:14
100 km N of Port Said

“Steady Chief mind our depth! Keep her at 13 meters. If we broach we are toast.”
“Bow down 5, Stern up 2, steady men” the Chief spoke resting one hand on each of the planes man’s shoulder.” Station keeping was a bitch in such sea conditions. The crew was at battle stations no one was allowed to move. The slightest movement of a single person could throw off the delicate trim balance of the boat.

“It would be a shame to screw up such a great approach due to bad seamanship.” I say as a mild rebuke with a smile on my face. My eyes are still focused on the lead ship trying to gauge the bow angle and wishing once again I could use my attack scope.
“With all due respect sir what would be a great shame is what those 152 mm guns would do to us if the spot it us at this range.” My XO commented.
Of course Fritz couldn’t let it go at that and added “At any range Sir those shells would tear through this boat like a hot knife through butter. 12 such barrels on each ship, that’s a lot of firepower.”
“All the more reason not to mess this up gentlemen, down scope.”

“Ok so here is the plan. We fire two TII at the second cruiser and a minute later we fire two TI at the lead cruiser. If we do this right they should detonate simultaneously. By then will be on our way down past 60 meters running silent.”
“Those are long shots Sir. You sure you don’t want to get in a bit closer?”
“And risk having five destroyers shoving depth charges down our throat? Hmm, no thanks I’ll pass. Besides I have every confidence in our fire control team, so don’t let me down.” I tell Fritz and wink at him. “Now go make sure those electric eels are warmed up because we will be in firing position in less then 10.

2nd War Patrol
Date: 16 May 1942
Time: 4:23
100 km N of Port Said

“Up scope” I order and immediately crouch down to meet the Observation scope on its way up. As soon as it clears the waves I order the ascension stopped. Now I am stuck in an awkward position half crouched and I sweep the scope all the way around to make sure we haven’t been spotted. Then I turn some more and bring in to perspective the 2nd cruiser.
“Flood tubes 1 and 4, open outer doors. Bearing 334 set depth 2.5, 0.5 spread angle, range 3300 meters.”
“Set” I hear Fritz’s reply which means the targeting computer has computed a firing solution based on my observations.

“Fire tube 1 and 4. Reset for TDC for second attack.” I say trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. At this moment we are at our most vulnerable. If the Chief doesn’t properly compensate for the missing weight of the torpedoes after they have been expelled we are FUBAR. He must pump the right amount of water to the forwarding trimming tank. Too much which is the better of two evils, we simply dive deeper and I can’t get the second salvo off on the 1st cruiser. Too little and we broach the surface give away our position and more then likely do not survive to tell the tale.

I try to banish all these thoughts and concentrate on the necessary observations for the 1st cruiser. I call them out and the process repeats itself 60 seconds later. The crew is running forward to the bow torpedo room used as human ballast as we dive for the safety of the deep. Assuming all went well we have remained undetected and performed a text book submerged attack.

I look over to Fritz and he answers my unspoken question. “30 seconds Herr Kaleun.”
“Passing 40 meters” the Chief calls out our depth.”
I go and sit over by Johan who is tracking the torpedoes through the hydrophone. He looks at me “I think something went wrong Herr Kaleun I estimate the second pair will get there before the first.”
“Rest easy, we will found out soon enough”
“Times up on the first salvo sir” Fritz informs me “Second salvo should be any second”
“Impact bearing 60 Herr Kaleun! Sound like both eels hit seconds apart. Heavy flooding sir, sounds like her keel is torn apart, that's a kill Sir.”

“What about the other pair Johan?”
“Still running Sir bearing 54”
“Scheiss sounds like we missed.”
“Impact sir” and he takes his headset off maybe a heartbeat later a huge boom is heard thought the boat. He is still rubbing his ears but he has a huge smile on his face. “Sorry for doubting you sir. I think we hit an ammo magazine sir. There will be raining scrap metal around here for a month!

sergei 04-17-10 02:45 PM

May 1940
First War Patrol

Grid CG85

Auxiliary Cruiser Approx 11,000 tons
Granville Freighter Approx 4500 tons

8 torpedoes left

Jimbuna 04-17-10 07:02 PM

Still off the north est coast of England in a Type XXIII

Fozzy22 04-17-10 07:03 PM

Just had what I would call a good patrol 3:

U-106, Type IXB
2nd Flotilla
Kurt Asmuss

10 Merchants
1 Warship
Total of 42084 tons :yeah::salute:

Immelman 04-17-10 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Immelman (Post 1363425)
2nd War Patrol
Date: 16 May 1942
Time: 4:14
100 km N of Port Said

“Steady Chief mind our depth! Keep her at 13 meters. If we broach we are toast.”
“Bow down 5, Stern up 2, steady men” the Chief spoke resting one hand on each of the planes man’s shoulder.” Station keeping was a bitch in such sea conditions. The crew was at battle stations no one was allowed to move. The slightest movement of a single person could throw off the delicate trim balance of the boat.

“It would be a shame to screw up such a great approach due to bad seamanship.” I say as a mild rebuke with a smile on my face. My eyes are still focused on the lead ship trying to gauge the bow angle and wishing once again I could use my attack scope.
“With all due respect sir what would be a great shame is what those 152 mm guns would do to us if the spot it us at this range.” My XO commented.
Of course Fritz couldn’t let it go at that and added “At any range Sir those shells would tear through this boat like a hot knife through butter. 12 such barrels on each ship, that’s a lot of firepower.”
“All the more reason not to mess this up gentlemen, down scope.”

“Ok so here is the plan. We fire two TII at the second cruiser and a minute later we fire two TI at the lead cruiser. If we do this right they should detonate simultaneously. By then will be on our way down past 60 meters running silent.”
“Those are long shots Sir. You sure you don’t want to get in a bit closer?”
“And risk having five destroyers shoving depth charges down our throat? Hmm, no thanks I’ll pass. Besides I have every confidence in our fire control team, so don’t let me down.” I tell Fritz and wink at him. “Now go make sure those electric eels are warmed up because we will be in firing position in less then 10.

2nd War Patrol
Date: 16 May 1942
Time: 4:23
100 km N of Port Said

“Up scope” I order and immediately crouch down to meet the Observation scope on its way up. As soon as it clears the waves I order the ascension stopped. Now I am stuck in an awkward position half crouched and I sweep the scope all the way around to make sure we haven’t been spotted. Then I turn some more and bring in to perspective the 2nd cruiser.
“Flood tubes 1 and 4, open outer doors. Bearing 334 set depth 2.5, 0.5 spread angle, range 3300 meters.”
“Set” I hear Fritz’s reply which means the targeting computer has computed a firing solution based on my observations.

“Fire tube 1 and 4. Reset for TDC for second attack.” I say trying to keep my voice as steady as possible. At this moment we are at our most vulnerable. If the Chief doesn’t properly compensate for the missing weight of the torpedoes after they have been expelled we are FUBAR. He must pump the right amount of water to the forwarding trimming tank. Too much which is the better of two evils, we simply dive deeper and I can’t get the second salvo off on the 1st cruiser. Too little and we broach the surface give away our position and more then likely do not survive to tell the tale.

I try to banish all these thoughts and concentrate on the necessary observations for the 1st cruiser. I call them out and the process repeats itself 60 seconds later. The crew is running forward to the bow torpedo room used as human ballast as we dive for the safety of the deep. Assuming all went well we have remained undetected and performed a text book submerged attack.

I look over to Fritz and he answers my unspoken question. “30 seconds Herr Kaleun.”
“Passing 40 meters” the Chief calls out our depth.”
I go and sit over by Johan who is tracking the torpedoes through the hydrophone. He looks at me “I think something went wrong Herr Kaleun I estimate the second pair will get there before the first.”
“Rest easy, we will found out soon enough”
“Times up on the first salvo sir” Fritz informs me “Second salvo should be any second”
“Impact bearing 60 Herr Kaleun! Sound like both eels hit seconds apart. Heavy flooding sir, sounds like her keel is torn apart, that's a kill Sir.”

“What about the other pair Johan?”
“Still running Sir bearing 54”
“Scheiss sounds like we missed.”
“Impact sir” and he takes his headset off maybe a heartbeat later a huge boom is heard thought the boat. He is still rubbing his ears but he has a huge smile on his face. “Sorry for doubting you sir. I think we hit an ammo magazine sir. There will be raining scrap metal around here for a month!

2nd War Patrol
Date: 24 May 1942
Time: 11:30
North of Tobruk

“You got anything Johan?”
“Just a loud thunk Sir, but no explosion.”
“****ty torpedoes! At least we bagged that Ocean Liner good thing we used the last of our TI and not those lousy TII.”
“All the Captains I have spoken to report the same problem with those TII Sir. Don’t get me even started on what I have heard about the Magnetic pistol.”
“And what does BdU do about it, can you tell me that Gerhart?” Venting my anger will not do a damn thing just upset the crew. I need to calm down.

“Let’s take pride in the fact that we did our job. We delivered the goods even if they turned out to be rotten, so good job men. Now let’s get the hell out of here before those clowns up there realize what we are up to.”
“Why do you think they are so sloppy sir are they green?”
“No son just otherwise preoccupied. A ship that size can easily carry a full infantry division plus its support staff. That’s over 12000 soldiers they have to fish out of the water.”
“If your count is right Sir I figure Rommel owes us quite a few rounds of beers.”
“He owes us more then a few rounds XO, are you forgetting the other Ocean Liner three nights ago? By my count the Desert Fox owes a beer distillery by now.”

2nd War Patrol
Date: 24 May 1942
Time: 17:54
North of Tobruk

“Plot a course for home Karls we need to resupply if we are going to keep Monty from overwhelming the Afrika Corps. More eels and a fully functional attack scope would be nice.”
U-83 homeward bound

“Receiving message from BdU Sir. One moment and I will have it decoded. Here it is:”


Interesting… “Looks like we are going to Italy boys, no more Ouzo and mousaka for dinner, from now on its Grappa and pasta. Send this to BdU Johan:”

DD Patrolling the harbor entrance
Friendly Tug boat guiding U-83 to berth
2nd war patrol log

Snestorm 04-18-10 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1363651)
Still off the north est coast of England in a Type XXIII

How many years are you planning on staying there?

Be more aggresive!
(Just kidding).

Snestorm 04-18-10 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy22 (Post 1363655)
Just had what I would call a good patrol 3:

U-106, Type IXB
2nd Flotilla
Kurt Asmuss

10 Merchants
1 Warship
Total of 42084 tons :yeah::salute:

I'll second that s a l u t e.
Rack 'em up.

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