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STEED 12-11-11 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1803356)
Herr Josepf Scherin shares your pain.

Herr Wolfgang Eisenholtz will right the names of your dead crewmen on the next torpedo.

Send those eels in to a big one. :DL

VONHARRIS 12-11-11 11:58 PM

U-503 IXC
15 May 1943
Grid BF17
U-503 was lost with all hands during a convoy attack
She was hit by hedgehogs while at 150m depth.

andwii 12-12-11 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1803907)
15 May 1943
Grid BF17
U-503 was lost with all hands during a convoy attack
She was hit by hedgehogs while at 150m depth.

"We morn the loss of U-503 and her commander, may over 100000 tons be sunk in her name!"

Wolfgang Eisenholtz

VONHARRIS 12-12-11 01:56 PM

I decided to continue an old career.

Patrol No 12

30 December 1940
05:12 hours Departed Lorient

05 January 1941
Grid BE59
02:43 hours SS Brynhild (Small Freighter), 2374 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 34. Crew lost: 28
03:02 hours SS Bethany (Turbine Tanker type T2), 8692 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 68. Crew lost: 42

12 January 1941
Grid BE83
22:40 hours MV Cliona (Large Tanker type T3), 9915 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 53. Crew lost: 34

13 January 1941
Grid BE91
20:44 hours SS Iron Master (Medium Merchant 39), 3237 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 31

16 January 1941
14:25 hours Docked at Lorient
18 days at sea
4 ships sunk
24218 tons

Career statistics so far
Start date: 01 August 1939
Current date: 16 January 1941
12 patrols
U-48 VIIB 6 patrols
U-96 VIIC 6 patrols
300 days at sea
309625 tons sunk
Biggest ship sunk: HMS Illustrious (87) (Illustrious class), 23000 tons. Crew: 1237. Crew lost: 729 on 11 April 1940 during the Norwegian campaign.

VONHARRIS 12-12-11 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1803981)
"We morn the loss of U-503 and her commander, may over 100000 tons be sunk in her name!"

Wolfgang Eisenholtz

From our waterly grave in the cold waters of the Atlantik we thank you!

VONHARRIS 12-13-11 05:03 AM

Patrol 13 (all hours are standard German times)
07 February 1941
14:39 hours Departed Lorient in company of a minesweeper

10 February 1941
Grid BF78
14:12 hours MV Hawarden Castle (Large Trawler), 547 tons. Crew: 16. Crew lost: 11 - 3 88mm rounds used

12 February 1941
Grid CG54
19:05 hours Ship seen bearing 002 heading North
19:07 hours Dived to PD
19:18 hours Spotted rear mounted open 4 inch gun on merchant
19:59 hours SS Cypress Hills Park (Ore Carrier), 7630 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 65. Crew lost: 9 - 3 bow + 1 stern shots (1 dud)

26 February 1941
Grid ET25
00:09 hours Reached patrol area

28 February 1941
Grid ET29
05:31 hours Ships seen bearing 352 - dived to PD
05:34 hours Multiple sound contacts bearing 015 - 030 convoy closing
06:18 hours 4 bow shots - diving to 100m - silent running
06:22 hours 2 explosions
06:23 hours SS Aurora (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Paper Products. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 1
07:13 hours Convoy moving away bearing 202 - undetected
08:11 hours Tubes reloaded
10:20 hours Surfaced

04 March 1941
Grid EK19
12:54 hours Sent statue report: 6 torps left - 3 ships sunk - 10047 tons
13:09 hours Answer : Keep up the good work

05 March 1941
Grid EK16
05:30 hours Warship seen beraong 061 - heading east - dived to 50m
07:49 hours No sound contacts - surfaced

15 March 1941
Grid CG95
19:41 hours Ships seen bearing 298 heading WNW - convoy
19:42 hours Dived to PD - multiple sound contacts
19:53 hours Visual contact
20:12 hours SS Scholar (Medium Merchant 22), 4290 tons. Cargo: Phosphates. Crew: 51. Crew lost: 3 - 1 bow shot
20:16 hours The rest 3 bow tubes were fired in a hurry to avoid closinf destroyer
20:32 hours Depth 70m - no explosions - undetected
22:28 hours Convoy moving away bearing 310
16 March 1941
00:19 hours No sound contacts - surfaced

18 March 1941
18:39 hours Ship seen bearing 132 closing - dived to PD
18:56 hours Visual contact
19:14 hours SS Abinger (Coastal Freighter), 1873 tons. Cargo: Mail/Packages. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 10 - 1 stern shot

22 March 1941
16:28 hours Docked at Lorient
44 days at sea
5 ships sunk
16210 tons
Waiting for the IXC type to become available.
U boats (R/L) lost during this patrol: U-70 , U-47 , U-99 and U-100

andwii 12-13-11 10:34 PM

Wolfgang Eisenholtz was ordered to relinquish command of U-129 and his watch officer, Günther von Wenden, was ordered to commander training. Further Eisenholtz detailed last report is to be published soon.

VONHARRIS 12-14-11 02:26 AM

Patrol 14
07 April 1941
00:10 hours Departed from Lorient under the cover of darkness

10 April 1941
Grid BF14
01:00 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
Grid BE36
02:48 hours Ships seen bearing 334 - dived to PD
02:58 hours Visual contact
03:16 hours SS Alwaki (Granville-type Freighter), 4707 tons. Cargo: Military Vehicles. Crew: 64. Crew lost: 60 - 2 bow shots
03:24 hours SS Perseus (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: Explosives. Crew: 91. Crew lost: 52 - 2 bow shots - diving to 100m - silent running - set speed 1 kt
04:06 hours Convoy moving away bearing 135 - 159 - undetected
05:27 hours Tubes reloaded
06:45 hours Surfaced

12 April 1941
Grid AM71
01:29 hours Reached patrol grid

14 April 1941
Grid AM71
15:23 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
Grid AM47
18:55 hours Ships seen bearing 342 - dived to PD
18:57 hours Sound contacts bearing 345 - 015 convoy closing
19:42 hours Visual contact
19:59 hours 4 bow shots fired
20:00 hours MV Anadara (Motor Tanker), 9624 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 12
20:00 hours SS Affirmity (Coastal Freighter), 1871 tons. Cargo: Copper Ore. Crew: 28. Crew lost: 20 - fired 1 stern shot - diving to 100m
20:04 hours SS Wyvern (Medium Merchant 17), 4021 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 61. Crew lost: 1
20:41 hours Convoy moving away bearing 201 - depth 60m - undetected
23:23 hours Tubes reloaded ( 2 bow )
15 April 1941
00:59 hours Surfaced
01:03 hours Sent status report: 2 bow internals + 2 (1+1) externals left - 5 ships sunk - 29314 tons
01:21 hours Answer came in: Keep up the good work

26 April 1941
Grid BF17
23:56 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
27 April 1941
01:08 hours Ships seen bearing 037 - diving to PD
01:10 hours Sound contacts bearing 030 - 040 convoy closing
02:31 hours 2 bow shots at tanker - diving to 100m - silent running
02:32 hours MV Inverliffey (Large Tanker type T3), 9455 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 44. Crew lost: 25
03:39 hours Convoy moving away bearing 090 - 110 - still undetected
04:20 hours Convoy moving away bearing 123
08:10 hours Surfaced - weather bad - heavy fog and 14 m/s winds

28 April 1941
21:49 hours Docked at Lorient
22 days at sea
6 ships sunk
38769 tons
No damages or casualties
IXC still not available
Ubooten (R/L) lost during this patrol: U - 65

VONHARRIS 12-14-11 01:36 PM

Patrol 15
13 June 1941
13:00 hours Departed Lorient in company of a minesweeper

20 June 1941
Grid AE88
21:08 hours Reached patrol area

22 June 1941
Grid AE88
09:02 hours New orders: Proceed to grid AD59

24 June 1941
Grid AE75
03:51 hours Ship spotted bearing 085 - turning to intercept
04:45 hours SS Port Jackson (Medium Freighter), 5363 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 59. Crew lost: 24 - 3 bow + 1 stern shots

25 June 1941
Grid AE71
05:15 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 110 - crash dived
12:11 hours Surfaced
12:19 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 135 - crash dived
16:22 hours Surfaced

28 June 1941
Grid AD83
05:19 hours Failed to obtain firing position against enemy convoy

03 July 1941
Grid AD83
04:41 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
10:18 hours Dived to PD for listening - sound contacts bearing 102 closing
12:36 hours Spotted - pinging - DCs exploding away - pressing the attack
12:43 hours Minor damages from DCs
12:45 hours More DCs exploding - diving to 100m
12:45 hours SS Lacklan (Tanker 04), 8780 tons. Cargo: Aviation Fuel. Crew: 42. Crew lost: 5
12:46 hours MV Skandinavia (Tanker 16), 10678 tons. Cargo: Crude Oil. Crew: 77. Crew lost: 16
12:48 hours Pinging - 3 warships present
13:01 hours Depth 100m - no more pinging
13:18 hours Convoy moving away bearing 200 - 230
14:50 hours Tubes reloaded - 3 bow
16:37 hours Surfaced
16:56 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 220 - crash dived
17:14 hours Surfaced - repairing deck and flak guns
19:27 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 207 - crash dived
04 July 1941
01:12 hours Surfaced
01:13 hours Sent status report : 3 bow internal + 2(1+1) externals 3 ships sunk 24281 tons - heavy aircraft traffic
01:24 hours Answer received: Keep up the good work
Grid AD82
05:32 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 158 - crash dived
10:00 hours Still submerged at 60m
16:20 hours Surfaced

07 July 1941
Grid AD83
17:42 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 318 medium range - no time to dive - engage
17:44 hours Minor damages by machine gun fire
17:46 hours Minor damages by machine gun fire - bombs missed way to the left
17:46 hours Consolidated PBY Catalina shot down

09 July 1941
Grid AD83
18:25 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
18:58 hours Ships spotted bearing 000 - dived to PD
19:00 hours Sound contacts bearing 357 - 010
19:52 hours While taking firing position against large liner U-96 was runned over by a merchant ( Darn how did I manage to do that? ) - no damages
19:55 hours 3 bow shots against troop transport
19:57 hours MV Copacabana (Troop Transport), 6810 tons. Cargo: Passengers. Crew: 331. Crew lost: 36
20:40 hours Depth 100m - pinging - new depth 150m
22:01 hours Convoy moving away bearing 158
10 July 1941
00:02 hours Surfaced
00:23 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 359 - medium range - turning to engage
00:25 hours Damages by machine gun fire - no bombs dropped
00:26 hours Lockheed A-29 Hudson Mk IIIA shot down

18 July 1941
01:06 hours Docked at Lorient
36 days at sea
4 ships sunk
31631 tons
2 aircrafts shot down
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 98.63%)
U-booten (R/L) lost during this patrol : U-138 , U-556 , U-651

Took command of U-155 IXC type U-boot
Installed new hydrophones and Alberich anti-sonar coating for testing purposes.

VONHARRIS 12-16-11 12:30 AM

U-155 IXC
08 August 1941
21:27 hours U-155 departed Lorient for grid DT54

11 August 1941
Grid BF78
14:38 hours Ship seen bearing 037 - moving in
15:10 hours Positive ID : Enemy tugboat
15:56 hours MV Adherant (Tugboat), 1129 tons. Crew: 32. Crew lost: 31 - 1 stern shot

12 August 1941
Grid CG24
12:47 hours Small French convoy seen bearing 326 - 329
Grid CG27
18:36 hours Spanish C2 type cargo seen bearing 356

21 August 1941
Grid DT52
01:05 hours Brazilian small merchant seen bearing 346 - dived to PD as she appeared to be armed
Grid DT54
08:42 hours Reached patrol area

25 August 1941
Grid DT54
01:01 hours New orders received : Proceed to the Freetown area

29 August 1941
Grid EK72
06:17 hours Warship seen bearing 339 - dived to PD
06:20 hours Sound contacts bearing 024 - small convoy
06:27 hours 3 bow shots
06:30 hours Impacts
06:30 hours HMS Whaddon (L 45) (Hunt I class), 1000 tons. Crew: 158. Crew lost: 20
07:11 hours 2 stern shots at large merchant
07:12 hours Impacts SS Ajax (Large Merchant), 9588 tons. Cargo: Bauxite. Crew: 54. Crew lost: 31
10:09 Surfaced

04 September 1941
Grid ET62
21:02 hours Warship bearing 242 - dived to PD
21:21 hours Positive ID : L class AA - lining bow shot
21:30 hours Target changed course - attacked cancelled
05 September 1941
00:26 hours Surfaced

07 September 1941
Grid ET62
18:29 hours Ship seen bearing 351
18:56 hours Spotted by merchant while shadowing - opened up range
Grid ET61
19:12 hours Dived to PD to attack
19:33 hours 2 bow shots
19:35 hours Impacts
19:42 hours 2 stern shots
19:43 hours 1 explosion
19:44 hours MV Tropic Star (UK Hog Island), 5173 tons. Cargo: Wine/Spirits. Crew: 60. Crew lost: 40
19:46 hours Surfaced

10 September 1941
Grid ET37
09:47 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 250 - crash dived
Grid ET61
18:28 hours Surfaced

13 September 1941
Grid ET62
06:10 hours Sudden appearance of a ship shape bearing 053 - lost in fog
06:16 hours Hit by enemy fire - minor damages - crash dive
06:25 hours Depth 75m - warship bearing 237 long range
10:00 hours Still submerged - no sound contacts
14:27 hours Surfaced

17 September 1941
Grid ET62
09:53 hours Ship seen bearing 302 - closing
10:09 hours Shadowing large liner bearing 072 - 1 escort spotted
10:34 hours Moving onto shallow waters - continue shadowing
10:37 hours Turning - diving to PD to attack
11:02 hours 4 bow shots range 4600m - turning - reloading bow tubes
11:06 hours 1 explosion
11:14 hours 1 stern shot - turning - undetected by escort
11:25 hours 1 bow shot
11:29 hours Impact - ship DIW and on fire
11:30 hours 1 bow shot
11:33 hours Impact
11:39 hours 1 bow shot range 4000m - still undetected
11:42 hours Impact - no results
11:57 hours 1 bow shot - range 3000m
11:59 hours Impact - still nothing only fires
12:03 hours 1 bow shot - range 2500m
12:05 hours Impact - no result - destroyer closing - leaving the area. 10 torpedoes fere fired against the liner - 6 impacts and she survived.
20:32 hours Surfaced

23 September 1941
Grid DU75
20:02 hours Ship seen bearing 282 - turning
20:11 hours Warship seen bearing 031 - dived to PD
20:26 hours 1 bow shot at destroyer - diving to 100m
24 September 1941
05:30 hours Surfaced

26 September 1941
Grid DU25
07:44 hours Ship seen bearing 046 - dived to PD
15:30 hours Surfaced

02 October 1941
Grid BF61
09:08 hours German minesweeper seen bearing 358 - raised flag
09:59 hours Docked at port

56 days at sea
4 ships sunk
16890 tons
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 98.84%)
U-booten (R/L) lost during this patrol : U-144 , U-570 , U-501 , U-207
Installed new batteries AFA 44 MAL 740
Screenshot from this patrol : post #9991

VONHARRIS 12-17-11 03:46 AM

U-155 IXC
Patrol 17
29 October 1941
02:32 hours After getting a new camo U-155 left Lorient

11 November 1941
Grid EK42
12:44 hours Ship seen bearing 058
12:47 hours Dived to PD
13:05 hours 1 bow shot at destroyer
13:06 hours HMS Achates (H12) (A&B classes), 1350 tons. Crew: 142. Crew lost: 80

14 November 1941
Grid ET53
21:32 hours Reached patrol area

18 November 1941
Grid ET37
14:10 hours Spotted US large merchant bearing 332
14:13 hours Spotted US troop transport bearing 328
14:14 hours Spotted US Liberty cargo bearing 324
14:16 hours Spotted Ceramic type liner bearing 324 flying the Union Jack - dived to PD
15:23 hours 3 bow shots at the liner
15:24 hours Impacts - Ship on fire
15:36 hours 2 stern shots from 600m - impacts
15:36 hours SS Melbourne Star (Ceramic-type Ocean Liner), 16802 tons. Cargo: Troops. Crew: 1392. Crew lost: 1127

19 November 1941
Grid ET62
16:17 hours Ship spotted bearing 014
16:21 hours Ship seen bearing 021 - destroyer - diving to PD
16:51 hours 1 stern shot - diving to 60m
17:01 hours New depth ordered: 100m - torpedo missed or dud
17:52 hours Warship sound bearing 152 moving away
22:21 hours Surfaced
23:07 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 088 medium range - engage
23:08 hours Minor damages - no bombs dropped - Leigh light equipped Catalina
23:10 hours Second bomb run - minor damages from gunfire - bombs missed - crsh diving - e-machinen failed at flank speed
23:11 hours Depth 15m - Shaked by aerial DCs - no damages
20 November 1941
04:52 hours Sound contact merchant bearing 018 moving away - no action
04:57 hours Sound contact bearing 012 moving away
07:48 hours Surfaced
12:45 hours Stern externals moved in
16:59 hours Bow externals moved in

21 November 1941
Grid ET63
19:39 hours Aircraft spotted bearing 161 - medium range
19:41 hours Lockheed A-29 Hudson Mk IIIA shot down

02 December 1941
Grid ET63
20:19 hours Ship seen bearing 339
20:40 hours Ship bearing 321 - shadowing
20:44 hours Secong ship seen bearing 321 - keep shadowing
20:52 hours Ships bearing 090
20:56 hours Turning to attack - diving to PD
20:59 hours 2 bow shots
21:00 hours SS Kara (Tramp Steamer), 2257 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 22. Crew lost: 11
21:02 hours SS Aage (Coastal Freighter), 1870 tons. Cargo: Iron Ore. Crew: 23. Crew lost: 18
21:11 hours Surfaced
21:21 hours Warship seen bearing 021 - dived to PD - turning
21:35 hours 1 stern shot
21:36 hours HMS Walpole (D 41) (V&W classes), 1188 tons. Crew: 103. Crew lost: 74
21:50 hours Surfaced

03 December 1941
Grid ET37
09:50 hours Moving to intercept convoy after BdU message
10:34 hours Warship seen bearing 034 - dived to PD
10:53 hours Sound contacts bearing 052
12:25 hours Failed to odtain visual contact
15:06 hours Surfaced
17:28 hours Warship seen bearing 105 - dived to PD - turning
17:35 hours Sound contacts bearing 113 closing - keep turning
18:13 hours 2 bow shots from long range - diving to 100m
18:18 hours Impacts - SS Clan Chisholm (Heavy Merchant 01), 9091 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 63. Crew lost: 35
19:17 hours Convoy sounds bearing 202 moving away
04 December 1941
01:03 hours Surfaced
13:57 hours Warship seen bearing 354 - dived to PD
16:22 hours Surfaced
16:38 hours Aircraft seen bearing 111 - medium range
16:43 hours Lockheed A-29 Hudson Mk IIIA shot down in her second run

15 December 1941
Grid ET37
13:54 hours Ship seen bearing 297 - dived to PD
13:57 hours Sound contacts bearing 298 - convoy closing - turning
14:42 hours 4 bow shots - diving to 100m
14:43 hours SS Nanchang (Small Freighter), 1665 tons. Cargo: General Cargo. Crew: 35. Crew lost: 14
14:44 hours SS E. Sang (Medium Merchant 31), 3517 tons. Cargo: Grain. Crew: 27. Crew lost: 5
20:35 hours Surfaced - started return trip

18 December 1941
Grid EK73
04:04 hours Warship seen bearing 128 - dived to PD - turning
04:11 hours Visual contact
04:13 hours 2 bow shots
04:15 hours 1 explosion
04:16 hours HMS Marne (G 35) (L class AA), 1690 tons. Crew: 207. Crew lost: 169

24 December 1941
Grid CG81
22:39 hours French convoy bearing 253 - 287 escorted by gunboat

27 December 1941
Grid BF64
10:58 hours Spotted German Rauemboots bearing 338 - raised the flag
13:54 hours Docked at port

60 days at sea
9 ships sunk
39430 tons
2 aircafts shot down
No casualties
U-boat damaged (H.I. 89.15%)
U-booten (R/L) lost during this patrol : U-580 , U-583 , U-153 , U-433 , U-95 , U-206 , U-208 , U-557 , U-131 , U-434 , U-574 , U-451 , U-567 , U-79.
Screenshots at #9995

gazpode_l 12-17-11 03:43 PM

I am back involved with SH3 again! I've started myself a new Career.

My new commander is Kurt Burchards and I am commanding U-162.

We have departed Lorient on 6/2/1942. We have proceeded at around 11knts and are now located in CD12, the furthest WEST I have EVER been in SH3 before. En-route we have taken down a "Granville type" using the deck gun and a tramp steamer with 2x torpedoes.

Our orders are to patrol CA57.

My intentions (Playing as skipper Burchards) is to have a look into New York at the very least, and then perhaps some of the other western coast harbours. :rock:

Anything I should be watching out for?

Zorrin 12-18-11 08:16 AM

I've just completed Patrol number 2 in U-52 as part of the 2nd Flotilla currently based at Wilhelmshaven, and managed to complete it with only about 4 CTDs (thank you Wine!). It's October 1939 (can't be more specific because it is impossible to alt + tab out of SH3 under Wine for me) and it was a rather short patrol. Orders were to patrol BE62, but I took a gamble and instead of going the long way round Blighty and went through the Channel.

And what a successful little boating trip it was. In the straight of Dover at twilight the watchman spotted a Large Merchant. Duly dispatched with two torpedoes.

As I ventured further west through the Channel I came across two more Large Merchants, which were dutifully sunk. One of which I sunk just 10km off the southern tip of the Isle of Wight! Ah the good ol' days.

It was about this time that I kept bumping into MTBs and ASW trawlers. I had to let a handful of merchants survive because I didn't really want to get into a fight in these shallow waters - even if it was only MTBs and ASW trawlers.

During this patrol I came to the conclusion that my crew are a bunch of effing idiots. Especially when it comes to gunnery! The seas were so calm, visibility unlimited for the entire time I spent transiting the Channel. However it seems that even with a deck that isn't rolling they still can't hit the broadside of a barn at 30 paces. And as a good Captain, I am not manning that gun. Sheesh. I even enlisted a Gunnery officer in the hope that this would help.

We eventually stumbled across an Intermediate Tanker out in the ocean and it was dark nothing else for miles so I let the boys loose with the gun, who cares if BdU says not to use the gun, pfft. Might as well use it while we can be on the surface.

After shooting off some 70 rounds they still hadn't sunk the tanker and we were now out of shells. Now in my haste over the evening I'd left the engagement halfway through to eat dinner, and in the process may or not have returned many hours later as a inebriated skipper. It took three torpedoes to get the blasted tanker to sink. All that effort for a meagre 3,500t.

Lesson learnt, when returning to your crew drunk, it's best to leave it paused and sober up before making rash decisions to fire off too many torpedoes at a piddly little boat.

Still the patrol overall was very successful, I don't think I've ever had such a successful outing!

5 Merchants and 1 Intermediate Tanker sunk for a total of around 44,000t. Doubt that'll happen again.

I also have no real desire to go through the English channel again, it just raises the blood pressure and there really is no where to hide. How on earth am I meant to enjoy the combination of sailing the seas and reading a book if there's constant cries from the crew of warship spotted and only about 20m of water to hide in!

Sailor Steve 12-18-11 11:03 AM

To: Kptlt Zorrin
From: BdU

Recieved your latest patrol report. Need we remind you that there is a reason it's called the ENGLISH Channel? Secondly, the gun we have issued to your boat is for sinking small ships, or for finishing off ships that are close to sinking anyway. Please try to refrain from wasting ammunition. The stuff doesn't grow on trees, you know. Don't make me take away your gun, or even your boat.

With love,

Onkel Karl


Oh, and WELCOME ABOARD! :sunny:

gazpode_l 12-18-11 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zorrin (Post 1807027)
During this patrol I came to the conclusion that my crew are a bunch of effing idiots. Especially when it comes to gunnery! The seas were so calm, visibility unlimited for the entire time I spent transiting the Channel. However it seems that even with a deck that isn't rolling they still can't hit the broadside of a barn at 30 paces. And as a good Captain, I am not manning that gun. Sheesh. I even enlisted a Gunnery officer in the hope that this would help.

Fellow Kaluen: Pls check your inbox for a pvt msg about the above! Also welcome to the community!

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